Delete relationships and then add back to node neo4j - neo4j

I would like to get a node, delete all outgoing relationships of a certain type and then add back relationships.
The problem I have is that once I grab the node, it still maintains it's previous relationships even after delete so instead of having 1 it keeps doubling whatever it has. 1->2->4->8 etc
Sample graph:
CREATE (a:Basic {name:'a'})
CREATE (b:Basic {name:'b'})
CREATE (c:Basic {name:'c'})
CREATE (a)-[:TO]->(b)
CREATE (a)-[:SO]->(c)
The query to delete the previous relationships and then add in the new relationships. (this is just a brief sample where in reality it wouldn't add back the same relationships, but more then likely point it to a different node).
MATCH (a:Basic {name:'a'})
MATCH (b:Basic {name:'b'})
CREATE (a)-[:TO]->(b)
MATCH (c:Basic {name:'c'})
CREATE (a)-[:SO]->(c)
If I change the CREATE to MERGE then it solves the problem, but it feels odd to have to merge when I know that I just deleted all the relationships. Is there a way to update "a" midway through the query so it reflects the changes? I would like to keep it in one query

The behavior you observed is due the subtle fact that the OPTIONAL MATCH clause generated 2 rows of data, which caused all subsequent operations to be done twice.
To force there to be only a single row of data after the DELETE clause, you can use WITH DISTINCT a (instead of WITH a) right after the DELETE clause, like this:
MATCH (a:Basic {name:'a'})
MATCH (b:Basic {name:'b'})
CREATE (a)-[:TO]->(b)
MATCH (c:Basic {name:'c'})
CREATE (a)-[:SO]->(c)


I can't create a relationship between nodes and predecessors by cypher while creating the graph

I have the following file A.csv
I want to create with the nodes: 1,2,3 and its relationships 1->2->3 and 1->3
I have already tried to do so:
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'file:///A.csv' AS line
But it does not work, that is, it does not create any relationship.
Please, might you help me?
The problem is in your MERGE:
This is merging a :value labeled node and assigning it to the variable PREDECESSORS, which can't be what you want to do.
A better approach would be not save the predecessor data in the node, just use that to match on the relevant nodes and create the relationships.
It will also help to have an index on :Task(NODE) so your matches to the predecessors are quick.
Remember also that cypher queries do not process the entire query for each row, but rather each operation in the query is processed for each row, so once the CREATE executes, all nodes will be created, there's no need to use MERGE the predecessor nodes.
Try something like this:
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'file:///A.csv' AS line
CREATE (node:Task { NODE: line.NODE})
WITH node, SPLIT(line.PREDECESSORS, ';') as predecessors
MATCH (p:Task)
WHERE p.NODE in predecessors

Neo4j node/relation inconsistencies

When fetching or when I try to delete a specifc node like
where ID(p)=79259223
//drops p's relations
I get the following error
While loading relationships for Node[79259223] a Relationship[87331456] was encountered that had startNode: 80312215 and endNode: 83719851, i.e. which had neither start nor end node as the node we're loading relationships for
I also run the ConsistencyChecker what resulted in a big list of inconsistencys. However how can you fix these inconsistencys? I can not delete the nodes for instance
Here is a possible way to "fix" an occurrence of this error. Unfortunately, it is a fairly manual approach that has to be used for every node that encounters the same problem.
Before you delete the node, you can try to delete the inconsistent relationship by its native neo4j ID. For example:
MATCH ()-[r]->()
WHERE ID(r) = 87331456
NOTE: Before deleting that relationship, you should first try to take a look at it (e.g., replace DELETE WITH RETURN) to understand what you are planning to delete. You may want to do something else first or instead.
If that deletion works, then try to delete the node again, as follows:
WHERE ID(p) = 79259223
Notice that I use the DETACH DELETE syntax, which will attempt to delete all the relationships for the specified node.

Create a relationship only if not exist in neo4j

I want to add a relationship between two nodes, but only if the relationship does not exist. For example:
The Relationship between node1 and node2 currently exists with these properties: time:41221323,
I am trying to add a relationship with different properties for example:
In this case i want to keep the original properties on the relationship.
You can use the below CQL query:
MATCH(a: startNodeLabel {attributes to match start node})
MATCH(m:endNodeLabel {attributes to match end node})
The above merge statement creates relation between nodes a and m if there is no existing relationship between a and m.
You want either the MERGE or CREATE UNIQUE clause:
Also note that MERGE comes with additional ON CREATE SET and ON MATCH SET so you can control when properties get set.
I believe if you give either specific properties as part of the match syntax it will not create only if all of the properties match exactly.
Create Unique clause does serve this purpose. Neo4j Documet says
CREATE UNIQUE is in the middle of MATCH and CREATE — it will match
what it can, and create what is missing. CREATE UNIQUE will always
make the least change possible to the graph — if it can use parts of
the existing graph, it will.
START a=node(...), b=node(...)
return a,b;

How to delete and merge outgoing relationships on the same query

I am using cypher. I am trying to delete all out going relationships before creating new ones on the same query.
i have weird situation if the relations/nodes already existed it's working as expected. if They never been created before I get:
(no changes, no rows)
This is my query:
match (user{userId:'a'})-[r:nearby_wifi]->() delete r
MERGE (p1:BT{userId:'a'}) WITH p1, [{bssid:"0a:18:d6:c1:3d:fd",level:"-51",timestamp:"1973-08-27 02:26:35.423",venueName:""},{bssid:"04:18:d6:c2:3e:2a",level:"-55",timestamp:"1973-08-27 02:26:35.425",venueName:""},{bssid:"0e:18:d6:c1:3d:fd",level:"-53",timestamp:"1973-08-25 11:06:07.392",venueName:""}] AS wifis
UNWIND wifis AS wifi
MERGE (p2:WIFI{bssid: wifi.bssid})
MERGE (p1)-[r1:nearby_wifi]->(p2)
SET r1.dist=wifi.dist
SET p1.lastTimeActive=1460378030215
SET p2.level=wifi.level
SET p2.timestamp=wifi.timestamp
SET p2.venueName=wifi.venueName
Any idea why when combining delete and the merge executions I got no changes(when graph empty)?
Replace first match with optional match
For example if you have no client nodes in your database, but have some person nodes query
Match (p:Client) with p Match (r:Person) return *
will get nothing, but query
Optional Match (p:Client) with p Match (r:Person) return *
will give you Persons. I think neo4j optimizer stops executing query after it gets no results and with optional match it gets null, and continues executing.

Making a relation in neo4j

I am not sure what I am doing wrong here, so here is how I create nodes
CREATE (urlnode_1:UrlNode {url:'url1', nodenumber:1})
CREATE (urlnode_2:UrlNode {url:'url2', nodenumber:2})
I create relations as follows
(urlnode_1)-[:OutLink {anchor_text:['MY']}]->(urlnode_2)
Two nodes are created successfully first, now on running the code to create the relation, I would have liked the relation to exist between the two created nodes but it creates two new nodes say 3 and 4 and shows a relation between them. What am i doing wrong here?
To guide you the best way I can, let's sum up some Neo4j basics concerning node and relationships creation :
A node can have one or more labels, labels are meaned to group the nodes by domain (User, Speaker, Company, etc..see a label as a table name for e.g. ). A node can also have properties.
A relationship can have only ONE type, relationships are organizing the graph. Relationships can also have properties.
To create a node, you can use the CREATE writing clause :
CREATE (n:Person {firstname: 'John'})
The CREATE statement will not check if other nodes with same label and properties already exists, it will just create a new node
Relationships can also be created with the same clause :
MATCH (n:Person {firstname: 'John'}), (p:Person {firstname: 'Pierre'})
CREATE (n)-[:KNOWS]->(p)
A complete pattern can also be created in one go :
CREATE (n:Person {name:'Chris'})-[:KNOWS]->(p:Person {name:'Oliver'})
REMINDER : CREATE will not check for existing nodes.
MERGE will lazily check for existing nodes, see him as a MATCH OR CREATE clause :
MERGE (n:Person {firstname:'Fred'})
If the node with label Person and firstname Fred does not exist, the node will be created, otherwise nothing will happen. This is where come the handy ON MATCH and ON CREATE mentionned by #joslinm .
If you run this query multiple times after the node creation, your graph will not change, if you know the http protocol, you can say that MERGE is an indempotent request.
Be aware that, MERGE will ensure that an entire pattern exist in the database, by creating it if it does not already exist, meaning that if you do MERGE with a complete pattern, the entire pattern will be looked up for existence, not a single node :
Say a node with label Person and name property with value 'John' already exist in the db :
MERGE (n:Person {name:'John'})
will not affect the graph
However :
MERGE (n:Person {name:'John'})-[:KNOWS]->(:Person {name:'Nathalia'})
A new John node will be created, because the entire pattern does not exist.
It is recommended to use MERGE incrementally :
MERGE (n:Person {name:'John'})
MERGE (p:Person {name:'Nathalia'})
MERGE (n)-[:KNOWS]->(p)
If you want to know more about the MERGE clause, I can highly recommend you this wonderful article from Luanne on GraphAware :
If you create a relationship, a new one will get created every single time. They are not inherently unique. It sounds like you'd rather be merging the relationship; i.e., if they relationship is there, match it, if not, create it.
The merge syntax for it is as follows:
MERGE (a:Node)-[:LIKES]->(b:Node)
MATCH SET a.msg = 'I matched!'
CREATE SET a.msg = 'I created!'
You can try it out here:
You'll notice that first the msg will be "I created!" then after it matches, it will be "I matched!"
