Animate Random Movement of vertex on jung - jung

I created graph with static Layout in Jung. I have a method for random movement on 2D which moves the vertex for some number of steps. I appreciate the power of JUNG in most of the operations in my project but I wanted to animate the movement of the vertex when random walk method is called. I need help with this regard. below is my graph code.
final int NUM_WALKS = 41;
int count = 0;
while (count < NUM_WALKS) {
Graph<Integer, String> gr = wsn.generateRandomGraph();
Transformer<Integer, Point2D> locationTransformer = new Transformer<Integer, Point2D>() {
public Point2D transform(Integer vertex) {
int value = (vertex.intValue());// * 40) + 20;
Map<Integer, Integer> MapX = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
MapX = WirelesSensorNetwork.MapX_Object();
Map<Integer, Integer> MapY = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
MapY = WirelesSensorNetwork.MapY_Object();
return new Point2D.Float(MapX.get(value), MapY.get(value));
Dimension preferredSize = new Dimension(700, 600);
StaticLayout<Integer, String> layout = new StaticLayout<Integer, String>(gr, locationTransformer);
layout.setSize(new Dimension(300, 250));
VisualizationViewer<Integer, String> vv = new VisualizationViewer<Integer, String>(layout,
vv.getRenderContext().setVertexLabelTransformer(new ToStringLabeller());
vv.getRenderContext().setEdgeShapeTransformer(new EdgeShape.Line<Integer, String>());
JFrame frame = new JFrame("Wireless Sensor Network ");

There's a lot I don't know about your program, so I can't actually test this.
You may find it useful to start with something like this:
// set up variables (you must be declaring 'sa' somewhere up here....)
final int NUM_WALKS = 41;
int count = 0;
// do first randomwalk
// create the graph, layout, and visualization
Graph<Integer, String> gr = wsn.generateRandomGraph();
// get locations for first layout
Transformer<Integer, Point2D> locationTransformer = new Transformer<Integer, Point2D>() {
public Point2D transform(Integer vertex) {
int value = (vertex.intValue());// * 40) + 20;
Map<Integer, Integer> MapX = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
MapX = WirelesSensorNetwork.MapX_Object();
Map<Integer, Integer> MapY = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
MapY = WirelesSensorNetwork.MapY_Object();
return new Point2D.Float(MapX.get(value), MapY.get(value));
// create the first StaticLayout
StaticLayout<Integer, String> layout = new StaticLayout<Integer, String>(gr, locationTransformer);
layout.setSize(new Dimension(300, 250));
// create the visualization
Dimension preferredSize = new Dimension(700, 600);
VisualizationViewer<Integer, String> vv = new VisualizationViewer<Integer, String>(layout,
vv.getRenderContext().setVertexLabelTransformer(new ToStringLabeller());
vv.getRenderContext().setEdgeShapeTransformer(new EdgeShape.Line<Integer, String>());
JFrame frame = new JFrame("Wireless Sensor Network ");
// increment the count, since we have run the randomwalk one time
// do the rest of the randomwalks
// you might need to do something to slow down this loop so that it does not
// go too fast for the visualization to keep up with.
while (count < NUM_WALKS) {
// make a new location transformer after each walk
Transformer<Integer, Point2D> nextLocationTransformer = new Transformer<Integer, Point2D>() {
public Point2D transform(Integer vertex) {
int value = (vertex.intValue());// * 40) + 20;
Map<Integer, Integer> MapX = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
MapX = WirelesSensorNetwork.MapX_Object();
Map<Integer, Integer> MapY = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
MapY = WirelesSensorNetwork.MapY_Object();
return new Point2D.Float(MapX.get(value), MapY.get(value));
// make a new layout with the new location transformer
StaticLayout<Integer, String> newLayout = new StaticLayout<Integer, String>(gr, nextLocationTransformer);
newLayout.setSize(new Dimension(300, 250));
// animate the existing visualization to move from the previous layout to the new one
LayoutTransition<Integer, String> lt =
new LayoutTransition<Integer, String>(vv, vv.getGraphLayout(),
Animator animator = new Animator(lt);


how to animate diff images in xna game?

i am having 19 images , which are animation frames of my player
in below i have created array of texture as frog which is my player.and there are 19 to animate them.
public class Texture
public static Texture2D mBackground;
public static Texture2D mBackgroundOne;
public static Texture2D mBackgroundTwo;
public static Texture2D grassUp;
public static Texture2D grassDown;
public static Texture2D[] frog = new Texture2D[19];
public static Texture2D[] frogdie = new Texture2D[4];
public static Vector2 position;
public static void Load()
mBackground = GamePage.contentManager.Load<Texture2D>("layer_11");
mBackgroundOne = GamePage.contentManager.Load<Texture2D>("layer_11");
mBackgroundTwo = GamePage.contentManager.Load<Texture2D>("layer_11");
grassUp = GamePage.contentManager.Load<Texture2D>("layer_11");
grassDown = GamePage.contentManager.Load<Texture2D>("layer_11");
frog[0] = GamePage.contentManager.Load<Texture2D>("player/maindak_normal1");
frog[1] = GamePage.contentManager.Load<Texture2D>("player/maindak_normal2");
frog[2] = GamePage.contentManager.Load<Texture2D>("player/maindak_normal3");
frog[3] = GamePage.contentManager.Load<Texture2D>("player/maindak_normal4");
frog[4] = GamePage.contentManager.Load<Texture2D>("player/maindak_normal5");
frog[5] = GamePage.contentManager.Load<Texture2D>("player/maindak_normal6");
frog[6] = GamePage.contentManager.Load<Texture2D>("player/maindak_normal7");
frog[7] = GamePage.contentManager.Load<Texture2D>("player/maindak_normal8");
frog[8] = GamePage.contentManager.Load<Texture2D>("player/maindak_normal9");
frog[9] = GamePage.contentManager.Load<Texture2D>("player/maindak_normal10");
frog[10] = GamePage.contentManager.Load<Texture2D>("player/maindak_normal11");
frog[11] = GamePage.contentManager.Load<Texture2D>("player/maindak_normal12");
frog[12] = GamePage.contentManager.Load<Texture2D>("player/maindak_normal13");
frog[13] = GamePage.contentManager.Load<Texture2D>("player/maindak_normal14");
frog[14] = GamePage.contentManager.Load<Texture2D>("player/maindak_normal15");
frog[15] = GamePage.contentManager.Load<Texture2D>("player/maindak_normal16");
frog[16] = GamePage.contentManager.Load<Texture2D>("player/maindak_normal17");
frog[17] = GamePage.contentManager.Load<Texture2D>("player/maindak_normal18");
frog[18] = GamePage.contentManager.Load<Texture2D>("player/maindak_normal19");
public static void draw(SpriteBatch sprite)
for (int i = 0; i <= 18; i++)
sprite.Draw(frog[i],position= new Vector2(100, 100), Color.White);
Keeping with your current structure, you could animate your textures in the following manner:
private const float TIME_BETWEEN_FRAME = 0.1f;
private float timer = TIME_BETWEEN_FRAME;
//frame sequence
private int currentFrame = 0;
public void Update(GameTime gametime)
float elapsed = (float)gametime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds;
timer -= elapsed; //subtract elapsed time from timer
if (timer <= 0) //if our timer is elapsed
currentFrame++; //next frame
if (currentFrame >= frog.Count)
currentFrame = 0; //If we reach last frame, reset to loop
timer = TIME_BETWEEN_FRAME; //reset timer
public void draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch)
spriteBatch.Draw(frog[currentFrame], position, Color.White);
This will work, however, if you want to take it a step further into the right direction, you should look into SpriteSheets, which will provide you with a much easier way to manage all of your animations.

Blackberry how to design the Screen like Profile Screen !! Code for Blackberry 7.0

i am trying to make the Profile screen for my Application and the Requirement is :
I have the Data with me in the Vector and Image in bitmap form.. Only problem is that i am Struggling to figure out how it can be achieved, How to make the Photo Section parallel to the multiple Fields in Right hand Side..
Please help me out..
Thanks in Advance..
You haven't specified everything about how this should work. You may want the profile picture to scale with the screen size. Some of the fields may be editable. I'm not sure if you want backgrounds or borders drawn around the 3 rows of Text/Number. So, I had to make some guesses. But, this should get you started, and help you understand what's needed to create a custom Manager subclass, which is one of the ways to solve this problem.
public class ProfileScreen extends MainScreen {
public ProfileScreen() {
add(new ProfileManager());
private class ProfileManager extends Manager {
private static final int PADDING = 20; // TODO: might make this depend on screen size!
private static final int ROW_PAD = PADDING / 2;
private static final int NUM_ROWS = 3;
private String _name = "Nate";
private String _place = "USA";
private String _phone = "1-206-123-4567";
private String _email = "";
private Bitmap _photo;
private Vector _text;
private Vector _numbers;
private LabelField _nameField;
private LabelField _placeField;
private LabelField _phoneField;
private LabelField _emailField;
private BitmapField _photoField;
private LabelField[] _textFields;
private LabelField[] _numberFields;
private int[] _rowLocations;
public ProfileManager() {
// Create the data and the fields ... this would probably be more
// dynamic in your production code, so the profile could change.
_nameField = new LabelField(_name);
_placeField = new LabelField(_place);
_phoneField = new LabelField(_phone);
_emailField = new LabelField(_email);
_photo = Bitmap.getBitmapResource("avatar.png");
_photoField = new BitmapField(_photo);
_text = new Vector();
_textFields = new LabelField[NUM_ROWS];
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_ROWS; i++) {
_text.insertElementAt("Text" + (i + 1), i);
_textFields[i] = new LabelField(_text.elementAt(i),
_numbers = new Vector();
_numberFields = new LabelField[NUM_ROWS];
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_ROWS; i++) {
_numbers.insertElementAt("Number" + (i + 1), i);
_numberFields[i] = new LabelField(_numbers.elementAt(i),
// We will store the bottom 3 row locations for use in paint()
_rowLocations = new int[NUM_ROWS];
// Add the fields to this manager
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_ROWS; i++) {
// Add one row of Text and Number fields
public int getPreferredHeight() {
return Display.getHeight(); // full screen
public int getPreferredWidth() {
return Display.getWidth(); // full screen
protected void sublayout(int width, int height) {
setExtent(width, height);
int x = PADDING;
int y = PADDING;
setPositionChild(_photoField, x, y);
layoutChild(_photoField, _photo.getWidth(), _photo.getHeight());
x += _photo.getWidth() + PADDING;
int widthMinusPhoto = width - 3 * PADDING - _photo.getWidth();
setPositionChild(_nameField, x, y);
layoutChild(_nameField, widthMinusPhoto, _nameField.getPreferredHeight());
y += _nameField.getHeight() + ROW_PAD;
setPositionChild(_placeField, x, y);
layoutChild(_placeField, widthMinusPhoto, _placeField.getPreferredHeight());
y += _placeField.getHeight() + ROW_PAD;
setPositionChild(_phoneField, x, y);
layoutChild(_phoneField, widthMinusPhoto, _phoneField.getPreferredHeight());
y += _phoneField.getHeight() + ROW_PAD;
setPositionChild(_emailField, x, y);
layoutChild(_emailField, widthMinusPhoto, _emailField.getPreferredHeight());
// layout the 3 rows of Text and Numbers (1/3 width for each label field (?)
y = PADDING + _photo.getHeight() + PADDING + ROW_PAD;
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_ROWS; i++) {
setPositionChild(_textFields[i], x, y);
// record the y coordinate of this row, to use in paint()
_rowLocations[i] = y;
width / 3, _textFields[i].getPreferredHeight());
setPositionChild(_numberFields[i], width - PADDING - width / 3, y);
width / 3, _numberFields[i].getPreferredHeight());
y += _textFields[i].getPreferredHeight() + PADDING + 2 * ROW_PAD;
// paint overridden to draw gray box behind Text/Number rows
protected void paint(Graphics graphics) {
int oldColor = graphics.getColor();
// paint a light gray background behind each row of Text/Numbers
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_ROWS; i++) {
// if you want a solid border, use drawRect() instead of fillRect():
graphics.fillRect(PADDING, _rowLocations[i] - ROW_PAD,
getWidth() - 2 * PADDING, _textFields[i].getHeight() + 2 * ROW_PAD);
graphics.setColor(oldColor); // reset the color for super.paint()
It's not always required to override paint() in a custom Manager class. sublayout() is where most of the work is done, to position the fields. In this case, I chose to override paint() in order to provide a custom border around more than one field. This isn't the only way to do that, but there are definitely times when you'll want to be able to add custom drawing code, to improve the look of your UIs.

How to custom go newline when calling drawtext()?

This is a listfield.
public class Custom_ListField extends ListField {
private String[] title, category, date, imagepath;
private int[] newsid, catsid;
private List_News newslist;
private Bitmap imagebitmap[], localimage = Bitmap
private BrowserField webpage;
private Custom_BrowserFieldListener listener;
private boolean islatest;
private Vector content = null;
private ListCallback callback = null;
private int currentPosition = 0;
public Custom_ListField(Vector content, boolean islatest) {
this.content = content;
this.islatest = islatest;
newsid = new int[content.size()];
title = new String[content.size()];
category = new String[content.size()];
date = new String[content.size()];
imagepath = new String[content.size()];
catsid = new int[content.size()];
imagebitmap = new Bitmap[content.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < content.size(); i++) {
newslist = (List_News) content.elementAt(i);
newsid[i] = newslist.getID();
title[i] = newslist.getNtitle();
category[i] = newslist.getNewCatName();
date[i] = newslist.getNArticalD();
imagepath[i] = newslist.getImagePath();
if (!imagepath[i].toString().equals("no picture")) {
imagebitmap[i] = Util_ImageLoader.loadImage(imagepath[i]);
} else {
imagebitmap[i] = localimage;
catsid[i] = newslist.getCatID();
this.setRowHeight(localimage.getHeight() + 10);
private void initCallbackListening() {
callback = new ListCallback();
private class ListCallback implements ListFieldCallback {
public ListCallback() {
public void drawListRow(ListField listField, Graphics graphics,
int index, int y, int width) {
currentPosition = index;
Display.getWidth() - imagebitmap[index].getWidth() - 5,
y + 3, imagebitmap[index].getWidth(),
imagebitmap[index].getHeight(), imagebitmap[index], 0, 0);
graphics.drawRect(0, y, width, imagebitmap[index].getHeight() + 10);
graphics.setFont(Font.getDefault().derive(Font.BOLD, 20));
graphics.drawText(title[index], 5, y + 3, 0, Display.getWidth()
- imagebitmap[index].getWidth() - 10);
graphics.setFont(Font.getDefault().derive(Font.BOLD, 15));
graphics.drawText(date[index], 5, y + 6
+ Font.getDefault().getHeight() + 3);
if (islatest) {
graphics.setFont(Font.getDefault().derive(Font.BOLD, 15));
graphics.drawText(category[index], Font.getDefault()
.getAdvance(date[index]) + 3, y + 6
+ Font.getDefault().getHeight() + 3);
public Object get(ListField listField, int index) {
return content.elementAt(index);
public int getPreferredWidth(ListField listField) {
return Display.getWidth();
public int indexOfList(ListField listField, String prefix, int start) {
return content.indexOf(prefix, start);
public int getCurrentPosition() {
return currentPosition;
protected boolean navigationClick(int status, int time) {
int index = getCurrentPosition();
if (catsid[index] == 9) {
if (Config_GlobalFunction.isConnected()) {
webpage = new BrowserField();
listener = new Custom_BrowserFieldListener();
MainScreen aboutus = new Menu_Aboutus();
+ newsid[index] + ":&Itemid=223");
} else
Config_GlobalFunction.Message(Config_GlobalFunction.nowifi, 1);
} else
new Main_NewsDetail(newsid[index]));
return true;
Please look at the
graphics.setFont(Font.getDefault().derive(Font.BOLD, 20));
graphics.drawText(title[index], 5, y + 3, 0, Display.getWidth()
- imagebitmap[index].getWidth() - 10);
This will only draw the text one line only. I did researched and found out there isn't built in function and must custom a function make the text auto next line.
The function something like this
private int numberoflines(int availablespace){
return numberlines
The links Rupak shows are good, although one of them references the generic Java problem (and proposes a Swing result that would need to be changed for BlackBerry), and the other references an external (non stack overflow) link.
If you want another option, and don't want the algorithm to figure out where to make the line breaks, you can use this. This code assumes you put '\n' characters into your strings, where you want to split the text into multiple lines. You would probably put this code in the paint() method:
// store original color, to reset it at the end
int oldColor = graphics.getColor();
int endOfLine = _text.indexOf('\n');
if (endOfLine < 0) {
graphics.drawText(_text, _padding, _top);
} else {
// this is a multi-line label
int top = _top;
int index = 0;
int textLength = _text.length();
while (index < textLength) {
// draw one line at a time
index, // offset into _text
endOfLine - index, // number of chars to draw
_padding, // x
top, // y
(int) (DrawStyle.HCENTER | DrawStyle.TOP | Field.USE_ALL_WIDTH), // style flags
_fieldWidth - 2 * _padding); // width available
index = endOfLine + 1;
endOfLine = _text.indexOf('\n', index);
if (endOfLine < 0) {
endOfLine = textLength;
top += _fieldFont.getHeight() + _top; // top padding is set equal to spacing between lines
And here you would initialize some of the variables I use in that. I think these are right, based on the code you posted, but you'll need to double-check:
String _text = title[index]; // text to draw
int _padding = 5; // left and right side padding around text
int _top = y + 3; // the y coordinate of the top of the text
Font _fieldFont = Font.getDefault().derive(Font.BOLD, 20);
// the total width reserved for the text, which includes room for _padding:
int _fieldWidth = Display.getWidth() - imagebitmap[index].getWidth();

Making an object appear to move across the screen randomly

I'm currently doing an assignment, on which one of the requirements is for a random object to appear on screen and move across. Being new to XNA, i do not know where to even begin implementing such behaviours to the game, thus would really appreciate if someone could give me a nudge towards the right direction.
I'm only really accustomed to invoking something when a key is pressed, however with something completely random, this can't be done. as far as i am aware of.
Thank you.
You need to create and set up a sprite for the UFO first. In your protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime) code you simply need to get the current time and compare it to the rules in which you wish to apply. Then update if you wish to draw and "move" the sprite. Here is an example:
#region Using Statements
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Audio;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Storage;
public class Game : Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game {
#region Game Settings
GraphicsDeviceManager graphics;
SpriteBatch spriteBatch;
GraphicsDevice device;
int screenWidth = 800;
int screenHeight = 600;
bool fullscreen = false;
string title = "MyGame";
string origionaltitle;
float frames = 0;
float framesPerSecond = 0;
int startTime;
int currentTime;
int nextTime;
struct sprite {
public string TextureName;
public Texture2D Texture;
public Vector2 Position;
public Vector2 Speed;
public Color[] TextureData;
bool DrawUFO = false;
sprite ufo = new sprite();
public Game() {
graphics = new GraphicsDeviceManager(this);
Content.RootDirectory = "Content";
protected override void LoadContent() {
// Create a new SpriteBatch, which can be used to draw textures.
spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice);
device = graphics.GraphicsDevice;
// TODO: use this.Content to load your game content here
ufo.TextureName = "ufo";
ufo.Texture = Content.Load<Texture2D>(ball.TextureName);
ufo.TextureData = new Color[ufo.Texture.Width *ufo.Texture.Height];
protected override void Initialize() {
// TODO: Add your initialization logic here
ufo.Position = new Vector2(10f, 10.0f);
ufo.Speed = new Vector2(0.0f, 10.0f);
// Set up game window
graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth = screenWidth;
graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight = screenHeight;
graphics.IsFullScreen = fullscreen;
origionaltitle = title;
Window.Title = title;
// Set the initial time
startTime = DateTime.Now.Second;
// Set "random"/next time for ufo to be rendered
nextTime = startTime + rand.Next(2);
protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime) {
// Set the current time
currentTime = DateTime.Now.Second;
// if not drawing ufo then
if(!DrawURO) {
// check current time and compare it with the next time
if( currentTime == nextTime ) {
DrawURO = true;
} else {
// Update UFO position (aka move it)
ufo.Posistion += ball.Speed *(float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds;
// if ufo goes of the screen then
if(ufo.Position.Y > screenHeight) {
// Reset ufo
DrawURO = false;
ufo.Position.X = 10.0f;
ufo.Position.Y = 10.0f;
// set next time to render
nextTime = currentTime + rand.Next(2);
protected override void Draw(GameTime gameTime) {
// TODO: Add your drawing code here
if(DrawUFO == true) {
spriteBatch.Draw(ufo.Texture, ufo.Position, Color.White);
I copied this from some code i did at college a few years a ago, so apologies for any bugs.

accessing Inner class while creating BitmapField & adding it in HorizontalFieldManager

I'm creating a inner class in a method. After that I am accessing some statements like,
public class Test extends MainScreen
HorizontalFieldManager hfm;
Bitmap bitmap[] = new Bitmap[100];
BitmapField[] bitmapField = new BitmapField[100];
int countBitmap = 0;
VerticalFieldManager vfm_Main = new VerticalFieldManager();
hfm = new HorizontalFieldManager(HorizontalFieldManager.USE_ALL_WIDTH);
void drawBitmap()
bitmap[countBitmap] = new Bitmap(100, 100);
bitmapField[countBitmap] = new BitmapField(bitmap[countBitmap]){
public void paint(Graphics g)
for(int i = 0 ; i < bitmapField.length; i++)
if(bitmapField[i] != null)
But here the problem is after creating the bitmap & before creating the bitmapField, control goes to
synchronized(UiApplication.getEventLock()){hfm.add(bitmapField[countBitmap]); }
So before creating the bitmapField, it adds it in hfm.
So the output is coming like "Everytime a new BitmapField is added in hfm (means at the same position by replacing the previous one)". But I want the BitmapFields come next to each other in hfm.
How to do it?
Any solution why the control goes first to hfm.add() before the new bitmapField() inner class?
first of all, several suggestions about code:
see no reason using synchronized since it's UI thread
don't setBitmap, bitmap is already passed to BitmapField constructor
actually all BitmapFields come next to each other in hfm, to make it clear, I've add number to each one.
if you want some custom constructor or new fields in BitmapField, it's better to create new class as an extension of BitmapField
class TestScr extends MainScreen {
HorizontalFieldManager hfm;
Bitmap bitmap[] = new Bitmap[100];
BitmapField[] bitmapField = new BitmapField[100];
TestScr() {
hfm = new HorizontalFieldManager();
void drawBitmap() {
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
bitmap[i] = new Bitmap(50, 50);
Graphics graphics = new Graphics(bitmap[i]);
String number = Integer.toString(i);
Font font = graphics.getFont().derive(Font.BOLD, 40, Ui.UNITS_px);
int textWidth = graphics.getFont().getAdvance(number);
int textHeight = graphics.getFont().getHeight();
int x = (bitmap[i].getWidth() - textWidth) / 2;
int y = (bitmap[i].getHeight() - textHeight) / 2;
graphics.drawText(number, x, y);
bitmapField[i] = new BitmapField(bitmap[i]) {
public void paint(Graphics g) {
int width = getWidth() - 1;
int height = getHeight() - 1;
g.drawLine(0, 0, width, 0);
g.drawLine(width, 0, width, height);
g.drawLine(width, height, 0, height);
g.drawLine(0, height, 0, 0);
