Zapier dynamic dropdown on condition - zapier

I'm updating a Zapier APP through the Web builder. I need to add two fields:
The label of the first is "Vat Description", and is a text input field;
The second is "Vat Nature", a dropdown list.
I want to make this field required only if the value of the first is 0, or 0%
Any suggestions? thanks

David here, from the Zapier Platform team.
This is pretty straightforward to do. You want to put the second field in a function, which will generate it dynamically based on the contents of the first field. You can adjust whether or not it's required.
There's docs about this here.


How to load contact field token in email template based on condition

I want to show the contact first name in the e-mail, but if the first name field is empty I want to show some other field. Is this possible?
Something like this:
Hi {contactfield=firstname} or if empty {contactfield=email}
Thank you in advance.
Yes it is possible, you can use "Dynamic Content" option available in slot type. it allows you to use variations in the content based on value of the the field.
simply add the slot, then put in a default value, click Add Variant and at the bottom right you can choose the field and comparison option.

Zapier form dynamic inputFields manipulation

I'd like to manipulate the input fields of a trigger form dynamically:
I have a trigger 'hidden' with a combo-box in a form
Each time I update the combo, it should add one or more combo-boxes in the same form depending on the value
I couldn't find any way to access the operation.inputFields somewhere for doing an update on this list dynamically, whether via the bundle or else...
Here is the small example:
Thank you for your help!
David here, from the Zapier Platform team.
It sounds like you're looking for Custom Fields:
In addition to a static list of input fields, you can provide a function that will run and provide a dynamic set of fields. It's how we get inputs for each column in a google sheet:
Is that what you're asking? Modifying the inputFields array at runtime probably doesn't do what you want.

Place Autocomplete in iOS (swift) on Signup (address) form

I am a signup form which has bunch of text fields like name, phone, address 1st line, city, state etc.
Can I use googles's Place Autocomplete on this form in such a way that when I start typing address 1st line in one of the fields it suggests/auto completes and fills the city and state
1st question, is it possible, if yes are there any examples or tutorials?
There are examples out there but they use autocomplete UI, I want to be able to use my own edit text fields.
So Yes I was able to do exactly what I wanted.
I had two dependencies for this.
1. AutoComplete Text Field
2. Google's Place AutoComplete

run SPD workflow on changes to any field EXCEPT one?

I have a custom list. Each item in the list has 39 fields/columns that need to be filled out and a 40th field that gets filled out by a separate workflow.
I have another workflow that I need to trigger if any of the fields change EXCEPT for one.
Why? Because that field has a custom ID# in it and that field gets populated AFTER the form is submitted. Therefore, there will ALWAYS be a change in the list item. Thus, I need a workflow to trigger when any fields change EXCEPT the one w/ the custom ID#.
Any ideas? Thank you.
No one has been able to answer this but I figured it out myself.
I'm including the answer here in case anyone else ever comes across this and finds it helpful:
Create a new field that you will hide from the your SP list and from NewForm.aspx, EditForm.aspx, and DispForm.aspx.
Using jQuery, populate that hidden field as such: $(":input[Title='fieldName']").val("1");
The using an SPD workflow, check to see if that field = 1. If so, run the workflow. AND at the end of that workflow set the field to 0 - that's important.

How do I make a field required if another field has content in Expressionengine

I have a channel fieldgroup called blog
This fieldgroup has 3 fields
{body}: Textarea, required field
{image}: file field, optional field
{image_credit}: text field, optional field, that turns into a required field, when {image} has content.
Rationale behind this: An entry can be text only, but if an image is published it has to have credits.
As far as I´m aware of, this can´t be done natively with EE and I searched Devot-ee for an add-on, but to no avail.
I´d like to have this fixed on the field level. Ohterwise I have to write some code in the template, that will check for if {image_credit}=="" don´t publish any {image}. But this will lead to confusion, as why an image, that is shown in the CP will not be published...
I don't know of any way to do this natively or with an addon, but an addon may be out there.
I'd suggest writing your own jQuery validation. You can pop it into the instructions for one of the fields on that channel form. Should do the trick nicely
If you have Pixel&Tonic's Matrix add-on installed, you could create a new Matrix field in this Channel's field group.
The Matrix field has zero rows by default, and contains two field columns within:
Image field for the pic (required)
Text field for caption (required)
So, if there's an image with this entry, the client clicks the plus icon to create a row, and must fill in both the image and caption. If there's no image, they leave it as is.
Pixel & Tonic also have this addon which enables you to add your own custom js to the control panel. So you could do a check to see if the image field has content and then prevent the form from being submitted if the caption field is empty.
