ARcore Augmented images with 3D object interaction - augmented-reality

I want to build a digital catelog application
where i detect the image in a catelogue and place a 3D object on it
This can be achieved by ARcore Augmented images.
what i need is When i click/touch the 3D object I need to show some information and videos
For this particular task i need some SDK options
without Vuforia can this be achieved using ARCore+Unity or Android OpenCV or any other.

This requires a lot of work from creating animations and layers to define colliders and controlling with backend code.
First you create the animations and animation controllers, then add colliders to the hot spots where you want to click on the object (e.g. touch the door to open), then map each collider click event to fire a specific animation.
actually it is better to follow a tutorial that shows the animating basics, then it will be easy to combine with AR project,


How to turn off/on AR in an augmented reality app using ARkit?

I'm starting to learn how to use ARkit and I would like to add a button like the one in the Pokemon go application where you can switch between AR ON (with a model into the real world) and AR OFF (without using a camera, having just the 3D model with a fixed background). Are there any easy way to do it?
Another good example of what you're asking about is the AR Quick Look feature in iOS 12 (see WWDC video or this article): when you quick look a USDZ file you get a generic white-background preview where you can spin the object around with touch gestures, and you can seamlessly switch back and forth between that and a real-world AR camera view.
You've asked about ARKit but not said anything about which renderer you're using. Remember, ARKit itself only tells you about the real world and provides live camera imagery, but it's up to you to display that image and whatever 3D overlay content you want — either by using a 3D graphics framework like SceneKit, Unity, or Unreal, or by creating your own renderer with Metal. So the rest of this answer is renderer-agnostic.
There are two main differences between an AR view and a non-AR 3D view of the same content:
An AR view displays the live camera feed in the background; a non-AR view doesn't.
3D graphics frameworks typically involve some notion of a virtual camera that determines your view of the 3D scene — by moving the camera, you change what part of the scene you see and what angle you see it from. In AR, the virtual camera is made to match the movement of the real device.
Hence, to switch between AR and non-AR 3D views of the same content, you just need to manipulate those differences in whatever way your renderer allows:
Hide the live camera feed. If your renderer lets you directly turn it off, do that. Otherwise you can put some foreground content in front of it, like an opaque skybox and/or a plane for your 3D models to rest on.
Directly control the camera yourself and/or provide touch/gesture controls for the user to manipulate the camera. If your renderer supports multiple cameras in the scene and choosing which one is currently used for rendering, you can keep and switch between the ARKit-managed camera and your own.

Can you activate and deactivate image detection in arkit using Unity UI features?

Is it possible to turn image detection on and off inside an application using UI features from Unity? I want to be able to only use the image detection after selecting a toggle, but still be able to detect planes the entire time. When the toggle is deselected I want to be able to view the image through the camera with nothing happening, but still detect planes on the ground. Is there a good way to do this?

Animating 3d objects with Sceneform

I have been searching for animating 3D objects via Sceneform. I am very new to AR.
Can anybody provide a sample for 3D animation like a moving human?
Sceneform does not support animated renderables (like support for the animated FBX file format) right now. You can only move or rotate objects but you can't get something like a walking human easily.
Sceneform SDK for Android v1.7.0 supports animation (15th February 2019).
Sceneform includes an optional animation library, which enables animation playback.
Added ModelAnimator and AnimationData classes. Sceneform now has the ability to play animated models.
Added SkeletonNode class which can be used to bind nodes to bones in a skinned renderable, making it possible to attach objects to bones, access the positions of bones, and manipulate the positions of bones directly.
Added AugmentedFaceNode to the UX library which can be used to render visuals with ARCore's Augmented Faces feature. See the new sample in the /samples/augmentedfaces/ directory.
Added Vector3.equals(Vector3) and Quaterion.equals(Quaterion).
Exposed Quaternion(Vector3 eulerAngles) and Quaternion.eulerAngles() publicly.
Sceneform lets you import models with animation. You can use Sceneform APIs to play back and control the animation, and attach nodes to a model's skeleton.
For instance, the Sceneform Animation sample includes files used to build models of Andy the android and a baseball hat. The Andy model contains animation data, while the baseball hat is a non-animated model. When you run the sample, Andy breakdances and waves his arms while the hat remains fixed to his head using a node.
It's important to differentiate between model animation in Sceneform versus property animation in Android.
Model animations are created ahead of time by artists using modeling and animation software. They contain Skeletal Animation Data. These animations must be exported as fbx files, then imported into a sfb file (binary asset) to be used in Sceneform.
Property animation is a fundamental Android concept and is not specific to Sceneform. This kind of animation can change any mutable value on a Java object that has a getter and a setter. The animated values can be set dynamically, but cannot be packaged into an sfb file.
Hope this helps.

Adding animation to an 3d model via ARKit

I have a 3d model of a human being standing. I implemented it into an project using arkit and can place it somewhere in the room. So far so good, but I would like to add an animation to the 3d model. For example when I press the buttonDance that it starts dancing. Not to move it up and down, but to add an animation to it.
What are keywords to make this work or does anyone have a brief way of doing this? Maybe what software to use or is it possible within sceneKit maybe?
You can use services such as Mixamo to generate an animation for your character.
I would advise you to use 3D models in Collade (.DAE) format because this format includes all your animations inside. You will have to clean the .DAE file to collect all the bone animations into one animation, more info here.
You will then need to read the animation from the .DAE file and add it to the node (your 3D model). Esteban Herrera has a great blog post on how to animate 3D models with ARKit.

Placing objects automatically when ground plane detected with vuforia

I'm working on an application where the concept is that you can 'select' objects before actually placing them. So what I wanted to do was have some low quality objects on a shelf or something like it. When the user selects the object he then can tap to place the high quality version of the object in his area for further viewing.
I was wondering if it's possible with vuforia. I wanted to use this platform since it works well from what I could tell and it's cross platform (The application needs to be for android and the HoloLens).
I have set up the basic application where you can place a capsule in the area. Now I wanted to automatically place the (in this case capsule) once vuforia has detected a ground plane. From what I could see the plane finder has events that go off when an input is detected, but I couldn't find an event that goes off when the ground plane is detected. Is it still possible with vuforia? I know it's doable with the HoloLens, but I would like to know if it's possible for android or other mobile devices. I really don't know where to start/look for so I hope someone can point me in the right direction.
Let me know if I need to include more information!
The Vuforia PlaneFinderBehaviour (see doc here) has the event OnAutomaticHitTest which fires every frame a ground plane is detected.
So you can use it to automatically spawn an object.
You have to add your method in the On Automatic Hit Test instead of the On Interactive Hit Test list of the "Plane Finder":
I've heard that vuforia fusion, does not yet support ARCore (it supports ARKit) so it uses an internal implementation to simulate ARCore functionality, and they are waiting for a final release of ARCore to support it. Many users reported that their objects move even when they use an ARCore supported device.
