Using variable in another stage in declarative Jenkinsfile - jenkins

I'm writing a declarative Jenkinsfile which looks like this. In the stage "build" I define the variable customImage which I would like to use in the stage "Push".
Unfortunately I cannot get this to work.
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage("Build") {
steps {
script {
def commitHash = GIT_COMMIT.take(7)
echo "Building Docker image for commit hash: " + commitHash
def customImage ="myimage:${commitHash}")
stage("Push") {
steps {
echo "Pushing Docker image to registry..."
script {

You just have to define the variable at a scope, where you can access it later, i.e.
def customImage
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage("Build") {
steps {
script {
def commitHash = GIT_COMMIT.take(7)
echo "Building Docker image for commit hash: " + commitHash
customImage ="myimage:${commitHash}")
stage("Push") {
steps {
echo "Pushing Docker image to registry..."
script {


Skip Stages in Jenkins shared library based on repository

I have a common Jenkins shared library for all the repositories as below.
pipeline {
environment {
abc= credentials(’abc')
def= credentials(‘def’)
stages {
stage('Build') {
sh ‘docker build'
stage('Unit-test') {
sh ‘mvn test'
#Library('my-shared-library#branch') _
_publish() {
I have 10 Repository each has its own Jenkinsfile as shown above which refers to the jenkins shared library(vars/_publish.groovy). I have a condition here that I need to Pass. For few repository I want to skip the Unit test and just execute the build stage. For rest other repository I want both the stages. Is there anyone I can skip the particular stage based on the repository or repository name
Yes it's possible you can use when expression like this
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Test') {
when { expression { return repositoryName.contains('dev') } } <---------Add put your repository name 'dev' so whenever the repository names is ''dev' then execute this stage
steps {
script {
def repositoryName() {
def repositoryName = ['dev', 'test'] <----Add here the 10 repo name
return repositoryName
Here in my case repo names are dev and test so you can add yours accondigly
I would decorate my shared library and Jenkinsfile like this to achieve your scenario.
def call(body={}) {
def pipelineParams = [:]
body.resolveStrategy = Closure.DELEGATE_FIRST
body.delegate = pipelineParams
pipeline {
agent any;
stages {
stage('build') {
steps {
echo "BUILD"
stage('unitest') {
when {
anyOf {
equals expected: true, actual: pipelineParams.isEmpty();
equals expected: false, actual: pipelineParams.skipUnitest
steps {
echo "UNITEST"
I am enabling my shared library to accept parameter from Jenkinsfile and with when{} DSL deciding whether to skip unitest stage or not
If your Jenkins file from the repo has below details, will skip the unitest stage
skipUnitest = true
below both scenario will run the unitest stage
skipUnitest = false

How to install .NetCore dotnet (not MSBuid plugin) to Jenkins

I was assigned to create CI/CD workflow for our project combining Openshift + Jenkins pipeline. I can build by using following:
stage('build') {
steps {
script {
openshift.withCluster() {
openshift.withProject() {
def buildSelector = openshift.selector("bc", "test")
} // script
} // steps
} // stage
But I want to also use dotnet restore and other commands but pipeline returns:
/var/lib/jenkins/jobs/test-namespace/jobs/test-pipeline/workspace#tmp/durable-4265d26a/ line 1: dotnet: command not found
also when trying to use
agent {
docker { image '' }
/var/lib/jenkins/jobs/test-namespace/jobs/test-pipeline/workspace#tmp/durable-4265d26a/ line 1: docker: command not found
This is my current script
pipeline {
agent {
node {
label ''
options {
// set a timeout of 20 minutes for this pipeline
timeout(time: 20, unit: 'MINUTES')
stage('build') {
steps {
script {
openshift.withCluster() {
openshift.withProject() {
def buildSelector = openshift.selector("bc", "test")
} // script
} // steps
} // stage
steps {
echo "${workspace} I want to call dotnet clean"
} // steps
} // stage
steps {
echo "${workspace} I want to call dotnet restore"
} // steps
} // stage
steps {
echo "${workspace} I want to call dotnet test *.sln"
} // steps
} // stage
stage('deploy') {
steps {
script {
openshift.withCluster() {
openshift.withProject() {
def deploySelector = openshift.selector("dc", "test")
} // script
} // steps
} // stage
How can I install those binaries to Jenkins? I am using minishift on MacOS.

How to create stages dynamically / concatenate closures?

What i want to achieve is building a list of stages with avoiding using when{}. Im trying to run parallel pipelines
Here is example code
def stage_pull = {
stage('pulling') {
echo 'pulling'
def stage_build = {
stage(pulling) {
echo 'building'
def stage_deb = {
stage(pulling) {
echo 'deb file'
def transformIntoStages(stage1,stage2) {
//return stage1 + stage2
//return {stage1;stage2}
return stage1 << stage2
def agent_list = ["agent1", "agent2"]
stepsForParallel = [:]
stepsForParallel['agent1'] = transformIntoStages(stage_pull,stage_build)
stepsForParallel['agent2'] = transformIntoStages(stage_pull,stage_deb)
agent any
options {
parallel stepsForParallel
This is simplified version. In real project, the number of used stages will be different for each agent.
I also have version with closures inside methods ...
But none of this work.
PS. I know matrix{}, i use it often but I dont want to use it in this particular case.
I think i managed to achieve the goal by using strings and evaluate() function.
def stage_pull() {
return """
stage('pulling') {
echo 'pulling'
def stage_build() {
return """
stage('building') {
echo 'building'
def stage_deb() {
return """
stage('deb') {
echo 'deb file'
def transformIntoStages(stage1,stage2) {
echo "{" + stage1 + stage2 + "}"
return { evaluate(stage1 + stage2) }
stepsForParallel = [:]
stepsForParallel['agent1'] = transformIntoStages(stage_pull(),stage_build())
stepsForParallel['agent2'] = transformIntoStages(stage_pull(),stage_deb())
stepsForParallel['agent3'] = transformIntoStages(stage_pull(),'')
agent any
options {
parallel stepsForParallel
However im afraid that in case of more complicated stages/functions/structures with different kinds of parenthesis it will start to be a mess. And Blue Ocean cant show this properly. But in logs with timestamps and most of all in "Pipeline Steps" section i can see that it works as it should.
So im still open to some suggestions

How to pass a variable from remote ssh connection to other stages in groovy script

I am working on a groovy script for a Jenkins pipeline and am struggling to find how to pass a variable across stages when the variable is obtained from a remote ssh connection.
I found Example 1 and Example 2 on this site and I want to merge them together as seen in "My attempt" below. Note that the output of the file on the remote server is 4. I'm trying pass 4 to a_var.
Example 1: works fine. SSH connection. This reads the file and outputs value to the Jenkins console
def sshCredId = 'myid_cred'
def sshUser = 'myid'
def sshServer = 'myserver'
pipeline {
agent { label 'docker-maven-slave' }
stages {
stage('one') {
steps {
script {
sh "ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ${sshUser}#${sshServer} cat /mydir/myfile.csv"
stage('two') {
steps {
echo "something"
stage('three') {
steps {
echo "do stuff"
Example 2: works fine. This passes a parameter across stages
pipeline {
agent {
label 'docker-maven-slave'
parameters {
string(name: 'a_var', defaultValue: '')
stages {
stage("one") {
steps {
script {
tmp_param = sh (script: 'echo something', returnStdout: true).trim()
env.a_var = tmp_param
stage("two") {
steps {
echo "${env.a_var}"
**My attempt: stage two output is null. I'm expecting '4' **
def sshCredId = 'myid_cred'
def sshUser = 'myid'
def sshServer = 'myserver'
pipeline {
agent { label 'docker-maven-slave' }
parameters {
string(name: 'a_var', defaultValue: 'nothing')
stages {
stage('one') {
steps {
script {
sh "ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ${sshUser}#${sshServer} cat /mydir/myfile.csv"
stage('two') {
steps {
echo "${env.a_var}"
stage('three') {
steps {
echo "do stuff"
Update the answer based on comments and feedback from MayJoAnneBeth
Try below snippet
env.a_var = sh (script: "ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ${sshUser}#${sshServer} cat /mydir/myfile.csv", returnStdout: true).trim()

buildingTag() always returns false

Whenever I try to create a conditional stage with buildingTag(), the stage always gets skipped, even when the current commit is a tag. Here is my Jenkinsfile:
pipeline {
agent {
docker {
image 'node:10'
stages {
stage('Build') {
steps {
sh 'yarn install'
sh 'node scripts/build.js'
stage('Lint') {
steps {
sh 'yarn lint'
stage('Deploy') {
when {
environment {
steps {
sh 'node scripts/deploy.js'
sh 'node scripts/publish.js'
Likely due to this bug:
Workaround is:
when {
expression {
return !isVersionTag(readCurrentTag())
def boolean isVersionTag(String tag) {
echo "checking version tag $tag"
if (tag == null) {
return false
// use your preferred pattern
def tagMatcher = tag =~ /\d+\.\d+\.\d+/
return tagMatcher.matches()
// workaround
def String readCurrentTag() {
return sh(returnStdout: true, script: "git describe --tags").trim()
buildingTag() requires that the TAG_NAME environment varible is set.
This is not set automatically in a simple (not multibranch) pipeline.
pipeline {
agent any
environment {
// To get the tag like shown soru's answer:
// TAG_NAME = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "git describe --tags").trim()
// In my case I already have a tag saved as an environment variable:
// gitlabBranch=refs/tags/tagname
TAG_NAME = "${env.gitlabBranch.split('/')[2]}"
stages {
stage('buildingTag') {
when { buildingTag() }
steps {
echo 'buildingTag works here.'
I also come across this problem. All you need to do enable Advanced clone behaviours -> Fetch tags in the project settings, and set TAG_NAME environment variable in the Jenkins file.
1- Advanced clone behaviours
2- Fetch tags
3- And set TAG_NAME variable in pipeline (buildingTag function requires this)
pipeline {
environment {
TAG_NAME = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "git --no-pager tag --points-at HEAD").trim()
agent {
4- Use Jenkins's buildingTag function to check whether commit has tag or not
stage("Publish Release Artifact") {
when {
I have been using soru's solution, but I had problems when I was building a branch that is tagged, so I tried this and it seems to work:
def boolean isVersionTag(String tag) {
echo "checking version tag $tag"
if (tag == null) {
return false
// use your preferred pattern
def tagMatcher = tag =~ /\d+\.\d+\.\d+/
return tagMatcher.matches()
def String readCurrentTag() {
return sh(returnStdout: true, script: 'echo ${TAG_NAME}').trim()
