Import groovy class in a pipeline Jenkinsfile - jenkins

I need to be able to create classes and use them within a Jenkins pipeline.
Let's say I have a very simple groovy class, declared in a groovy script, looking as this:
class MyClass {
public String toString() {
return "toto";
return MyClass();
This class is located in the folder: Project\Buildfiles\Jenkins\com\external
Then in my Jenkinsfile I would do:
node('mynode') {
toto = load 'Project\Buildfiles\Jenkins\com\external\MyClass.groovy'
echo toto.toString()
And this actually works
However this do pose a certain numbers of issues with my IDE which does not understand what is happening. Also, this prevents me to have several constructor in my custom class.
What I have been trying to do, and for which I need help, is the following. In a file named ExternalClasses.groovy:
class Toto{
public String toString() {
return "toto";
class Tata{
public String toString() {
return "tata";
return this;
In the JenkinsFile:
node('mynode') {
external= load 'Project\Buildfiles\Jenkins\com\external\ExternalClasses.groovy'
toto = new Toto();
tata = new Tata();
And this fails
I have tried several approaches, used packages names, used the syntax, but none worked.
Any ideas ?
Edit about Shared Libraries:
I actually have a Shared library, it is used by several teams and contains very specific data which should be own by the teams and not by the library.
We need to be able to put out of the library things which does not belong to it. The purpose of this work is to alleviate the said library of non generic code.

You could use the Shared Library Feature. Upload your scripts into a VCS like Github/Bitbucket and use Jenkins-Jobs to execute them. They are available for all projects/jobs.


Grails 4 how to get an handle to artifacts in custom command

I need to build a custom command in a Grails 4 application (, and I need to get an handle to some Grails Services and Domain classes which I will query as needed.
The custom command skeleton is quite simple:
import org.apache.maven.artifact.Artifact
class HelloWorldCommand implements GrailsApplicationCommand {
boolean handle() {
return true
While the documentation says that a custom command has access to the whole application context, I haven't found any examples on how to get an handle of that and start accessing the various application artifacts.
Any hints?
EDIT: to add context and clarify the goal of the custom command in order for further recommendation/best practices/etc.: the command reads data from a file in a custom format, persist the data, and writes reports in another custom format.
Will eventually be replaced by a recurrent job, once the data will be available on demand from a third party REST API.
See the project at
package marco.vittorini.orgeas.artifacts.cli
class GreetingService {
String greeting = 'Hello World'
package marco.vittorini.orgeas.artifacts.cli
class HelloCommand implements GrailsApplicationCommand {
GreetingService greetingService
boolean handle() {
println greetingService.greeting
return true
I have added a commit at which demonstrates accessing a domain class, which was part of the question I overlooked when writing the initial answer.

Do i have to use "call{}" in a shared library when using it in a Jenkins pipeline?

I'm working on transforming a whole Jenkins from normal jobs to DSL/Pipelines. Had to implement a shared library for all the imports. In the said library there is a whole load of scripts.
Currently, all of them are set up like this:
package common
class Foo {
static String bar(String text) { stuff }
static String bar2(String text) { stuff }
static String bar3(String text) { stuff }
And in the pipeline:
#!/usr/bin/env groovy
#Library('jenkins-shared-libs') _
import common.*
There are many scripts and many methods. How, where, and can I not use call() to actually, "call" them?
If you want to invoke the bar method in the Foo class you could do any of these:
Option 1:'some argument')
Option 2:
import common.*'some argument')
Option 3:
import static common.Foo.*
bar('some argument')

Using an enum loaded from another Groovy file (Jenkins Pipeline issue)

I have the following Groovy script as part of a Jenkins pipeline
enum PermissionType {
def get_job_permissions(PermissionType permission) {
return this
I load this file into another Groovy file as part of my Jenkins pipeline and call get_job_permissions passing through one of the enums as a parameter.
def job_permissions = load 'permissions.groovy'
Jenkins fails on this with the following error (I've verified that in this case 'Script3' is the call to get_job_permissions with the enum parameter).
groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: PermissionType for class: Script3
I know the script load and call is correct, as I can change the signature of get_job_permissions to the following, pass through a random string in pipeline.groovy and the call goes through correctly.
def get_job_permissions(def permission) {
If I don't change the signature, and still pass through a random string, Jenkins fails the build as it can't find the method it thinks I'm calling (which is true, it's not there, it's expecting a PermissionType type).
I've tried a number of different things to expose PermissionType to the calling script
Adding #Field (not legal Groovy)
Changing the enum definition to public def PermissionType (not legal Groovy)
Removing and adding public to the enum definition
Changing the case (though I believe enums need to start with an upper case character?)
None of these solutions allow me to reference the enum type from the calling script, and I understand this is because I'm trying to access a type by referencing it through an instance of the script.
But if I can't do it this way, what is the best way to do it?
I managed to get something to work - I certainly know it's probably not the right, or even good, way to do it, but it unblocked me and gave me what I needed.
Rather than define the enum in a script as you normally would
enum PermissionType {
I created a class containing the enum with member variables initialised to the values within the enum.
public class PermissionTypes {
public enum Values {
public final PermissionTypes.Values ANONYMOUS = PermissionTypes.Values.ANONYMOUS
public final PermissionTypes.Values AUTHENTICATED = PermissionTypes.Values.AUTHENTICATED
#Field final PermissionTypes Permissions = new PermissionTypes()
I can then expose an instance of that class in the script, load it as normal and I finally get access to the enum values.
def job_permissions = load 'permissions.groovy'
I think we can all agree this is slightly bonkers, but it gave me what I needed.
Only issues I have with this (which I can live with for now)
You can only load the file ones in a script otherwise you get a duplicate class exception
You can't use the type in an external method, only the values - OK for me since any methods taking in the type are local to the class definition
Would still love to know the right way to do this :)
I ran into this problem recently and found a different solution that looks less hacky.
enum PermissionType {
def get_job_permissions(PermissionType permission) {
// Do this before you return out to make the enum available as well
this.PermissionType = PermissionType
return this
I prefer to use:
package cl.mypackage.utils
class MyEnumClass {
static enum MyEnum {
How to use:
import cl.mypackage.utils.MyEnumClass
def in_some_place() {
def fooEnum = MyEnumClass.MyEnum.FOO

Using a shared library class from a custom step with Jenkins pipeline shared libraries

I am setting up a shared library for Jenkins pipelines and am trying to figure out how to import a class in the shared library into a custom step that I am writing.
Here's what the directory structure looks like:
The Versioning.groovy file defines some static helper methods that do some stuff.
package jenny.util
class Versioner implements Serializable {
static bool checkForValidVersion(version) {
return true
I would like to call this method from the calculateVersion.groovy something like this:
def call(version) {
return jenny.util.Versioner.checkForValidVersion(version)
So that my declarative pipeline can call:
def valid = calculateVersion "1.0.0"
But I receive this error No such property: jenny for class: calculateReleaseVersions
Is it possible to reference the classes in the shared library from files in the vars to define custom steps and how is this done?
Yes it is possible. At least for us:
Just like in plain java (or groovy) we put an import statement into the groovy script in vars. In your case that would be something like:
import jenny.util.Versioner
def call(version) {
return Versioner.checkForValidVersion(version)
Another thing I just found: It looks like the file name of the class Versioner doesn't match the class name: Versioning.groovy. Could that be the issue?
If that doesn't work you propably want to upgrade your pipeline plugin version(s).

access configuration/property files from src/groovy

I have a file under src/groovy and I have some properties that are in my Config.groovy and in external property file too. Normally if one want access properties its possible to use grailsApplication expression. I want to be able to access all those properties from this file that is under src/groovy directory. What I've tried so far
import grails.util.Holders
class ForkedTomcatCustomizer {
def application
void customize(Tomcat tomcat) {
gave me NPE saying that grailsAppliction is null
import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.context.ServletContextHolder as SCH
import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.servlet.GrailsApplicationAttributes as GA
class ForkedTomcatCustomizer {
def application
void customize(Tomcat tomcat) {
def ctx = SCH.servletContext.getAttribute(GA.APPLICATION_CONTEXT)
def grailsAppliction = ctx.grailsApplication.getObject()
the same - NPE because grailsAppliction is null
Is it possible to handle this situation somehow? Thank you!
Use the below and see if it works
You don't need grailsApplication when using Holders.
The examples below are probably a little more complex than what you need, but they show how to get a configuration property at build time. I use them to merge two configuration files, but you might not need to do that.
This method returns a config property when called here at the CompileEnd event.
You could define a similar method in your app's _Events.groovy file that calls your own configuration holder class.
import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.ConfigurationHolder;
class KeyAndSecret{
public static String consumerKey = ConfigurationHolder.config.consumerKey;
public static String consumerSecret = ConfigurationHolder.config.consumerSecret;
Try like this
