Get merged cell value in every JSON object - js-xlsx

I have an excel file that looks like this:
As you can see, there are some merged cells. I've been using js-xlsx to convert the data to JSON objects in my application. Here is the code:
onFileLoad(loadedEvent: any) {
let data = new Uint8Array(;
let arr: Array<string> = new Array();
for (let i = 0; i != data.length; i++) arr[i] = String.fromCharCode(data[i]);
let bstr = arr.join("");
let wb: XLSX.IWorkBook =, { type: "binary" });
let workSheet = wb.Sheets[wb.SheetNames[0]];
let jsonData = XLSX.utils.sheet_to_json(workSheet, {raw: true });
The code works fine for the row where it says "40", but at "41" the JSON object does not contain the fields from the merged cells. You can see that here:
Is there any way to make the values from the merged cells be in every JSON object?

I believe you need to handle these separately, the reader will just pick up the upper left cell from merged ranges. If you want to apply some sort of handling after reading the object you can access the merged cells within workbook.Sheets[data_sheet_name]["!merges"] as
{//start of merge
s:{c:col_num, r:row_num},
//end of merge
e: {c:col_num, r:row_num}
more merge objects...
Can use that to find your data and copy it across if you like.


ios firebase how to fetch multiple object inside collection?

I had a problem with firebase , i have 5 document IDs . I need to query those 5 documents , convert them in to object.
for oneID in allIDs {
self.db.collection("storecollection").document(oneID).getDocument {(snap,err) in
let oneobject = convertToObject(snap)
var newarray = [MyObjectClass]()
if allIDs.last == oneID {
// perform copy
for x in 0...(self.tempHolder.count -1){
Something wrong with code above , the size of self.tempHolder always count = 1. (Only the last id fetched object exist) i have no idea how to make it right.
Whats the right way to fetch multiple document (with specifiedID) ???
There's a bit of extraneous code in the question so it's not exactly clear but it seems you want to iterate over an array of document keys, read each associated document and add properties to an array (or in your case create an object based on those properties and add it)
Here's a simple example reading in a series of posts, and appending the post text from each post in an array.
The structure is
posts //a collection
post_text: "A post"
post_text: "Another post"
post_text: "Cool post"
and the code to read in post_0 and post_2 and append the post text to an array
var postTextArray = [String]()
func readMultiplePosts() {
let postKeyArray = ["post_0", "post_2"]
for postKey in postKeyArray {
let docRef = self.db.collection("posts").document(postKey)
docRef.addSnapshotListener { documentSnapshot, error in
guard let document = documentSnapshot else {
print("err fetchibng document")
guard let data = else {
print("doc was empty")
print("doc data: \(data)")
let post = document.get("post_text") as! String
then sometime later we want to print the post texts
for p in self.postMsgArray {
and the output from console
A post
Cool post
While this solution works, a Firebaser will quickly point out that reading data like this in a tight loop is generally not recommended. It would be better to have some other correlation between the posts you want to read and then perform a query to read them in.

Save multiple data with a loop in FirebaseDatabase - Swift IOS

with my code I would save multiple data with a loop in my Firebase Database. I have used a while loop to save some strings in my Database but my app saves only the last book and I don't know how to fix this problem. Any ideas?
let refUsers = FIRDatabase.database().reference().child("Users").child("User" + tag_login).child(user_key).child("Books").child("Others")
let key = refUsers.childByAutoId().key
let multipleBooksValues = ["multipleBooks": "Yes", "read": "Yes"] as NSDictionary
let refBooks = FIRDatabase.database().reference().child("Books").child("User's books").child(book_key)
var bookNumber = 0
let numberOfBooks = bookList.count
while bookNumber < numberOfBooks {
let book = bookList[bookNumber]
let values = ["book_key\(bookNumber)" : book.book_key!] as NSDictionary
refBooks.updateChildValues(["onGoingNegotiations" : "Yes", "other_user_key" : self.user_key, "other_tag_login": self.tag_login])
refUsers.child(key).child("multipleBooksNumber").observe(.value, with: { (snapshot) in
let numberChildren = Int(snapshot.childrenCount - 1)
if numberChildren == bookNumber{
bookNumber += 1
Thank you in advance.
Each next book in your loop is overwriting the previous book. The easiest way to prevent this is to call setValue() one level deeper in the tree:
while bookNumber < numberOfBooks {
let book = bookList[bookNumber]
Note though that the Firebase documentation and blog recommend against using arrays like this for storing data. Either store the books under their natural key:
Or store them under so-called push IDs:
Maybe the problem is that you save all books to the same path and they are being re-written one by another all the time, so only the last one is being saved in the end?
You specify your key once
let key = refUsers.childByAutoId().key
and then save all values to path

Finding and combining duplicate entries in an array

Im new here so correct me if I've formatted this incorrectly (also new to swift) but basically what I'm trying to do is take an array of dates and numbers and if any of the dates are the same combine the numbers into one entry.
so this
//This is how i format the data after i pull it from core data
var dateAndEntry = [(String, Double)]
//i've split them into two seperate arrays for sorting, but I feel like theres a better way i don't know
var dates = ["01/01/2016", "02/01/2016", "02/01/2016", "04/01/2016", "05/01/2016", "06/01/2016","07/01/2016","07/01/2016"]
var entries = [-14,2,8,9,-1,8,25,6]
becomes this
var dates = ["01/01/2016", "02/01/2016", "04/01/2016", "05/01/2016", "06/01/2016","07/01/2016"]
var entries = [-14,10,9,-1,8,19]
I've tried doing this but i can only get it so that it makes a new array that only contains the new values rather than allowing me to get the duplicated values, combine, insert at index then delete original entries in the two arrays.
func combineDuplicates(dates: [String]) -> [String]{
var output: [String] = []
var checked = Set<String>()
for date in dates {
if !checked.contains(date) {
return output
let sorted = combineDuplicates(dates)
and yes i have looked on google and here for answers but turned up nothing.
Any solutions, explanations, help, pointers or references to other questions or sources I may have missed would all be greatly appreciated.
This will get you a dictionary with keys the dates and values the sum of entries for each date:
dates.enumerate().reduce([String:Int]()) { dict, item in
var dict = dict
dict[item.1] = (dict[item.1] ?? 0) + entries[item.0]
return dict
// ["06/01/2016": 8, "04/01/2016": 9, "01/01/2016": -14, "05/01/2016": -1, "07/01/2016": 31, "02/01/2016": 10]

Swift Fill sections & rows in UiTableview

I am trying to fill in a table view from a dictionary data source and tried a lot to achieve desired result but lot of error, need help on this:
this is my test code in playground which almost gives me desired result, but when i try to do same thing in project nothing works:
I have marked my questions next to problem command line:
var sections = Dictionary<String, Array<String>>()
var mySId = ["s1","s2"]
var m``Sdate = ["jun1", "jun2"]
var mEdate = ["jun2", "jun4"]
var mytotalArr = [String]()
var index = 0
for myId in myScId {
mytotalArr.append(mSdate[index]) // transfer data to total array to group
mytotalArr.append(mEdate[index]) // tarnsfer data to total array to group
sections["\(myScId[index])"] = mytotalArr
println(sections["sch1"]!) // "[jun1, jun1]"
// in project i do it like this
in cellForRowAtIndexPath
var myarr = sections[indexpath.section]
when i do same as above in project error message // Unresolved Identified indexPath
var mystring = sections["sch1"]!
println(mystring[1]) // "jun1"
Or Please suggest a way to achieve the result as below
Section header = Sch1 ,
row1 = jun1 // mSdate ,
row2 = jun2 // mEdate
section header = Sch2 ,
row1 = jun2 ,
row2 = jun4
Solution for this was not simple to figure out, but i managed using other Stack's.
Basically first you get the value from your first key in Dict, and that search for data witihin it.
little overkill on system and coding, but it works.

Google Sheets Lookup Tool Assistance

I've taken it upon myself the learn how to "excel". That made a little more sense in my head, but hey.
I have built a "lookup tool" which can be viewed here.
The "Dishwasher search" is working as intended. You can search by noise level or decor panel height to create a list of suitable models then pull the data into an individual search by product code/model no.
I decided to make it a little more difficult and created one for Ovens.
The Layout is like this; Main search>Single Oven Database>Double Oven Database>Built-under oven database.
My goal is to achieve the same search facilities as the "Dishwasher tool", however I have been unsure how to search (Vlookup) from different sources.
I have tried creating a "Master DB" using the formula below;
={Importrange("1mY13e-75dBYfKgkjV8dFFFEvxC838nGNxPrUdusc0PA", "'Single Ovens'!$A:$F");Importrange("1mY13e-75dBYfKgkjV8dFFFEvxC838nGNxPrUdusc0PA", "'Double Ovens'!$A:$F");Importrange("1mY13e-75dBYfKgkjV8dFFFEvxC838nGNxPrUdusc0PA", "'Built-Under Ovens'!$A:$F")))}
However, it only seems to pull data from the first range not the others unless I do it horizontaly rather than vertical, but horizontal wont work with my Vlookup formula (To my knowledge).
The other method I have tried is using this code;
=IF(AND($A$19="Single Oven",$A$4>0), Vlookup($A$4,'Single Ovens'!$B:$F,1,False),IF(AND($A$10="Double Oven",$A$4>0), Vlookup($A$4,'Double Ovens'!$B:$F,1,False),If(AND($A$10="Built-Under Oven",$A$4>0), Vlookup($A$4,'Built-Under Ovens'!$B:$F,1,False),IF($A$10="Single Oven",Vlookup($A$7,'Single Ovens'!$A:$F,2,False),IF($A$10="Double Oven", Vlookup($A$7,'Double Oven'!$A:$F,2,False),If($A$10="Built-Under Oven", Vlookup($A$7,'Built-Under Oven'!$A:$F,2,False)))))))
The above code was inserted and was "meant" to Vlookup all 3 sheets and pull "product Code" through to populate Cell D4 on sheet 'Ovens'.
Now, I'm a bit of a novice at this but I'm working to understand it all :)
Any suggestions you guys can make or point me in the right direction?
Edit -
Sorry guys. It was rude not to post my solution. I have changed my Importrange function to =Importrange("XYZ",""'Single Ovens'!$A2:$F200") and repeated this 3 times with a gap of 200 "rows" between each one. Not a solution, but a viable alternative. My friend is currently working on a script for me to achieve this. The Vlookup formula no longer needs to be as complex thanks to the importrange formula simplifying matters.
So after discussing the problem with McSheehy, and the problem is actually this.
How to get data from ONE spreadsheet, multiple sheets of my choice.
and write To MANY spreadsheets, Multiple sheets within those spreadsheets, of my choice.
Once that data is in the right place, the current formulas should work or can be adapted easily.
I came up with a script solution,
The user creates a settings sheet in the source sheet.
In A2 downwards, Target spreadsheet keys, B2 downwards, Source sheet names you wish to include from current sheet. C2 downwards is the target SHEET names, if you wanted to write data to more than one sheet.
Bits of code are annotated to help explain McSheehy's questions on how it works.
If anyone has any improvements to suggest, and I'm sure there are some, particular the headers bit. (its not needed, but my clearContent/clearConents line kept flipping out), I'm all ears.
function getOvenDataV5(){
var settingsSheetName = "monkey_settings";
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var settings = ss.getSheetByName(settingsSheetName);
// this bit has been edited, note the getValues, not getValue, as we want the whole column now not just a single cell.
var targetSheetsValues = settings.getRange("C2:C").getValues(); // this gets the target sheet names from the settings sheet
var targetSheets = []; // And array added to throw target sheet names into, as there is more than one.
// the reason we use arrays and loops (later on), is because the script has no idea how much data to expect.
// so we go through whatever it's grabbed, the stuff it thinks is data, but we check it later on.
// only a simple check. Our check is that it cannot be blank. ""
// then stuff it in an array, a handy thing to store data, for use later on.
var sSheets = settings.getRange("B2:B").getValues();
var sourceSheets = [];
// new loop below to get the target sheets names. We'll use this in the write bit later.
for(var i = 0; i < targetSheetsValues.length;i++){
for(var i = 0; i < sSheets.length;i++){
var dKeys = settings.getRange("A2:A").getValues();
var sKeys = [];
for(var i = 0; i < dKeys.length;i++){
var data = [];
for (var i = 0; i < sourceSheets.length;i++){
var values = ss.getSheetByName(sourceSheets[i]).getDataRange().getValues();
for (var x = 1;x < values.length; x++){
if(values[x][0]!= ""){
// Below is an array of your column headers, the script was being annoying when clearing sheet data, so decided to clear the whole damn sheet
// then write the headers via here instead
var headers = [["Model No", "Product Code", "Brand", "Model No", "kW", "Amp"]];
for (var i = 0; i< sKeys.length;i++){
var tss = SpreadsheetApp.openById(sKeys[i]);
for(var x = 0; x < targetSheets.length;x++){ // this loop, within the keys loop, goes through the target sheets array
var target = tss.getSheetByName(targetSheets[x]); // this loads the target sheet, one by one
var range = target.getRange(2,1, data.length, data[0].length); // this gets the cells to write to
target.clearContents(); // clear the sheet before writing data
target.getRange("A1:F1").setValues(headers); // write the headers to a1:F1 in target sheet
range.setValues(data); //write the data
I dont know if they will be of any value but here are two things that i wrote in script.
The follow is a vlookup script to set or return to memory with hints of query ish abilites.
//--//Dependent on isEmpty_()
// Script Look-up
Benefit of this script is:
-That google sheets will not continually do lookups on data that is not changing with using this function as it is set with hard values until script is kicked off again.
-Unlike Vlookup you can have it look at for reference data at any Column in the row. Does not have to be in the first column for it to work like Vlookup.
-You can return the Lookup to Memory for further processing by other functions
-Loads all Locations numbers from J2:J into a variable
--looks for Location Numbers in Column 0 of Referance sheet and range eg "Data!A:G"
---Returns results to Column 3 of Target Sheet and range eg "test!A1" or "1,1"
function Lookup_(Search_Key,RefSheetRange,SearchKey_Ref_IndexOffSet,IndexOffSetForReturn,SetSheetRange,ReturnMultiResults,Add_Note)
var RefSheetRange = RefSheetRange.split("!");
var Ref_Sheet = RefSheetRange[0];
var Ref_Range = RefSheetRange[1];
var SetSheetRange = SetSheetRange.split("!");
var Set_Sheet = SetSheetRange[0];
var Set_Range = SetSheetRange[1];
var RowVal = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheetByName(Set_Sheet).getRange(Set_Range).getRow();
var ColVal = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheetByName(Set_Sheet).getRange(Set_Range).getColumn();
var twoDimensionalArray = [];
var data = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheetByName(Ref_Sheet).getRange(Ref_Range).getValues(); //Syncs sheet by name and range into var
for (var i = 0, Il=Search_Key.length; i<Il; i++) // i = number of rows to index and search
var Sending = []; //Making a Blank Array
var newArray = []; //Making a Blank Array
var Found ="";
for (var nn=0, NNL=data.length; nn<NNL; nn++) //nn = will be the number of row that the data is found at
if(Found==1 && ReturnMultiResults.toUpperCase() == 'N') //if statement for found if found = 1 it will to stop all other logic in nn loop from running
break; //Breaking nn loop once found
if (data[nn][SearchKey_Ref_IndexOffSet]==Search_Key[i]) //if statement is triggered when the search_key is found.
var newArray = [];
for (var cc=0, CCL=IndexOffSetForReturn.length; cc<CCL; cc++) //cc = numbers of columns to referance
var iosr = IndexOffSetForReturn[cc]; //Loading the value of current cc
var Sending = data[nn][iosr]; //Loading data of Level nn offset by value of cc
if(isEmpty_(Sending)) //if statement for if one of the returned Column level cells are blank
var Sending = "#N/A"; //Sets #N/A on all column levels that are blank
if (CCL>1) //if statement for multi-Column returns
if(CCL-1 == cc) //if statement for pulling all columns into larger array
var Found = 1; //Modifying found to 1 if found to stop all other logic in nn loop
break; //Breaking cc loop once found
else if (CCL<=1) //if statement for single-Column returns
var Found = 1; //Modifying found to 1 if found to stop all other logic in nn loop
break; //Breaking cc loop once found
if(NNL-1==nn && isEmpty_(Sending)) //following if statement is for if the current item in lookup array is not found. Nessessary for data structure.
for(var na=0,NAL=IndexOffSetForReturn.length;na<NAL;na++) //looping for the number of columns to place "#N/A" in to preserve data structure
if (NAL<=1) //checks to see if it's a single column return
var Sending = "#N/A";
else if (NAL>1) //checks to see if it's a Multi column return
var Sending = "#N/A";
if (NAL>1) //checks to see if it's a Multi column return
if (CCL<=1) //checks to see if it's a single column return for running setValue
var singleArrayForm = [];
for (var l = 0,lL=twoDimensionalArray.length; l<lL; l++) //Builds 2d Looping-Array to allow choosing of columns at a future point
SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheetByName(Set_Sheet).getRange(RowVal,ColVal,1,1).setNote("VLookup Script Ran On: " + Utilities.formatDate(new Date(), "PST", "MM-dd-yyyy hh:mm a") + "\nRange: " + Ref_Sheet + "!" + Ref_Range);
return singleArrayForm
if (CCL>1) //checks to see if it's a multi column return for running setValues
SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheetByName(Set_Sheet).getRange(RowVal,ColVal,1,1).setNote("VLookup Script Ran On: " + Utilities.formatDate(new Date(), "PST", "MM-dd-yyyy hh:mm a") + "\nRange: " + Ref_Sheet + "!" + Ref_Range);
return twoDimensionalArray
//--//Dependent on isEmpty_()
//Find Last Row on Database
function getFirstEmptyRowUsingArray_(sheetname)
var data = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheetByName(sheetname).getDataRange().getValues();
for(var n = data.length ; n>0 ; n--)
return (n);
The Following is a ImportRange script because I hate how =importrange() requires you to "request access" on every new formula. If that importrange is embedded you have to take it out and request access and re-embed it. Also a lot of times the formula just breaks. so:
//Script Based ImportRange
//Example importRange_('0AodPsggrbsh1dDNH............','Main4NS','A:G','Common','C7','y')
//Explanation importRange_('Importing Spreadsheet Key or URL','Importing Spreadsheet Tab Name','Importing Spreadsheet Tab's Range','Destination Spreadsheet Tab Name','Destination Spreadsheet Tab's placement','Will add note to the first cell of import')
function importRange_(Source_Key,Source_Sheet,Source_Range,Set_Sheet,Set_Pos,Add_Note)
var SourceTypeCheck = Source_Key.indexOf("https://");
if(SourceTypeCheck >= 0)
var Load = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl(Source_Key).getSheetByName(Source_Sheet).getRange(Source_Range).getValues();
var Name = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl(Source_Key).getName();
if(SourceTypeCheck == -1)
var Load = SpreadsheetApp.openById(Source_Key).getSheetByName(Source_Sheet).getRange(Source_Range).getValues();
var Name = SpreadsheetApp.openById(Source_Key).getName();
var RowVal = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheetByName(Set_Sheet).getRange(Set_Pos).getRow();
var ColVal = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheetByName(Set_Sheet).getRange(Set_Pos).getColumn();
if(Add_Note.toUpperCase() == 'Y')
SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheetByName(Set_Sheet).getRange(RowVal,ColVal,1,1).setNote("Import Script Updated On: " + Utilities.formatDate(new Date(), "PST", "MM-dd-yyyy hh:mm a")+"\nSS Name: "+Name+"\nRange: "+Source_Sheet+"!"+Source_Range+"\nSS Key: "+ Source_Key);
SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().toast('At: '+Set_Sheet+'!'+Set_Pos,'Import Completed:');
Same thing stands. If you have and ideas for improvement let me know. If you find a way to integrate it, cool beans, Post some code of how you used it.
