Is there a replacement for YQL service that was just shut down? - yql

I was unaware that Yahoo was EOL'ing their YQL service and we have an intranet website that depends on it. Does anyone know of a replacement for this functionality, or perhaps a free dot.Net library that can help replicate this functionality? See


Is it possible to develop a Jira plugin with RESTful capabilities for creating issues programatically?

I have developed a Django app which hosts a bunch of forms that collect information about issues and I want to use this data to create Jira issues programmatically.
I have a conceptual idea of how that can be achieved but my problem is that I am a complete software development newbie and also have never used Jira to this date, hence googling stuff is quite hard as I have an almost non-existent vocabulary in these regards and things get quite overwhelming really fast. I want to know if what I have in mind even makes sense before I delve deeper into documentations and figuring out how to implement stuff.
So I'm going to send POST requests from my Django app containing the issue information in JSON format. These POST requests would then be handled by some Java service which in turn uses the JRJC to create issues on Jira. In my head this implies that I have to develop a whole server (or use some kind of framework for that matter) for django to send its requests to and handle them. Would it be possible to write a plugin for JIRA that bypasses the need for such a server so I could just write the service for handling the requests and expose it on some URL based on the domain of my Jira instance?
I apologize if my question appears vague or ill-structured. Any attempts to shine light on my incompetence or pointing fingers in some direction will be greatly appreciated!
I assume that you're talking about Jira Server (hosted by you) rather than Jira Cloud (hosted by Atlassian).
A Jira plugin can expose a REST endpoint, so yes, you can write such a plugin and POST to an endpoint you define, which then uses the Jira Java API to create issues.
See for information on putting REST endpoints in your plugin.

Twitter API Setting communication preferences for accounts with XAUTH

I wondered if anyone is aware of anyway that I may modify the communication settings of multiple Twitter accounts. Basically I have a number of accounts which all currently receive info at twitter emails etc and I'd like to manage these communication settings in an automated fashion but this doesn't seem to be possible.
I wondered if there is any way to do this in an automated fashion?
I'm using LinqToTwitter project to talk to the Twitter API in C#, although I don't necessarily have to use this.
I'm currently starting to think of using Selenium to do this.
Does anyone have any thoughts.
Many thanks,
There are some application settings you can manage through the API. In LINQ to Twitter they're mostly available by querying on the Application entity. However, there aren't any email preference setting options that the Twitter API offers.
My experience is that these settings options tend to change over time, mostly additive. So, whatever you come up with, you'll probably need to revisit your implementation occasionally to adapt to these changes.

QuickBooks Online from Desktop application

I am new to QuickBooks and all my searching has been leading to conflicting answers. I really need to know this to move forward.
We have an on-premise application (legacy MFC app if that matters). Some of our customers use QuickBooks Online and we can send information up to it. In the past we have used QBXML which I believe is not supported for online anymore.
Everything I read at talks about web applications. I think I have to have OAuth security and I do not see how intuit is supporting that from a non-browser based application.
I cannot believe that intuit would not have an answer for this situation so I must be confused.
So, can I send data to QuickBooks Online from a desktop application?
If yes, which API/SDK should I be using?
If I need OAuth how exactly do I implement this?
Does any of this require an independent security review?
I think I just need a little help getting pointed in the right direction.
Unfortunately I think you have the most difficult scenario in the QB ecosystem.
I've used the DevDefined OAuth library with some success:
You can get this to work on the desktop if you have a localhost server that the browser can redirect to on the OAuth callback.
Anything that talks to QBO needs to use the QBO API v3 now.
For a custom app that talks to QBO, you would need to set up your app # Intuit to run in development mode, so it wouldn't have to go through their security review, etc. But that limits the number of connections you can have (I think it's 10). So it might not work in your case. Also, if you're distributing your app to "normal" customers it may not be the best user experience, and probably isn't practical, to set it up so OAuth will work on the desktop.
You might just have to bite the bullet and create an intermediate web service on something like Azure or Heroku, then go through the whole process of getting Intuit to bless your app for production.

What to consider first when designing a meta-search engine using Erlang, Mnesia and Yaws?

Can someone explain to me what to consider first when designing a meta-search engine using Erlang, Mnesia and the Yaws web server? This engine should have SMS capability but I am still wondering how I am going to incorporate this feature...
The meta search engine, you need REST or Ajax APIs from Google, Yahoo and Bing. Below am providing you with examples which you may use within your back end HTTP capable Library or your front end JavaScript. I personally use mochiweb and yaws Appmods.
For example: Google has an Ajax search API which works like this:
Hitting that URL will give you a JSON Object which contains several search responses. In this case, the search term is "computers"
Yahoo has what it calls Boss APIs. An example of Yahoo Rest search API using Boss is here below:
For an XML result:
For a Json result:
Analyse the whole HTTP GET query very well, you notice something they call an APPID. This you will get when you register with them here. I cannot give to you my APPID, you will have to get yours,then paste it in there and you will be good to go. Yahoo has something more powerful called
YQL. In the above query, the search term is: "animals"
Bing as well has got an API for you, but you will need an APPID:
Above, the search term is: "love"
About the Meta Search Engine
You have a web page, people enter search queries in this page. You use your javaScript (JSONP). JSONP could be implemented in any one of your favorite JavaScript Framework you use e.g.
JQUERY,Ext JS,Dojo, Prototype e.t.c
Then you would have to parse the XML or JSON response from the three sources (Google, Yahoo and Bing),and make an appropriate display for your users to navigate the results.
About the SMS part
SMS capability is attained using SMS Gateway. There are several open and close source SMS Gateways. the most powerful of them all is the one built in Erlang/OTP technology called: OSERL, but to test it, you need direct connection with an SMSC in anyone of your local service provider.You need a Port on their SMSC, a user name and a password.There is another one which is better for development reasons called: NowSMS because it has capabilities for USSD, Modem Internet Communication, SMSC service connectivity, HTTP 1.1 and HTTP 1.0, configuration of two-way SMS messaging e.t.c from a Web App to-and -from the SMS Gateway. Go to their site, grab the trial version, follow the documentation and then configure two-way from your web app to the gateway and vice versa. Since NowSMS is not free, you can try: Kannel, it is open source but you will need help from the community to set it up on your Unix or Linux box.
More on incorporating SMS capability in Web Applications can be found:
I also asked once a Question related to development of a powerful search engine using Erlang, Mnesia & YAWS webserver on Stackoverflow. I got plenty of good answers and responses.
Please CLICK ME!
Hope this may help. As I am not sure about SMS thing.

Erlang Facebook Example

Does anyone know of an example facebook app (or facebook connect app) done in Erlang? I'm looking for something that includes the whole process. Specifically I don't seem to find anything on user authentication.
I've checked out erlang_facebook, erlang2facebook and erlyface but none of them seem to offer a simple and comprehensive example accessible to me as a beginner .
I'd be happy for just a bit of code to plough through though, preferably using mochiweb as backend.
I've played around writing a FB app in Erlang and looked at the projects you mentioned as well. I found it easier to just use FB's graph API directly for authentication, etc. I used Nitrogen/Mochiweb for the web server and made graph requests with httpc:request.
Zotonic (Erlang CMS/Framework) provides Facebook integration, including authentication.
A few years on and I still find Jeremy Raymond's method satisfying. In particular, wrapping their ever-changing url-as-an-API scheme inside your own API seems to be the most painless. httpc is useful, and so is cowboy if you are familiar with that.
Whatever you choose, you should absolutely not be designing your ideas around their API. Convert their ideas into your project's semantics by wrapping their API. After all, the web isn't the whole internet and you never know when FB might stop being the cool place to waste your life. There is no telling if your application/library/codebase-you-use-on-something-else will outlive theirs.
