Inconsistency with $filter /messages on Graph - microsoft-graph-api

We have encountered an odd issue (inconsistency) which seems to be related to the $filter capability of the fetch messages endpoint on Graph.
We reply on querying for messages by their internetMessageId field.
This normally works, but in some cases we’ve seen that the result set is empty (no error), and the odd thing is the same message can be fetched by its subject or sender’s address.
This API call returns an empty result:<user_principal_name>/messages?$filter=internetMessageId eq '<>'
This API call works:<user_principal_name>/messages?$filter=sender/emailAddress/address eq '<sender_address>'

We looked into this, and the problem here is with the app behavior, not the service.
Both queries work as expected, provided that the URL query parameters are correctly encoded by the app, per HTTP encoding practices.
In the first request, there are + characters in the internetMessageId value that the app does not encode before sending the request; the service decodes them into spaces, and that is why the query returns empty results.
When the query string is properly, the correct results are returned, as expected.
We recommend apps always encode the request URL.


Should a client handle an url ending with "?" but no parameters?

A url without parameters but with a question mark appended at the end is passed to the client to be parsed and used.
I've been told the client should be robust enough to handle such url and proceed. But shouldn't this be fixed server-side?
An empty query part is not an error, so it definitely needs to be accepted by the client. (Reference: RFC 3986 section 3.4 which shows the syntax of the query as 0 or more allowable characters.)
An empty query is different from an undefined query (i.e., the URI does not contain a ?). If the base URI contains a query component, merging a relative URI with an empty query will override the base URI's query, whereas merging a relative URI without a query will copy the base URI's query into the merged result.

MicrosoftGraph querying for #microsoft.graph.downloadUrl returns character '#' is not valid

I have problem querying for "#microsoft.graph.downloadUrl" using microsoft graph endpoint.
Running a query like this:$select=id,name,file,folder,size,lastModifiedDateTime,#microsoft.graph.downloadUrl
Returns a bad request error with message: "Syntax error: character '#' is not valid at position..." I had not such a problem with OneDrive direct endpoint so I am wondering how exactly should I run the intended query?
Earlier this year the attribute #content.downloadUrl was renamed to #microsoft.graph.downloadUrl.It looks like there is an issue/discrepancy between the attribute's name in the results verse the query parameters.
The $select clause is still looking for the original name. As best I can tell, this isn't documented at the moment. That said, this query should do the trick for you:

Netflix Zuul query string encoding

When sending a request via Zuul to a client, Zuul seems to change the query String. More specifically, if the client should receive an url-encoded query String, Zuul decodes the query String once. Here is a concrete example:
If "http://localhost:8080/demo/demo?a=http%3A%2F%2Fsomething/" is sent to the client, the client receives as a query String "a=http://something/".
Looking into Zuul`s code, the function "buildZuulRequestQueryParams" uses "HTTPRequestUtils.getInstance().getQueryParams();" which decodes the query String.
Is this a desired feature or a bug?
Zuul actually offers a flag to disable this behavior.
8.9 Query String Encoding
When processing the incoming request, query params are decoded so that they can be available for possible modifications in Zuul filters. They are then re-encoded the backend request is rebuilt in the route filters. The result can be different than the original input if (for example) it was encoded with Javascript’s encodeURIComponent() method. While this causes no issues in most cases, some web servers can be picky with the encoding of complex query string.
To force the original encoding of the query string, it is possible to pass a special flag to ZuulProperties so that the query string is taken as is with the HttpServletRequest::getQueryString method, as shown in the following example:
forceOriginalQueryStringEncoding: true
[Note] This special flag works only with SimpleHostRoutingFilter.
Also, you loose the ability to easily override query parameters with
because the query string is now fetched directly on the original
8. Router and Filter: Zuul
I was facing the same issue yesterday. I think it's related to this pull request. A faster way to solve this issue (without wait for PR get merged) is rewrite the classes in your own project using the same package and class name to override the framework class.
I ran into the same issue recently. Submitted a PR to Netflix/Zuul. Basically adding the same ability that's currently available on spring cloud gateway to Netflix. Hoping it'll get addressed soon.
If accepted, you could pretty much add a config to keep the original uri encoding

Camel recipientList param order

I have a route defined like this:
.setHeader("HTTP_METHOD", constant("GET"))
When the log endpoint gets called the EBAY_URL is correct, I can copy and paste it into a browser and it works.
However when the http request is made, the url parameters are in completely the wrong order and thus causing a 500 response to be returned from the server.
Is there a way to tell camel to not mess about with the ordering of the url?
No the query parameter ordering should NOT matter. Any HTTP server should accept query parameters in whatever order they are, eg a=1&b=2 is the same as b=2&a=1
Camel validates and normalizes the URI and the query parameters is listed in A..Z order. (nor random).

facebook graph api returns error 2500 when there are commas in the id url

I'm attempting to retrieve the "shares" graph data for a number of pages in JSON format. I suspect that the errors I am encountering stem from the fact that some of the URLs have commas in them, and are being parsed as an attempt to pass multiple ids.
Returns graph data.
Returns error 2500 "Cannot specify an empty identifier",,20624518,00.html
Encode the commas, still returns 2500
There doesn't seem to a way around it other than to use the normal inspection,,20624518,00.html
You may have to file a bug at though I feel as the answer would most likely be "Status by design".
You could try using FQL instead, querying the link_stat table:
SELECT url, normalized_url, share_count, comments_fbid FROM link_stat
WHERE url = ',,20624518,00.html'
(See result in Graph API Explorer.) You can also use WHERE url IN ("…", "…", …) to check multiple URLs at once.
This also returns a comments_fbid of 10151022112466453, and that one you can look up via the API,
Maybe this can work as a workaround, until Facebook fixes this problem.
