For my thesis I am trying to modify the loss function of faster-rcnn with regards to recognizing table structures.
Currently I am using Facebooks Detectron. Seems to be working great but I am now actively trying to modify the loss function. Debugging my code I notice this is where the loss functions are added
def add_fast_rcnn_losses(model):
"""Add losses for RoI classification and bounding box regression."""
cls_prob, loss_cls =
['cls_score', 'labels_int32'], ['cls_prob', 'loss_cls'],
loss_bbox =
'bbox_pred', 'bbox_targets', 'bbox_inside_weights',
loss_gradients = blob_utils.get_loss_gradients(model, [loss_cls, loss_bbox])
model.Accuracy(['cls_prob', 'labels_int32'], 'accuracy_cls')
model.AddLosses(['loss_cls', 'loss_bbox'])
return loss_gradients
The debugger cant find any declaration or implementation of nor SoftmaxWithLoss. Detectron uses caffe, and when I look in the net_builder (which inits the I see it makes "binds"(dont know the proper word) to caffe2, which on itself is a pylib with a compiled lib behind it.
Am I looking in the wrong place to make a minor adjustment to this loss function, or will I really have to open de source from dcaffe, adjust the loss, recompile the lib?
You should implement loss function by yourself. Modifying library source code and recompile it - isn't very good idea :)
You can create python function, that will take GT and predicted data and return loss value.
Also you can create a duplicate of L1-smooth or Cross-entropy, which is currently used and then, when you will make sure, that they are the same, you can modify them. Or you can implement, for example, L2 loss for boxes and use it instead.
More information about custom losses you can find in caffee documentation.
As I am working on my project that is to detect FOD (Foreign Object Debirs) that is found on the runway. FOD include anything like nuts, bolts, screws, locking wires, plastic debris, stones etc. that has the potential to cause damage to the aircraft. Now I have searched on the Internet to find any image dataset but no dataset is available related to FOD. Now my question is kindly guide me that how can I make my own dataset of images that can then be used for training purpose.
Kindly guide me in making image dataset for both classification and detection purposes. And also the data pre-processing that will be required. Thanks and waiting for the reply!
Although the question is a bit vague regarding your requirements and the specs of your machine, I'll try to answer it. You'll need object detection to do your task. There are many models available which you can use like Yolo, SSD, etc..
To create your own dataset, you can follow these steps:
Take lots of images of your objects of interest in various conditions, viewpoints and backgrounds. (Around 2000 per class should be good enough).
Now annotate (or mark) where your object is in the image. If you're using Yolo, make use of Yolo-mark for annotating. There should be other similar tools for SSD and other models.
Now you can begin training.
These steps should get you started or at least point you in the right direction.
You can build your own dataset with this code. I wrote it, and it works correctly.
You need to import the libraries and add your DATADIR.
if __name__ == "__main__":
for category in CATEGORIES:
path = os.path.join(DATADIR, category)
class_num = CATEGORIES.index(category)
for img in os.listdir(path):
img_array = cv2.imread(os.path.join(path,img))
new_array = cv2.resize(img_array, (IMG_SIZE, IMG_SIZE))
training_data.append([new_array, class_num])
except Exception as e:
for features, label in training_data:
#create pikle
pickle_out = open("x_train.pickle", "wb")
pickle.dump(x_train, pickle_out)
pickle_out = open("y_train.pickle", "wb")
pickle.dump(y_train, pickle_out)
In case if you're starting completely from scratch, you can use "Dataset Directory", available on Play store. The App helps you in creating custom datasets using your mobile. You'll have to sign in to your Google drive such that your dataset is stored in Drive rather on your mobile. Additionally, It also contains Labelling the entity for classification and Regression predictive models.
Currently, the App supports Binary Image Classification and Image Regression.
Hope this Helped!
Download Link :
I was going through this post in the pytorch forum, and I also wanted to do this. The original post removes and adds layers but I think my situation is not that different. I also want to add layers or more filters or word embeddings. My main motivation is that the AI agent does not know the whole vocabulary/dictionary in advance because its large. I prefer strongly (for the moment) to not do character by character RNNs.
So what will happen for me is when the agent starts a forward pass it might find new words it has never seen and will need to add them to the embedding table (or perhaps add new filters before it starts the forward pass).
So what I want to make sure is:
embeddings are added correctly (at the right time, when a new computation graph is made) so that they are updatable by the optimizer
no issues with stored info of past parameters e.g. if its using some sort of momentum
How does one do this? Any sample code that works?
Just to add an answer to the title of your question: "How does one dynamically add new parameters to optimizers in Pytorch?"
You can append params at any time to the optimizer:
import torch
import torch.optim as optim
model = torch.nn.Linear(2, 2)
# Initialize optimizer
optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=0.001, momentum=0.9)
extra_params = torch.randn(2, 2)
optimizer.param_groups.append({'params': extra_params })
#then you can print your `extra_params`
print("extra params", extra_params)
print("optimizer params", optimizer.param_groups)
That is a tricky question, as I would argue that the answer is "depends", in particular on how you want to deal with the optimizer.
Let's start with your specific problem - an embedding. In particular, you are asking on how to add embeddings to allow for a larger vocabulary dynamically. My first advice is, that if you have a good sense of an upper boundary of your vocabulary size, make the embedding large enough to cope with it from the beginning, as this is more efficient, and as you will need the memory eventually anyway. But this is not what you asked. So - to dynamically change your embedding, you'll need to overwrite your old one with a new one, and inform your optimizer of the change. You can simply do that whenever you run into an exception with your old embedding, in a try ... except block. This should roughly follow this idea:
# from within whichever module owns the embedding
# remember the already trained weights
old_embedding_weights =
# create a new embedding of the new size
self.embedding = nn.Embedding(new_vocab_size, embedding_dim)
# initialize the values for the new embedding. this does random, but you might want to use something like GloVe
new_weights = torch.randn(new_vocab_size, embedding_dim)
# as your old values may have been updated, you want to retrieve these updates values
new_weights[:old_vocab_size] = old_embedding_weights
However, you should not do this for every single new word you receive, as this copying takes time (and a whole lot of memory, as the embedding exists twice for a short time - if you're nearly out memory, just make your embedding large enough from the start). So instead increase the size dynamically by a couple of hundred slots at a time.
Additionally, this first step already raises some questions:
How does my respective nn.Module know about the new embedding parameter?
The __setattr__ method of nn.Module takes care of that (see here)
Second, why don't I simply change my parameter? That's already pointing towards some of the problems of changing the optimizer: pytorch internally keeps references by object ID. This means that if you change your object, all these references will point towards a potentially incompatible object, as its properties have changed. So we should simply create a new parameter instead.
What about other nn.Parameters or nn.Modules that are not embeddings? These you treat the same. You basically just instantiate them, and attach them to their parent module. The __setattr__ method will take care of the rest. So you can do so completely dyncamically ...
Except, of course, the optimizer. The optimizer is the only other thing that "knows" about your parameters except for your main model-module. So you need to let the optimizer know of any change.
And this is tricky, if you want to be sophisticated about it, and very easy if you don't care about keeping the optimizer state. However, even if you want to be sophisticated about it, there is a very good reason why you probably should not do this anyways. More about that below.
Anyways, if you don't care, a simple
# simply overwrite your old optimizer
optimizer = optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=0.001)
will do. If you care, however, you want to transfer your old state, you can do so the same way that you can store, and later load parameters and optimizer states from disk: using the .state_dict() and .load_state_dict() methods. This, however, does only work with a twist:
# extract the state dict from your old optimizer
old_state_dict = optimizer.state_dict()
# create a new optimizer
optimizer = optim.SGD(model.parameters())
new_state_dict = optimizer.state_dict()
# the old state dict will have references to the old parameters, in state_dict['param_groups'][xyz]['params'] and in state_dict['state']
# you now need to find the parameter mismatches between the old and new statedicts
# if your optimizer has multiple param groups, you need to loop over them, too (I use xyz as a placeholder here. mostly, you'll only have 1 anyways, so just replace xyz with 0
new_pars = [p for p in new_state_dict['param_groups'][xyz]['params'] if not p in old_state_dict['param_groups'][xyz]['params']]
old_pars = [p for p in old_state_dict['param_groups'][xyz]['params'] if not p in new_state_dict['param_groups'][xyz]['params']]
# then you remove all the outdated ones from the state dict
for pid in old_pars:
# and add a new state for each new parameter to the state:
for pid in new_pars:
old_state_dict['state'][pid] = { ... } # your new state def here, depending on your optimizer
However, here's the reason why you should probably never update your optimizer like this, but should instead re-initialize from scratch, and just accept the loss of state information: When you change your computation graph, you change forward and backward computation for all parameters along your computation path (if you do not have a branching architecture, this path will be your entire graph). This more specifically means, that the input to your functions (=layer/nn.Module) will be different if you change some function (=layer/nn.Module) applied earlier, and the gradients will change if you change some function (=layer/nn.Module) applied later. That in turn invalidates the entire state of your optimizer. So if you keep your optimizer's state around, it will be a state computed for a different computation graph, and will probably end up in catastrophic behavior on part of your optimizer, if you try to apply it to a new computation graph. (I've been there ...)
So - to sum it up: I'd really recommend to try to keep it simple, and to only change a parameter as conservatively as possible, and not to touch the optimizer.
If you want to customize initial params:
from itertools import chain
l1 = nn.Linear(3,3)
l2 = nn.Linear(2,3)
optimizer = optim.SGD(chain(l1.parameters(), l2.parameters()), lr=0.01, momentum=0.9)
The key is that the first param of constructor receives iterator.
To Long To Read: How can I use Batch Normalization with tf.contrib.layers.batch_norm without having to explicitly tell session to update the moving_statistics (moving_mean and moving_variance) or not?
A few months ago I provided an answer to How could I use Batch Normalization in TensorFlow? and noticed a few weird details that I wanted to address. First it seems that the implementation that I provide seems repetitive with respect to the is_training variable. Recall my suggested code:
from tensorflow.contrib.layers.python.layers import batch_norm as batch_norm
def batch_norm_layer(x,train_phase,scope_bn):
bn_train = batch_norm(x, decay=0.999, center=True, scale=True,
reuse=None, # is this right?
bn_inference = batch_norm(x, decay=0.999, center=True, scale=True,
reuse=True, # is this right?
z = tf.cond(train_phase, lambda: bn_train, lambda: bn_inference)
return z
in it I have a train_phase variable that just holds a tf boolean tf.placeholder(tf.bool, name='phase_train'). As you can see, it is used to decide if the batch norm layer should be in inference mode or not. However, the variable seemed a little redundant, since it seems I have two variables that specify the same thing twice. i.e. once in train_phase and another in is_training. Is that really necessary?
I thought about it a bit and it seems I might to be able to remove the hard coded (is_training=True/False) with the (pseudo)code:
from tensorflow.contrib.layers.python.layers import batch_norm as batch_norm
def batch_norm_layer(x,train_phase,scope_bn):
bn = batch_norm(x, decay=0.999, center=True, scale=True,
reuse=None, # is this right?
z = tf.cond(train_phase, lambda: bn, lambda: bn)
return z
which seems to make the train_phase variable completely redundant/silly. This actually highlights my most important point, is the train_phase variable and tf.cond(train_phase, lambda: bn_train, lambda: bn_inference) even necessary? Which actually brings up my biggest complaint about the code (though I think this code might not even run because when defining the graph the placeholder train_phase might not even have a value but you get the idea).
Honestly I find having to even explicitly define train_phase very dangerous because it seems very unnecessary for users to have to handle the inference/training mode of Batch Norm this explicitly. Though, "normal" users of Batch Norm should always update the moving_mean,moving_variance with the train data and any standard user of Batch Norm should not be updating moving_mean,moving_variance with test statistics at any time. Since the user is required to do:, feed_dict={x: batch_xs, y_: batch_ys, phase_train=True})
it can bring cause really bad bugs for users that shouldn't even exist in the first place (at least in my opinion). Furthermore, it seems weird to have to explicitly say what the phase_train is because whenever one trains, one uses an optimizer, so it should be incredibly clear when that code is called that it should be true. Maybe this is a terrible idea but it feels like the optimizer or the session should be setting that to true automatically rather than relying on the user to do it right.
I understand that sometimes users are allowed more flexibility to be more creative but I can't really appreciate how this (even for a researcher) be a good feature. Maybe I am just using the library incorrectly or being paranoic, but should the user really be forced to be so explicit when using batch norm? Is there some way around this?
As a side point, having the phase_train be part of the model also makes the code be a bit more ugly and confusing than it feels necessary because it seems to me that its unavoidable to have a line of code where the session is being used to check if the batch norm flag is on or not. The code I am trying to avoid writing is the logic:
if batch_norm:
# during training, feed_dict={x: batch_xs, y_: batch_ys, phase_train=True})
# with no batch norm, feed_dict={x: batch_xs, y_: batch_ys})
it just feels totally unnecessary. It feels the during training the model should know if it should be updating the variables or not.
As quick (really ugly) solution to the last problem with the if condition in the session, one can always define phase_train as part of the model (or at least as part of the graph) and accordingly set it equal to true and/or false when appropriate but when one doesn't actually use the batch norm layer, one actually does not use the phase_train placeholder in the model even if we set it have a value in the i.e. the sessions sets it to true or false, but when BN is not being used, it doesn't even matter what one sets it equal to since its not actually being used. Obviously, this makes the code really confusing (since one is defining some variable one doesn't even need), but I can't seem to find a way to hide the phase_train variable. For the moment this is what I am going for because it seems really ugly to have to split (or duplicate) my code between lines that have:, feed_dict={...,phase_train=False})
and the ones that don't have it all:, feed_dict={...})
Ideally I want the second solution and have batch norm work regardless if I use the silly phase_train variable.
I don't really have a complete answer to your question, but I have a few observations:
The standard practice seems to be to build slightly different graphs for training and for inference, each built with or without is_training enabled.
The batch_norm layer is designed so that you can use an arg_scope to set is_training=True for all layers in your model. For example, take a look at how the Inceptionv3 model is defined here: . This at least makes it much more convenient to set is_training once in your Python code that builds a model and to have it apply everywhere.
Tensorflow's underlying infrastructure doesn't distinguish between training and inference timeāit's just running graphs of operators. tf.Session doesn't really know anything about Neural Networks, training, or inference, so it isn't the right place for this kind of logic.
One could imagine that an Optimizer should rewrite the graph to enable is_training for those operators that support it. I don't have a strong opinion about this; you might try filing a Tensorflow Github issue making that feature request to see what others think about it. It might seem a bit too "magical".
Hope that helps!
I'm studying SVM and implemented this code , it's too basic,primitive and taking too much time but I just wanted to see how it actually works.Unfortunately,it is giving me bad results.What did I miss? Some coding error or mathematical mistakes? If you want to look at dataset , it's link here. I taked it from UCI Machine Learning Repository. Thanks for your deal.
def hypo(x,q):
return 1/(1+np.exp(
##mean normalization
for i in range(q.size-1):
for i in range(2000):
for j in range(q.size):
q[j]=q[j]-(C*np.sum( -y*np.log(hypo(x,q))-(1-y)*np.log(1-hypo(x,q))) ) + (0.5*np.sum(q**2))
for i in range(y.size):
if h[i]>=0:
print y[i],'1'
print y[i],'0'
Depending on your data, it's very usual that Simple Implementation of SVM give you bad result. You must try advanced version on SVM implementation(e.g Sickit SVM) you can also check this:
SVM has types of implementation and parameters like different kernels(e.g rbf). You must check them and try them with different parameter(depending on your data) and compare results to each other.
You can use Grid Search approach for comparing(check this:
What kind of settings Hyperopt provides to adjust balance between exploration with exploitation ? There's something like "bandit" and "bandit_algo" in the code but no explanation.
Could someone provide any code sample.
Thanks a lot for any help!
I just found hyperopt partial() a magical wrapper function for the optimizer algo. It allows to balance between different strategies and then E/E:
Partial returns the result of a randomly-chosen suggest function. For example to search by sometimes using random search, sometimes anneal, and sometimes tpe, type:
(.1, rand.suggest),
(.2, anneal.suggest),
(.7, tpe.suggest),]),
Parameter "p_suggest": list of (probability, suggest) pairs. Make a suggestion from one of the suggest functions, in proportion to its corresponding probability. sum(probabilities) must be [close to] 1.0.
If you want an even sharper control of algo progression: you can use the fact that hyperopt optimizer algos are stateless and return the trial object which can be provided as an input to a new fmin to continue the process. Then you can call fmin with max_evals at 1 and handle the process in a loop, therefore you could modify "trials" and "suggest algo" between each iteration.
For the best bet, read the papers by Bergstra et. al. 1 2 and 3. I am not 100% clear on what the bandit_algo is, except that one of the papers mentions it as an alternative method to Gaussian Process and Tree of Parzen Estimators - maybe you can use it in the same way as those two?
My guess is that if it not documented, it may not be finished yet. You can try raising an issue on Github - the devs are fairly responsive from what I have seen.
EDIT: Looking at this paper, these bandit algorithms may be the base class that the others inherit from.