How to prevent scrolltop on some anchors? - anchor

Im using a pretty standard scrolltop snippet to run to certain parts on some of my pages but I also have some other functions that use anchors (ex. play button for audio player, share links, slider arrows)
Is there a way to improve the way the snippet handle anchors? Maybe a link with a special class or something?
var the_id = $(this).attr("href");
$('html, body').animate({
scrollTop:$(the_id).offset().top - 100
}, 'slow');
return false;});

Ok found out I just had to add the class/id to it changing
$('.your-class a[href^="#"]').click(function(){
yay me!


drag and drop for mobile devices using jquery mobile touchmove event

I am trying to implement drag and drop functionality for iPad using jquery mobile using touchmove event. Before doing this I read kind of a lot of questions here like this one, which actually looks for a suitable framework, which I am not looking into. Also this, this and this which helps with how drag and drop can be imlemented.
My code looks as follows (here is only my relevant html/js, the full relevant code can be found in fiddle).
<span class="square"> 1 </span>
<span class="square-big"> 1 </span>
var touch = e.originalEvent.touches[0];
var elm = $(this).offset();
left: touch.screenX - elm.left,
top: touch.screenY -
}).on('touchend', function(e){
My code partially works. By this I mean, that the element is moving but way it moves is really ugly and it is kind of far away from the finger. It is also shaking.
This is because I calculate wrongly my left and top. But I can not get how exactly I need to calculate them. Any ideas would be appreciated.
You can try my fiddle, but for some reason I can not correctly get rid of screen move in jsfiddle, so it is better to copy the whole code and to run it through localhost.

jQuery Mobile - scroll to specific div on pageload

I would like to automatically scroll to a particular div when the page loads. However, I seem to get into some conflict with JQM's scroll to top functionality.
I am using the following code:
which does not scroll correctly when wrapped like this:
$('[data-role=page]').bind("pageshow", function() {
but works correctly with a little timeout like this:
$('[data-role=page]').bind("pageshow", function() {
the problem with the last piece of code is that it causes a flicker, with a jump to the top and then a jump down the page. Any ideas how to avoid this?
Your setTimeout works because the jQuery Mobile framework remembers where you were scrolled-to if you are returning to a page you've been to before and you have to wait for their scroll to complete before running your own. You can essentially disable this feature by changing the minScrollBack option inside the mobileinit event handler to something really big:
<script src="[jQuery Core]"></script>
$(document).bind("mobileinit", function(){
$.mobile.minScrollBack = 90000;
<script src="[jQuery Mobile]"></script>
That should disable the auto-scroll that the jQuery Mobile framework does when you visit a page on a subsequent visit.
First post on StackOverflow!
Thanks for this, I have been working on a project that uses quite a bit of custom animation for the transitions and while it took a while to get here, Jasper's answer set me in the right direction, it was just missing a bit of code:
<script src="[jQuery]"></script>
$(document).bind("mobileinit", function(){
$.extend($.mobile, {
minScrollBack: 90000 // turn off scrolling to position on last page
<script src="[jQuery mobile]"></script>
This seemed to do the trick!
You guys ever tried the answer???
It does not work unless you set $.mobile.defaultHomeScroll to your wanted scroll as well.
That is, two steps.
1. set $.mobile.minScrollBack to a large enough value.
2. at page load, set the defaultHomeScroll to desired value.
Then it works.
I did not have to do much ... I got it working with the following on the section.
<script>$(function() {$.mobile.defaultHomeScroll = $(window).scrollTop();});</script>

How to navigate back one page using $.mobile.changePage

All of the JQuery Mobile documentation I can find about navigating backwards assumes I am going to do this using an anchor tag and suggest I add data-rel="back" to the tag.
I'm not navigating from a tag, I'm mixing with PhoneGap which means I'm calling javascript functions like PhoneGap.something(goForwardOnSuccess,goBackwardsOnFailure);
function goFowardOnSuccess()
$.mobile.changePage('#next', { transition: 'pop' });
function goBackwardOnFailure()
$.mobile.changePage(/* I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT GOES HERE */);
One of the main things I'm using this sort of thing for is putting up a "Busy Doing Something In Native Code Don't Touch Me..." click shield screen with the "loading" stuff and then closing it in the completion functions.
However, I find when I try that from a button on a screen I "popped" into place, I find myself back at the home page (goes back two levels).
The documentation is maddeningly vague about how to navigate backwards from pure javascript. Any clues would be very nice.
Notice also that I tend to pop these busy screens from everywhere so explicitly coding a transition back to the screen I want isn't really an option.
It's definitely not clear in the documentation, but there are small allusions to it.
Try using:
it makes sense to use data-rel="back" for something like that:
<a href="#" data-rel="back" ...
but it is better to use history.back(); inside javascript code blog i.e
var cId = $(this).val();
// do something with control ID then
function goBackParent(){
Why not just use data-rel="back" as an attribute to your back button, this will take the user back 1 page.
Also equivalent to history.back()
You are going back "two levels" because if you fire changePage programmatically via
$.mobile.changePage('#next', { transition: 'pop' });
and omit all the other options, you are triggering two functions:
Normally on a regular transition, the hashChange is blocked, while on backwards transitions, the changePage should be blocked (not sure here...). So in your case you have your (wanted) hashChange and an unwanted (changePage) transition.
Check the JQM docs for the options you can pass along in your changePage call or look in the 1.0 source code #3140 for all available options. I would try also passing changeHash:false or fromHashChange:true along in your function call and see what happens.
If you want to dig deeper you will have to look for ignoreNextHashChange and how its value changes though JQM.
A call to history.back() will do that.
Add changeHash: true from where you are redirecting.
And then use 'history.back()' or 'history.go(-1)' from your current page. It will only take you 1 page back.
$.mobile.changePage("yourpage.html",{ transition: "flip", changeHash: true});

Tap Click whatever finger motion event on iPhone 3GS

All I want to do is capture the event that a user taps an and clear it. I can't get anything to work with iPhone 3GS.. There is barely any documentation on how to actually use jQuery mobile.. that I can find anyway.. so theese are my guesses mostly:
$("#wrap").live('pageinit', function() {
$('#search_field').live('tap',function(event) {
if ($(this).val() == "Search Applications") {
This borks my design and adds a "loading" header at the bottom of the page....
Edit: Seems like it randomly works on the 3GS but the most annoying is that just jQuery mobile destroys my site layout!! my submit button jumps down
just looking over you code are you trying to use a place holder and clear it if the user taps it? If so you can simply add an attribute to your HTML5 like this:
<imput type="text" placeholder="Search Applications" />
Live example: (With jQM Look and Feel) (if you still wanted to use JS)

jQuery accordion w/input, how do you get the input to not close the accordion & still be able to control it?

This is more of a proof of concept for myself, to fool around and learn what I can and can't do with jQuery, and I have had partial success.
I created an accordion that contains two spans, which serve as name and description, as well as a button that is independently click-able (ie, it does not open or close the accordion.)
Taking that concept, I decided to try and make the name and description editable by turning the name and description spans into text inputs / text areas, which worked fairly well.
The problem however is that when I take the same technique I used on the button and use it on the input and textarea, clicking it does not allow you to move the cursor to different positions. There does not seem to be a way for me to get around this behavior.
I tried event.preventDefault(), which does not work at all.
I tried event.stopPropagation(), which gives the partially working behavior.
and I tried return false, which worked the same way as stopPropagation.
I was wondering if anyone could provide any insight on this issue.
I included the jQuery javascript below, but for a much more concise example I will provide a jsfiddle link here ( which gives you a much more clear example of what I am doing. Note that when you click the accordion to expand it, the spans are hidden and inputs are shown. Clicking the inputs does not close the accordion, but it also does not allow you to position the cursor.
Also, if you do attempt to change the text in the inputs, closing the accordion does indeed update the spans which is the intended result. This is why I am saying my concept partially works.
Thank you.
$(function() {
header: 'h3',
collapsible: true,
active: false,
change: function(event, ui) {
var id = ui.newHeader.find('input:last').val();
ui.newHeader.find('div.headerContainer textarea.desc').val(ui.newHeader.find('div.headerContainer span.desc').text());
ui.oldHeader.find('div.headerContainer span.desc').text(ui.oldHeader.find('div.headerContainer textarea.desc').val());
ui.newHeader.find('div.headerContainer span').hide();
ui.newHeader.find('div.headerContainer input, div.headerContainer textarea').show();
ui.oldHeader.find('div.headerContainer span').show();
ui.oldHeader.find('div.headerContainer input, div.headerContainer textarea').hide();
$(', textarea.desc').click(function(event){
icons: {primary: 'ui-icon-trash'},
text: false
}).click(function(event) {
//Display user friendly text
return false;
If someone is facing this issue, this is a little trick that worked for me.
PROBLEM: nested jquery accordions with input/textareas elements, cannot gain focus with normal click in Firefox (if you use jquery accordions with NO nested accordions on it, everything works fine). Confirmed by above users.
The sympton relates only to normal click (left click). If you try optional click (right click), the element (input/textarea) WILL gain focus. Weird.
SOLUTION: Just declare this in your document ready function
$(function() {
//some code ...
$("input, textarea").click( function(){
$("input, textarea").blur();
//more code ...
Confirmed (by me) working on IExplorer, Firefox and Chrome.
Seems to work fine in Chrome. This might be browser dependent.
"Clicking the inputs does not close the accordion, but it also does not allow you to position the cursor"
Also fine in Chrome.
