How to update values that depend on strong params - ruby-on-rails

I have an action (using strong parameters) in controller:
def home_task_params
params.require(:home_task).permit(:subject, :description, :data)
I want to modify the data before recording to the database. I want to do something similar to this:
def create
#home_task = HomeTask.create(
:subject => home_task_params.subject,
:description => home_task_params.description,
:day =>,
:data =>,
:class_room => current_user.class_room
How do I implement it?

params is an object that behaves like a hash. Therefore you cannot read values from that object like this params.subject instead, you have to use params[:subject].
Something like this might work:
#home_task = HomeTask.create(
:subject => home_task_params[:subject],
:description => home_task_params[:description],
:day => home_task_params[:data],
:data => home_task_params[:data],
:class_room => current_user.class_room
Or you could just merge the additional values to params:
#home_task = HomeTask.create(
day: home_task_params[:data],
class_room: current_user.class_room


Access params with wildcard in Rails

At the moment I have a form_tag which contains inputs and puts these inputs into parameters.
I want to be able to loop over them in the controller action.
I've tried getting all params excluding all the usual params (action, controller, model name etc.) and then using a wildcard like params[:prop*].
Here is the offending form inputs:
%input{:name => "userEmails", :id =>"userEmails", :type => "hidden", :value => ""}
-#all_properties.each do |prop|
%input{:name => "prop""checkbox", :type => "checkbox", :id => "prop""checkbox"}
%input{:name => "prop", :type => "text", :id => "prop"}
These show up in params like {"propProperty1checkbox"=>"on", "propProperty1" => "testing", "propAnotherPropertycheckbox" => "on", "propAnotherProperty" => "another test value"} etc.
I'm unsure how to access these as the names of the properties can change and so need to be accessed abstractly.
You can use #select on params hash to filter only the params that are interesting for you:
params = {"user_id"=>1,
"propAnotherProperty"=>"another test value"
}{|key, value| key =~ /^prop/}
#=> {"propProperty1checkbox"=>"on",
#"propAnotherProperty"=>"another test value"}
Example from the comment:
[13] pry(main)> {"utf8"=>"✓", "_method"=>"put", "authenticity_token"=>"xxxxx", "userEmails"=>",,,", "propProperty1checkbox"=>"on", "propProperty1"=>"3", "propAnotherPropertycheckbox"=>"on", "propAnotherProperty"=>"4", "commit"=>"Submit", "Application"=>"8", "Company"=>"1" }{|k, v| k =~ /^prop/}
=> {"propProperty1checkbox"=>"on",
You can try something like:
input(name: "props[#{pro_name}][checkbox]"...)
input(name: "props[#{pro_name}][text]"...)
Then, in your controller:
def method
props = params[:props]
props.each do |property_name, values|
chk = values[:checkbox]
text = values[:text]

Searching with multiple conditions (Ruby on Rails)

I want to search a table with multiple conditions in Rails.
I am working on deleting certain package(record) from database but first i need to get userId and packageID .
and here is the code i wrote but it gives error.
#package=Packages.find(:all, :condition => {:id => params[:pid]}, :condition => {:senders_id => cookies[ :user_id ]})
here is the error :
ArgumentError in CreatePackagesController#deletepackage
Unknown key: condition
i just need equivalent code with the right syntax to that one if someone could help.
def deletepackage
#package=Packages.find(:all, :conditions => {:id => params[:pid], :senders_id => cookies[ :user_id ]}
if (#package!=nil && req.receivedByCarrier==false)
elsif (#package!=nil && req.receivedByCarrier==true)
Change your query as below:
#package = Packages.find(:all, :conditions => {:id => params[:pid], :senders_id => cookies[:user_id]})
You are getting the error as Unknown key: condition because :condition is not a valid option in find method.
:condition should be :conditions (Note plural). Also, you should be passing both the conditions as a single key-value pair.
For Rails 4.x
You can simply do it as below
#package = Packages.where(id: params[:pid], senders_id: cookies[:user_id])
#package=Packages.find(:all, :condition => {:id => params[:pid]}, :condition => {:senders_id => cookies[ :user_id ]})
should be like this
#package=Packages.find(:all, :conditions => {:id => params[:pid]}, :senders_id => cookies[ :user_id ]})

Ruby on Rails Model creation string not converted to integer

Here is my code:
base_release_id column in release db is integer type
= form_for #release do |f|
= f.label :name
= f.text_field :name
= f.label :base_release_id
= :base_release_id, options_from_collection_for_select(conditionsPlusBlankOrderBy(Release),"id","name",#release.base_release_id)
= f.submit
def create
ap params
#release =[:release])
ap #release
I was going to create a new release including its name , base release id etc.
I was using 2 "ap" to trace the release object. strange thing happen. See my log below:
"utf8" => "â",
"authenticity_token" => "8HdDlC3jJxYvq+8tUh/cut5ibHxjIF6L2CzAFORlNBg=",
"release" => {
"name" => "e",
"code" => "e",
"base_release_id" => "2"
"commit" => "Create Release",
"action" => "create",
"controller" => "releases"
#<Release:0x000000190f06b8> {
:id => nil,
:name => "e",
:code => "e",
:base_release_id => nil,
Processing by ReleasesController#create as HTML
Parameters: {"utf8"=>"â", "authenticity_token"=>"8HdDlC3jJxYvq+8tUh/cut5ibHxjIF6L2CzAFORlNBg=", "release"=>{"name"=>"e", "code"=>"e", "base_release_id"=>"2"}, "commit"=>"Create Release"}
Not sure why base_release_id lost, name and code is working.
I have the similar code works in other page, in which case parame string value don't parsed to model integer?
it works if i added the datatype convertion as below:
def create
ap params
#release =[:release])
#release.base_release_id = params[:release][:base_release_id].to_i if params[:release][:base_release_id]
ap #release
Please help and thank you in advance.
found why.
in my model release.rb, i'v defined "attr_accessible :id, :name, :code, :as => :tmp_use". Then it accept id, name and code only. After i added :base_release_id, it works.
not sure how :as => :tmp_use work. I suppose default all variable can be accessed. In some places, i was using"id"=>row[:id],"name"=>row[:name],"code"=>row[:code], :as => :tmp_use)
Some places i don't want to do it i want to all columns be accessable.
No sure how.
Thank you Ivan anyway.

How to update attributes only if the params are defined?

currently in my update controller method I have:
#group.attributes = {
:title => params[:group][:title],
:description => params[:group][:description],
:password_required => params[:group][:password_required],
:password => params[:group][:password],
:archived => params[:group][:archived]
The problem is that this method is used in multiple places and all of these params are not always passed which results in a "nil" which causes the db commit to rollback.
How can you set attributes only when they are defined w/o having to use if blocks?
Could probably do something lousy like this:
#group.attributes = {
:title => params[:group][:title] || #group.title,
:description => params[:group][:description] || #group.description,
:password_required => params[:group][:password_required] || #group.password_required,
:password => params[:group][:password] || #group.password,
:archived => params[:group][:archived] || #group.archived
This kind of ugly code is not recommended, but it answers the question of how to do this without explicit if blocks.
why not simplify it with
this way if the value us nil it wont be updated

Passing different parameter to a method call depending on a condition in Ruby

This is the code for my function, in which I am making a call to new
def create_person_detail_from_registration(type, registration, registration_detail)
person_detail =
:email => registration.email_2,
:phone_1 => registration_detail.phone_1,
:phone_2 => registration_detail.phone_2,
:phone_3 => registration_detail.phone_3,
:phone_4 => registration_detail.phone_4,
:phone_5 => registration_detail.phone_5,
:phone_6 => registration_detail.phone_6,
:phone_7 => registration_detail.phone_7,
:address_1 => registration_detail.address_1,
:address_2 => registration_detail.address_2,
:city =>,
:state => registration_detail.state,
:postal_code => registration_detail.postal_code,
:country =>
return person_detail
Now the issue is depending on what value type has, :email is either set to registration.email_2 or One way of doing that is of course, to write the whole code twice surrounded by an if-elsif statement. But I just wanna know, if there's any smarter, more elegant way of doing this?
Just add the condition into value .
:email => (type==1 ? registration.email_2 :,
