FreeRtos calling vTaskDelete from IRQ - task

I spent some time but I can't find any info if it's allowed to call vTaskDelete from IRQ handler? I know some methods have specialized version for usage in IRQ routines however I can't find anything related to vTaskDelete. Currently it works but I don't want to do some hard to discover bug just because I didn't found info.

If you are calling a callback from the IRQ then it is still in the IRQ context. Calling vTaskDelete() with a NULL parameter would delete the task that was running before the interrupt was entered, so the interrupt would then try to return to a task that was no longer running. Even if that were not the case then the rule of thumb is not to use API functions that do not end in "FromISR" from an interrupt (the separate API ensures fewer decision points in the function, faster and standard interrupt entry as it doesn't need to keep an interrupt nesting variable, no need to pass parameters that don't make sense in an interrupt context [like a block time] into an interrupt function, etc.).

I assume you are not calling vTaskDelete with a NULL argument because there is no current task when you are in interrupt context. In any case vTaskDelete() should not be called from interrupt context. For example, it's implementation will call vPortFree() to free the TCB of the task.


Is it better for an API to dispatch itself to a queue and invoke a callback, or for the API caller to do the dispatching?

Asynchronous method with its own dispatching:
// Library
func asyncAPI(callback: Result -> Void) {
dispatch_async(self.queue) {
// Caller
asyncAPI() { result in
Synchronous method with exposed dispatch queue:
// Library
func syncAPI() -> Result {
return result
// Caller
dispatch_async(api.queue) {
let result = api.syncAPI()
These two examples behave the same but I am looking to learn whether one of these ends up complicating a larget codebase more than the other, especially when there is a lot of asynchrony.
I would argue against both of the patterns you propose.
For the first pattern (where the API manages it's own backgrounding) I see little or no benefit to doing it this way, as opposed to leaving it to the caller. If you want to use a private, serial queue to protect data (or any other sort of critical section) internal to your API, that's fine, but that queue should be private, and it should specifically not target any public, non-global-concurrent queue (Note: it should especially not target the main queue). Ideally, the primary implementation of your API would also take a second parameter, so callers can specify on which queue to invoke the callback. (People can work around the lack of such a parameter by passing a callback block that re-dispatches to their desired queue, but I think that's clunkier than having an extra, optional parameter.) This puts the API consumer in complete control of the concurrency, while preserving your freedom to use queues internally to protect state.
As to the second approach, it's my opinion that we all should avoid creating new synchronous, blocking API. When you provide a synchronous, blocking API and don't provide a callback-based version, that means that you have denied consumers of your API any opportunity to avoid blocking. When you only provide synchronous, blocking API, then if someone wants to call your API in the background, at least one thread (in addition to any additional threads that your API consumes behind the scenes) will be consumed from the finite number of threads available to each process. (In the worst case this can lead to starvation conditions that are effectively deadlocks.)
Another red flag with this second example is that it vends a queue; Any time an API vends a queue, something is amiss. As mentioned, if you want to use a private serial queue to protect state or other critical sections internal to your API, go for it, but don't expose that queue to the outside world. If nothing else, it unnecessarily exposes details of your implementation. In looking at the system framework headers, I couldn't find a single case where a dispatch_queue_t was vended where it wasn't immediately obvious that the intent was for the API consumer to push in the queue, and not read it out.
It's also worth mentioning that these patterns are problematic regardless of whether your workload is CPU-bound or IO-bound. If it's CPU-bound, then not managing your own dispatch gives consumers of the API explicit control over how this CPU work is executed. If your workload is IO-bound, then you should use the OS- and libdispatch-provided asynchronous IO mechanisms (dispatch_io, dispatch_sources, kevent, etc) to avoid consuming a thread (or more than one) for the duration of your work.
Another answer here implied that forcing consumers to manage their own concurrency leads to "boilerplate" code. If you feel that the burden of API consumers potentially having to wrap calls to your API with dispatch_async is too great, then feel free to provide a convenience overload that dispatches to the default global concurrent queue, but please always leave the version that allows API consumers the ability to explicitly manage their own concurrency.
If, on the other hand, all this is internal to the implementation, and not part of the public API, then do whatever is most expedient, knowing that you can refactor the implementation behind the public API any time in the future.
As you said, the 2 generally accomplish the same thing but the first is more preferable in most scenarios. There are several benefits to using the first method.
The API is simpler. You simply call the method and provide code for the callback block.
Less boilerplate code, No typing dispatch_async every time you want to call it as it is just included in the method itself.
Less room for bugs/errors. By wrapping the asynchronous logic inside the method itself, you ensure that it is called on the right queue internally without the caller having to worry about any of that.
Touching on the last point, you also have finer control over the queue itself. Let's say you are trying to perform certain tasks on a particular queue. It is way simpler to simply wrap the code in a GCD call on that queue a single time rather than having to remember to reuse that same queue every time you want to call the method.

pthread mutex: get state

I was looking through some code that provides a C/C++ wrapper for a pthread mutex. The code keeps a shadow variable for signaled/not signaled condition. The code also ignores return values from functions like pthread_mutex_lock and pthread_mutex_trylock, so the shadow variable may not accurately reflect the state of the mutex (ignoring the minor race condition).
Does pthread provide a way to query a mutex for its state? A quick read of the pthread API does not appear to offer one. I also don't see anything interesting that operates on pthread_mutexattr_t.
Or should one use trylock, rely upon EBUSY, and give up ownership if acquired?
Thanks in advance.
There is no such function because there would be no point. If you queried the state of a mutex without trying to acquire it, as pthread_mutex_trylock() does, then the result you get could be invalidated immediately by another thread changing that mutex's state.

Is the a good way to find server side of mach_msg?

I am disassembling a lot of iOS operation system code now (frameworks, system daemons). One of the common methods to do a system call is usage of mach_msg.
So, I can see on the client side, how mach_msg is constructed. Quite often I know a system daemon, which will handle this call. However, I am not sure how to find call handler in this daemon disassembled code.
Is there a good rule of thumb, how to find a handler?
I found following (at least in one deamon)
a) mach_msg_server_once method is called and first parameter to it is callback method
b) Usually this callback method checks for msgh_id and looks up in dispatch table addresses of methods to dispatch call to.

Can I use pthread mutexes in the destructor function for thread-specific data?

I'm allocating my pthread thread-specific data from a fixed-size global pool that's controlled by a mutex. (The code in question is not permitted to allocate memory dynamically; all the memory it's allowed to use is provided by the caller as a single buffer. pthreads might allocate memory, I couldn't say, but this doesn't mean that my code is allowed to.)
This is easy to handle when creating the data, because the function can check the result of pthread_getspecific: if it returns NULL, the global pool's mutex can be taken there and then, the pool entry acquired, and the value set using pthread_setspecific.
When the thread is destroyed, the destructor function (as per pthread_key_create) is called, but the pthreads manual is a bit vague about any restrictions that might be in place.
(I can't impose any requirements on the thread code, such as needing it to call a destructor manually before it exits. So, I could leave the data allocated, and maybe treat the pool as some kind of cache, reusing entries on an LRU basis once it becomes full -- and this is probably the approach I'd take on Windows when using the native API -- but it would be neatest to have the per-thread data correctly freed when each thread is destroyed.)
Can I just take the mutex in the destructor? There's no problem with thread destruction being delayed a bit, should some other thread have the mutex taken at that point. But is this guaranteed to work? My worry is that the thread may "no longer exist" at that point. I use quotes, because of course it certainly exists if it's still running code! -- but will it exist enough to permit a mutex to be acquired? Is this documented anywhere?
The pthread_key_create() rationale seems to justify doing whatever you want from a destructor, provided you keep signal handlers from calling pthread_exit():
There is no notion of a destructor-safe function. If an application does not call pthread_exit() from a signal handler, or if it blocks any signal whose handler may call pthread_exit() while calling async-unsafe functions, all functions may be safely called from destructors.
Do note, however, that this section is informative, not normative.
The thread's existence or non-existence will most likely not affect the mutex in the least, unless the mutex is error-checking. Even then, the kernel is still scheduling whatever thread your destructor is being run on, so there should definitely be enough thread to go around.

Difference between the WaitFor function for TMutex delphi and the equivalent in win32 API

The documentation of delphi says that the WaitFor function for TMutex and others sychronization objects wait until a handle of object is signaled.But this function also guarantee the ownership of the object for the caller?
Yes, the calling thread of a TMutex owns the mutex; the class is just a wrapper for the OS mutex object. See for yourself by inspecting SyncObjs.pas.
The same is not true for other synchronization objects, such as TCriticalSection. Any thread my call the Release method on such an object, not just the thread that called Acquire.
TMutex.Acquire is a wrapper around THandleObjects.WaitFor, which will call WaitForSingleObject OR CoWaitForMultipleHandles depending on the UseCOMWait contructor argument.
This may be very important, if you use STA COM objects in your application (you may do so without knowing, dbGO/ADO is COM, for instance) and you don't want to deadlock.
It's still a dangerous idea to enter a long/infinite wait in the main thread, 'cause the only method which correctly handles calls made via TThread.Synchronize is TThread.WaitFor and you may stall (or deadlock) your worker threads if you use the SyncObjs objects or WinAPI wait functions.
In commercial projects, I use a custom wait method, built upon the ideas from both THandleObjects.WaitFor AND TThread.WaitFor with optional alertable waiting (good for asynchronous IO but irreplaceable for the possibility to abort long waits).
Edit: further clarification regarding COM/OLE:
COM/OLE model (e.g. ADO) can use different threading models: STA (single-threaded) and MTA (multi or free-threaded).
By definition, the main GUI thread is initialized as STA, which means, the COM objects can use window messages for their asynchronous messaging (particulary when invoked from other threads, to safely synchronize). AFAIK, they may also use APC procedures.
There is a good reason for the CoWaitForMultipleHandles function to exist - see its' use in SyncObjs.pas THandleObject.WaitFor - depending on the threading model, it can process internal COM messages, while blocking on the wait handle.
