Kivy:Can't put 'BorderImage' at the specified position - kivy

(1) By using the following kv file version was able to place BorderImagewidget at the specified position..
max: 100
pos_hint: {'top':0.86, 'x':0.01}
size_hint_x: 0.49
size_hint_y: 0.1
border: (10, 10, 10, 10)
pos: self.x, self.center_y
size: self.width, 8
source: '0.png'
(2) But, the following Pure Python code that should realize the same function as (1) doesn't work properly.BorderImagewidget is placed at the bottom of the screen.
pos_hint={'top':0.86,'x':0.01} doesn't work.
I think that how to specify pos=(bar.x, bar.center_y) is not good because bar.center_y value is different from the code of (1).
class BarWidget(FloatLayout):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(BarWidget, self).__init__(**kwargs)
def build(self):
bar = ProgressBar(pos_hint={'top':0.86,'x':0.01}, max=100, size_hint_x=0.49, size_hint_y=0.1)
with bar.canvas:
BorderImage(border=(10, 10, 10, 10), pos=(bar.x, bar.center_y), size=(self.width/2, 8), source='0.png')
How should I modify bar.center_y?
(1):screen shot
(2):screen shot

In the kv language, when you set an attribute like size: self.size, this attribute is automatically updated whenever the 'self' widget changes size of shape. When things are loading up in a screen/layout, they start with funky positions and sizes then move to be correct. Since things automatically update upon changing sizes/positions if you work in kv, it works as you expect.
In python, you have to explicitly bind some function to update the canvas if the size or position of the widget it's inheriting its size and pos from changes. You can do that by using the bind function (available in most/all kivy widgets). Using bind, you can say bind(<attribute>=<function>) which means anytime the widget's <attribute>, aka size or pos, is changed, it calls the <function>
I didn't test this exactly with your code since not all of it is posted, but this is what I do for my projects. Let me know how it works. If it doesn't work, edit your answer to be a snippet of code that I can copy/paste to work with and I'll update my answer.
class BarWidget(FloatLayout):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(BarWidget, self).__init__(**kwargs)
def build(self):
# Make it so you can reference the bar and border image later = ProgressBar(pos_hint={'top':0.86,'x':0.01}, max=100, size_hint_x=0.49, size_hint_y=0.1)
# Make it so you can reference the border image
self.border_image = BorderImage(border=(10, 10, 10, 10), pos=(bar.x, bar.center_y), size=(self.width, 8), source='0.png')
# Make it so whenever the widget's pos or size changes, we update the border image, size=self.update_border_image)
# make a function to update border image
def update_border_image(self, *args):
self.border_image.size = (self.width, 8) # Should this 8 be 0.8 by the way?
self.border_image.pos = (,


Kivy Access Touch Object

I'm new to kivy and I want to access the touch Object without overwriting motion event functions like on_touch_down(self,touch), on_touch_up(), etc..
I want to access touch.pos in order to dynamically draw lines on an Image in a Scatter Class.
Simplified my kv file looks like the following:
source: None
do_rotation: False
id: main_image
source: root.parent.parent.parent.parent.map_path
allow_stretch: True
keep_ratio: True
size_hint_y: None
size_hint_x: None
width: self.parent.width
height: self.parent.width/self.image_ratio
id: zoom_class
id: map_class
id: room_marker_screen
rows: 2
anchor_x: 'center'
anchor_y: 'top'
id: zoom_class
anchor_y: 'bottom'
text: "Fix/Unfix Map"
size_hint: 0.5, 0.05
Knowing that Class Zoom Inherits from FloatLayout, how can I access Touch Object in Zoom?
Thanks in advance!
If I take the touch.pos from the event motion functions, they will be overwritten and I won't be able use the drag and scale features that came with the Scatter Class.
Whenever you write a function that exists in a super class, you should call that that super class method, otherwise, you will be interfering in the functioning of that super class (for example, DragBehavior). So, I suggest trying something like:
class Zoom(FloatLayout):
fixed_map = BooleanProperty(False)
def on_touch_down(self, touch):
return super(Zoom, self).on_touch_down(touch)
And returning True from a on_touch_down() method stops all further dispatching of that touch event, so other widgets do not see that event. See the documentation.
Also, from the same documentation:
on_touch_down(), on_touch_move(), on_touch_up() don’t do any sort of
collisions. If you want to know if the touch is inside your widget,
use collide_point().

Make an image in Kivy exactly the same size as the widget bounding box

I'm having trouble in Kivy setting an image size. I want to keep the aspect ratio fixed but I also want to position things precisely over the top of the image.
To do this, I make a RelativeLayout that has the same size and position as the image. However, when I check the size of the layout, it is always slightly larger than the displayed image. Making precise alignment very difficult. The wiki mentions something like this:
By default, the image is centered and fits inside the widget bounding box. If you don’t want that, you can set allow_stretch to True and keep_ratio to False.
They also include code if you want to make the image slightly larger than the containing widget:
rgb: (1, 1, 1)
texture: self.texture
size: self.width + 20, self.height + 20
pos: self.x - 10, self.y - 10
But nothing about making them exactly the same size!? Surely I should be able to dictate the containing widgets size so the aspect ratio etc. is exactly as required.
I have tried many things but whatever I try, I cannot get the outside edges of the displayed image and a layout to coincide.
Does anyone have any experience with this?
Apologies, I have discovered the problem, the images had a transparent border that I wasn't aware of (the images were passed on to me from elsewhere) I have removed this and it has solved the problem.

Using stroke_bounds in an extension method colors all horizontal_line and vertical_line

I have a method in a module that's added to the extensions that looks something like this
def competence(title, has, needs, color = '000000')
bounding_box [0, cursor], width: 280, height: 15 do
stroke_color color
stroke_color '000000'
text title, size: 12, align: :right, valign: :center
draw_text has, at: [295, cursor], size: 8
draw_text needs, at: [335, cursor], size: 8
When I then use this method in my document, it changes the color of all previous horizontal_line and vertical_line on the same page to the stroke_color in the method. It only colors it the first time, so using the method again does not change the colors again.
I figure out a shitty fix by just creating a method that makes a tiny offscreen box with black bounds, but having to do this is kind of stupid.
Is this a bug, am I missing something, using something wrong or is there a better fix for this?
edit: the same happens to elipses and circles with fill_color

rotate entire widget, not only its canvas

In this example, we can see a rotation of the canvas. But clicking the button's corners isn't registered. How can I rotate the entire button?
You can probably override its collide_point method to account for the rotation by transforming the touch coordinates.
If you use the widget system (e.g. putting the Button in a Scatter), the collision is taken care of for you.
Based on inclement's answer, I've created a button on a scatter layout, which has its hitbox set correctly.
from import App
from kivy.lang import Builder
kv = '''
size_hint: None, None
size: 200, 200
pos_hint: {'center_x': .5, 'center_y': .5}
rotation: 45
do_rotation: False
do_scale: False
do_translation: False
text: 'hello world'
class RotationApp(App):
def build(self):
return Builder.load_string(kv)
I used scatter layout instead of scatter, because it passes its size to children widgets. The do_x: False aren't needed in this example, because button intercepts touching events, but if I placed a label, it would move on touch.

Prawn: css like overflow: hidden for bounding boxes with images

I want to clip an image if it goes beyond the dimensions of a bounding box. Just like how CSS overflow: hidden would do it. Eg.
pdf.grid([0, 0], [3, 27]).bounding_box do
pdf.image image_file
Now currently, this image would overflow outside the bounding box if its larger than it. Is there any way to clip the image when it goes beyond the bounding box. ? I know this is possible for text when using text_box.
you can set the size of the image or get the image to scale so it fits within a certain area while maintaining proportions, do not believe you can crop an image.
If your page is not dynamic, that is the image area will always be the same this should be OK.
pdf.image "image_file_path_&_name", :position => :center, :fit => [100,450];
This is based on v0.8.4.
Unfortunately, there seems to exist no proper way to crop an image to a bounding box at the moment. Faced with this problem I figured out this beauty:
class SamplePdf
include Prawn::View
def initialize
crop_width = 100 # your width here
crop_height = 50 # your height here
image_path = '/path/to/your_image.jpg'
bounding_box [0, 0], width: crop_width, height: crop_height do
pdf_obj, _ = build_image_object(image_path)
x, y = document.send(:image_position, crop_width, crop_height, {})
document.send(:move_text_position, crop_height)
label = "I#{document.send(:next_image_id)}"!(label => pdf_obj)
cm_params = PDF::Core.real_params([crop_width, 0, 0, crop_height, x, y - crop_height])
document.renderer.add_content("\nq\n#{cm_params} cm\n/#{label} Do\nQ")
It basically adapts the Prawn::Images#image method, but skips the calculation of the image's dimensions and the scaling respectively.
It's not exactly a clean solution. Please keep me posted if you find a better one.
You should keep in mind though that this snippet leverages some implementation details which are not part of Prawn's public API and can change anytime.
At the time of writing Prawn 2.0.1 was the most recent version.
