twilio stop receiving messages - twilio

We are using twilio service to send messages to our customers. We want to provide STOP receiving messages option to our customers.
So when a customer replies STOP, he/she should stop receiving messages. I think twilio has a blacklist to stop sending messages to a customer if the customers chooses to.
However, as an organization, we also want to know if a customer opted out of receiving messages.
How will twilio tell us that a customer opted out of receiving messages? How can we add a web hook such as a rest endpoint in twilio? Is this usecase possible in twilio?

Twilio evangelist here.
This article explains our default keyword handling:
tl;dr If someone texts STOP to your Twilio number we add them to our blacklist then pass the message on to you via the normal webhook process.
Hope that helps.


How to check status of a Twilio client before connecting call

I am using Twilio client to call my customer or receive the call from customers.
I want to play a busy voice message to customer if the Twilio client is engaged and talking to any other customer. how can I achieve that.
Twilio developer evangelist here.
You can’t tell the status of a Twilio Client from outside the page it is live on. Instead it is best to manage the availability of your agents via TaskRouter. With TaskRouter incoming calls can be queued until there is an available agent to answer. Those calls can also timeout, be assigned to other queues or be redirected to leave messages as in a voicemail system.
I recommend you look into TaskRouter.

Trying to get inbound text responses in GoHighLevel

I have Twilio integrated with GoHighlevel. I am trying to get inbound SMS responses to appear in the GHL contact. Outbound messages are functioning and logging correctly, but not inbound. Can anyone assist?
Twilio developer evangelist here.
I've not used GoHighLevel, so this is a bit of a stab in the dark.
Incoming messages to a Twilio number trigger a webhook (an HTTP request) to an application to notify the application. If the webhooks aren't set up correctly, then those messages won't make it to the other application (though they are all stored within Twilio).
I would recommend you log in to your Twilio account and check the settings for your numbers. You want to ensure that your numbers have a GoHighLevel URL setup for incoming messages.
In one of the GoHighLevel support topic videos for Twilio I spotted what the webhook URL should probably look like.
Check your numbers, make sure they have something like that. And if it is still not working then I would contact GoHighLevel support to find out what the correct settings should be.

How to initiate a 2 way SMS conversation between to validated phone numbers

We have the need to open an SMS conversion between clients and service providers. The thought is to send an initial request to the provider with a message from the client and then have the provider reply (and converse) directly with the client.
I've looked in the quick starts and the API docs but I don't see any clear pathway.
Am I missing some thing?
You can use a product like Twilio Conversations for that purpose. You add both as participants into a conversation. They communicate to each other via their assigned Twilio Proxy numbers.
Introducing Twilio Conversations: Now, every message becomes an invitation for a conversation
Using Twilio Conversations (Using Conversation You Tube Video - Signal 2019)

Integrating FlowXO with twilio

How can one create a bot in Flow.xo that listens to twilio messages? In other words can I write a bot in FlowXO to send and receive SMS messages from my twilio account?
Flow.XO allows one to send SMS messages via their twilio integration function, but it only has two functions:
1> Twilio calls
2> Twilio SMS messages
Both these are outward bound, and we can only send messages (calls, or SMS) via twilio from Flow.xo. Can I receive messages in FlowspellingXO from Twilio too? How is this accomplished?
Thanks in anticipation.
Twilio developer evangelist here.
I haven't used Flow.XO before, but a quick look through the documentation suggests that this is the guide for you:
Going through that process will create a URL that you will apply to your Twilio number or messaging service. That URL is the webhook URL that Twilio will use to send details about incoming messages so that your bot can respond to replies from your user.
Let me know if that helps!

Override Message Service inbound URL programatically

I have setup a trial Twilio account and have been investigating their
Programmable SMS service. Within my account I have also setup a Messaging Service. When I send an SMS I am able to set the URL I wish Twilio to send all delivery events (e.g accepted, sent, delivered etc) to, using a field called statusCallback. However, I am wondering if it is also possible to set the URL for which I wish to receive any replies to the message being sent, as part of the send SMS call? I know I can change the incoming request URL within the Messaging Services area of my Twilio account dashboard, but I would like to be able to set this URL on a per SMS basis, as part of the send SMS API call.
Does anyone know if this is possible? I cannot see anything in the docs to suggest it is but I wanted to know definitively.
I hope the question makes sense but if any clarification is needed then please let me know.
