Yelp Middle UITabBar Navigation - ios

I am trying to do a UX like Yelp's middle UITabBar item with navigation. I saw and am using it to get the pop-up UIButtons. However, when I try to navigate to other view controllers from the buttons I can't get anything working. Note, I am using the storyboard. I need a navigation controller since each of the pop-up buttons will navigate to separate VCs. I am probably missing something very basic, but am not seeing it. Thanks!!

I finally came back to this. I ended up using a container view where the ...didSelectItem:(BROptionItem*)item method dictates which child view to navigate to.
I found this to be the most helpful for my situation:


Implementing a back button without navigation controller

I'm kind of new to programming in swift and in general in xcode. I'm creating my first app and i've run into this issue that i cant seem to find a fix for online..
my first scene is a view controller with two buttons where you pick a language and it redirects you to the appropriate tab controller in that language.. now I'd like to add a back button to those tab controllers in order to go back in case you picked the wrong language.
what I've tried so far doesn't really work..
I have tried using a navigation controller but they dont show on the first view controller so that doesnt help me, ive tried putting just a navigation bar and adding a navigation item (see pictures below) but the back button isnt rendered correctly and cannot be reached..
help is much appreciated !!
You can use first UIView and set top constraint 0 with safe area. See image
Hope it helps.

Swift loading ViewController on TableViewCell Design

As I understand it, one of the best ways of handling opening Views upon clicking a particular tableViewCell is by pushing to the ViewController.
However, this apparently only works if you only embed the ViewController in a NavigationController.
Would you then have to embed each individual ViewController in an Navigation Controller?
This sounds sort of repetitive and tedious - is this good practice?
This tutorial uses navigation controllers on all of the view controllers, but doesn't really say why
I just use one navigation controller, and it works fine for me. I've used one and had segues between multiple viewControllers including several tables as well as using buttons in some places, and still been able to navigate super easily. In main.storyboard, just select the first view that's going to be a part of it, then go to Editor>Embed In>Navigation Controller. Then, you just add in your segues (I believe they should all be Show(e.g. Push) segues to work correctly)
When running your app, there should be a bar at the top which can be used to go back (you can also edit the bar by adding other buttons or changing the color and title).
Here's some documentation from apple

Navigation Controller not showing Root View (just white space)

long time lurker first time poster here. My question is about Navigation Controllers in Xcode 6.1.1.
Basically I've created a feed app that grabs posts from my Wordpress Site and shows them in a table list. When an item from the list is selected, a web view shows the url from the selected item. I want to manage moving between these two views (table and webview) with a navigation controller, so I embedded one into the table list view on my storyboard establishing the table view as the Root. When I run the app, I get a blank screen with an empty navigation bar at the top of the screen (nav controller is set to initial view). I expect to see the list view inside the controller but I get nada. In the past I've been able to do this without writing any code and it's worked no problem.
Not sure why this is happening, but I'm sure it's something really simple that I'm overlooking. Any help would be awesome. Thanks for looking.
Fixed the issue. I knew it was going to be something really small. All I had to do was add a Navigation Item to the Table View Controller. Once I gave the nav item a title, I embedded the Navigation Controller and everything works as expected now.
I got the idea by throwing a navigation controller object onto my story board and cross referencing the canned relationship against my own and that's the only thing that was missing. Thanks for all your help.

master controller with buttons needs to load pageviewcontroller. master buttons not accessible after first load

I am new to xcode and IOS (and this board. First post).
I am completely flummoxed by a design problem and unsure how to approach.
I have three buttons, each of which calls a new array of pages that need to navigate horizontally with swipe gestures and have their own buttons.
The three buttons in the parent work exactly like a tab bar except they have to be bigger and higher than a tab bar would be. The called page arrays mostly work like a pageviewcontroller except that the pages need to have a button/indicator below to allow non sequential navigation. The target HAS TO LOAD WITH A SEGUE.
The problem I'm encountering is that using a modal segue to load a pageviewcontroller and prepareForSegue to keep the master/parent view controller visible results in my buttons being inaccessible. I assume its because I cant click thought the child view controller.
Secondly, I don't know if its possible to customize the page indicator dots of a pageviewcontroller so they can look like a bar with graphics.
Here are my specific questions:
Is it possible to load a view controller with a modal segue and still access my buttons? Can the child be resized?
can i customize the buttons/indicators in a pageviewcontroller. Can you point me to some code?
should navigation like this be done with some completely different approach? What about a view controller container?
Here's a diagram (cant post images directly yet)
I've found the answer to my second question: It seems that pageViewController's indicators are not customizable in any way. This rules out pageViewController for what I need.
9 Views in 10 hours. Is this not the best forum for questions like this or is there something wrong with my post?

Need a solution for a UINavigationController, with a back button to the application

In my app I would like to have a way to make the user go to a website, but not leave my app.
I do that with a UIWebView.
I'd like to constantly have a "Back to app" button on the NavigationBar on the top.
The rest of the Web navigation (back, forward) should be on the top as well, but appear and disappear with the context.
The problem is that I don't know how to make the buttons appear on the UINavigationController.
How can this be done?
I have my UIWebViewDelegate set up to receive all the relevant functions, but the buttons don't appear.
EDIT: I need to solve this programmatically
As of iOS 5, there are leftBarButtonItems and rightBarButtonItems (note the plural) properties on UINavigationItem, so there's a way to have more buttons. It seems to me that these are only accessible programmatically, but not from Interface Builder.
If you can, my suggestion is to not just add the Web View as a subview, but to give it its own ViewController and push that on the Navigation Controller's stack. That'll give you your back button for free (that's kind of what UINavigationController was designed for, after all). And it should help you to keep the web browsing code separated form the other stuff in your app.
NB: in your case, you'll have set the leftItemsSupplementBackButton property of the Browser View Controller's navigationItem to YES to get the automatic back button (the details are in the documentation)
You can not have more than two buttons on the NavigationController's navbar without doing some tricks. There are two properties self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem and self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem. If not, add a custom view and place the buttons there. A good way to implement multiple buttons with multiple actions is shown here.
