LinkedIn url scheme opens EventMap application instead of Linkedin app - ios

In my application, there is the functionality of the open Linkedin application.
To open LinkedIn app I am using linkedin:// URL scheme.
Now the issue is in my device I have Eventmate application installed & LinkedIn application installed.
Ideally, on linkedin:// function call, it should open LinkedIn app. But its opening Eventmate application.


Login with Social Platforms (Facebook and google) doesn't work inside LinkedIn mobile app's internal browser in ios

We are developing mobile app using ionic and capacitor. Where we are posting a post on linkedin. user can click on that post and do registration . we are supporting multiple logins such as fb, google and apple and email.we are not able to login to fb and google in ios. we are getting 403 disallowed_useragent. Linkedin app opens its Default in app browser and its not supporting other logins.error screenshot

While building sign-in with twitter on safari for iphone, how can I use the accounts already added in my settings

Im trying to build sign-in with twitter on my web application, which redirects to twitter for sign-in shows app permissions page etc and comes back to my application after authentication, what I actually want to do is, if I have twitter app installed, and Im signed into it, I want to use that information in my web application running on safari.
How do I do that in case it is possible.

Using (Venmo) OAuth API with Ionic Framework

I'm currently having some issues using the Venmo API in the context of an app built on the Ionic framework. I'm currently building an Ionic app, which uses the Venmo OAuth API, and trying to test it out on my iPhone. My Venmo authentication flow currently goes like this: I use the Cordova "In App Browser" plugin to open the Venmo OAuth sign-in page in-app, which redirects the user back to my app with a query parameter specifying an access token, allowing me to make requests to Venmo's API endpoints on the user's behalf. When I run my Ionic app on my Mac (via ionic serve) and access it via a web browser, I'm able to use the OAuth API (as you would expect). However, when I run my app on my iPhone, I can't get the app to work with OAuth API because the Venmo authorization page, opened with the In App Browser plugin, can't redirect back to my app. Again, this flow works in browser, but it fails on my iPhone.
To my knowledge, it looks like the OAuth API is the only way I can interact with Venmo through an Ionic app. This is presenting a problem because the "In App Browser" plugin doesn't allow Venmo's authorization page to redirect back to my app when testing on an iPhone. I'm open to trying this process any other way. I see in the Venmo docs that there's an iOS SDK but I don't think I can use that in any way in an Ionic app. If someone has an example of authenticating with other OAuth services in an Ionic app, that would also be helpful. Thanks in advance.

OAuth callback url for iOS

i have an app that i have devloped in xCode 4.5 and using phonegap. I wanted to connect to twitter and dropbox and i registered my app, i'm using childBrowser and oAuth.js to do the authorization.
The problem i'm having is what do i set the callback url to be for my app?
I've seen on some sites to create a url scheme in your plist, which i did called 'myapp://' and when i open safari in my phone and type this in it launches my app, however when i pass this to dropbox or twitter nothing happens, that is control is never returned to my app.
Help please!!

How does Facebook SSO know which app to return to?

Using Facebook SSO (Single Sign on), after the system prompts the user for permissions to work with their Facebook account, it directs the user back to the app that SSO was being run in. How specifically does FB SSO accomplish this? (How does it know which app to reopen after the permissions are granted?)
We are building a SDK that interacts with Facebook, and it is not clear how the facebook app figures out which app to return to.
When you add the Facebook SDK, one of the steps is to register a URL scheme for your app with your API key.
When you authorize the app in Facebook it tries to open the URL (usually formatted like fbXXXXXXXXXXX) and since your app is set to handle this URL scheme so the app is opened.
And here's a list of other apps you can communicate using handleOpenURL:
