Finding application icons within an iTunes iOS backup - ios

Is it possible to extract an iOS application's icon from its files within a locally stored iTunes iOS backup? I've searched the backup manifest and app related files and can find the list of installed apps, but no icons. Currently I am using the domain name as an input to the Apple iTunes search API.
for "com.facebook.Messenger"
Ideal would be to extract from the backup files directly.

I remember at the time of 16 years, the time can also access to the application of through itunes. The ipa file and then through the ipa file modification extension into the. Zip file, directly open the can get the current English local resources, and then from the Payload folder to find the app file, right-click the display file content, can be read into the application of more local resources, basic inside it will include the app icon resources and Assets inside pictures, and so on
Unfortunately, I also forgot that the specific time was 17 years ago. This function was cancelled by an update of Itunes. However, we can still get the.ipa file package of the App with the help of three party tools in MAC, such as PP assistant and iToos. Then the relevant local resources of the application can be obtained through the method I just described
l hope help you


How to Flutter write files to iOS iPhone "Find on my phone" Folder

My goal is to allow my app user write and read files created by my app. For example, write and then allow the user to email a .CSV file of data, or a .GPX file of location data. And on the other end, import a file back into my application.
I have successfully deployed an Android version of my app (Plant List GPS) which uses Flutter plugin path_provider 1.6.10. On Android, I successfully use external directories, but this external directories solution is not available/allowed for iOS. I find on iOS I can create subfolders and write to the getApplicationDocumentsDirectory, but when I try to find/read that file from a file picker solution, it cannot be seen. I understand this is proper behavior to protect sensitive app files in this folder location.
I also understand that iOS has the concept of an app Sandbox and appreciate its objectives. I'm not trying to defeat it, but find a way to access/use it in my Flutter app. I have played around in writing test data files to various places on the iOS file system using the iPhone 11 simulator on my MacBook, but can not get any file to appear in the phone "Find on my phone" dialog.
Any help in solution approach or technique is appreciated.
I think you need to add both the keys into info.plist, and then files from your app directory will be visible on Files app!

Create a file through a Cordova/Phonegap app that can be opened by another app (ios)?

I'm able to create and save files using cordova-plugin-file, and have been saving and accessing them from within the app to cordova.file.documentsDirectory.
The problem it seems is that all the directories that one can save to are private, Cordova-plugin-file documentation
I would like to be able to have these files saved in (or moved to) the ios blue "files" folder, so that they can be opened by other apps such as Numbers, Pages, etc. It seems so simple there has to be a way to do this, but I can't find it after more than a few evenings of searching and trying different ways.
I'd be grateful if someone could point me in the right direction.
From what I can tell you can save to the documents directory "cordova.file.documentsDirectory". By default this directory is shared with iCloud, so a file saved here could be opened through the ios File folder and a user could then select the files and hit the share icon to open with the appropriate app, such as Numbers etc.
In order to turn on iCloud you have to pay the developer fee to Apple and select the options to do so. I found the article "Working with the Files App in iOS 11" to be helpful in starting this process.
I don't have the paid developer account yet, but from what I'm reading it should work once I activate one. I'm open to a better solution or critique.

Having a bit of trouble with copying a local file on iOS

Having only worked with Android/web dev before I am having a hard time figuring out where in the world my file should be getting copied to in iOS. After reading the file browser documentation on the iOS developer resource page it says that each app is an "island" which contains its own folder system. If I want to have my user be able to copy a file from my app's sdk to their iOS device, where should I put it?
I downloaded a file browser app from the app store on my iOS testing device but am I right in thinking that there is no global file browsing system?
I am using a Cordova plugin called Asset2sd which works perfectly for me in Android, getting the root storage folder and downloading the file to there. It has no iOS alternative so I'm going to have to figure something else out, I just need to know where to start. Do I have to have the user access my app's internal files somehow? Can I create a folder for them to look in when they download my app? Some documentation or something would be wonderful. I am totally lost.
You're right. Apps don't have access to the global file system. Each app only has access to their own app directory. Here's in-depth information on Sandboxing:
In your app's sandbox, you basically can manage files as you want, i.e. download, copy, move, delete, etc. So you can create a folder Downloads in your apps documents directory and then display the contents of this folder for instance in a table view.
Related documentation/links:

Retrieve files from iOS app Documents folder via command line

For the project I work on, we have to set up performance metrics. The way we do it is that the simulator writes CSV files to a known location. We then retrieve theses files and make graphs out of it. Piece of cake.
We also have these tests running on the device. In that case, the files are created in the Documents directory.
While I can retrieve these files via the organizer, I'd be much more interested in automating that.
How can I retrieve files from an iPhone app via the command line rather than the organizer?
You can actually access the content of your app from your computer, using (originally .
It's as simple as :
./ios-deploy --download=/Documents --bundle_id com.mycompany.myapp -2 dest_dir
You can do much more, like listing the content of the app, debug using lldb etc.
You can use iFuse, as part of libimobiledevice
You can not access the documents folder on your iOS device from your computer without itunes.
I run an webserver within my app so i can download the files via http. For zero configuration setup i use Apples Bonjour.
look here:

Firemonkey app. needs data updates

I have a client database iPad/Iphone iOS application running OK. I wish to be able to easily update the data associated with the application and the ideal solution would be to read from a text file on my PC when I am connected to iTunes on my (Windows XP) PC.
Can my iPhone/iPad app open a file on my PC when connected to iTunes? I can't get a file path specification that will work (allow me to open a file on my PC).
I have also investigated the iTunes FILE SHARING facility, requires a manual modification to the application .PLIST file to turn this on. Since whenever I rebuild and "Export to XCode" my application a new .PLIST file is generated I have to manualy edit it each time to get the file sharing changes made so this seems to not be the answer.
Alternatively packaging the file with the iOS application would be workable. I get some sort of application checksum error if I drop the data file into the xCode application.. not sure why. I understood this was the mechanism to get the data file packaged with the project. Maybe I am dropping the data file in the wrong place...
Any help/suggestions would be appreciated.
Looks like the menu item Deployment under the Project drop down menu in XE2 does the job. Allows files, images etc to be packaged up with the application.
