Add REP to the invoice - 3070 (string too long) - quickbooks

I'm gonna add sales rep to the invoice using php quickbooks devkit here.
The problem is when processing this request via web connector it returns the 3070 error.
20190210.20:08:47 UTC : QBWebConnector.SOAPWebService.do_getLastError() : errorMsg="3070: The string "Dan T. Miller" in the field "FullName" is too long."
20190210.20:08:47 UTC : QBWebConnector.SOAPWebService.do_getLastError() : Received error from application: 3070: The string "Dan T. Miller" in the field "FullName" is too long.
"Dan T. Miller" sales rep already exist and I can create new REP longer than this string.
I'm not sure what is exactly happening here. Please advise me.

I found the reason.
SalesRep FullName field should be less than 5 characters ("Initial" field from Sales Rep List not the "Name" field).
I used the name "Dan T. Miller" and that is the reason why I faced that 3070 issue.
"DTM" was the correct field for "SalesRep FullName" on the invoice.


How to use Order id in square-connect payment gateway in

I use this code, this is working done payment when I remove OrderId: "21071" this, but I want to use OrderId: "21071" this is "21071" my website order id that customer place order from my website.
ChargeRequest body = new ChargeRequest(AmountMoney: amount, IdempotencyKey: uuid, CardNonce: nonce, BillingAddress: address, ShippingAddress: address, BuyerEmailAddress: txtEmail.Text, ReferenceId: "Booking #:" + bookingid, Note: bookingid, OrderId: "21071");
ChargeResponse response = transactionsApi.Charge(LocationId, body);
I face this error
Error calling Charge: {"errors":[{"category":"INVALID_REQUEST_ERROR","code":"NOT_FOUND","detail":"Resource not found.","field":"order_id"}]}
My error occurs when I use Orderid without Orderid it works fine, but I want to use Orderid
It seems like you're using your own Order ID there, instead of creating an Order using the Orders API first, and then referencing that Order ID in your Transaction.
You can find an example of how to use the Square Orders API here:

microsoft graph createreply wrong timezone

In our Angular 5 application, we are using Microsoft Graph to retrieve mail messages from a mailbox and then send a reply. For creating the reply, we use the REST API:{message ID}/createReply
This creates a reply with a timezone that is UTC, but we expect it to be GMT+1. For example, in the mail body it says:
From: Melissa van Dijk
Sent: Friday, February 23, 2018 9:51:49 AM (wrong timestamp)
To: Melissa van Dijk
Subject: Meet for lunch?
We checked the settings in our Office 365 mail account and there it is specified that our local timezone is GMT+1 (Brussels, Amsterdam...).
(When replying via Outlook webmail, we get a correct timestamp).
Is this a bug or do we have to correct this timestamp ourselves? Or do we need to pass the timezone with the REST call somehow?
Thanks in advance!
I'm not sure if you can adjust the human-formatted timestamps in the HTML message body, but you can certainly use the ISO 8601 formatted timestamps in the other fields in the JSON of the response. For example, you'll find:
"sentDateTime": "2018-02-23T09:51:49Z",
While this is also in UTC (denoted by the Z), you can easily parse it by using a JavaScript Date object, or Angular's own datetime functions, or your favorite time library such as Luxon, Moment, or Date-fns. From there, displaying it in local time is trivial.

Nick name not set while add on roster to user

In XMPP framework when i am try to add user in my roster with Nick name at that time user added in my roster but nick name not set in my roster list for that user.
Code : Swift 3.0 ,
Server : ejabberd
Snippets of code :
self.xmppRoster.addUser(phJID, withNickname: strName)
self.xmppRoster!.acceptPresenceSubscriptionRequest(from: phJID, andAddToRoster: true)
if i have tried manually and then i have received below error message.
self.xmppRoster.setNickname(strName, forUser: phJID)
Error Msg :
<iq xmlns="jabber:client" type="error"><query xmlns="jabber:iq:roster"><item jid="2323232323#ServerIP"/></query><error code="400" type="modify"><bad-request xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas"/><text xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas" lang="en">Missing attribute 'id' in tag <iq/> qualified by namespace 'jabber:client'</text></error></iq>
Below Stack Question i have checked.
1) ejabberd can not set nickname when add roster sometimes
Help is needed.

Quickbooks IPP v3 Invalid Line TaxCode in the request

Using the IPP v3 I am trying to submit an invoice with multiple lines with different taxcode(s), I am getting the following error when submitting an invoice with 2 lines with TaxCodeRef mapping to existing TaxCode(s).
<IntuitResponse xmlns="" time="2015-06-11T00:32:48.687-07:00">
<Fault type="ValidationFault">
<Error code="6100" element="Line.SalesItemLineDetail.TaxCodeRef">
<Message>Invalid Line TaxCode in the request</Message>
<Detail>Valid line TaxCodes for US should be TAX or NON. Supplied value: 8</Detail>
<Error code="6100" element="Line.SalesItemLineDetail.TaxCodeRef">
<Message>Invalid Line TaxCode in the request</Message>
<Detail>Valid line TaxCodes for US should be TAX or NON. Supplied value: 9</Detail>
Here is the submitted XML, TaxCode with Id 8 and 9 are defined and active.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ns0:Invoice xmlns:ns0="">
Is it possible to submit one invoice with multiple lines having different TaxCodes for Quickbooks online ?
I think you're asking the wrong question. You're asking:
Is it possible to submit one invoice with multiple lines having different TaxCodes for Quickbooks online ?
But the error is telling you:
Valid line TaxCodes for US should be TAX or NON. Supplied value: 9
So the problem isn't that you're submitting different tax codes. The problem is that you're submitting an invalid tax code.
You submitted:
When the only valid submissions are:
There are no other valid values for QuickBooks Online in the USA. Only TAX and NON.
For QuickBooks Online outside of the USA this behavior differs a little in that other countries support a different set of tax does (e.g. GST, HST, PST, etc.)
For US Quickbooks organisation/company, tax rates is handled differently. You need to create or add separate logic for US Locale:
See below from quickbooks US documentations:
And this is the non US documentation which was your code followed:

What does "ei" mean in the Google homepage url

I know about some of the parameters in a google url, such as:
gws =google web server
rd = redirected
cr = country reffered
But I noticed one I cannot identify: &ei=. What does the ei mean in this URL?
The ei parameter contains a timestamp—probably with microseconds—which corresponds to the time when the search results were served.
Your particular ei value (qWwlUqD4MIrRrQfD9ICIDw) contains the following values:
[0] => 1378184361
[1] => 801824
[2] => 15427722
[3] => 4043323971
The timestamp (1378184361) corresponds to 03/09/2013 05.59.21.
The microseconds are 801824 (probably).
(Unfortunately no-one is going to be able to confirm whether they are microseconds or not, but the timestamp (in seconds) is obvious.)
See this guide to decoding ei values, which also provides an open-source PHP function.
You must have used the wrong search terms. A quick search for: google parameter +"ei=" turned up this blog entry which says the ei= parameter:
Passes on an alphanumeric parameter that decodes the originating SERP
where user clicked on a related search...
