docker: how to get the code inside the container - docker

I was reading few articles on how to get code inside docker container.
I found "In short, for production use ADD/COPY method, for the development use docker volume feature"
What i understand form the above
1) We will build an image with the code inside it for production. i.e in the production server i have to pull the image and run it. No need to worry about the code files because everything is packed in the image.
2) While developing use volumes to share the folder.
My question is: wheneve i do a change, i will build an image on development server and pull and run that image in the production server.
Assuming my image Dockerfile is as below:
FROM some-os -- 375Mb
COPY codefolder /root/ --25MB
When i put updated codefolder the image is different from previous.
Most of the times in some-os there are no changes. So codefolder only changes
So everytime (after the first time) i pull the modified image how much MB Is downloaded 400MB or 25 MB

Only the new layer is downloaded after the first time: 25M.


Docker image layer: What does `ADD file:<some_hash> in /` mean?

In Docker Hub images there are lists of commands that being run for each image layer. Here is a golang example.
Some applications also provide their Dockerfile in GitHub. Here is a golang example.
According to the Docker Hub image layer, ADD file:4b03b5f551e3fbdf47ec609712007327828f7530cc3455c43bbcdcaf449a75a9 in / is the first command. The image layer doesn't have any "FROM" command included, and it doesn't seem to be suffice the ADD definition too.
So here are the questions:
What does ADD file:<HASH> in / means? What is this format?
Is there any way I could trace upwards using the hash? I suppose that hash represents the FROM image, but it seems there are no API for that.
Why it is not possible to build a dockerfile using the ADD file:<HASH> in / syntax? Is there any way I could build an image using such syntax, OR do a conversion between two format?
That Docker Hub history view doesn't show the actual Dockerfile; instead, it shows content essentially extracted from the docker history of the image. That doesn't preserve the specific details you're looking for: it doesn't remember the names of base images, or the build-context file names of things that get ADDed or COPYed in.
Chasing through GitHub and Docker Hub links, the golang:*-buster Dockerfile is built FROM buildpack-deps:...-scm; buildpack-deps:buster-scm is FROM buildpack-deps:buster-curl; that is FROM debian:buster; and that has a very simple Dockerfile (quoted here in its entirety):
FROM scratch
ADD rootfs.tar.xz /
CMD ["bash"]
FROM scratch starts from a completely totally empty image; that is the base of the Docker image tree (and what tells docker history and similar tools to stop). The ADD line unpacks a tar file of a Debian system image.
If you look at docker history or the Docker Hub history view you cite, you should be able to see these same steps happening. The ADD file:4b0... in / corresponds to the ADD rootfs.tar.gz /, and the second line is the CMD ["bash"]. It is not split up by Dockerfile or image, and the original filenames from ADD aren't saved. (You couldn't reproduce the image anyways without the contents of the rootfs.tar.gz, so it's merely slightly helpful to know its filename but not essential.)
The ADD file:hash in /path syntax is not standard Dockerfile syntax (the word in in particular is not part of it). I'm not sure there's a reliable way to translate from the host file or URL to the hash, but building the image and looking at its docker history would tell you (assuming you've got a perfect match for the file metadata). There's no way to get back to the original filename or syntax, and definitely no way to get back to the file contents.
ADD or COPY means that files are append to the images.
That are files, you cannot "trace" them.
You cannot just copy the commands, because the hashes are not the original files. See to get the file.

docker build running into GB size

I have a Cassandra.tar.gz file which I want to convert into an image. I created a DockerFile (CassandarImageDockerFile.txt) with the following contents
FROM scratch
add apache-cassandra-3.11.6-bin.tar /
Then I ran the following command but noticed that that image size was running into GB while the .tar is only 140MB. I Ctrl+c to stopped the command
C:\Users\manuc\Documents\manu>docker build -f CassandraImageDockerFile.txt .
Sending build context to Docker daemon 4.34GB
What happened under the hood? Why did the image size go in GB? What is the right way to build the image?
The last arg to the build command is the build context. All files that you add or copy to the image must be within that context. It gets sent to the docker engine and the build runs within a sandbox (temp folder and containers) using that context. In this case, the context path is . aka the current directory. So look in that folder and all child directories for files that will total many GB. You can exclude files from being sent in the context to the engine using the .dockerignore file, with a nearly identical syntax to the .gitignore file.
Following things to check here.
Size of base image,.i.e., scratch.
Size of build context - Check the directory from where you are building the image.
For example, docker image build -t xyz:1 .
Here, the build context is the content of the current folder.
So, while building the image, docker sends the build context to the daemon and which gets copied over to the image, which might be the reason of huge size.
So, check the content of the directory and see if you are adding any unnecessary files to your image.
I think the image you are starting from already is some Gb of size. Can you please check? See that scratch image on the FROM on the DockerFile

Docker build not using cache when copying Gemfile while using --cache-from

On my local machine, I have built the latest image, and running another docker build uses cache everywhere it should.
Then I upload the image to the registry as the latest, and then on my CI server, I'm pulling the latest image of my app in order to use it as the build cache to build the new version :
docker pull $CONTAINER_IMAGE:latest
docker build --cache-from $CONTAINER_IMAGE:latest \
From the build output we can see the COPY of the Gemfile is not using the cache from the latest image, while I haven't updated that file :
Step 15/22 : RUN gem install bundler -v 1.17.3 && ln -s /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.2.0/gems/bundler-1.16.0 /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.2.0/gems/bundler-1.16.1
---> Using cache
---> 47a9ad7747c6
---> Using cache
---> 1124ad337b98
Step 17/22 : WORKDIR $APP_HOME
---> Using cache
---> 9cd742111641
Step 18/22 : COPY Gemfile $APP_HOME/
---> f7ff0ee82ba2
Step 19/22 : COPY Gemfile.lock $APP_HOME/
---> c963b4c4617f
Step 20/22 : RUN bundle install
---> Running in 3d2cdf999972
Aside node : It is working perfectly on my local machine.
Looking at the Docker documentation Leverage build cache doesn't seem to explain the behaviour here as neither the Dockerfile, nor the Gemfile has changed, so the cache should be used.
What could prevent Docker from using the cache for the Gemfile?
I tried to copy the files setting the right permissions using COPY --chown=user:group source dest but it still doesn't use the cache.
Opened Docker forum topic:
Let me share with you some information that helped me to fix some issues with Docker build and --cache-from, while optimizing a CI build.
I had struggled for several days because I didn't have the correct understanding, I was basing myself on incorrect explanations found on the webs.
So I'm sharing this here hoping it will be useful to you.
When providing multiple --cache-from, the order matters
The order is very important, because at the first match, Docker will stop looking for other matches and it will use that one for all the rest of the commands.
This is explained by the person who implemented the feature in the Github PR:
When using multiple --cache-from they are checked for a cache hit in the order that user specified. If one of the images produces a cache hit for a command only that image is used for the rest of the build.
There is also a lenghtier explanation in the initial ticket proposal:
Specifying multiple --cache-from images is bit problematic. If both images match there is no way(without doing multiple passes) to figure out what image to use. So we pick the first one(let user control the priority) but that may not be the longest chain we could have matched in the end. If we allow matching against one image for some commands and later switch to a different image that had a longer chain we risk in leaking some information between images as we only validate history and layers for cache. Currently I left it so that if we get a match we only use this target image for rest of the commands.
Using --cache-from is exclusive: the local Docker cache won't be used
This means that it doesn't add new caching sources, the image tags you provide will be the only caching source for the Docker build.
Even if you just built the same image locally, the next time you run docker build for it, in order to benefit from the cache, you need to either:
provide the correct tag(s) with --cache-from (and with the correct precedence); or
not use --cache-from at all (so that it will use the local build cache)
If the parent image changes, the cache will be invalidated
For example, if you have an image based on docker:stable, and docker:stable gets updated, the cached builds of your image will not be valid anymore as the layers of the base image were changed.
This is why, if you're configuring a CI build, it can be useful to docker pull the base image as well and include it in the --cache-from, as mentioned in this comment in yet another Github discussion.
I struggled with this problem, and in my case I used COPY when the checksum might have changed (but only technically, the content was functionally identical). So, I worked around this way:
ARG builder_image=base-builder
# Compilation/build stage
FROM golang:1.16 AS base-builder
RUN echo "build the app" > /go/app
# This step is required to facilitate docker cache. With the definition of a `builder_image` build tag
# we can essentially skip the build stage and use a prebuilt-image directly.
FROM $builder_image AS builder
# myapp docker image
FROM ubuntu:20.04 AS myapp
COPY --from=builder /go/app /opt/my-app/bin/
Then, I can run the following:
# build cache
DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build --target base-builder -t myapp-builder .
docker push myapp-builder
# use cache
DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build --target myapp --build-arg=builder_image=myapp-builder -t myapp .
docker push myapp
This way we can force Docker to use a prebuilt image as a cache.
For whoever is fighting with DockerHub automated builds and --cache-from. I realized images built from DockerHub would always lead to cache bust on COPY commands when pulled and used as build cache source. It seems to be also the case for #Marcelo (refs his comment).
I investigated by creating a very simple image doing a couple of RUN commands and later COPY. Everything is using the cache except the COPY. Even though content and permissions of the file being copied is the same on both the pulled image and the one built locally (verified via sha1sum and ls -l).
The solution for me was to publish the image to the registry from the CI (Travis in my case) rather than letting DockerHub automated build doing it. Let me emphasis here that I'm talking here about a specific case where files are definitely the same and should not cache bust, but you're using DockerHub automated builds.
I'm not sure why is that, but I know for instance old docker-engine version e.g. prior 1.8.0 didn't ignore file timestamp to decide whether to use the cache or not, refs and
For a COPY command to be cached, the checksum needs to be identical on the source being copied. You can compare the checksum in the docker history output between the cache image and the one you just built. Most importantly, the checksum includes metadata like the file owner and file permission, in addition to file contents. Whitespace changes inside a file like changing to linefeeds between Linux and Windows styles will also affect this. If you download the code from a repo, it's likely the metadata, like the owner, will be different from the cached value.

How do I update docker images?

I read that docker works with layers, so when creating a container with a Dockerfile, you start with the base image, then subsequent commands run add a layer to the container, so if you save the state of that new container, you have a new image. There are a couple of things I'm wondering about this.
If I start from a Ubuntu image, which is pretty big and bulky since its a complete OS, then I add a few tools to it and save this as a new image which I upload to the hub. If someone downloads my image, and they already have a Ubuntu image saved in their images folder, does this mean they can skip downloading Ubuntu since they already have the image? If so, how does this work when I modify parts of the original image, does Docker use its cached data to selectively apply those changes to the Ubuntu image after it loads it?
2.) How do I update an image that I built by modifying the Dockerfile? I setup a simple django project with this Dockerfile:
FROM python:3.5
ADD requirements.txt $APPLICATION_ROOT
RUN pip install --upgrade pip
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
and used this to create the image in the beginning. So everytime I create a box, it loads all these environment variables, if I rebuild the box completely it reinstalls the packages and all the extras. I need to add a new environment variable, so I added it to the bottom of the Dockerfile, along with a test variable:
When I delete the container and the image, and build a new container, it all seems to go accordingly, it tells me that it creates the new Step 4 : ENV
---> Running in 75551ea311b2
---> b25b60e29f18
Removing intermediate container 75551ea311b2
So its like something gets lost in some of these intermediate container transitions. Is this how the caching system works, every new layer is an intermediate container? So with that in mind, how do you add a new layer, do you always have to add the new data at the bottom of the Dockerfile? Or would it be better to leave the Dockerfile alone once the image is built, and just modify the container and built a new image?
EDIT I just tried installing an image, a package called bwawrik/bioinformatics, which is a CentOS based container which has a wide range of tools installed.
It froze half way through, so I exited it and then ran it again to see if everything was installed:
$ docker pull bwawrik/bioinformatics
Using default tag: latest
latest: Pulling from bwawrik/bioinformatics
a3ed95caeb02: Already exists
a3ed95caeb02: Already exists
7e78dbe53fdd: Already exists
ebcc98113eaa: Already exists
598d3c8fd678: Already exists
12520d1e1960: Already exists
9b4912d2bc7b: Already exists
c64f941884ae: Already exists
24371a4298bf: Already exists
993de48846f3: Already exists
2231b3c00b9e: Already exists
2d67c793630d: Already exists
d43673e70e8e: Already exists
fe4f50dda611: Already exists
33300f752b24: Already exists
b4eec31201d8: Already exists
f34092f697e8: Already exists
e49521d8fb4f: Already exists
8349c93680fe: Already exists
929d44a7a5a1: Already exists
09a30957f0fb: Already exists
4611e742e0b5: Already exists
25aacf0148db: Already exists
74da82504b6c: Already exists
3e0aac083b86: Already exists
f52c7e0ac000: Already exists
35eee92aaf2f: Already exists
5f6d8eb70885: Already exists
536920bfe266: Already exists
98638e678c51: Already exists
9123956b991d: Already exists
1c4c8a29cd65: Already exists
1804bf352a97: Already exists
aa6fe9359956: Already exists
e7e38d1250a9: Already exists
05e935c831dc: Already exists
b7dfc22c26f3: Already exists
1514d4797ffd: Already exists
Digest: sha256:0391808e21b7b5cc0eb44fc2dad0d7f5415115bdaafb4534c0b6a12efd47a88b
Status: Image is up to date for bwawrik/bioinformatics:latest
So it definitely installed the package in pieces, not all in one go. Are these pieces, different images?
image vs. container
First, let me clarify some terminology.
image: A static, immutable object. This is the thing you build when you run docker build using a Dockerfile. An image is not a thing that runs.
Images are composed of layers. an image might have only one layer, or it might have many layers.
container: A running thing. It uses an image as its starting template.
This is similar to a binary program and a process. You have a binary program on disk (such as /bin/sh), and when you run it, it is a process on your system. This is similar to the relationship between images and containers.
Adding layers to a base image
You can build your own image from a base image (such as ubuntu in your example). Some commands in your Dockerfile will create a new layer in the ultimate image. Some of those are RUN, COPY, and ADD.
The very first layer has no parent layer. But every other layer will have a parent layer. In this way they link to one another, stacking up like pancakes.
Each layer has a unique ID (the long hexadecimal hashes you have already seen). They can also have human-friendly names, known as tags (e.g. ubuntu:16.04).
What is a layer vs. an image?
Technically, each layer is also an image. If you build a new image and it has 5 layers, you can use that image and it will contain all 5 layers. If you run a container using the third layer in the stack as your image ID, you can do that too - but it would only contain 3 layers. The one you specify and the two that are its ancestors.
But as a matter of convention, the term "image" generally means the layer that has a tag associated. When you run docker images, it will show you all of the top-level images, and hide the layers beneath (but you can show them all with -a).
What is an intermediate container?
When docker build runs, it does all of its work inside of containers (naturally!) So if it encounters a RUN step, it will create a container from the current top layer, run the specified commands in there, and then save the result as a new layer. Then it will create a container from this new layer, run the next thing... etc.
The intermediate containers are only used for the build process, and are discarded after the build.
How layer filesystems work
You asked whether someone downloading your ubuntu-based image are only doing a partial download, if they already had the ubuntu image locally.
Yes! That's exactly right.
Every layer uses the layer beneath it as a base. The new layer is basically a diff between that layer and a new state. It's not a diff in the same way as a git commit might work, though. It works at the file level, not at a the line level.
Say you started from ubuntu, and you ran this Dockerfile.
FROM: ubuntu:16.04
RUN groupadd dan && useradd -g dan dan
This would result in a two layer image. The first layer would be the ubuntu image. The second would probably have only a handful of changes.
A newer copy of /etc/passwd with user "dan"
A newer copy of /etc/group with group "dan"
A new directory /home/dan
A couple of default files like /home/dan/.bashrc
And that's it. If you start a container from this image, those few files would be in the topmost layer, and everything else would come from the filesystem in the ubuntu image.
The top-most read-write layer in a container
One other point. When you run a container, you can write files in the filesystem. But if you stop the container and run another container from the same image, everything is reset. So where are the files written?
Images are immutable, so once they are created, they can't be changed. You can build a new version, but that's a new image. It would have a different ID and would not be the same image.
A container has a top-level read-write layer which is put on top of the image layers. Any writes happen in that layer. It works just like the other layers. If you need to modify a file (or add one, or delete one), that is done in the top layer, and doesn't affect the lower layers. If the file exists already, it is copied into the read-write layer, and then modified. This is known as copy-on-write (CoW).
Where to add changes
Do you have to add new things to the bottom of Dockerfile? No, you can add anything anywhere (or change anything).
However, how you do things does affect your build times because of how the build caching works.
Docker will try to cache results during builds. If it finds as it reads through Dockerfile that the FROM is the same, the first RUN is the same, the second RUN is the same... it will assume it has already done those steps, and will use cached results. If it encounters something that is different from the last build, it will invalidate the cache. Everything from that point on will be re-run fresh.
Some things will always invalidate the cache. For instance if you use ADD or COPY, those always invalidate the cache. That's because Docker only keeps track of what the build commands are. It doesn't try to figure out "is this version of the file I'm copying the same one as last time?"
So it is a common practice to start with FROM, then put very static things like RUN commands that install packages with e.g. apt-get, etc. Those things tend to not change a lot after your Dockerfile has been initially written. Later in the file is a more convenient place to put things that change more often.
It's hard to concisely give good advice on this, because it really depends on the project in question. But it pays to learn how the build caching works and try to take advantage of it.

Why isn't Docker more transparent about what it's downloading?

When I download a Docker image, it downloads dependencies, but only displays their hashes. Why does it not display what it is downloading?
For example:
➜ ~ docker run ubuntu:16.04
Unable to find image 'ubuntu:16.04' locally
16.04: Pulling from library/ubuntu
b3e1c725a85f: Downloading 40.63 MB/50.22 MB
4daad8bdde31: Download complete
63fe8c0068a8: Download complete
4a70713c436f: Download complete
bd842a2105a8: Download complete
What's the point in only telling me that it's downloading b3e1c725a85f, etc.?
An image is created on layers of filesystems represented by hashes. After it's creation, the base image tag may point to a completely different set of hashes without affecting any images built off of it. And these layers are based on things like run commands, the tag to call it something like ubuntu:16.04 is only added after the image is made.
So the best that could be done is to say 4a70713c436f is based on adding some directory based on a hash of an input folder itself, or a multi-line run command, neither of which makes for a decent UI. The result may have no tagged name, or it could have multiple tagged names. So the simplest solution is to output what's universal and unchanging for all scenarios, an unchanging hash.
To rephrase that pictorially:
b3e1c725a85f: could be ubuntu:16.04, ubuntu:16, ubuntu:latest, some.other.registry:5000/ubuntu-mirror:16.04
4daad8bdde31: could be completely untagged, just a run command
63fe8c0068a8: could be completely untagged, just a copy file
4a70713c436f: could point to a tagged base image where that tag has since changed
bd842a2105a8: could be created with a docker commit command (eek)
