Check console logs (and stop build if needed) - jenkins

We are using Jenkins (on Linux) to manage our builds.
I want to monitor the console output of all currently running jobs and abort the build if any matched pattern / exception / error is found.
For example, if the console output has IndentationError(when the job is running), I would like to automatically stop the build.
Please let me know if there are any plugins or solutions for this?
Thank you.

Jenkins will stop any build when a tool returns a non-zero exit code. If you want your build to exit on the first error, then you should configure the tools you are calling from jenkins to exit as soon as an error occurs (through command line flags etc.). Parsing console output for an error is a hacky solution at best.


How to view Jenkins console output during a build from the terminal after invoking build using curl from the terminal?

I have built a Jenkins job to run automated ZAP-Proxy scans.
I used curl -X POST -u YOUR_USER:YOUR_USER_PASSWORD http://YOUR_JENKINS_URL/job/YOUR_JOB to build the job from the terminal. Is there a way to display the console output in the terminal while the job is building?
It is possible, but it's a little more complicated for two reasons:
When you trigger a new build via curl, then the build will not start immediately. The build will enter the build queue, and it will only start executing once Jenkins found a suitable executor. Before that time, there is no build URL at all.
Technically, the (continuous) console output is delivered in multiple fragments that must be retrieved individually via HTTP.
So, once you triggered the build, you need to find its URL after if left the build queue. It can be done nicely in Groovy -- as a simpler heuristic, you could just wait for certain time and then use the lastBuild reference.
For fetching the console log fragments, you'll use the <buildUrl>/logText/progressiveText end point. Create a loop fetching that URL and checking the X_More_Data and X_Text_Size HTTP headers for information on whether (and what) console output is available. You can do that in bash with curl in a loop; I found this Groovy example on the Web.
In the end, the most elegant solution is probably to
trigger a new build by submitting a Groovy script that will trigger the build and then waits for the build to leave the build queue, returning the build URL.
Then use another script that will poll/fetch/display that build's console output.
If you use the CLI interface for submitting the script, then you can do all those steps in a single script. If you use the REST API, then second part ("continuous output") probably won't work due to output buffering on REST API side.

Why Jenkins is failing after executing an external windows command line?

I have to create a job in my local Jenkins installation where it executes a SonarQube analysis and then calls a command-line program which searches for duplicated lines of code. However, when I execute the latter command (cpd), it runs okay since it outputs correctly in a external file, but Jenkins still points out it as an error like this:
E:\BASE_DIR>cpd --minimum-tokens 100 --files "E:\BASE_DIR\Project_Folder" --language java 1>>"E:\BASE_DIR\Project_Folder\CPD_CLIG.txt"
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
Finished: FAILURE
I've tried to create another script which calls that command but I've got the same result.
Any suggestions on how to handle this? Any work-around would be very helpful.
Simple and short answer to your question is
Please add following line into your "Execute shell" Build step.
Now let me explain you the reason why we require this line for "Execute Shell" build job.
By default Jenkins take "/bin/sh -xe" and this means -x will print each and every command.And the other option -e, which causes shell to stop running a script immediately when any command exits with non-zero(when any command fails) exit code.
So by adding the "#!/bin/sh" will allow you to execute with no option.
please refer : How/When does Execute Shell mark a build as failure in Jenkins?
I didn't find a proper solution for my issue but I realized that I can use a Jenkins plugin for static code analysis (DRY Plugin and PMD Plugin) to adress my problem.
Thanks you all.

YSlow Phantomjs and Jenkins jobs failing, but analysis successful

I'm going through the tutorial on YSlow and Phantom js in Jenkins here:
Everything appears to be working great except the Jenkins builds are failing. I think this is due to the violations that YSlow is finding (6 for the particular site I am measuring). I'd rather have the build be successful (or unstable) vs. failed though
Is that possible with this or will I have to resort to something like the postgroovy or text finder plugin?
This is the console output:
phantomjs.exe yslow.js -i grade -t 50 --format junit 1>yslow.xml
D:\Apps\Jenkins\workspace\YSlow_Test>exit 6
Build step 'Execute Windows batch command' marked build as failure
Any non-zero exit code at the end of your Execute Windows batch command build step will result in build step being marked as failure.
To have the build step marked as success, you need an exit code of 0. I don't know anything about "yslow" or "phantomjs" and why they are giving you exit code of non-zero, but from "batch" side of things, you need only write exit 0 at the end of your build step if you want to overwrite the exit code of your phantomjs command.
You can then use Text Finder plugin to parse the console log and mark build as unstable when certain conditions are met.
Reading over this answer, Configuring yslow on Jenkins looks like you need TAP plugin to have the functionality of unit testing marking the build as unstable automatically

Cause a Cap Deploy error to fail a Jenkins Build

So I'm working on a jenkins build and I'm doing a
cap deploy
in the execute shell section. What I'd like the build to do is to fail if Cap spits out any errors. For example, I just got this one:
fatal: write error: No space left on device
*** [deploy:update_code] rolling back
I tried to do something like this
cap -v deploy > deploylog
and then grepping it for errors, but it didn't write out anything to the deploy log.
Any ideas? I'm fairly new to jenkins, so if this isn't enough information let me know and I can add more :)
I would have expected the cap command to exit with a non-zero value if it encounters an error, which should make the shell step in Jenkins fail.
You can get around this by using the Text Finder plugin to search for errors in the console output.

postbuild UIAutomation script not running in jenkins

I am trying to do End-to-End automation for an iOS project. My aim is to automate the continuous integration process with attaching UIAutomation scripts as post build action.
So from the time when a user do check his code in SVN and till we get test result of automation, everything will be automated.
Jenkins is installed on my local machine and running on localhost.
Now I have automated build process through jenkins and at other end I have my shell script ready which will run UIAutomation java scripts on build output.
When I use my shell script as post build action then I get error in running instrument command(written inside shell script) but if I run this script manually through terminal then it works fine.
instruments[64703:60f] -[NSAlert alertWithError:] called with nil NSError. A generic error message will be displayed, but the user deserves better.
_RegisterApplication(), FAILED TO establish the default connection to the WindowServer, _CGSDefaultConnection() is NULL. Mon Feb 6 13:15:20 inpunml310743 instruments[64703] <Error>: kCGErrorFailure: Set a breakpoint # CGErrorBreakpoint() to catch errors as they are logged. 2012-02-06 13:15:20.179 instruments[64703:60f] Recording cancelled : At least one target failed to launch; aborting run Instruments Trace Error : Failed to start trace. Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure Finished: FAILURE
then i tried this command with sudo then I got following error
sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified
Please let me know how can I run these commands successful, only this step is left in my task.
Jenkins by default installs as a LaunchDaemon, which means it has insufficient permissions to launch WindowsServer.
You’ll need to configure it as a LaunchAgent:
sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.jenkins-ci.plist
sudo mv /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.jenkins-ci.plist /Library/LaunchAgents/org.jenkins-ci.plist
Then login as Jenkins and keep a session open.
If you don't know the Jenkins password you can change it with:
sudo passwd jenkins
Jenkins is running as a daemon and is therefore not allowed to connect to the window server. More info here
Sorry - not got time to put a complete answer now, will update later....
This is possible if you run jenkins as a user app rather than as a deamon -- this might come in handy ( I haven't tried it but looks like it should work -- I went down another route setting up an always logged in user, that ran jenkins from a login script, it did mean I had to re-install jenkins but managed to get it up and running... word of warning from someone thats been through it, are you using instruments for automated testing? If so, you'll need to do some transformation on the output so it displays in Jenkins.
We have a Jenkins Linux instance that builds to a Mac slave over SSH. One interesting requirement that we noticed with this error is that the build user on the slave must be logged into the console in order for everything to work correctly.
In addition, we had to make the build user an Admin, developer permissions were insufficient.
See more info here:
UIAutomation : Failed to authorize rights with status: -60007
