Can not add iOS bundle identifier - ios

I have seen other similar posts for this and no response from LinkedIn yet (and they direct you here for support). I have an app for both iOS & Android, com.witopia.securemyemail - I am using the package name for Android, but whenever I try to add the iOS bundle identifier (of the same name), I receive: "Your changes could not be saved right now, please try again." We have checked with all of our developers and can not find this name used any place else. Is there any way we can look this up and see if it's being used by some other account? Or a way to obtain more detailed error reporting as to the issue with the name? We are using the same bundle identifier in xCode as well as iTunes Connect for our App so I doubt some other developer has taken it, but who knows...

Error:- "Your changes could not be saved right now, please try again." - LinkedIn Developer Account.
I also created the same for Android and raised to Linkedin help center but after so many conversations finally, I got the reply which is in a screenshot.
I am also unable to update my application package name & hash in the LinkedIn Developer.
We have to wait until this issue not will be solved by a LinkedIn technical team.


My flutter iOS app hasn't been released yet. How can I know my firebase dynamic link works to open Appstore if the app isn't installed yet?

I have set up Firebase deep link that will open the Flutter app if it's installed and will open Google Playstore or iOS Appstore respectively if the app isn't installed.
So far, the dynamic link successfully opens the app page in Google Appstore in its internal testing mode (because it's still in internal testing).
But when I tried to test the deep link on iOS device, it shows a Firebase page that says "Save my place in the app. A link will be copied to continue to this page." From my experience, this is the page Firebase showed when the deep link failed.
When I tapped the button, it indeed shows the Firebase link failed.
My question is, is this indeed about Firebase base deep link failed, or is it because the app is not released yet on iOS Appstore?
I have set Bundle ID, Appstore ID, and Team ID on the Firebase Apple app. The apple-app-site-association is set up properly from Firebase.
{"applinks":{"apps":[],"details":[{"appID":"","paths":["NOT /_/*","/*"]}]}}
The problem is I cannot publish the app first and then experiment based on that app publish whether the link actually works or not. When the app is published, the link must already work. So I cannot test it beforehand. But I have a feeling the deep link failed, as I think the deep link should open Appstore even though the Appstore will display "Product not found" or similar.
Not sure if you still have this issue. I think for the first screen you missing the isi parameter, the second screen maybe caused by you didn't encode the URL

anypic facebook login error

so, i followed the guidelines that is introduced on anypic github page.
1. I put my pplication ID and client key in appdelegate.m
2. I made my app named 'app1'on both facebook and parse.
3. I put my facebook app ID in info.plist
4. i also wrote the URL scheme in info.plist
5. I put my facebook app id and secret key in my parse account .
6.i also followed all the other changes including cloud code, js and etc.
7. I also submitted my anypic's bundle identifier to facebook dashboard.
(which was com.parse.anypic)
However when i run the app on my simulator, whenever i press the facebook button , the safari takes me to a web page saying 'the settings made by the developer is not proper to login(?)' well i'm not sure what this sentence actually means in english because i use different language on my virtual machine. Anyways if anyone knows anything about this problem please give me an answer..
Please check that you have made the Facebook app available to Public in your App Settings page.
Also You need to insert your platform details, for which platform you are developing your app and your development machine's keyhash. Make sure the key which you are using to debug your app is same whose keyhash value you enter on Facebook developer console.

What is this error 7 with google-cast sample ios/application?

I downloaded the chromecast ios sample and when I connect the sample application to chromecast, it give the following error:
error code=7 "The operation couldn't be completed. ( error 7.)"
Do you know why?
I got the same error message while testing the "CastHelloText-ios" sample provided by Google on GitHub.
First I checked all the required steps described by Google were ok:
In your cast developer console: check your Chromecast has the status "Ready for Testing" otherwise register it.
host the receiver somewhere on the web and note the URL
in the cast developer console, declare a new app with a custom receiver and fill the URL of your receiver. Save it and note the application ID.
fill this application ID in the controller of your iOS app: static NSString *const kReceiverAppID = #"1234ABCD";
make sure that your chromecast has the option "Send this Chromecast's serial number to Google when checking for updates" is ticked (in the iOS app it's in the General section of your device)
Finally I solved the issue by rebooting the chromecast:
Run the Chromecast iOS app from Google, click on your chromecast device, click on General and click on the red button "Reboot".
For information, I've performed this reboot after reading the note of this Google documentation:
If you wish to verify that your published application is working properly, you can manually restart your Google Cast device to force a load of new configuration data.
- to reboot your chromecast you can use any chromecast app provided by Google (iOS, Android, MAC, etc.)
GCKErrorCodeApplicationNotFound - Typically this error will occur if either your device doesn't have [x] send my serial # to Google set, or your AppID is incorrect.
We'll try to get the docs updated shortly.
For test this app you will need to change this line
[self.deviceManager launchApplication:kReceiverAppID];
To use default applicationID:
[self.deviceManager launchApplication:kGCKMediaDefaultReceiverApplicationID];
Or you need to create a development account and to change kReceiverAppID with your AppID.
And if you have an another error, you can to check the GCKError.h class, there has all error codes possible with explanation
I had the same problem. In my case seems like the Chromecast still associated with the old Application ID. It worked fine after restarting the device.

Facebook SDK - iOS - Fail to share URL (Error 102)

I am trying to integrate a simple URL Share on my App, following the dedicated Facebook tutorial (link)
On my app, I simply click on a button, which displays a dialog where I can type in a comment.
This part works find. Yet, when I click on "Post", I get the following error :
Error Domain=com.facebook.Facebook.platform Code=102 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (com.facebook.Facebook.platform error 102.)" UserInfo=0x14dd1a10 {error_message=Failed to authenticate the application because of app name mismatch. Please check the application name configured by the dialog., app_id=000000, error_code=102}
(In this message, I just replaced with zeroes the app_id I got from the Facebook developer page.)
On the Facebook app settings, I set the following as such :
"Display name" : the same name as the app name
"Bundle ID" with the string return by [[NSBundle mainBundle] bundleIdentifier];
The app is "live" (not in sandbox)
"Deep Linking" and "Connect to FB" : both activated
When I save my settings on the FB dev page, I get a warning saying that I did not set an AppStore identifier (which is not yet available since I am developing the app).
Can you please tell me the little thing that I did not do correctly ?
Thanks in advance for your reply.
I'll be happy to provide you with more info if necessary.
This usually comes from you setting the FacebookDisplayName in your .plist, but what you set there didn't match the name of your app in your app settings on Facebook.
The value you give in FacebookDisplayName must match what you have set on Facebook.
Check Following if error 102 comes
FacebookDisplayName is set properly and correct in plist URL Scheme
fbxxxxxxxxxxx is added in the plist
FacebookAppID is set correctly in plist file
in Status & Review section Make sure you have "Do you want to make this app and all its live features available to the general public?" make as YES (By default it is set as No)
For me none of this solutions worked. It turned out I just had to delete facebookDisplayName record from info.plist. Stranged but it worked
There is also a problem with diacritic signs, you can not use it in FacebookDisplayName... for example č, ž, š etc. If you write all without diacritics, it works fine.
I agree with #user3170877. it can't be used like Japan letter and Korean. i recommend only english to use.
Login to Facebook Developer account and check Status is live or in Development. If it is in Development then change it to live. This worked for me.
If none of the other answers fixed this problem for you, one last thing to check is the Bundle ID in your Facebook App settings.
I had this problem for my iOS app that was using a different bundle identifier depending on the build configuration I used.
You can specify several Bundle IDs in your Facebook App settings.
If your Facebook app status is "development and unavailable to the public" will caused same result.
You may want to change it to public under "App Review" on the Facebook app menu. Or you need to login Facebook as role "Administrators", "Developers" or "Testers"

how to build corona sdk for android?

hi friends any one him help to me solve this problem in corona sdk
i have account in indie android when i build.when i build for for android os they make question
continue trial
verify purchase
i will choose a 2nd(verify purchase) option. And they show build window. In that window I'll fill the application,version code,package,and when browse a keystore file .And they make again the same question above and i again choose the verify purchase .And it does not give permission to choose keystore .and it automatically select the default keystore file.
And it build app as trial users
This sounds like a verification issue that you will need to file a support ticket to resolve. If you have changed your email address or password that may have caused the issue.
You can contact support here:
Someone will be able to assist you from there - alternatively if you have changed your email or password temporarily changing it back may provide a temporary solution while this is being resolved.
If its a verification issue you could also try to deauthorize your computer in Corona SDK: Corona Simulator -> Preferences->Deauthorize and Quit
or delete these in ~/library/Preferences/ folder.
