Order between using validation, training and test sets - machine-learning

I am trying to understand the process of model evaluation and validation in machine learning. Specifically, in which order and how the training, validation and test sets must be used.
Let's say I have a dataset and I want to use linear regression. I am hesitating among various polynomial degrees (hyper-parameters).
In this wikipedia article, it seems to imply that the sequence should be:
Split data into training set, validation set and test set
Use the training set to fit the model (find the best parameters: coefficients of the polynomial).
Afterwards, use the validation set to find the best hyper-parameters (in this case, polynomial degree) (wikipedia article says: "Successively, the fitted model is used to predict the responses for the observations in a second dataset called the validation dataset")
Finally, use the test set to score the model fitted with the training set.
However, this seems strange to me: how can you fit your model with the training set if you haven't chosen yet your hyper-parameters (polynomial degree in this case)?
I see three alternative approachs, I am not sure if they would be correct.
First approach
Split data into training set, validation set and test set
For each polynomial degree, fit the model with the training set and give it a score using the validation set.
For the polynomial degree with the best score, fit the model with the training set.
Evaluate with the test set
Second approach
Split data into training set, validation set and test set
For each polynomial degree, use cross-validation only on the validation set to fit and score the model
For the polynomial degree with the best score, fit the model with the training set.
Evaluate with the test set
Third approach
Split data into only two sets: the training/validation set and the test set
For each polynomial degree, use cross-validation only on the training/validation set to fit and score the model
For the polynomial degree with the best score, fit the model with the training/validation set.
Evaluate with the test set
So the question is:
Is the wikipedia article wrong or am I missing something?
Are the three approaches I envisage correct? Which one would be preferrable? Would there be another approach better than these three?

The Wikipedia article is not wrong; according to my own experience, this is a frequent point of confusion among newcomers to ML.
There are two separate ways of approaching the problem:
Either you use an explicit validation set to do hyperparameter search & tuning
Or you use cross-validation
So, the standard point is that you always put aside a portion of your data as test set; this is used for no other reason than assessing the performance of your model in the end (i.e. not back-and-forth and multiple assessments, because in that case you are using your test set as a validation set, which is bad practice).
After you have done that, you choose if you will cut another portion of your remaining data to use as a separate validation set, or if you will proceed with cross-validation (in which case, no separate and fixed validation set is required).
So, essentially, both your first and third approaches are valid (and mutually exclusive, i.e. you should choose which one you will go with). The second one, as you describe it (CV only in the validation set?), is certainly not (as said, when you choose to go with CV you don't assign a separate validation set). Apart from a brief mention of cross-validation, what the Wikipedia article actually describes is your first approach.
Questions of which approach is "better" cannot of course be answered at that level of generality; both approaches are indeed valid, and are used depending on the circumstances. Very loosely speaking, I would say that in most "traditional" (i.e. non deep learning) ML settings, most people choose to go with cross-validation; but there are cases where this is not practical (most deep learning settings, again loosely speaking), and people are going with a separate validation set instead.

What Wikipedia means is actually your first approach.
1 Split data into training set, validation set and test set
2 Use the
training set to fit the model (find the best parameters: coefficients
of the polynomial).
That just means that you use your training data to fit a model.
3 Afterwards, use the validation set to find the best hyper-parameters
(in this case, polynomial degree) (wikipedia article says:
"Successively, the fitted model is used to predict the responses for
the observations in a second dataset called the validation dataset")
That means that you use your validation dataset to predict its values with the previously (on the training set) trained model to get a score of how good your model performs on unseen data.
You repeat step 2 and 3 for all hyperparameter combinations you want to look at (in your case the different polynomial degrees you want to try) to get a score (e.g. accuracy) for every hyperparmeter combination.
Finally, use the test set to score the model fitted with the training
Why you need the validation set is pretty well explained in this stackexchange question
In the end you can use any of your three aproaches.
is the fastest because you only train one model for every hyperparameter.
also you don't need as much data as for the other two.
is slowest because you train for k folds k classifiers plus the final one with all your training data to validate it for every hyperparameter combination.
You also need a lot of data because you split your data three times and that first part again in k folds.
But here you have the least variance in your results. Its pretty unlikely to get k good classifiers and a good validation result by coincidence. That could happen more likely in the first approach. Cross Validation is also way more unlikely to overfit.
is in its pros and cons in between of the other two. Here you also have less likely overfitting.
In the end it will depend on how much data you have and if you get into more complex models like neural networks, how much time/calculationpower you have and are willing to spend.
Edit As #desertnaut mentioned: Keep in mind that you should use training- and validationset as training data for your evaluation with the test set. Also you confused training with validation set in your second approach.


How do you do cross validation correctly? [duplicate]

I am trying to understand the process of model evaluation and validation in machine learning. Specifically, in which order and how the training, validation and test sets must be used.
Let's say I have a dataset and I want to use linear regression. I am hesitating among various polynomial degrees (hyper-parameters).
In this wikipedia article, it seems to imply that the sequence should be:
Split data into training set, validation set and test set
Use the training set to fit the model (find the best parameters: coefficients of the polynomial).
Afterwards, use the validation set to find the best hyper-parameters (in this case, polynomial degree) (wikipedia article says: "Successively, the fitted model is used to predict the responses for the observations in a second dataset called the validation dataset")
Finally, use the test set to score the model fitted with the training set.
However, this seems strange to me: how can you fit your model with the training set if you haven't chosen yet your hyper-parameters (polynomial degree in this case)?
I see three alternative approachs, I am not sure if they would be correct.
First approach
Split data into training set, validation set and test set
For each polynomial degree, fit the model with the training set and give it a score using the validation set.
For the polynomial degree with the best score, fit the model with the training set.
Evaluate with the test set
Second approach
Split data into training set, validation set and test set
For each polynomial degree, use cross-validation only on the validation set to fit and score the model
For the polynomial degree with the best score, fit the model with the training set.
Evaluate with the test set
Third approach
Split data into only two sets: the training/validation set and the test set
For each polynomial degree, use cross-validation only on the training/validation set to fit and score the model
For the polynomial degree with the best score, fit the model with the training/validation set.
Evaluate with the test set
So the question is:
Is the wikipedia article wrong or am I missing something?
Are the three approaches I envisage correct? Which one would be preferrable? Would there be another approach better than these three?
The Wikipedia article is not wrong; according to my own experience, this is a frequent point of confusion among newcomers to ML.
There are two separate ways of approaching the problem:
Either you use an explicit validation set to do hyperparameter search & tuning
Or you use cross-validation
So, the standard point is that you always put aside a portion of your data as test set; this is used for no other reason than assessing the performance of your model in the end (i.e. not back-and-forth and multiple assessments, because in that case you are using your test set as a validation set, which is bad practice).
After you have done that, you choose if you will cut another portion of your remaining data to use as a separate validation set, or if you will proceed with cross-validation (in which case, no separate and fixed validation set is required).
So, essentially, both your first and third approaches are valid (and mutually exclusive, i.e. you should choose which one you will go with). The second one, as you describe it (CV only in the validation set?), is certainly not (as said, when you choose to go with CV you don't assign a separate validation set). Apart from a brief mention of cross-validation, what the Wikipedia article actually describes is your first approach.
Questions of which approach is "better" cannot of course be answered at that level of generality; both approaches are indeed valid, and are used depending on the circumstances. Very loosely speaking, I would say that in most "traditional" (i.e. non deep learning) ML settings, most people choose to go with cross-validation; but there are cases where this is not practical (most deep learning settings, again loosely speaking), and people are going with a separate validation set instead.
What Wikipedia means is actually your first approach.
1 Split data into training set, validation set and test set
2 Use the
training set to fit the model (find the best parameters: coefficients
of the polynomial).
That just means that you use your training data to fit a model.
3 Afterwards, use the validation set to find the best hyper-parameters
(in this case, polynomial degree) (wikipedia article says:
"Successively, the fitted model is used to predict the responses for
the observations in a second dataset called the validation dataset")
That means that you use your validation dataset to predict its values with the previously (on the training set) trained model to get a score of how good your model performs on unseen data.
You repeat step 2 and 3 for all hyperparameter combinations you want to look at (in your case the different polynomial degrees you want to try) to get a score (e.g. accuracy) for every hyperparmeter combination.
Finally, use the test set to score the model fitted with the training
Why you need the validation set is pretty well explained in this stackexchange question
In the end you can use any of your three aproaches.
is the fastest because you only train one model for every hyperparameter.
also you don't need as much data as for the other two.
is slowest because you train for k folds k classifiers plus the final one with all your training data to validate it for every hyperparameter combination.
You also need a lot of data because you split your data three times and that first part again in k folds.
But here you have the least variance in your results. Its pretty unlikely to get k good classifiers and a good validation result by coincidence. That could happen more likely in the first approach. Cross Validation is also way more unlikely to overfit.
is in its pros and cons in between of the other two. Here you also have less likely overfitting.
In the end it will depend on how much data you have and if you get into more complex models like neural networks, how much time/calculationpower you have and are willing to spend.
Edit As #desertnaut mentioned: Keep in mind that you should use training- and validationset as training data for your evaluation with the test set. Also you confused training with validation set in your second approach.

Model selection for classification with random train/test sets

I'm working with an extremelly unbalanced and heterogeneous multiclass {K = 16} database for research, with a small N ~= 250. For some labels the database has a sufficient amount of examples for supervised machine learning, but for others I have almost none. I'm also not in a position to expand my database for a number of reasons.
As a first approach I divided my database into training (80%) and test (20%) sets in a stratified way. On top of that, I applied several classification algorithms that provide some results. I applied this procedure over 500 stratified train/test sets (as each stratified sampling takes individuals randomly within each stratum), hoping to select an algorithm (model) that performed acceptably.
Because of my database, depending on the specific examples that are part of the train set, the performance on the test set varies greatly. I'm dealing with runs that have as high (for my application) as 82% accuracy and runs that have as low as 40%. The median over all runs is around 67% accuracy.
When facing this situation, I'm unsure on what is the standard procedure (if there is any) when selecting the best performing model. My rationale is that the 90% model may generalize better because the specific examples selected in the training set are be richer so that the test set is better classified. However, I'm fully aware of the possibility of the test set being composed of "simpler" cases that are easier to classify or the train set comprising all hard-to-classify cases.
Is there any standard procedure to select the best performing model considering that the distribution of examples in my train/test sets cause the results to vary greatly? Am I making a conceptual mistake somewhere? Do practitioners usually select the best performing model without any further exploration?
I don't like the idea of using the mean/median accuracy, as obviously some models generalize better than others, but I'm by no means an expert in the field.
Confusion matrix of the predicted label on the test set of one of the best cases:
Confusion matrix of the predicted label on the test set of one of the worst cases:
They both use the same algorithm and parameters.
Good Accuracy =/= Good Model
I want to firstly point out that a good accuracy on your test set need not equal a good model in general! This has (in your case) mainly to do with your extremely skewed distribution of samples.
Especially when doing a stratified split, and having one class dominatingly represented, you will likely get good results by simply predicting this one class over and over again.
A good way to see if this is happening is to look at a confusion matrix (better picture here) of your predictions.
If there is one class that seems to confuse other classes as well, that is an indicator for a bad model. I would argue that in your case it would be generally very hard to find a good model unless you do actively try to balance your classes more during training.
Use the power of Ensembles
Another idea is indeed to use ensembling over multiple models (in your case resulting from different splits), since it is assumed to generalize better.
Even if you might sacrifice a lot of accuracy on paper, I would bet that a confusion matrix of an ensemble is likely to look much better than the one of a single "high accuracy" model. Especially if you disregard the models that perform extremely poor (make sure that, again, the "poor" performance comes from an actual bad performance, and not just an unlucky split), I can see a very good generalization.
Try k-fold Cross-Validation
Another common technique is k-fold cross-validation. Instead of performing your evaluation on a single 80/20 split, you essentially divide your data in k equally large sets, and then always train on k-1 sets, while evaluating on the other set. You then not only get a feeling whether your split was reasonable (you usually get all the results for different splits in k-fold CV implementations, like the one from sklearn), but you also get an overall score that tells you the average of all folds.
Note that 5-fold CV would equal a split into 5 20% sets, so essentially what you are doing now, plus the "shuffling part".
CV is also a good way to deal with little training data, in settings where you have imbalanced classes, or where you generally want to make sure your model actually performs well.

Why not optimize hyperparameters on train dataset?

When developing a neural net one typically partitions training data into Train, Test, and Holdout datasets (many people call these Train, Validation, and Test respectively. Same things, different names). Many people advise selecting hyperparameters based on performance in the Test dataset. My question is: why? Why not maximize performance of hyperparameters in the Train dataset, and stop training the hyperparameters when we detect overfitting via a drop in performance in the Test dataset? Since Train is typically larger than Test, would this not produce better results compared to training hyperparameters on the Test dataset?
UPDATE July 6 2016
Terminology change, to match comment below. Datasets are now termed Train, Validation, and Test in this post. I do not use the Test dataset for training. I am using a GA to optimize hyperparameters. At each iteration of the outer GA training process, the GA chooses a new hyperparameter set, trains on the Train dataset, and evaluates on the Validation and Test datasets. The GA adjusts the hyperparameters to maximize accuracy in the Train dataset. Network training within an iteration stops when network overfitting is detected (in the Validation dataset), and the outer GA training process stops when overfitting of the hyperparameters is detected (again in Validation). The result is hyperparameters psuedo-optimized for the Train dataset. The question is: why do many sources (e.g. https://www.cs.toronto.edu/~hinton/absps/JMLRdropout.pdf, Section B.1) recommend optimizing the hyperparameters on the Validation set, rather than the Train set? Quoting from Srivasta, Hinton, et al (link above): "Hyperparameters were tuned on the validation set such that the best validation error was produced..."
The reason is that developing a model always involves tuning its configuration: for example, choosing the number of layers or the size of the layers (called the hyper-parameters of the model, to distinguish them from the parameters, which are the network’s weights). You do this tuning by using as a feedback signal the performance of the model on the validation data. In essence, this tuning is a form of learning: a search for a good configuration in some parameter space. As a result, tuning the configuration of the model based on its performance on the validation set can quickly result in overfitting to the validation set, even though your model is never directly trained on it.
Central to this phenomenon is the notion of information leaks. Every time you tune a hyperparameter of your model based on the model’s performance on the validation set, some information about the validation data leaks into the model. If you do this only once, for one parameter, then very few bits of information will leak, and your validation set will remain reliable to evaluate the model. But if you repeat this many times—running one experiment, evaluating on the validation set, and modifying your model as a result—then you’ll leak an increasingly significant amount of information about the validation set into the model.
At the end of the day, you’ll end up with a model that performs artificially well on the validation data, because that’s what you optimized it for. You care about performance on completely new data, not the validation data, so you need to use a completely different, never-before-seen dataset to evaluate the model: the test dataset. Your model shouldn’t have had access to any information about the test set, even indirectly. If anything about the model has been tuned based on test set performance, then your measure of generalization will be flawed.
There are two things you are missing here. First, minor, is that test set is never used to do any training. This is a purpose of validation (test is just to asses your final, testing performance). The major missunderstanding is what it means "to use validation set to fit hyperparameters". This means exactly what you describe - to train a model with a given hyperparameters on the training set, and use validation to simply check if you are overfitting (you use it to estimate generalization) , but you do not really "train" on them, you simply check your scores on this subset (which, as you noticed - is way smaller).
You cannot "stop training hyperparamters" because this is not a continuous process, usually hyperparameters are just "possible sets of values", and you have to simply test lots of them, there is no valid way of defining a direct trainingn procedure between actual metric you are interested in (like accuracy) and hyperparameters (like size of the hidden layer in NN or even C parameter in SVM), as the functional link between these two is not differentiable, is highly non convex and in general "ugly" to optimize. If you can define a nice optimization procedure in terms of a hyperparameter than it is usually not called a hyperparameter but a parameter, the crucial distinction in this naming convention is what makes it hard to optimize directly - we call hyperparameter a parameter, than cannot be directly optimized against thus you need a "meta method" (like simply testing on validation set) to select it.
However, you can define a "nice" meta optimization protocol for hyperparameters, but this will still use validation set as an estimator, for example Bayesian optimization of hyperparameters does exactly this - it tries to fit a function saying how well is you model behaving in the space of hyperparameters, but in order to have any "training data" for this meta-method, you need validation set to estimate it for any given set of hyperparameters (input to your meta method)
simple answer: we do
In the case of a simple feedforward neural network you do have to select e.g. layer and unit count per layer, regularization (and non-continuous parameters like topology if not feedforward and loss function) in the beginning and you would optimize on those.
So, in summary you optimize:
ordinary parameters only during training but not during validation
hyperparameters during training and during validation
It is very important not to touch the many ordinary parameters (weights and biases) during validation. That's because there are thousands of degrees of freedom in them which means they can learn the data you train them on. But then the model doesn't generalize to new data as well (even when that new data originated from the same distribution). You usually only have very few degrees of freedom in the hyperparameters which usually control the rigidity of the model (regularization).
This holds true for other machine learning algorithms like decision trees, forests, etc as well.

Combining training, validation and test datasets

Is it possible to train a model based on training and validation data sets.Basically end up combining both of them to create a new model. And from that combined model use it to classify all of the data in the test dataset.
This is what is usually done. Assuming that you know how to transfer hyperparameters, as you usually fit model on train data, select hyperparameters based on the score on the valid one. Thus when you combine train + valid you get significantly bigger dataset, thus "optimal hyperparameters" might be completely different from the ones you selected before. So in general - yes, this is exactly what is usually done, but it might be more tricky than you expect (especially if your method is highly stochastic, non deterministic, etc.).

Does it make sense using validation set together with a crossvalidation approach?

I want to train a MultiLayerPerceptron using Weka with ~200 samples and 6 attributes.
I was thinking of spliting into train and test, and on train, specify a certain % of the train as Validation set.
But then I considered using fold-crossvalidation in order to make a better use of my set of samples.
My question is: Does it make sense to specify a validation set when doing a crossvalidation approach?
And, considering the size of the sample, can you suggest me some numbers for the two approaches? (e.g. 2/3 for train, 1/3 test, and 20% validation... and for CV: 10-fold, 2-fold, or LOOCV instead...)
Thank you in advance!
Your questions sounds like you're not exactly familiar with cross-validation. Like you noticed there is a parameter for the number of folds to run. For a simple cross-validation the parameter defines the number of subsets which are created out of your original set. Let that parameter be k. Your original set is splitted into k equally sized subset. Then for each run, the trainig is run on k-1 subsets and the validation is done on the remaining, k-th subset. Then another permutation of k-1 subsets of the k subsets is used for training, and so on. So you run k iterations of this process.
For your data set size, k=10 sounds alright, but basically everything is worth testing, as long as you take all results into account and don't take the best one.
For the very simple evaluation you just use 2/3 as training set and the 1/3 "test set" is actually your validation set. There are more sophisticated approaches though which use the test set as a termination criterion and another validation set as the final evaluation (since your results might be overfitted to the test set as well, because it defines the termination). For this approach you obviously need to split up the set differently (e.g. 2/3 training, 3/12 test and 1/12 validation).
You should be carefully because you don't have much sample. On the other hand if you want to check your model accuracy you should partition a test set for your model. Cross validation splits your data as train and validation data. Then when we consider that you don't have much sample and your validation set will be so small you can have a look at that approach:
5×2 cross-validation, which uses training cross-validation and
validation sets of equal size (Dietterich (1998))
You can find more info at Ethem Alpaydin's Machine Learning book about it.
Don't memorize the data and don't test on small amounts of sample it looks like a dilemma but the certain decision depends on your data set.
