Implementing a back button without navigation controller - ios

I'm kind of new to programming in swift and in general in xcode. I'm creating my first app and i've run into this issue that i cant seem to find a fix for online..
my first scene is a view controller with two buttons where you pick a language and it redirects you to the appropriate tab controller in that language.. now I'd like to add a back button to those tab controllers in order to go back in case you picked the wrong language.
what I've tried so far doesn't really work..
I have tried using a navigation controller but they dont show on the first view controller so that doesnt help me, ive tried putting just a navigation bar and adding a navigation item (see pictures below) but the back button isnt rendered correctly and cannot be reached..
help is much appreciated !!

You can use first UIView and set top constraint 0 with safe area. See image
Hope it helps.


Swift Two Tab Bars shown and not sure why?

Does anybody know why I might have these stacked tab bar?
I don't see where this would be in any of my view controllers and what code i would even look for. If guidance on what would even generate this would help. It's a fixed bar on the bottom and I'm trying to remove it. I am not sure when it started to show up here anyways. It serves no purpose for me. It also shows up on each of the tabs when I click on each of them.
You are using a searchBar, if you want just one bar you would have to move the searchBar to the top of the screen
hope this helps
I ended up figuring out what I did wrong. At some point, I clicked "shows toolbar" in the navigation controller that was embedded in the tab view controller. When I unchecked this the second toolbar went away.
Thanks for everyones help.

Same tab bar on every view

I'm trying to create an app with three primary views (maybe even more in the future) that you can always get to from anywhere.
The tab bar controller works great for that, I have 3 icons in the bar for every view. However, when branching off from any of those to other modal views, the tab bar is obviously no longer there.
I got around it by embedding one view in a container, so it is not overlapping the tab bar, but I cannot do the same thing for another view. (fx. on the screenshot you can see Zastavky Table View, I would like to be able to get to another view by clicking cell in this one, yet still have a tabbar on the bottom)
Screenshot of storyboard:
Do you guys have any idea how this could be done? Is my whole concept wrong here? Thank you very much! :)
Use navigation with show segue.
| `--UIViewControllerA
| `--UIViewControllerB
This construct may help you.

Navigation Controller not showing Root View (just white space)

long time lurker first time poster here. My question is about Navigation Controllers in Xcode 6.1.1.
Basically I've created a feed app that grabs posts from my Wordpress Site and shows them in a table list. When an item from the list is selected, a web view shows the url from the selected item. I want to manage moving between these two views (table and webview) with a navigation controller, so I embedded one into the table list view on my storyboard establishing the table view as the Root. When I run the app, I get a blank screen with an empty navigation bar at the top of the screen (nav controller is set to initial view). I expect to see the list view inside the controller but I get nada. In the past I've been able to do this without writing any code and it's worked no problem.
Not sure why this is happening, but I'm sure it's something really simple that I'm overlooking. Any help would be awesome. Thanks for looking.
Fixed the issue. I knew it was going to be something really small. All I had to do was add a Navigation Item to the Table View Controller. Once I gave the nav item a title, I embedded the Navigation Controller and everything works as expected now.
I got the idea by throwing a navigation controller object onto my story board and cross referencing the canned relationship against my own and that's the only thing that was missing. Thanks for all your help.

Yelp Middle UITabBar Navigation

I am trying to do a UX like Yelp's middle UITabBar item with navigation. I saw and am using it to get the pop-up UIButtons. However, when I try to navigate to other view controllers from the buttons I can't get anything working. Note, I am using the storyboard. I need a navigation controller since each of the pop-up buttons will navigate to separate VCs. I am probably missing something very basic, but am not seeing it. Thanks!!
I finally came back to this. I ended up using a container view where the ...didSelectItem:(BROptionItem*)item method dictates which child view to navigate to.
I found this to be the most helpful for my situation:

How to reduce the click access length of a tab in uitabbarcontroller?

The title won't clear the actual problem. Let me explain clearly.
I have a tabbarcontoller in the viewcontroller which is the main view controller of the single view application project.
I added Navigationcontrollers to the tabbarcontroller. So that I can navigate(push/pop) from one viewcontroller to other.
I added a subview to the mainview of a single navigation controller.
When I click the button near to the tabbar, it doesn't get clicked and the tabbaritem button gets access and shows that tab.
The below image will explain well,
If I click the show button, it opens the receipts tab.
How to reduce the click access boundary of the tabbar in tabbarcontroller?
I can't get any solution regarding this.
Frankly, i've written a bunch of applications which have controls near the tab bar and i've never encountered such behaviour.
Check if you have custom tabbar controller with custom frame.
Also try to use Reveal App ( to check the buttons' frame at runtime, it will help you to understand what's going on. They have trial version as i remember.
Hope it will help :)
Choose the custom button for this and add in tabbar.
