How can I coordinate integration tests in a multi-container (Docker) system? - docker

I have inherited a system that consists of a couple daemons that asynchronously process messages. I am trying to find a clean way to introduce integration testing into this system with minimal impact/risk on the existing programs. Here is a very simplified overview of their responsibilities:
Process 1 polls a queue for messages, and inserts a row into a DB for each one it dequeues.
Process 2 polls the DB for rows inserted by Process 1, does some calculations, and then deposits a file into a directory on the host and sends an email.
These processes are quite old and complex, and I am strongly inclined to avoid modifying them in any way. What I would like to do is put each of them in a container, and also stand up the dependencies (queue, DB, mail server) in other containers. This part is straightforward, but what I'm unsure about is the best way to orchestrate these tests. Since these processes consume and generate output asynchronously I will need to poll or wait for the expected outcome (mail sent, file created).
Normally I would just write a series of tests in a single test suite of my language of choice (Java, Go, etc), and make the setUp / tearDown hooks responsible for resetting the environment to the desired state. But because these processes have a lot of internal state I am afraid I cannot successfully "clean up" properly after each distinct test. This would be a problem if, for example, one test failed to generate the desired output in a specific period of time so I marked it as failed, but a subsequent test falsely got marked as passed because the original test case actually did output something (albeit much slower than anticipated) that was mistakenly attributed to the subsequent test. For these reasons I feel I need to recreate the world between each test.
In order to do this the only options I can see are:
Use a shell script to actually run my tests -- having it bring up the containers, execute a single test file, and then terminate my containers for each test.
Follow my usual pattern of setUp / tearDown in my existing test framework but call out to docker to terminate and start up the containers between each test.
Am I missing another option? Is there some kind of existing framework or pattern used for this sort of testing?


Prevent multiple cron running in nest.js on docker

In docker we have used deploy: replicas: 3 for our microservice. We have some Cronjob & the problem is the system in running all cronjob is getting called 3 times which is not what we want. We want to run it only one time. Sample of cron in nest.js :
async runBiEventProcessor() {
const calculationDate = new Date()
Logger.log(`Bi Event Processor started at ${calculationDate}`)
How can I run this cron only once without changing the replicas to 1?
This is quite a generic problem when cron or background job is part of the application having multiple instances running concurrently.
There are multiple ways to deal with this kind of scenario. Following are some of the workaround if you don't have a concrete solution:
Create a separate service only for the background processing and ensure only one instance is running at a time.
Expose the cron job as an API and trigger the API to start background processing. In this scenario, the load balancer will hand over the request to only one instance. This approach will ensure that only one instance will handle the job. You will still need an external entity to hit the API, which can be in-house or third-party.
Use repeatable jobs feature from Bull Queue or any other tool or library that provides similar features.
Bull will hand over the job to any active processor. That way, it ensures the job is processed only once by only one active processor.
Nest.js has wrapper for the same. Read more about the Bull queue repeatable job here.
Implement a custom locking mechanism
It is not difficult as it sounds. Many other schedulers in other frameworks work on similar principles to handle concurrency.
If you are using RDBMS, make use of transactions and locking. Create cron records in the database. Acquire the lock as soon as the first cron enters and processes. Other concurrent jobs will either fail or timeout as they will not be able to acquire the lock. But you will need to handle a few cases in this approach to make it bug-free and flawless.
If you are using MongoDB or any similar database that supports TTL (Time-to-live) setting and unique index. Insert the document in the database where one of the fields from the document has unique constraints that ensure another job will not be able to insert one more document as it will fail due to database-level unique constraints. Also, ensure TTL(Time-to-live index) on the document; this way document will be deleted after a configured time.
These are workaround if you don't have any other concrete options.
There are quite some options here on how you could solve this, but I would suggest to create a NestJS microservice (or plain nodeJS) to run only the cronjob and store it in a shared db for example to store the result in Redis.
Your microservice that runs the cronjob does not expose anything, it only starts your cronjob:
const app = await NestFactory.create(
await app.init();
Your WorkerModule imports the scheduler and configures the scheduler there. The result of the cronjob you can write to a shared db like Redis.
Now you can still use 3 replica's but prevent registering cron jobs in all replica's.

Creating a structured Jenkins Failing Test Report

The situation right now:
Every Monday morning I manually check Jenkins jobs jUnit results that ran over the weekend, using Project Health plugin I can filter on the timeboxed runs. I then copy paste this table into Excel and go over each test case's output log to see what failed and note down the failure cause. Every weekend has another tab in Excel. All this makes tracability a nightmare and causes time consuming manual labor.
What I am looking for (and hoping that already exists to some degree):
A database that stores all failed tests for all jobs I specify. It parses the output log of a failed test case and based on some regex applies a 'tag' e.g. 'Audio' if a test regarding audio is failing. Since everything is in a database I could make or use a frontend that can apply filters at will.
For example, if I want to see all tests regarding audio failing over the weekend (over multiple jobs and multiple runs) I could run a query that returns all entries with the Audio tag.
I'm OK with manually tagging failed tests and the cause, as well as writing my own frontend, is there a way (Jenkins API perhaps?) to grab the failed tests (jUnit format and Jenkins plugin) and create such a system myself if it does not exist?
A good question. Unfortunately, it is very difficult in Jenkins to get such "meta statistics" that spans several jobs. There is no existing solution for that.
Basically, I see two options for getting what you want:
Post-processing Jenkins-internal data to get the statistics that you need.
Feeding a database on-the-fly with build execution data.
The first option basically means automating the tasks that you do manually right now.
you can use external scripting (Python, Perl,...) to process Jenkins-internal data (via REST or CLI APIs, or directly reading on-disk data)
or you run Groovy scripts internally (which will be faster and more powerful)
It's the most direct way to go. However, depending on the statistics that you need and depending on your requirements regarding data persistance , you may want to go for...
The second option: more flexible and completely decoupled from Jenkins' internal data storage. You could implement it by
introducing a Groovy post-build step for all your jobs
that script parses job results and puts data of interest in a custom, external database
Statistics you'd get from querying that database.
Typically, you'd start with the first option. Once requirements grow, you'd slowly migrate to the second one (e.g., by collecting internal data via explicit post-processing scripts, putting that into a database, and then running queries on it). You'll want to cut this migration phase as short as possible, as it eventually requires the effort of implementing both options.
You may want to have a look at couchdb-statistics. It is far from a perfect fit, but at least seems to do partially what you want to achieve.

iOS automated tests questions

I've been working on a project that I want to add automated tests. I already added some unit tests, but I'm not confident with the process that I've been using, I do not have a great experience with automated tests so I would like to ask for some advice.
The project is integrated with our web API, so it has a login process. According to the logged user the API provides a configuration file which will allow / disallow the access to some modules and permissions within the mobile application. We also have a sync process where the app will access several methods from the API to download files (PDFs, html, videos, etc) and also receive a lot of data through JSON files. The user basically doesn't have to insert data, just use the information received in the sync process.
What I did to add unit tests in this scenario so far was to simulate a logged user, then I added some fixture objects to the user and test them.
I was able to test the web service integration, I used Nocilla to return fake JSONs and assert the result. So far I was only able to test individual request, but I still don't know how should I test the sync process.
I'm having a hard time to create unit tests for my view controllers. Should I unit test just the business logic and do all the rest with tools like KIF / Calabash?
Is there an easy way to setup the fixture data and files?
Everybody's mileage may vary but here's what we settled on and why.
Unit tests: We use a similar strategy. Only difference is we use OHTTPStubs instead of Nocilla because we saw some more flexibility there that we needed and were happy to trade off the easier syntax of Nocilla.
Doing more complicated (non-single query) test cases quickly lost its luster because we were essentially rebuilding whole HTTP request/response flows and that wasn't very "unit". For functional tests, we did end up adopting KIF (at least for dev focused efforts, assuming you don't have a seaparte QA department) for a few reasons:
We didn't buy/need the multi-language abstraction layer afforded by
We wanted to be able to run tests on many devices per
build server.
We wanted more whitebox testing and while
Subliminal was attractive, we didn't want to build hooks in our main
app code.
Testing view controller logic (anything that's not unit-oriented) is definitely much more useful using KIF/Calbash or something similar so that's the path I would suggest.
For bonus points, here are some other things we did. Goes to show what you could do I guess:
We have a basic proof of concept that binds KIF commands to a JSON RPC server. So you can run a test target on a device and have that device respond to HTTP requests, which will then fire off test cases or KIF commands. One of the advantage of this is that you can reuse some of the test code you wrote for single device for multiple device test cases.
Our CI server builds integration tests as a downstream build of our main build (which includes unit tests). When the build starts we use XCTool to precompile tests, and then we have some scripts that starts recording a quicktime screen recording, runs the KIF tests, exports the result, and then archive it on our CI server so we can see a live test run along with test logs.
Not really part of this answer but happy to share that if you ping me.

Automate testing of process flows in Rails

I am building a educational service, and it is a rather process heavy application. I have a lot of user actions triggering various actions, some present, some future.
For example, when a student completes a lesson for his day, the following should happen:
updating progress count for his user-module record
checking if he has completed a particular module and progressing him to the next one (which in turn triggers more actions)
triggering current emails to other users
triggering FUTURE emails to himself (ongoing lesson plans)
creating range of other objects (grading todos by teachers)
any other special case events
All these triggers are built into the observers of various objects, and the execution delayed using Sidekiq.
What is killing me is the testing, and the paranoia that I might breaking something whenever I push something. In the past, I do a lot of assertion and validations checks, and they were sufficient. For this project, I think this is not enough, given the elevated complexity.
As such, I would like to implement a testing framework, but after reading through the various options (Rspec, Cucumber), it is not immediately clear what I should be investing my effort into, given my rather specific needs, especially for the observers and scheduled events.
Any advice and tips on what approach and framework would be the most appropriate? Would probably save my ass in the very near future ;)
Not that it matters, but I am using Rails 3.2 / Mongoid. Happy to upgrade if it works.
Testing can be a very subjective topic, with different approaches depending on the problems at hand.
I would say that given your primary need for testing end-to-end processes (often referred to as acceptance testing), you should definitely checkout something like cucumber or steak. Both allow you to drive a headless browser and run through your processes. This kind of testing will catch any big show stoppers and allow you to modify the system and be notified of breaks caused by your changes.
Unit testing, although very important, and should always be used in parallel with acceptance tests, isn't for doing end-to-end testing, Its primarily for testing the output of specific methods in isolation
A common pattern to use is called Test Driven Development (TDD). In this, you write your acceptance tests first, in the "outer" test loop, and then code your app with Unit tests as part of the "inner" test loop. The idea being, when you've finished the code in the inner loop, then the outer loop should also pass, and you should have built up enough test coverage to have confidence that any future changes to the code will either pass/fail the test depending on if the original requirements are still met.
And lastly, a test suite is something that should grow and change as your app does. You may find that whole sections of your test suite can (and maybe should) be rewritten depending on how the requirements of the system change.
Unit Testing is a must. you can use Rspec or TestUnit for that. It will give you atleast 80% confidence.
Enable "render views" for controller specs. You will catch syntax errors and simple logical errors faster that way.There are ways to test sidekiq jobs. Have a look at this.
Once you are confident that you have enough unit tests, you can start looking into using cucumber/capybara or rspec/capybara for feature testing.

scheduled task or windows service

My team is having a debate which is better: a windows service or scheduled tasks. We have a server dedicated to running jobs and currently they are all scheduled tasks. Some jobs take files, rename them and place them in other directories on the network. Other jobs extract data from SQL, modify it, and ship it elsewhere. Other jobs ftp files out. There is a lot of variety, but all in all, they are fairly straightforward.
I am partial to having each of these run as a windows service instead of a scheduled task because it is so much easier to monitor a windows service than a scheduled task. Some are diametrically opposed. In the end, none of us have that much experience to provide actual factual comparisons between the two methods. I am looking for some feedback on what other have experienced.
If it runs constantly - windows service.
If it needs to be run at various intervals - scheduled task.
Scheduled Task - When activity to be carried out on some fixed/predefined schedule. It take less memory and resources of OS. Not required installation. It can have UI (eg. Send reminder mail to defaulters)
Windows Service - When a continue monitoring is required. It makes OS busy by consuming more. Require install/uninstallation while changing version. No UI at all (eg. Process a mail as soon as it arrives)
Use them wisely
Sceduling jobs with the build in functionality is a perfectly valid use. You would have to recreate the full functionality in order to create a good service, and unless you want to react to speciffic events, I see no reason to move a nightly job into a service.
Its different when you want to process a file after it was posted in a folder, thats something I would create a service for, thats using the filesystem watcher to monitor a folder.
I think its reinventing the wheel
While there is nothing wrong with using the Task Scheduler, it is itself, a service. But we have the same requirements where I work and we have general purpose program that does several of these jobs. I interpreted your post to say that you would run individual services for each task, I would consider writing a single, database driven (service) program to do all your tasks, and that way, when you add a new one, it is simply a data entry chore, and not a whole new progam to write. If you practice change control, this difference is can be significant. If you have more than a few tasks the effort may be comperable. This approach will also allow you to craft a logging mechanism best suited to your operations.
This is a portion of our requirments document for our task program, to give you an idea of where to start:
This program needs to be database driven.
It needs to run as a windows service.
The program needs to be able to process "jobs" in the following manner:
Jobs need to be able to check for the existence of a source file, and take action based on the existence or not of the source file. (i.e proceed with processing, vs report that the file isn't there vs ignore it because it is not critical that the file isn't there.
Jobs need to be able to copy a file from a source to a target location or
Copy a file from source, to a staging location, perform "processing", and then copy either the original file or a result of the "processing" to the target location or
Copy a file from source, to a staging location, perform "processing", and the processing is the end result.
The sources and destination that jobs might copy to and from can be disparate: UNC, SFTP, FTP, etc.
The "processing", can be, encrypting/decrypting a file, parsing a data file for correct format, feeding the file to the mainframe via terminal emulation, etc., usually implemented by calling a command line passing parameters to an .exe
Jobs need to be able to clean up after themselves, as required. i.e. delete intermediate or original files, copy files to an archive location, etc.
The program needs to be able to determine the success and failure of each phase of a job and take appropriate action which would be logging, and possibly other notification, abort further processing on failure, etc.
Jobs need to be configured to activate at certain set times, or at certain intervals (optionally during certain set hours) i.e. every 15 mins from 9:00 - 5:00.
There needs to be a UI to add new jobs.
There needs to be a button to push to fire off a job as if a timer event had activated it.
The standard Display of the program should show an operator what is going on and whether the program is functioning properly.
All of this is predicated on the premise that it is a given that you write your own software. There are several enterprise task scheduler programs available on the market, as well. Buying off the shelf may be a better solution for you.
