How to lock particular cell using phpspreadsheet - phpspreadsheet

Initially all cells in worksheet are locked. Then, I unlock all the cells and try to lock only some of the cells.
'locked' => TRUE,
'hidden' => FALSE
But, end up with this error.
Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Style\Style::getLocked()
Thanks in advance.

This code able to lock the cell we want.
Still, I would like to know why applyFromArray not working to lock the cell. Anyone know the answer, can post your answer. Thanks.


How to fix this error in the following codes?

Could someone tell me how to fix this please?
This is in the main.dart error line.
Another file's code, I think this might related to the error.
List<CovidTodayResult> covidTodayResultFromJson(String str) => List<CovidTodayResult>.from(json.decode(str).map((x) => CovidTodayResult.fromJson(x)));
String covidTodayResultToJson(List<CovidTodayResult> data) => json.encode(List<dynamic>.from( => x.toJson()))); ```
As your image states, you're declaring the return type as Future<CovidTodayResult>, but you're not returning a Future. If you want this specific code to work you should change your return type to List<CovidTodayResult> or if you're using await in your method, which I can't see, Future<List<CovidTodayResult>>.

'Schema specified is not valid. Errors:

After I update my DC.edmx model from the database I'm getting an error during the fetching of data from my "Users" table.
The exception is attached as a screen shot for a better understanding. I just wanted to know what this exception actually saying and what is the possible fix? Any ideas would be appreciated.
var user = ctx.Users.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Email == model.Username);
Go here to see screen shot

How to look for user who updated JIRA issue using jira-python?

I don't seem to have the permissions to view the transitions on issues.
The commonly used snippet: [(t['id'],t['name']) for t in j.transitions(issue)] returns an empty list on a valid issue. I can see the issue, its transitions from the Web interface.
When the issue is in the "Fixed" state, I would like to find which user changed it from "Assigned" to "Fixed". Here is my workflow:
How do I achieve this with python-jira?
Insert the following. I use python-3 so you may have to adjust your print statement formats.
issue = jira.issue('project-682', expand='changelog') changelog =
for history in changelog.histories:
for item in history.items:
if item.field == 'status':
print ('Date:',history.created,' From:',item.fromString, 'To:',item.toString, ' By: ',

WoW Weakauras Custom Tricker

I am trying to get a trigger that will show with the sunfire debuff has less time then my nature's grace buff. the lua calls seem to be pulling the correct number, but it is constantly returning true?
function ()
_,_,_,_,_,_,sundur= UnitDebuff("target","Sunfire","player");
_,_,_,_,_,_,NGDur= UnitAura("player","Nature's Grace");
if sundur and NGDur then
if sundur<NGDur+2 then
return true
return false
The issue i found was that the ad don was allowing the declared variables to be saved globally which was causing it not to be updated properly even as i changed them. I also had to change one part of code, removing the "" around player only on the uniteDebuff "caster" filter.
local _,_,_,_,_,_,sundur= UnitDebuff("target","Sunfire",player);

How can I disable this message?

I'm using the gem called "rails3-jquery-autocomplete" ( )
It's working fine:) But there's one thing that I want to disable.
When I type something into an input field, and there's no matching record, it always show the message that's saying "no existing match"
I want to disable this message. Is it possible?
I wish I could see inside of its source code to customize but I cannot :(
Anyone can help me about this?
This might be piece of cake for someone but not for me.
For your information, I've done this command below
$ bundle exec rake assets:precompile RAILS_ENV=production
and after this it created some js files into public/assets folder
Seems there is no way to pass option into the control, but I assume this might be a trick to solve your problem.
Instead of returning empty array(from backend) when no search results, try to return a array with one result has empty id and label might solve your problem, so in your rails controller, there will be something like this:
def autocomplete_action
result = do_the_search
if result.count == 0
result = [{ id: "", label: "" }] # !! do the trick here
respond_with result # assume you have "respond_to :json" in your controller
Here is why I am doing this:
The reason why I think this might work is because if no result return, the autocomplete control will build a fake record with id equals to empty represent no result.
if(arguments[0].length == 0) {
arguments[0] = []
arguments[0][0] = { id: "", label: "no existing match" } // hacked here
But I do think this definitely not the right way to solve this problem, but for now it's workaround to solve your problem quickly.
Hope it helps, thanks.
