How to understand Markov Localisation Algorithm? - localization

In my thesis project, I need to implement Monte Carlo Localisation algorithm (it's based on Markov Localisation). I have exactly one month of time to understand and implement the algorithm. I understand basics of probability and Bayes theorem. Now which topics I should get familiar with to understand Markov Algorithm? I have read couple of research papers 3-4 times, still I failed to understand everything.
I tried to do Google whichever terms I didn't understand but I couldn't get the essence of the algorithm. I want to understand systematically. I know what it does but I didn't fully understand how it does or why it does.
for e.g. in one of the research paper it was written that Markov algorithm can be used in global indoor positioning system or when you have multi-modal gaussian distribution. whereas Kalman filter can not be used for the same reasons. Now, I completely didn't understand.
second example, Markov Algorithm assume map is static and consider Markov assumption where measurements are independent and doesn't depend on previous measurements. but when environment is dynamic (objects are moving) , Markov assumption is not valid and we need to modify Markov algorithm to incorporate dynamic environment. Now, I don't understand why?
It would be great if someone point me out which topics should I learn to understand the algorithm. please keep in mind that I have only one month.

Particle Filter is what you are looking for to localize a robot.
To implement particle filter, you need an understanding of basic probability(mostly Bayes theorem), Gaussian distributions in 2D.
slides, video
Watch these course videos, which are really good.
for e.g. in one of the research paper it was written that Markov algorithm can be used in global indoor positioning system or when you have multi-modal gaussian distribution. whereas Kalman filter can not be used for the same reasons. Now, I completely didn't understand.
Kalman filter or Extend Kalman filter is used for unimodal distribution and also the initial estimation must be good enough to track.
Particle filter is multi modal, doesn't need an initial guess, but need more particles (or samples) to converge to a better estimate.
second example, Markov Algorithm assume map is static and consider Markov assumption where measurements are independent and doesn't depend on previous measurements. but when environment is dynamic (objects are moving) , Markov assumption is not valid and we need to modify Markov algorithm to incorporate dynamic environment. Now, I don't understand why?
If the objects are humans, it is not difficult to localize (unless the robot is completely covered by humans and robot is not able to see any part of the environment)even in a dynamic environment. A simple modification will be to consider laser rays which are in conformation with the map. Below paper explains this.
check this paper Markov Localization for Mobile Robots
in Dynami Environments


How to deal with ill-conditioned neural networks?

When dealing with ill-conditioned neural networks, is the current state of the art to use an adaptive learning rate, some very sophisticated algorithm to deal with the problem, or to eliminate the ill conditioning by preprocessing/scaling of the data?
The problem can be illustrated with the simplest of scenarios: one input and one output where the function to be learned is y=x/1000, so a single weight whose value needs to be 0.001. One data point (0,0). It turns out to matter a great deal, if you are using gradient descent, whether the second data point is (1000,1) or (1,0.001).
Theoretical discussion of the problem, with expanded examples.
Example in TensorFlow
Of course, straight gradient descent is not the only available algorithm. Other possibilities are discussed at here - however, as that article observes, the alternative algorithms it lists that are good at handling ill condition, are not so good when it comes time to handle a large number of weights.
Are new algorithms available? Yes, but these aren't clearly advertised as solutions for this problem, are perhaps intended to solve a different set of problems; swapping in Adagrad in place of GradientDescent does prevent overshoot, but still converges very slowly.
At one time, there were some efforts to develop heuristics to adaptively tweak the learning rate, but then instead of being just a number, the learning rate hyperparameter is a function, much harder to get right.
So these days, is the state of the art to use a more sophisticated algorithm to deal with ill condition, or to just preprocess/scale the data to avoid the problem in the first place?

In Q-learning with function approximation, is it possible to avoid hand-crafting features?

I have little background knowledge of Machine Learning, so please forgive me if my question seems silly.
Based on what I've read, the best model-free reinforcement learning algorithm to this date is Q-Learning, where each state,action pair in the agent's world is given a q-value, and at each state the action with the highest q-value is chosen. The q-value is then updated as follows:
Q(s,a) = (1-α)Q(s,a) + α(R(s,a,s') + (max_a' * Q(s',a'))) where α is the learning rate.
Apparently, for problems with high dimensionality, the number of states become astronomically large making q-value table storage infeasible.
So the practical implementation of Q-Learning requires using Q-value approximation via generalization of states aka features. For example if the agent was Pacman then the features would be:
Distance to closest dot
Distance to closest ghost
Is Pacman in a tunnel?
And then instead of q-values for every single state you would only need to only have q-values for every single feature.
So my question is:
Is it possible for a reinforcement learning agent to create or generate additional features?
Some research I've done:
This post mentions A Geramifard's iFDD method
which is a way of "discovering feature dependencies", but I'm not sure if that is feature generation, as the paper assumes that you start off with a set of binary features.
Another paper that I found was apropos is Playing Atari with Deep Reinforcement Learning, which "extracts high level features using a range of neural network architectures".
I've read over the paper but still need to flesh out/fully understand their algorithm. Is this what I'm looking for?
It seems like you already answered your own question :)
Feature generation is not part of the Q-learning (and SARSA) algorithm. In a process which is called preprocessing you can however use a wide array of algorithms (of which you showed some) to generate/extract features from your data. Combining different machine learning algorithms results in hybrid architectures, which is a term you might look into when researching what works best for your problem.
Here is an example of using features with SARSA (which is very similar to Q-learning).
Whether the papers you cited are helpful for your scenario, you'll have to decide for yourself. As always with machine learning, your approach is highly problem-dependent. If you're in robotics and it's hard to define discrete states manually, a neural network might be helpful. If you can think of heuristics by yourself (like in the pacman example) then you probably won't need it.

Difference between Low-Level and High-Level Feature Detection/ Extraction

According to this Wikipedia article Feature Extraction examples for Low-Level algorithms are Edge Detection, Corner Detection etc.
But what are High-Level algorithms?
I only found this quote from the Wikipedia article Feature Detection (computer vision):
Occasionally, when feature detection is computationally expensive and there are time constraints, a higher level algorithm may be used to guide the feature detection stage, so that only certain parts of the image are searched for features.
Could you give an example of one of these higher level algorithms?
There isn't a clear cut definition out there, but my understanding of "high-level" algorithms are more in tune with how we classify objects in real life. For low-level feature detection algorithms, these are mostly concerned with finding corresponding points between images, or finding those things that classify as something even remotely interesting at the lowest possible level you can think of - things like finding edges or lines in an image (in addition to finding interesting points of course). In addition, anything dealing with pixel intensities or colours directly is what I would consider low-level too.
High-level algorithms are mostly in the machine learning domain. These algorithms are concerned with the interpretation or classification of a scene as a whole. Things like body pose classification, face detection, classification of human actions, object detection and recognition and so on. These algorithms are concerned with training a system to recognize or classify something, then you provide it some unknown input that it has never seen before and its job is to either determine what is happening in the scene, or locate a region of interest where it detects an action that the system is trained to look for. This latter fact is probably what the Wikipedia article is referring to. You would have some sort of pre-processing stage where you have some high-level system that determines salient areas in the scene where something important is happening. You would then apply low-level feature detection algorithms in this localized area.
There is a great high-level computer vision workshop that talks about all of this, and you can find the slides and code examples here:
Good luck!
High-level features are something that we can directly see and recognize, like object classification, recognition, segmentation and so on. These are usually the goal of CV research, which is always based on 'low-level' features and algorithms.
Two of them are used in machine specially x-ray machine
Concerned Scene as a whole and edges of lines to help soft ware of machine to take good decision.
I think we should not confuse with high-level features and high-level inference. To me, high-level features mean shape, size, or a combination of low-level features etc. are the high-level features. While classification is the decision made based on the high-level features.

Feature combination/joint features in supervised learning

While trying to come up with appropriate features for a supervised learning problem I had the following idea and wondered if it makes sense and if so, how to algorithmically formulate it.
In an image I want to classify two regions, i.e. two "types" of pixels. Say I have some bounded structure, let's take a circle, and I know I can limit my search space to this circle. Within that circle I want to find a segmenting contour, i.e. a contour that separates my pixels into an inner class A and an outer class B.
I want to implement the following model:
I know that pixels close to the bounding circle are more likely to be in the outer class B.
Of course, I can use the distance from the bounding circle as a feature, then the algorithm would learn the average distance of the inner contour from the bounding circle.
But: I wonder if I can exploit my model assumption in a smarter way. One heuristic idea would be to weigh other features by this distance, so to say, if a pixel further away from the bounding circle wants to belong to the outer class B, it has to have strongly convincing other features.
This leads to a general question:
How can one exploit joint information of features, that were prior individually learned by the algorithm?
And to a specific question:
In my outlined setup, does my heuristic idea make sense? At what point of the algorithm should this information be used? What would be recommended literature or what would be buzzwords if I wanted to search for similar ideas in the literature?
This leads to a general question:
How can one exploit joint information of features, that were prior individually learned by the algorithm?
It is not really clear what you are really asking here. What do you mean by "individually learned by the algorithm" and what would be "joiint information"? First of all, problem is too broad, there is no such tring as "generic supervised learning model", each of them works in at least slightly different way, most falling into three classes:
Building a regression model of some kind, to map input data to the output and then agregate results for classification (linear regression, artificial neural networks)
Building geometrical separation of data (like support vector machines, classification-soms' etc.)
Directly (more or less) estimating probability of given classes (like Naive Bayes, classification restricted boltzmann machines etc.)
in each of them, there is somehow encoded "joint information" regarding features - the classification function is their joint information. In some cases it is easy do interpret (linear regression) and in some it is almost impossible (deep boltzmann machines, generally all deep architectures).
And to a specific question:
In my outlined setup, does my heuristic idea make sense? At what point of the algorithm should this information be used? What would be recommended literature or what would be buzzwords if I wanted to search for similar ideas in the literature?
To my best knowledge this concept is quite doubtfull. Many models tends to learn and work better, if your data is uncorrelated, while you are trying to do the opposite - correlate everything with some particular feature. This leads to one main concern - why are you doing this? To force model to use mainly this feature?
If it is so important - maybe a supervised learning is not the good idea, maybe you can directly model your problem by appling set of simple rules based on this particular feature?
If you know the feature is important, but you are aware that in some cases other things matter, and you cannot model them, then your problem will be how much to weight your feature. Should it be just distance*other_feature? Why not sqrt(distance)*feature? What about log(distance)*feature? There are countless possibilities, and seek for the best weighting scheme may be much more costfull, then finding a better machine learning model, which can learn your data from its raw features.
If you only suspect the importance of the feature, the best possible option would be to... do not trust this belief. Numerous studies have shown, that machine learning models are better in selecting features then humans. In fact, this is the whole point of non-linear models.
In literature, problem they you are trying to solve is generally refered as incorporating expert knowledge into the learning process. There are thousands of examples, where there is some kind of knowledge that cannot be directly encoded in data representation, yet too valuable to omit it. You should research terms like "machine learning expert knowledge", and its possible synomyms.
There's a fair amount of work treating the kind of problem you're looking at (which is called segmentation) as an optimisation to be performed on a Markov Random Field, which can be solved by graph theoretic methods like GraphCut. Some examples are the work of Pushmeet Kohli at Microsoft Research (try this paper).
What you describe is, in that framework, a prior on node membership, where p(B) is inversely proportional to the distance from the edge (in addition to any other connectivity constraints you want to impose, there's normally a connectedness one, and there will certainly be a likelihood term for the pixel's intensity). The advantage of doing this is that if you can express everything as a probability model, you don't need to rely on heuristics and you can use standard mechanisms for performing inference.
The downside is you need a fairly strong mathematical background to attempt this; I don't know what the scale of the project you're proposing is, but if you want results quickly or you're lacking the necessary background this is going to be pretty daunting.

machine learning - svm feature fusion techique

for my final thesis i am trying to build up an 3d face recognition system by combining color and depth information. the first step i did, is to realign the data-head to an given model-head using the iterative closest point algorithm. for the detection step i was thinking about using the libsvm. but i dont understand how to combine the depth and the color information to one feature vector? they are dependent information (each point consist of color (RGB), depth information and also scan quality).. what do you suggest to do? something like weighting?
last night i read an article about SURF/SIFT features i would like to use them! could it work? the concept would be the following: extracting this features out of the color image and the depth image (range image), using each feature as a single feature vector for the svm?
Concatenation is indeed a possibility. However, as you are working on 3d face recognition you should have some strategy as to how you go about it. Rotation and translation of faces will be hard to recognize using a "straightforward" approach.
You should decide whether you attempt to perform a detection of the face as a whole, or of sub-features. You could attempt to detect rotation by finding some core features (eyes, nose, etc).
Also, remember that SVMs are inherently binary (i.e. they separate between two classes). Depending on your exact application you will very likely have to employ some multi-class strategy (One-against-all or One-against-many).
I would recommend doing some literature research to see how others have attacked the problem (a google search will be a good start).
It sounds simple, but you can simply concatenate the two vectors into one. Many researchers do this.
What you arrived at is an important open problem. Yes, there are some ways to handle it, as mentioned here by Eamorr. For example you can concatenate and do PCA (or some non linear dimensionality reduction method). But it is kind of hard to defend the practicality of doing so, considering that PCA takes O(n^3) time in the number of features. This alone might be unreasonable for data in vision that may have thousands of features.
As mentioned by others, the easiest approach is to simply combine the two sets of features into one.
SVM is characterized by the normal to the maximum-margin hyperplane, where its components specify the weights/importance of the features, such that higher absolute values have a larger impact on the decision function. Thus SVM assigns weights to each feature all on its own.
In order for this to work, obviously you would have to normalize all the attributes to have the same scale (say transform all features to be in the range [-1,1] or [0,1])
