VLC Windows Command Line - vlc

I'm currently trying to make a script that loop over 4 videos, lets say video1.avi to video4.avi.
And when I have an intervention I would like to stop the loop and to play video2.avi, then at the end, take back the loop.
I'd like to know if there is a way to do this with VLC and command line param.
Here is the command line I wrote, but it seem to keep the hand ...
vlc.exe --started-from-file --repeat --playlist-enqueue --fullscreen
video1.avi video2.avi video3.avi video4.avi


Way to get some sort of schedule in TCL without blocking on-going code

I need some sort of schedule thing to schedule a task to happen at x:y (12:00 for example) in Tcl.
The scenario is a router using Openwrt with Tcl 8.6.10 with limited RAM and storage where I have some sort of IRC client "bot" (using socket to connect). The "bot" was just a barebone that I modify to suit my needs. Most of the things work fine, except that I don't have way to schedule easily things. I wanted something like how eggdrop has "bind time" where the bind thing is "bind time flag "cron-style string" caller".
The "bot" scheme is like:
Main Tcl script:
<info+code to connect to IRC>
<while loop>
<some code in case of IRC disconnection>
<list of files with tcl code aka sub-scripts>
<usage of source based from a list of the filenames>
<code for error handling>
<end of while loop>
The list of files is source filelist.tcl, where filelist.tcl is a set var {filename1.tcl filename2.tcl...}. The filenamex.tcl has some basic code to respond to IRC server or IRC input from channels and reply to channels.
I can make some sort of schedule if I base a execution like if {[clock format [clock seconds] -format "%H:%M"]=="12:00"} {code to execute} and hopefully wait for a server ping/pong but that can lead to repeated code inside of the if body.
I been looking around and found a package called cron but I don't know how to use it correctly because there are not many examples and I don't know to use vwait properly and I don't want vwait to hang the bot waiting for a value to change. I also read about tcl threads for maybe parallel execution.
So I need some code inside of a sub-script that looks like (a package cron style):
#beginning of file
#add a task specifying hour and minute
task-at "12:00" proccaller
proc procname {optional} {
<some code to be executed at specific hour+time>
#end of file
I also don't know how to use after command to use it.
How can I accomplish I want?
Thanks for the replies and yes, it would help if I study event loops and coroutine, which probably comes next.
Some time has passed since I posted the question and kinda sorted the thing by creating a sub-script in a folder named scripts with the following structure:
#beginning of the script
if {![file exists executed]} {set executed "no"}
#the following clock instruction returns for example: Tuesday 22:14
switch -glob -- [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%A %H:%M"] {
"*12:00" - "*12:01" {
#Basic example of sending a message to the irc channel when it's midday
if {$executed=="no"} {
puts $fd "PRIVMSG #CODE :It's midday right now."
flush $fd
set executed "yes"
#...more time comparisions and code
default {set executed "no"}
#end of script
And the script is almost the top of the list of scripts to be loaded so if I wish to send some command down stream at giving time, the command can be executed.
There is double timings because the "bot" reacts, at least at minimum, to the irc server's ping which happens each 90 seconds and it may skip some minutes.
This is not an answer but an unproper workaround.

How to set the playback speed in MPV through the command line

How would you set the playback speed to a specific value in MPV using the builtin command line of MPV?
EDIT: I'm not talking about the --speed argument when launching the program through the terminal.
On the manual it is documented as mpv --speed=1.2
ex: change 1.2 to 1.4
Sorry just saw the edit...

Tcl Tk to show images in Scilab

I want to show images and videos in Scilab using a GUI made in Tcl/Tk.
Scilab has support for Tcl/Tk :- https://help.scilab.org/docs/6.0.0/en_US/section_a10b99d9dda4c3d65d29c2a48e58fd88.html.
I have made a tcl script which displays an image when run from the terminal.
image create photo img -file <filepath>
pack [label .mylabel]
.mylabel configure -image img
However when I write the following .sci file in scilab, it executes successfully but no image window is shown.
function sampletry()
I do know that the code executed successfully because when I execute the same function again in scilab, I get an error saying that the label .mylabel already exists in the parent window.
Is there any way that I can show images/videos in Scilab using this method or any other method in Scilab? I'm using OpenCV to read the image and return it back to Scilab through the Scilab Api in a list.
The problem is that you're not servicing the event loop from your Scilab code, without which the flurry of messages from the OS to do with actually putting the window on the screen never get through and handled. Assuming you want your code to stop and wait for the viewing to be done, you can just change the Tcl/Tk code to be:
image create photo img -file <filepath>
if {![winfo exists .mylabel]} {
pack [label .mylabel]
.mylabel configure -image img
wm deiconify .
# Wait for the user to ask for the window to be closed
wm protocol . WM_DELETE_WINDOW {set done 1}
vwait done
# Process the close immediately
wm withdraw .
There's nothing very special about the done variable. We're just waiting for it to be set in the callback. I've added a bit of extra code to allow you to call this twice (i.e., conditionally creating the widget, ensuring that . is displayed and then hiding it at the end).
The simplest technique if you don't want to keep everything in the same process is to run your original script as a separate program, effectively doing:
wish <path_to_tcl_file>
I don't know what the easiest way to do that from Scilab is.

Lua script pc to sleep

So i got a new keyboard wit hG-keys. (hotkeys) And i'm not familiar with lua...
So could anybody give me a very simple command that sets my pc to sleep? please?
if gkey == 7 and mkey == 1 then
if event == "G_PRESSED" then
so gkey is the key that is pressed, and mkey is the set it uses. i can have up to 54 differint scripts/macro's.
I want to know what i have to put after the last 'then' so my pc goes to sleep.
thx ahead
edit 1:
got this:
if gkey == 1 and mkey == 3 then
if event == "G_PRESSED" then
execute("rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState 0,1,0");
error is: [string "LuaVM"]:40: attempt to call global 'execute'(a nil value)
and with os.execute i get this error:
[string "LuaVM"]:40: attempt to index global 'os'(a nil value)
final answer: not possible with gseries keyboard. use a shortcut
Given the reference to G-keys and the G_PRESSED in your code snippet, I am assuming you have one of the Logitech G-Series keyboards. These keyboards can be programmed so that certain keys run Lua scripts using a custom Lua 5.1 interpreter. The documentation is included with Logitech's Gaming Software program.
According to the documentation, only some of the standard library functions are supported: the string, math and table are available. However, the io, os and debug libraries are not available.
So I doubt you'll be able to make your PC go to sleep.
EDIT in response to OP edit: the Lua library you have access to has the os library removed, so you're probably not going to be able to make your computer sleep directly.
There might be an indirect way to do this by writing something that listens for debugging messages, which you can generate with OutputDebugMessage. There's a Team Speak plugin that does this. But it's probably beyond your programming ability right now and far beyond the scope of a Stackoverflow post to explain.
You can use os.execute to run an executable from Lua.
If you google "Windows sleep command line" you'll get another Stackoverflow post which shows two ways of doing it. One requires that you turn hibernation off, the other requires that you download an additional utility (PsShutdown).
Assuming you've downloaded PsShutdown and put it somewhere in your PATH, then you can use the following to sleep the computer:
os.execute('psshutdown -d -t 0')

Simple program that reads and writes to a pipe

Although I am quite familiar with Tcl this is a beginner question. I would like to read and write from a pipe. I would like a solution in pure Tcl and not use a library like Expect. I copied an example from the tcl wiki but could not get it running.
My code is:
cd /tmp
catch {
console show
proc go {} {
puts "executing go"
set pipe [open "|cat" RDWR]
fconfigure $pipe -buffering line -blocking 0
fileevent $pipe readable [list piperead $pipe]
if {![eof $pipe]} {
puts $pipe "hello cat program!"
flush $pipe
set got [gets $pipe]
puts "result: $got"
The output is executing go\n result:, however I would expect that reading a value from the pipe would return the line that I have sent to the cat program.
What is my error?
I followed potrzebie's answer and got a small example working. That's enough to get me going. A quick workaround to test my setup was the following code (not a real solution but a quick fix for the moment).
cd /home/stephan/tmp
catch {
console show
puts "starting pipe"
set pipe [open "|cat" RDWR]
fconfigure $pipe -buffering line -blocking 0
after 10
puts $pipe "hello cat!"
flush $pipe
set got [gets $pipe]
puts "got from pipe: $got"
Writing to the pipe and flushing won't make the OS multitasking immediately leave your program and switch to the cat program. Try putting after 1000 between the puts and the gets command, and you'll see that you'll probably get the string back. cat has then been given some time slices and has had the chance to read it's input and write it's output.
You can't control when cat reads your input and writes it back, so you'll have to either use fileevent and enter the event loop to wait (or periodically call update), or periodically try reading from the stream. Or you can keep it in blocking mode, in which case gets will do the waiting for you. It will block until there's a line to read, but meanwhile no other events will be responded to. A GUI for example, will stop responding.
The example seem to be for Tk and meant to be run by wish, which enters the event loop automatically at the end of the script. Add the piperead procedure and either run the script with wish or add a vwait command to the end of the script and run it with tclsh.
PS: For line-buffered I/O to work for a pipe, both programs involved have to use it (or no buffering). Many programs (grep, sed, etc) use full buffering when they're not connected to a terminal. One way to prevent them to, is with the unbuffer program, which is part of Expect (you don't have to write an Expect script, it's a stand-alone program that just happens to be included with the Expect package).
set pipe [open "|[list unbuffer grep .]" {RDWR}]
I guess you're executing the code from http://wiki.tcl.tk/3846, the page entitled "Pipe vs Expect". You seem to have omitted the definition of the piperead proc, indeed, when I copy-and-pasted the code from your question, I got an error invalid command name "piperead". If you copy-and-paste the definition from the wiki, you should find that the code works. It certainly did for me.
