How to update attributes only if the params are defined? - ruby-on-rails

currently in my update controller method I have:
#group.attributes = {
:title => params[:group][:title],
:description => params[:group][:description],
:password_required => params[:group][:password_required],
:password => params[:group][:password],
:archived => params[:group][:archived]
The problem is that this method is used in multiple places and all of these params are not always passed which results in a "nil" which causes the db commit to rollback.
How can you set attributes only when they are defined w/o having to use if blocks?

Could probably do something lousy like this:
#group.attributes = {
:title => params[:group][:title] || #group.title,
:description => params[:group][:description] || #group.description,
:password_required => params[:group][:password_required] || #group.password_required,
:password => params[:group][:password] || #group.password,
:archived => params[:group][:archived] || #group.archived
This kind of ugly code is not recommended, but it answers the question of how to do this without explicit if blocks.

why not simplify it with
this way if the value us nil it wont be updated


How to update values that depend on strong params

I have an action (using strong parameters) in controller:
def home_task_params
params.require(:home_task).permit(:subject, :description, :data)
I want to modify the data before recording to the database. I want to do something similar to this:
def create
#home_task = HomeTask.create(
:subject => home_task_params.subject,
:description => home_task_params.description,
:day =>,
:data =>,
:class_room => current_user.class_room
How do I implement it?
params is an object that behaves like a hash. Therefore you cannot read values from that object like this params.subject instead, you have to use params[:subject].
Something like this might work:
#home_task = HomeTask.create(
:subject => home_task_params[:subject],
:description => home_task_params[:description],
:day => home_task_params[:data],
:data => home_task_params[:data],
:class_room => current_user.class_room
Or you could just merge the additional values to params:
#home_task = HomeTask.create(
day: home_task_params[:data],
class_room: current_user.class_room

Rails form inputs using context validation

In my app I have a validation rule like this
validates_presence_of :name, :on => :custom_context
When I'm saving my data I use => :custom_context)
So that my context validation rule is applied. This works fine. By in my form, the name field is not marked with asterisk. How can I tell my form helper that we are in the :custom_context context and the name field must be marked as required?
I did not understand what you are trying to do BUT understood the scenario.
You can use an attribute_accessor in your model say -
attribute_accessor :context
In your view(.html.erb file) do the following inside your <% form_for %>
<%= f.hidden_field :context, :value => "custom_context" %>
And in your model :
validates_presence_of :name, :if => { |variable|
variable.context == "custom_context"}
I think this should help :D
OK, I guess there is no perfect way to do this. Eventually I did something like this:
<%= f.input :name, :required => required_in_context?(:name, :custom_context) %>
And I wrote a helper method:
def required_in_context? field, context
required = false
MyClass.validators.each do |v|
required = true if v.kind == :presence && v.attributes.include?(field) && v.options == {:on => context}

Avoiding Nil errors from a form parameter when using a default value for a text_field?

Rails 2.3.5
If below I'm using either a default session value or (with priority) a form parameter, is there a way to write the code below to avoid a nil error?
<%= f.text_field :deliver_to_addr, :size => 100, :maxlength => 100, :value => params[:request][:delivery_to_address] || session[:address] %>
I worked around the problem by putting a logic block in the controller to come out with a single variable to hold what should be selected (below), but is there a simple way to get around this problem so I don't need a block of code every time I need to use a default value (session[:address] in this case)?
if !params[:request].blank?
if !params[:request][:delivery_to_address].blank?
#delivery_addr_to_select = params[:request][:delivery_to_address]
#delivery_addr_to_select = session[:address]
#delivery_addr_to_select = session[:address]
<%= f.text_field :deliver_to_addr, :size => 100, :maxlength => 100, :value => #delivery_addr_to_select %>
You can use the build in try-method:
#delivery_addr_to_select = params[:request].try(:[], :delivery_to_address) || session[:address]
This will try to invoke the [] hash method with :delivery_to_address if the result is nil it will take the session[:address].
You might try the gem andand to help shorten the logic to
#delivery_addr_to_select = params[:request].andand[:delivery_to_address] || session[:address]
This works whether or not :request is present because andand will only invoke :delivery_to_address if params[:request] is not nil.

Passing different parameter to a method call depending on a condition in Ruby

This is the code for my function, in which I am making a call to new
def create_person_detail_from_registration(type, registration, registration_detail)
person_detail =
:email => registration.email_2,
:phone_1 => registration_detail.phone_1,
:phone_2 => registration_detail.phone_2,
:phone_3 => registration_detail.phone_3,
:phone_4 => registration_detail.phone_4,
:phone_5 => registration_detail.phone_5,
:phone_6 => registration_detail.phone_6,
:phone_7 => registration_detail.phone_7,
:address_1 => registration_detail.address_1,
:address_2 => registration_detail.address_2,
:city =>,
:state => registration_detail.state,
:postal_code => registration_detail.postal_code,
:country =>
return person_detail
Now the issue is depending on what value type has, :email is either set to registration.email_2 or One way of doing that is of course, to write the whole code twice surrounded by an if-elsif statement. But I just wanna know, if there's any smarter, more elegant way of doing this?
Just add the condition into value .
:email => (type==1 ? registration.email_2 :,

Passing extra data to find_or_create

Something I've always wondered about rails is the ability to pass extra data to find_or_create methods in rails. For example, I can't do the following
User.find_or_create_by_name('ceilingfish', :email => 'an_email#a.domain', :legs => true, :face => false)
I could do
u = User.find_or_create_by_name('ceilingfish')
u.update_attributes(:email => 'an_email#a.domain', :legs => true, :face => false)
But that's uglier, and also requires three queries. I suppose I could do
User.find_or_create_by_name_and_email_and_face_and_legs('ceilingfish','an_email#a.domain',true, false)
But that kind of implies that I know what the values of email, legs and face are. Does anyone know if there's a really elegant way of doing this?
Try this:
:email => 'an_email#a.domain', :legs => true, :face => false)
When you have additional parameters to find_or_create_by_, you have to pass all the parameters as a hash.
Rails 4
email: 'an_email#a.domain',
legs: true, face:false
With rails 4.x
DEPRECATION WARNING: This dynamic method is deprecated. Please use e.g. Post.find_or_create_by(name: 'foo') instead
Use this
User.find_or_create_by(first_name: 'Scarlett') do |user|
user.last_name = 'Johansson'
