Youtube API only showing old videos - youtube-api

Since yesterday, one of the websites I manage that uses the Youtube API to list videos is only showing videos from ten years before... it should be showing the latest ones. The channel and API key are correct, and I cannot find the source of the problem. Has anyone else run into this?

I presume that it might be related to issue #128673552,


Get all the data with the Youtube API

I'm creating a fullstack project for a school that have a active Youtube channel. My project is suppose to help maintain and combine videos and information from Youtube into the website.
The problem is - every API request, as noted in the documentation, is limited to 50 units of data at max. This Youtube channel has been going for years, and now i'm stuck without any access to the pre-latest-fifty videos on the channel.
Recommendations anyone?
I hope someone from the youtube team could help me with this issue, or even be provided with an alternative online, instead of hand-scraping or bruteforcing my way to the data

YouTube Video Embed iFrame Failing On Membership Videos

I've posted on YouTubes community page and I've heard nothing back from them so I'm going to see if someone here can help me figure this out.
A few days ago the embedded videos on my website just stopped working:
At first, I thought it was maybe a problem with my iFrames or an API on the website but when I visited YouTube I discovered the same problem on their website:
So I figured maybe YouTube itself was down but when I checked my other videos, videos that are not a part of my membership program, the embed function seems to work fine.
So then I hit f12 and there I've discovered the problem. The YouTube embed function relies on a header, a Google header, that lets the server know that the person trying to watch the video is in fact a member. Their Google account has to follow them, but for some reason, that header is no longer working.

iOS Swift 4: Uploading Videos to YouTube

I am trying to implement a feature where users can upload a video to YouTube directly from the app, sort of like a share to Twitter or Facebook type way. I don't want to use the UIShareViewController, I want to allow it to be upload-able with the touch of one button.
I have done some research, and all the other posts are outdated, mostly in 2014. I am looking for a new version using Swift 4. I understand the whole process of registering my app through Google to get the API, I have looked at their documents. However, their section on uploading videos requires Python 2.5 or higher, so I am not sure where to go about it.
This is a link to their API:
I found these questions, but they are outdated.
Upload Video to YouTube in Swift
Are there any updated resources online that can help me?
A brief description of the process after registering the app with the Api would help.

How can I post new youtube videos from any channel on my wordpress blog?

I keep track of many youtube channels for my blog audience and I would like to add new videos from many different channels as a post automatically.
There are many plugins but nothing seems to work? Im assuming because of some changes in Youtube API
Any tips?
When YouTube went to version 3.0 the older version was deprecated and many plugins did not update so no longer work. I currently use Video Blogster Pro for my sites.

YouTube API forbids caching/saving videos. How does McTube do it?

As everyone using the YouTube api knows, saving or caching youtube files is prohibited by the google terms of service. So how then does this app [McTube] allow users to cache videos? I googled around and apparently google reportedly told them to remove the feature. Yet a year later the feature is still there. What gives, and how can I as a developer incorporate such a feature in my app without getting kicked off the app store?
Thanks for your time :)
