UICollectionView didSelect not called in a specific view hierarchy - ios

I'm hurt to an edge case I guess?
Here is my current view hierarchy of the my problematic top most view controller.
UIView-> UIScrollView-> UIView-> UIStackView-> UICollectionView
My stack view contain multiple arranged views.
What happen is that for some reason my (non scrollable) UICollectionView is not responding to its delegate didSelectRow method.
It receive touch event, I can even see shoudlHighightCell being called. But impossible to get the didSelect method called.
It's a reusable component I'm using maybe more than 10 times all across my apps, but in this specific hierarchy, it's not working.
I've tried to remove some gesture, to fiddle with delay touch of the parent UIScrollView, but it's still not working.
Any clues?


Swift canEditRowAtIndexPath not working in UIPageViewController EZSwipeViewController

I have the following scenario and need help in resolving a tricky situation in the scenario
There is an Xcode project and am using EzSwipeController for swipe (pagination effect) between three View Controllers at the moment.
In my first ViewController (this viewController is fetched from my custom dynamic framework as part of my requirement) -
Code to fetch ViewController:
userProfile.createProfileUI(userSession!) { result in
switch result {
case let .Success(profileViewController):
myDetailsVC = profileViewController //myDetailsVc is passed to EZSwipControllerDataSource array
The other two ViewControllers are within my project storyboard
The Problem -
In the first ViewController, there is a tableView with canEditRowAtIndexPath enabled for few cells (phone numbers).
So when I try to swipe the row, the EZSwipeController responds first and
hence, I am not able to edit the row.
Here is what is happening - http://recordit.co/SOJgdeYchP
Here is what should happen - http://recordit.co/EBPSbjH31q
How do I handle this problem? Is there a way where I can override the default swipe controller action when I try to edit the row?
Please help!
Attach the swipe gesture recognizer to a parent in the hierarchy.
If you're using a UITableViewController, replace it with a UIViewController with a UITableView inside it. Then just drag the gesture recognizer onto the view controller in Storyboard, and it'll attach to the UIViewController's Content View instead of the UITableView.
Though at the end of the day, this is inherently a flawed approach, since swiping to flip pages in an app is only ever viable if you don't have any elements on the pages that also have swipe gestures in them. If you do, even if you code a workaround to make the gesture recognizer for the element in the view controller (in this case, a table view cell) fire instead of the page flipping swipe gesture, that creates an inconsistent user experience.
My suggestion: don't use a table view for such a form altogether. On top of the aforementioned mechanical UX issue, from a user perception perspective, there's nothing indicating visually that this is a table view and not just a scroll view, so there's nothing indicating to the user that swipe actions (Delete) are available. Use a scroll view instead, and take a different approach to deleting (Delete buttons that are always visible, Delete buttons that are only visible after the user hits Edit somewhere, etc.).

Modifying the scroll view function scrollViewDidEndScrollingAnimation

I wanted to override the function scrollViewDidEndScrollingAnimation for a reference to a tableView within a class.
In other words, I have a view and a UITableView within it, I dragged a reference to the table into the view controller and want to change the scrollViewDidEndScrollingAnimation for the same, is it possible to do so?
I have looked at previous responses to similar questions and they ask suggest making the class a scrollViewDelegate and implementing the function, but I have done so and it doesn't hit the breakpoint I have within the function even if I scroll through the table in the Simulator.
This method only gets called if the setContentOffset:animated: or scrollRectToVisible:animated: methods are called by you on the scrollView, and only if the animated parameter is set to true.
Scrolling the view in the simulator will not trigger the breakpoint in your implementation, but using either of those two methods will.
UIScrollViewDelegate Protocol Reference

UITableView not loading fully inside UIScrollView

I'm creating a ViewController that will contain as a portion of it a scrollView. In that scrollView I would like to include the view of another ViewController. When I set up this ViewController inside of the ScrollView, all of that ViewController's data is pulled from the web and even it's "ViewDidLoad" method is called. However, nothing appears except for the tableViewLines and a spinner I've created to show the page is loading. Here is what it looks like (the ScrollView in question is under Commitments and Awards):
What should be loaded inside the scrollView is a tableView that looks like this:
It may be that the tableview's delegate/datasource are not set correctly. Could you check whether tableView:numberOfRowsInSection: and tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath: are called or not?
It is not a good idea to show view of one view controller in another view controller view. Apple does not recommend it. what ever you want to do, do it in the same view controller.

Prevent UIScrollView's UIPanGestureRecognizer from blocking UIScreenEdgePanGestureRecognizer

I have a UIScrollView that fills the screen on one page of my app, but I want to allow the user to pan from the edge of the screen to reveal a view behind it. The problem is that the UIScrollView steals the touches from my UIScreenEdgePanGestureRecognizer at the edge of the screen. Unfortunately, I can't access the UIScreenEdgePanGestureRecognizer from the view controller that has the UIScrollView (and vice-versa), so I am not able to use the method requireGestureRecognizerToFail: because I cannot able to specify which gesture recognizer should be allowed to fail. The view controller with the scroll view is a child view controller of a container view controller that has the screen edge pan gesture recognizer attached to one of the container view controller's own views.
I'm also unable to use the delegate method
because the UIScrollView won't allow me to set my view controller as the delegate of the scroll view's UIPanGestureRecognizer.
How can I prevent the scrollview from stealing the edge pan touches from my own gesture recognizer?
Unfortunately, creating this behavior can be a real P*** i* t** A**.
Fortunately, creating this behavior is possible using the UIGestureRecognizer Delegate even if you can't access one GestureRecognizer directly.
The second parameter ('otherGestureRecognizer') passed in the delegate methods holds the UIScrollView's PanGestureRecognizer (or private Apple - subclasses) when your gestureRecognizer 'collides' with the scrollView's.
So simply set your UIScreenEdgePanGestureRecognizer's delegate to reply to the delegate methods.
The naming of these two methods is very suboptimal and to be honest, i don't really know what the correct return values for your case are.
I just had this problem yesterday and i solved it by brutal trial & error.
Im my case, returning NO from both shouldRequireToFail and shouldBeRequiredToFail methods and YES from the simultaneous-method solved my problem.
Note: Returning NO from both methods changed the behavior compared to not
even implementing the methods at all. Even though the documentation says
the default return value is NO.
However, ANY GestureRecognizer behavior can be achieved by using the delegate methods. But as i said above, the naming of the methods is just very confusing. + there is as much as NO useful documentation for these methods.
This can be done without having to set the screen pan gesture's delegate to your view controller.
[scrollView.panGestureRecognizer requireGestureRecognizerToFail:screenPanGesture];

UITableView tracking touches on wrong axis

I have a uitableview controller which is a subview to a view managed by a uiviewcontroller. nothing really out of the ordinary but the tableview tracks gestures on the wrong axis(only on device).
Basically you scroll up/down table doesnt do anything, and left/right scrolls table up/down. its super weird. i was hoping somebody has seen this before and maybe know what causes it?
Edit: heres a video
at the end i am scrolling a uiscrollview that scrolls normally and is a child of the same uiviewcontroller.view
UIKit relies on there being a key window, and that window having a root view controller, to be able to correctly handle events, and forward them to your code. I suspect that perhaps one of those things is not set up correctly in your app. (Such that the device orientation isn't matching up with the visual orientation of your UI.)
Also note that prior to iOS 5, making one controller's view the child of another controller wasn't really supported by UIKit. It can be done, and mostly works, but you are going to have to manage the forwarding of all of your lifecycle events. (See the notes on controller containment in the docs, and the description of -automaticallyForwardAppearanceAndRotationMethodsToChildViewControllers as well.)
