starting neo4j data at user defined directory - neo4j

I created a directory where I'm storing my current graph.db which is different than the default location of /var/lib/neo4j/data/database. I changed my neo4j.config file providing new location of the database as, but somehow I cannot start the neo4j server using systemctl start neo4j

When using a deb or rpm distribution package (I assume you are because you are using systemctl to start the database), the database is run under neo4j user by default and this user needs to have write permissions to the data directory.
Does the user have permissions to write to your new /neo4j/data directory?


Changing JENKINS_HOME to another hard disk

I tried many tutorials I found on the internet on how to change the location of my JENKINS_HOME.
I still encountered these errors:
On the jenkins app - Unable to create the home directory ‘/mnt/2fe95e40-f8ba-418e-804c-0a25571f7b0c/jenkins’. This is most likely a permission problem.
On the jenkins logs - SEVERE hudson.util.BootFailure#publish: Failed to initialize Jenkins
In the the tutorials they are saying that one of the reasons to change the JENKINS_HOME is the issue of the disk space, but their steps were always to change the directory to a new /home/<new_folder>. They are still using the same drive, they just change the folder it does not fix their disk space problem.
Does anyone know how to use the another hard disk as the new JENKINS_HOME? Without having to use
SymLink or Symbolic Link that point to another drive.
I am using Ubuntu 18.04.1 x64
I would do a fresh install on the new hard disk, then make a backup from the old location and restore it on the new disk.
If you do not agree with this approach you should check which user has permission on the Jenkins files and folders on the new hard disk.
stat [yourfilename or yourfolder]
Compare with JENKINS_USER variable in etc/default/jenkins.
Change the user if needed on the new location:
chown -R your_user /var/lib/jenkins
You will need to restart Jenkins and maybe reboot the machine.
As a second option, maybe Jenkins can not create its home directory in the new place. You can create the directory manually and then change JENKINS_HOME to point to it.
More info:
Run jenkins job as another user
Can't get Jenkins to start using Tomcat

neo4j console how to specify local path of existing db?

Suppose I have a graph database created with Neo4j Desktop in the path
In a different path I have the neo4j-community-3.5.5 folder (I am on OSX). I am trying to start the path/neo4jDatabases/database-abc/installation-3.5.5 database with neo4j-community.
I am trying this command:
sudo ./bin/neo4j console -path path/neo4jDatabases/database-abc/installation-3.5.5
but the started database is using the directories of neo4j-community-3.5.5 instead of the ones specified in the path.
How can I start neo4j-community using the path of an existing db (created with Neo4j Desktop)?
The path argument doesn't exist for the command neo4j.
If you want to change the data folder location of your community server, you need to modify the configuration of your community server (the conf/neo4j.conf) by specifying the property :

Neo4j Dump: How to specify the database?

Having successfully created and populated a database with 200,000+ nodes, I would like to create a dump as a backup.
The instructions in the documentation are simple:
neo4j-admin dump --database=<database> --to=<destination-path>
But it's not clear what to use for <database>. If I use graph.db (or leave out the option) I get an error. I know the location of the database folder.
If I put the path to the database I get the following error:
unexpected error: 'database' should be a name but you seem to have specified a path
OS: Windows 10
Partial answer:
The database parameter refers to databases that are located in neo4jFolder/data/databases folder, where neo4jFolder is the folder of the unzipped install of Neo4j.
For example: I unzipped the neo4j install zip into E:\Program Files\neo4j-community-3.3.2. My database was elsewhere on the drive. So I copied the database to E:\Program Files\neo4j-community-3.3.2\data\databases\MyDatabase. Then I was able to run neo4j-admin dump --database=MyDatabase --to=backup5.dmp successfully.
I don't know if it's possible to run dump on databases that are not found under /data/databases. I also don't know how to run a dump when Neo4j is installed with the exe installer. My solution is for the zip file installation.

Copying a local database from one computer to another ne04j

I created a database Neo4j on a PC, with many relationships, node, etc
how to move/ copy the database from this pc to another?
thanks for the help
update1: I have tried to found conf/ but i don't have...
this is a screenshot of my folder ne04j (It is in Windows document Folder)
Neo4J databases live in your filesystem, you can simply make a copy of the folder in which your Neo4J data is stored. If you are running standalone this folder will be configured in conf/ and the line will look something like this:
Copy the content of that folder to the graph database folder on your other machine. I'd recommend that your databases are not running when you do this.
I believe you're looking for the dump shell command which you can use to export a database into a single Cypher create statement, you'd "dump" the database and then import it on your new machine.
Information on using the command is outlined here: Neo4j docs
A Neo4j database can be dumped and loaded using the following commands:
neo4j-admin dump --database=<database> --to=<destination-path>
neo4j-admin load --from=<archive-path> --database=<database> [--force]
The database should be shutdown before running the dump and load commands.
i used the above solution, but the file name was different.
in the folder of the neo4j data, look for folder called conf and inside the configuration file called neo4j.conf
inside this file you will see a line that direct to the folder that contain the data.
its called "graph.db"
replace it with the same folder from your backup of the DB that you want to clone.

neo4j 120 seconds error after copying graph.db permission

This is my problem. I have copied graph.db for a backup.
Neo4j was started when I did that.
After that I deleted graph.db and neo4j started a new one. Neo4j is working fine, no problems.
But when wanted to copy again graph.db (the backup one) I get:
Starting Neo4j Server...WARNING: not changing user
waiting for server to be ready... Failed to start within 120 seconds.
I have uninstalled and installed again neo4j and it does not work.
I think is a problem of permissions... If yes how to solve it? I have tried to change permissions with chmod but it does not work... Someone can help me with the code for changing the permissions or configure neo4j with good permissions.
On the log: this appears multiple times:
2014-08-14 15:27:58.102+0000 INFO [API] Setting startup timeout to: 120000ms based on -1
Detected incorrectly shut down database, performing recovery..
Any other suggestion?
Thank you for your help.
Try to use
bin/neo4j start-no-wait
instead of
bin/neo4j start
As commented before the data was corrupted. It was impossible to recover it.
The correct way to do the backup is: link
Never copy the files while running the database.
We need to zip the graph.db file and then copy it in another location as a backup.
For restore stop the database just delete recursively graph.db and unzip the backup.
Sadly the first data could not be restored...
