I like using ROP when I have to deal with IO/Parsing strings/...
However let's say that I have a function taking 2 parameters. How can you do clean/readable partial application when your 2 parameters are already a Result<'a,'b> (not necessary same 'a, 'b)?
For now, what I do is that I use tuple to pass parameters and use the function below to get a Result of a tuple so I can then bind my function with this "tuple-parameter".
/// Transform a tuple of Result in a Result of tuple
let tupleAllResult x =
match (fst x, snd x) with
| Result.Ok a, Result.Ok b -> (a,b) |> Result.Ok
| Result.Ok a, Result.Error b -> b |> Result.Error
| Result.Error a, _ -> a |> Result.Error
let f (a: 'T, b: 'U) = // something
(A, B) |> tupleAllResult
|> (Result.bind f)
Any good idea?
Here what I wrote, which works but might not be the most elegant
let resultFunc (f: Result<('a -> Result<'b, 'c>), 'd>) a =
match f with
| Result.Ok g -> (g a) |> Result.Ok |> Result.flatten
| Result.Error e -> e |> Result.Error |> Result.flatten
I am not seeing partial application in your example, a concept related to currying and argument passing -- that's why I am assuming that you are after the monadic apply, in that you want to transform a function wrapped as a Result value into a function that takes a Result and returns another Result.
let (.>>.) aR bR = // This is "tupleAllResult" under a different name
match aR, bR with
| Ok a, Ok b -> Ok(a, b)
| Error e, _ | _, Error e -> Error e
// val ( .>>. ) : aR:Result<'a,'b> -> bR:Result<'c,'b> -> Result<('a * 'c),'b>
let (<*>) fR xR = // This is another name for "apply"
(fR .>>. xR) |> Result.map (fun (f, x) -> f x)
// val ( <*> ) : fR:Result<('a -> 'b),'c> -> xR:Result<'a,'c> -> Result<'b,'c>
The difference to what you have in your question is map instead of bind in the last line.
Now you can start to lift functions into the Result world:
let lift2 f xR yR =
Ok f <*> xR <*> yR
// val lift2 :
// f:('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> xR:Result<'a,'d> -> yR:Result<'b,'d> -> Result<'c,'d>
let res : Result<_,unit> = lift2 (+) (Ok 1) (Ok 2)
// val res : Result<int,unit> = Ok 3
with this union:
type T =
| A
| B
| C
and a T list
I would like to implement something like this pseudo code:
let countOfType (t: Type) (l: T list) =
|> List.filter (fun x -> x.GetType() = t)
|> List.length
when I would pass if I want to count the 'A', 'B', etc..
but A.GetType() and B.GetType() return the T type, so this doesn't work.
Is there a way where I could check the type by passing it as a parameter?
The practical case here is that I have a Map that gets updated every few seconds and its values are part of the same DU. I need to be able to see how many of each type, without having to update the code (like a match block) each time an entry gets added.
I simplified the original question too much and realized it after seeing Fyodor's answer.
So I would like to add the additional part:
how could this also be done for cases like these:
type T =
| A of int
| B of string
| C of SomeOtherType
For such enum type T as you specified, you can just use regular comparison:
let countOfType t (l: T list) =
|> List.filter (fun x -> x = t)
|> List.length
> countOfType A [A; A; B; C; A]
> countOfType B [A; A; B; C; A]
Try List.choose: ('a -> 'b option) -> 'a list -> 'b list, it filters list based on 'a -> 'b option selector. If selectors evaluates to Some, then value will be included, if selector evaluates to None, then value will be skipped. If you worry about allocations caused by instantiation of Some, then you'll have to implement version that will use ValueOption
let onlyA lis =
lis |> List.choose (function
| (A _) as a -> Some a
| _ -> None)
let onlyB lis =
lis |> List.choose (function
| (B _) as b -> Some b
| _ -> None)
let lis = [
A 1
A 22
A 333
B ""
B "123"
lis |> onlyA |> List.length |> printfn "%d"
You can pattern match, and throw away the data, to create a function for the filter.
type T =
| A of int
| B of string
| C of float
[A 3;A 1;B "foo";B "bar";C 3.1; C 4.6]
|> List.filter (fun x ->
match x with
| A _ -> true
| B _ -> false
| C _ -> false
|> List.length
But in general i would asume, that you create a predicate function in your modul.
let isA x =
match x with
| A _ -> true
| _ -> false
if you have those functions you can just write
[A 3;A 1;B "foo";B "bar";C 3.1; C 4.6]
|> List.filter isA
|> List.length
I have an result of a JObject type, from parsing json:
let j = JObject.Parse x
the code I have to do is like:
if j = null then
... do stuff
else if j["aa"] <> null then
... do stuff
else if j["bb"] <> null then
... do stuff
else if j["cc"] <> null and j["dd"] <> null then
... do stuff
is there a clean way to do this match?
doing statements like
| _ when j.["error"] <> null ->
doesn't seem super clean. Can this be done better?
If you create an active pattern that returns the matched JToken...
let (|NonNull|_|) prop (o : JObject) =
o.[prop] |> Option.ofObj
you could write something like:
let handleAA (a : JToken) = ()
match JObject.Parse "{}" with
| null -> () // ...
| NonNull "aa" a -> handleAA a
| NonNull "bb" b & NonNull "cc" c -> ()
| _ -> () // all other
If you need more power, Active Patterns galore...
let (|J|_|) prop (o : obj) =
match o with
| :? JObject as o -> o.[prop] |> Option.ofObj
| _ -> None
let (|Deep|_|) (path : string) (o : obj) =
let get t p = t |> Option.bind (fun t -> (``|J|_|``) p t)
match o with
| :? JToken as t ->
path.Split('.') |> Array.fold get (Option.ofObj t)
| _ -> None
... some helpers ...
let jV (t : JToken) = t.Value<string>()
let handle t = jV t |> printfn "single: %s"
let handle2 a b = printfn "(%s, %s)" (jV a) (jV b)
... a parse function ...
let parse o =
match JsonConvert.DeserializeObject o with
| null -> printfn "null"
| J "aa" a -> handle a
| J "bb" b & J "cc" c -> handle2 b c
| J "bb" b & J "dd" _ -> handle b
| Deep "foo.bar" bar & Deep "hello.world" world -> handle2 bar world
| Deep "foo.bar" bar -> handle bar
| o -> printfn "val: %A" o
... and off we go:
parse "null" // null
parse "42" // val: 42L
parse "{ aa: 3.141 }" // single: 3.141
parse "{ bb: 2.718, cc: \"e\" }" // (2.718, e)
parse "{ bb: 2.718, dd: 0 }" // single: 2.718
parse "{ foo: { bar: \"baz\" } }" // single: baz
parse "{ foo: { bar: \"baz\" }, hello: { world: \"F#|>I❤\" } }" // (baz, F#|>I❤)
To do something for the first non-null value:
let j = JObject.Parse x
let doSomething s = printf "%A" s
if isNull j then
[ j.["aa"]; j.["bb"]; j.["cc"] ]
|> List.tryFind (fun s -> s |> Option.ofObj |> Option.isSome)
|> doSomething
Or do something for each non-null value:
let j = JObject.Parse x
let doSomething s = printf "%A" s
if isNull j then
[ j.["aa"]; j.["bb"]; j.["cc"] ]
|> List.choose (fun s -> s |> Option.ofObj)
|> List.iter doSomething
Or do something different (depending on which value is non-null) for the first non-null value:
let j = JObject.Parse x
let doSomethingA s = printf "%A" s
let doSomethingB s = printf "%A" s
let doSomethingC s = printf "%A" s
if isNull j then
j.["aa"], doSomethingA
j.["bb"], doSomethingB
j.["cc"], doSomethingC
|> List.tryFind (fun (s, _) -> s |> Option.ofObj |> Option.isSome)
|> Option.iter (fun (s, f) -> f s)
You could create an active pattern to match non-null values...
let (|NonNull|_|) = function null -> None | v -> Some v
...which would allow the following.
if isNull j then
//do stuff
match j.["aa"], j.["bb"], j.["cc"], j.["dd"] with
| NonNull aa, _, _, _ -> //do stuff
| _, NonNull bb, _, _ -> //do stuff
| _, _, NonNull cc, NonNull dd -> //do stuff
You could make a list of actions for each key so you could apply the null checking logic uniformly for each one.
let j = JObject.Parse x
let doStuff key value = printfn "%s=>%s" key value
If you wanted to apply doStuff for every key you could iterate though. This is your example but without the else so it does it for every key present.
["aa", doStuff
"bb", doStuff
"cc", doStuff]
|> List.iter (fun (key,action) ->
j.TryGetValue key
|> snd
|> Option.ofObj
|> Option.iter (action key))
Matching your example more closely where you only doStuff for the first key present might use choose to get only the valid values,actions.
["aa", doStuff
"bb", doStuff
"cc", doStuff]
|> Seq.choose (fun (key,action) ->
j.TryGetValue key
|> snd
|> Option.ofObj
|> Option.map (fun v -> action key v))
|> Seq.tryHead
This version also returns the result of the applied doStuff if there was a matching key and doStuff returned a value. This is abusing the lazy nature of Seq a little bit to only call the first value but you could also map to a function an call the result of Seq.tryHead.
A quick question on how to effectively group/filter list/seq.
Filter for only records where the optional field is not None
Remove the "option" parameter to make future processes easier (as None has been filtered out)
Group (this is of no problem I believe)
Am I using the best approach?
type tmp = {
A : string
B : int option }
type tmp2 = {
A : string
B : int }
let inline getOrElse (dft: 'a) (x: 'a option) =
match x with
| Some v -> v
| _ -> dft
let getGrouped (l: tmp list) =
l |> List.filter (fun a -> a.B.IsSome)
|> List.map (fun a -> {A = a.A ; B = (getOrElse 0 (a.B)) })
|> List.groupBy (fun a -> a.A)
The most natural approach for map+filter when option is involved is to use choose, which combines those two operations and drops the option wrapper from the filtered output.
Your example would look something like this:
let getGrouped (l: tmp list) =
|> List.choose (fun a ->
|> Option.map (fun b -> {A = a.A; B = b})
|> List.groupBy (fun a -> a.A)
The simple solution is just use the property that an option can be transformed to list with one or zero elements then you can define a function like:
let t1 ({A=a; B=b} : tmp) =
match b with
| (Some i) -> [{ A = a; B= i}]
| _ -> []
let getGrouped (l: tmp list) =
l |> List.collect t1
|> List.groupBy (fun a -> a.A)
I am trying to express the Church encoding of the Free monad in F#. Free is specialized to a particular functor, Effect.
I am able to write both return_ : 'T -> Free<'T> and bind: ('T -> Free<'U>) -> Free<'T> -> Free<'U> without any problems.
A sketch of my implementation is given below.
type Effect<'T>
= GetStr of (string -> 'T)
| PutStr of string * 'T
module Effect =
let map (f: 'a -> 'b) : Effect<'a> -> Effect<'b> = function
| GetStr k ->
GetStr(f << k)
| PutStr (s,t) ->
PutStr(s, f t)
type Free<'T> =
abstract Apply : ('T -> 'R) -> (Effect<'R> -> 'R) -> 'R
module Free =
let inline runFree (f:Free<'T>) (kp: 'T -> 'R) (kf: Effect<'R> -> 'R) : 'R =
f.Apply kp kf
let return_ (x: 'a) : Free<'a> =
{ new Free<'a>
member __.Apply kp _ =
kp x
let bind (f: 'a -> Free<'b>) (m: Free<'a>) : Free<'b> =
{ new Free<'b>
member __.Apply kp kf =
runFree m
(fun a ->
runFree (f a) kp kf
When I try to write an interpreter for this encoding, I hit a problem.
Given the following code:
module Interpret =
let interpretEffect = function
| GetStr k ->
let s = System.Console.ReadLine()
(k s , String.length s)
| PutStr(s,t) ->
do System.Console.WriteLine s
(t , 0)
let rec interpret (f: Free<string * int>) =
(fun (str,len) -> (str,len))
(fun (a: Effect<Free<string*int>>) ->
let (b,n) = interpretEffect a
let (c,n') = interpret b
(c, n + n')
I get a type error in the third argument to Free.runFree within the interpret function:
(fun (a: Effect<Free<string*int>>) ->
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ------ Expecting a Effect<string * int> but given a Effect<Free<string*int>>
I understand why this is happening (the result type of the first function determines 'R === string*int) and suspect that can be solved using a rank-2 function (which can be encoded in F# e.g. http://eiriktsarpalis.github.io/typeshape/#/33) but I am not sure how to apply it.
Any pointers would be much appreciated.
You do not need to do anything there, the compiler suggested type is in fact correct (and in line with the type of runFree).
It seems that what you're thinking of there is Scott encoding (ripped from this Haskell question):
runFree :: Functor f => (a -> r) -> (f (F f a) -> r) -> F f a -> r
where F f a would be your Effect-specialised Free<'a>, and f (F f a) would be Effect<Free<'a>>, which is what you're trying to use.
Whereas Church encoding would be:
runFree :: Functor f => (a -> r) -> (f r -> r) -> F f a -> r
where f r is Effect<'a> - thus making it easier to express in F# (which is why I assume you're using it in the first place.
This is what I had for interpret:
let rec interpret (f: Free<string * int>) =
(fun (str,len) -> (str,len))
(fun (a: Effect<_>) ->
let (b,n) = interpretEffect a
let (c,n') = interpret (Free.pureF b)
(c, n + n')
where pureF is
let pureF (x: 'a) : Free<'a> =
{ new Free<'a> with member __.Apply kp _ = kp x }
i.e. your return_ function.
I think defining the corresponding freeF function would clear some things (like why is Effect<'a> a functor - you're not making use of this fact anywhere in the code you pasted).
This question is for amusement only. Please don't take this question too seriously.
I am currently learning F#, and I am interested to see if there is a concise way to define map4, using existing functions List.map2, List.map3, pipe forward/backward, forward/backward composition, etc.
let map4 f a b c d = ......
map4 f [a1;a2] [b1;b2] [c1;c2] [d1;d2]
// output: [f(a1,b1,c1,d1); f(a2,b2,c2,d2)]
I can solve this recursively, or by defining a new operator (see the following URL)
I can also solve this by combining List.map2 and List.map3, using partially applied functions f(a,b,?,?)
let map4 f a b c d =
List.map3 (fun g y -> g y) (List.map2 f a b) c d
I can try to shorten my code above using forward composition (and make it as abstract/confusing as possible)
let map4 f a =
List.map2 f a >> List.map3 id;;
// Output type: f:('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd -> 'e) ->
// a:'a list -> ('b list -> 'c list -> 'd list -> 'e list)
I would like to know if I can shorten it even further by getting rid of the "f" and "a", resulting in:
let map4 = ...... (* Use only List.map2, List.map3, |>, |<, >>, <<, etc.*) ..........
It will probably make it unnecessarily confusing, but it will be pretty cool. Thank you.
Adapting TheInnerLight's answer:
let inline (<!>) f xList = List.map f xList
let inline (<*>) gList xList = List.map2 (id) gList xList
let map4 f w x y z = f <!> w <*> x <*> y <*> z
let map5 f v w x y z = f <!> v <*> w <*> x <*> y <*> z
let map6 f u v w x y z = f <!> u <*> v <*> w <*> x <*> y <*> z
This is a good use for the applicative style of programming, i.e. using applicative functors.
Just define the apply function and some helper operators:
module List =
// val apply : f:('a -> 'b) list -> x:'a list -> 'b list
let apply f x = List.map2 (fun f x -> f x) f x
// val inline ( <!> ) : f:('a -> 'b) -> x:'a list -> 'b list
let inline (<!>) f x = List.map f x
// val inline ( <*> ) : f:('a -> 'b) list -> x:'a list -> 'b list
let inline (<*>) f x = apply f x
Then use map and apply to define mapN functions.
// val map2 : f:('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> x:'a list -> y:'b list -> 'c list
let map2 f x y = f <!> x <*> y
// val map3 : f:('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd) -> x:'a list -> y:'b list -> z:'c list -> 'd list
let map3 f x y z = f <!> x <*> y <*> z
// val map4 : f:('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd -> 'e) -> x:'a list -> y:'b list -> z:'c list -> a:'d list -> 'e list
let map4 f x y z a = f <!> x <*> y <*> z <*> a
// val map8 : f:('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd -> 'e -> 'f -> 'g -> 'h -> 'i) -> x:'a list -> y:'b list -> z:'c list -> a:'d list -> b:'e list -> c:'f list -> d:'g list -> e:'h list -> 'i list
let map8 f x y z a b c d e = f <!> x <*> y <*> z <*> a <*> b <*> c <*> d <*> e
As you can see, you can keep adding arguments to define arbitrary mapNs to your heart's content.
Since the question specifically asks about using map2 or map3, you can do this in the same style although it's a little less concise, e.g:
let map4_2 f x y z a = List.map2 f x y <*> z <*> a
let map4_3 f x y z a = List.map3 f x y z <*> a
Hopefully you get the idea.
As a small aside, I think it's worth noting that any monad is automatically an applicative functor, so there is a wide array of types you could use this pattern with, here is an Async example.
module Async =
// val map : f:('a -> 'b) -> x:Async<'a> -> Async<'b>
let map f x = async.Bind(x, async.Return << f)
// val apply : f:Async<('a -> 'b)> -> x:Async<'a> -> Async<'b>
let apply f x = async.Bind(f, fun fe -> map fe x)
// val inline ( <!> ) : f:('a -> 'b) -> x:Async<'a> -> Async<'b>
let inline (<!>) f x = map f x
// val inline ( <*> ) : f:Async<('a -> 'b)> -> x:Async<'a> -> Async<'b>
let inline (<*>) f x = apply f x
// val map4 : f:('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd -> 'e) -> x:Async<'a> -> y:Async<'b> -> z:Async<'c> -> a:Async<'d> -> Async<'e>
let map4 f x y z a = f <!> x <*> y <*> z <*> a
After lots of experimenting, I come up with the following "point-free" style answer:
// Warning: still have "Value Restriction" error
let map4 = List.map2 >> (>>) >> (|>) ((>>) >> (|>) (List.map3 id))
Unfortunately, the F# compiler will produce a "Value restriction" error, see:
And so, I will settle with:
let map4 f =
|> ( List.map2 >> (>>) >> (|>) ((>>) >> (|>) (List.map3 id)) )
// val map4: f:('a->'b->'c->'d->'e) -> ('a list -> 'b list -> 'c list -> 'd list -> 'e list)