I am starting out with unit testing RxSwift Driver. And I am having issues testing a Driver.
This is the code structure of my ViewModel:
import Foundation
import RxSwift
import RxCocoa
class LoginViewViewModel {
private let loginService: LoginService
private let _loading = BehaviorRelay<Bool>(value: false)
private let _loginResponse = BehaviorRelay<LoginResponse?>(value: nil)
private let _phoneMessage = BehaviorRelay<String>(value: "")
private let _pinMessage = BehaviorRelay<String>(value: "")
private let _enableButton = BehaviorRelay<Bool>(value: false)
var loginResponse: Driver<LoginResponse?> { return _loginResponse.asDriver() }
var loading: Driver<Bool> { return _loading.asDriver() }
var phoneMessage: Driver<String> { return _phoneMessage.asDriver() }
var pinMessage: Driver<String> { return _pinMessage.asDriver() }
var enableButton: Driver<Bool> { return _enableButton.asDriver() }
private let phone = BehaviorRelay<String>(value: "")
private let pin = BehaviorRelay<String>(value: "")
private let disposeBag = DisposeBag()
init(phone: Driver<String>, pin: Driver<String>, buttonTapped: Driver<Void>, loginService: LoginService) {
self.loginService = loginService
.drive(onNext: { [weak self] (phone) in
}).disposed(by: disposeBag)
.drive(onNext: { [weak self] (pin) in
}).disposed(by: disposeBag)
.drive(onNext: { [weak self] () in
self?.loginUser(phone: self!.phone.value, pin: self!.pin.value)
}).disposed(by: disposeBag)
private func validateFields() {
guard phone.value.count > 0 else {
guard pin.value.count > 0 else {
private func loginUser(phone: String, pin: String) {
loginService.loginUser(phone: phone, pin: pin) { [weak self] (response, error) in
if let error = error {
if error.message! == "Invalid credentials" {
self?._phoneMessage.accept("Invalid Phone Number")
self?._pinMessage.accept("Invalid Pin Provided")
} else {
And my UnitTest looks like this:
class LoginViewViewModelTest: XCTestCase {
private class MockLoginService: LoginService {
func loginUser(phone: String, pin: String, completion: #escaping LoginService.LoginDataCompletion) {
guard phone == "+17045674568", pin == "1234" else {
let loginresponse = LoginResponse(message: "Login Successfully", status: true, status_code: 200, data: LoginData(access_token: "adadksdewffjfwe", token_type: "bearer", expires_in: 3600, expiry_time: "today", user: User(id: "1dsldsdsjkj", name: "RandomGuy", phone: "12345", pin_set: true, custom_email: false, email: "somerandom#email.com")))
completion(loginresponse, nil)
let akuError = AKUError(status: false, message: "Invalid Credential.", status_code: "404")
completion(nil, akuError)
var viewModel: LoginViewViewModel!
var scheduler: SchedulerType!
var phone: BehaviorRelay<String>!
var pin: BehaviorRelay<String>!
var buttonClicked: BehaviorRelay<Void>!
override func setUp() {
phone = BehaviorRelay<String>(value: "")
pin = BehaviorRelay<String>(value: "")
buttonClicked = BehaviorRelay<Void>(value: ())
let loginService = MockLoginService()
viewModel = LoginViewViewModel(phone: phone.asDriver(), pin: pin.asDriver(), buttonTapped: buttonClicked.asDriver(), loginService: loginService)
scheduler = ConcurrentDispatchQueueScheduler(qos: .default)
override func tearDown() {
func testLoginButtonClicked_Loading() {
let loadingObservable = viewModel.loading.asObservable().subscribeOn(scheduler)
let loadingState = try! loadingObservable.skip(0).toBlocking().first()!
XCTAssertEqual(loadingState, true)
My question:
I am trying to track the state of the loading driver variable. But, it's always false. Even after writing a debugger for checking the states, it only prints out one value and, it's always false.
I decided to add a break point to the code, and I noticed
let loadingState = try! loadingObservable.skip(0).toBlocking().first()! only gets called once the function is done executing.
Is there a way to test for the loading state?
Is it necessary to test for the loading state?
I believe the problem is that RxBlocking only deals with the first event that is emitted. You need to look at a series of events. Look into using RxTest instead. Here is a unit test using RxTest that passes with the view model you created:
class LoginLoadingTests: XCTestCase {
var scheduler: TestScheduler!
var result: TestableObserver<Bool>!
var bag: DisposeBag!
override func setUp() {
scheduler = TestScheduler(initialClock: 0)
result = scheduler.createObserver(Bool.self)
bag = DisposeBag()
func testLoading() {
let loginService = MockLoginService { phone, pin, response in
self.scheduler.scheduleAt(20, action: { response(nil, RxError.unknown) })
let tap = scheduler.createHotObservable([.next(10, ())])
let viewModel = LoginViewViewModel(phone: Driver.just("9876543210"), pin: Driver.just("1234"), buttonTapped: tap.asDriver(onErrorJustReturn: ()), loginService: loginService)
.disposed(by: bag)
XCTAssertEqual(result.events, [
.next(0, false),
.next(10, true),
.next(20, false)
struct MockLoginService: LoginService {
init(loginUser: #escaping (_ phone: String, _ pin: String, _ response: #escaping (LoginResponse?, Error?) -> Void) -> Void) {
_loginUser = loginUser
func loginUser(phone: String, pin: String, response: #escaping (LoginResponse?, Error?) -> ()) {
_loginUser(phone, pin, response)
let _loginUser: (_ phone: String, _ pin: String, _ response: #escaping (LoginResponse?, Error?) -> Void) -> Void
I am trying to make rewarded ad from Admob in my SwiftUI app but faced some problems. I am using official documentation that is written in obj-c and trying to make swift class from it.
Here what i have
final class Rewarded: NSObject, GADFullScreenContentDelegate {
let token = Bundle.main.object(forInfoDictionaryKey: "GADApplicationIdentifier") as? String
var rewardedAd = GADRewardedAd()
var rewardFunction: (() -> Void)? = nil
override init() {
func LoadRewarded() {
let req = GADRequest()
GADRewardedAd.load(withAdUnitID: token!, request: req, completionHandler: { gad, error in
func showAd(rewardFunction: #escaping () -> Void){
let root = UIApplication.shared.windows.first?.rootViewController
do {
try self.rewardedAd.canPresent(fromRootViewController: root!)
self.rewardFunction = rewardFunction
self.rewardedAd.present(fromRootViewController: root!, userDidEarnRewardHandler: rewardFunction)
} catch let error {
func rewardedAd(_ rewardedAd: GADRewardedAd, userDidEarn reward: GADAdReward) {
if let rf = rewardFunction {
func rewardedAdDidDismiss(_ rewardedAd: GADRewardedAd) {
self.rewardedAd = GADRewardedAd()
In method showAd i have an exception nilerror from invocation of try self.rewardedAd.canPresent(fromRootViewController: root!) and have no idea what to do with that. I didn't find any tutorial that shows how to set up it with version of sdk 8+, can you please help me to figure out what is the problem.
Found a solution, Google has paper on migration to v8+ sdk. So, from https://medium.com/#michaelbarneyjr/how-to-integrate-admob-ads-in-swiftui-fbfd3d774c50 and https://developers.google.com/admob/ios/migration#swift_7 I made a working rewarded ad with version of sdk 8.5 in SwiftUI
final class Rewarded: NSObject, GADFullScreenContentDelegate {
var rewardedAd: GADRewardedAd?
var rewardFunction: (() -> Void)? = nil
override init() {
func LoadRewarded(){
let request = GADRequest()
GADRewardedAd.load(withAdUnitID: Bundle.main.object(forInfoDictionaryKey: "GADApplicationIdentifier") as! String,
request: request, completionHandler: { (ad, error) in
if let error = error {
print("Rewarded ad failed to load with error: \(error.localizedDescription)")
self.rewardedAd = ad
self.rewardedAd?.fullScreenContentDelegate = self
func showAd(rewardFunction: #escaping () -> Void){
let root = UIApplication.shared.windows.first?.rootViewController
if let ad = rewardedAd {
ad.present(fromRootViewController: root!,
userDidEarnRewardHandler: {
let reward = ad.adReward
} else {
print("Ad wasn't ready")
func rewardedAd(_ rewardedAd: GADRewardedAd, userDidEarn reward: GADAdReward) {
if let rf = rewardFunction {
I found this code. I think it can help you:
import SwiftUI
import GoogleMobileAds
import UIKit
final class Rewarded: NSObject, GADRewardedAdDelegate{
var rewardedAd:GADRewardedAd = GADRewardedAd(adUnitID: rewardID)
var rewardFunction: (() -> Void)? = nil
override init() {
func LoadRewarded(){
let req = GADRequest()
func showAd(rewardFunction: #escaping () -> Void){
if self.rewardedAd.isReady{
self.rewardFunction = rewardFunction
let root = UIApplication.shared.windows.first?.rootViewController
self.rewardedAd.present(fromRootViewController: root!, delegate: self)
print("Not Ready")
func rewardedAd(_ rewardedAd: GADRewardedAd, userDidEarn reward: GADAdReward) {
if let rf = rewardFunction {
func rewardedAdDidDismiss(_ rewardedAd: GADRewardedAd) {
self.rewardedAd = GADRewardedAd(adUnitID: rewardID)
struct ContentView:View{
var rewardAd:Rewarded
self.rewardAd = Rewarded()
var body : some View{
Button(action: {
self.rewardAd.showAd(rewardFunction: {
print("Give Reward")
Text("My Button")
Here is the link where I find the snippet: https://medium.com/#michaelbarneyjr/how-to-integrate-admob-ads-in-swiftui-fbfd3d774c50
I have an application where I want to make an API call once the screen is awaken in the ViewController. Basically, I am using Universal Link to activate the ViewCOntroller and when it displays the UIViewController, I want to make an API call based on the Data got. I am currently using the MVVM Architecture and I have added my code below
My ViewModel
class EmailVerificationViewModel: ViewModel, ViewModelType {
struct Input {
let editEmailTrigger: Driver<Void>
struct Output {
let routeManager: BehaviorRelay<RouteMatchResult?>
let currentEmail: BehaviorRelay<String?>
init(routeManager: RouteMatchResult?, provider: Api, currentEmail: String?) {
self.routeManager = BehaviorRelay(value: routeManager)
self.currentEmail = BehaviorRelay(value: currentEmail)
super.init(provider: provider)
func transform(input: Input) -> Output {
.flatMapLatest { (code) -> Observable<RxSwift.Event<User>> in
// guard let code = code else {return}
let params = code.values
let challengeId = Int(params["xxx"] as? String ?? "0")
let login = LoginResponseModel(identifier: params["xxxx"] as? String, key: params["xxxxxx"] as? String, oth: params["xxxxx"] as? String, id: 0, challengeId: challengeId)
return self.provider.postVerifyApp(challengeId: login.challengeId!, oth: login.oth!, identifier: login.identifier!)
}.subscribe(onNext: { [weak self] (event) in
switch event {
case .next(let token):
AuthManager.setToken(token: token)
// self?.tokenSaved.onNext(())
case .error(let error):
default: break
}).disposed(by: rx.disposeBag)
return Output()
My Viewcontroller
override func bindViewModel() {
guard let viewModel = viewModel as? EmailVerificationViewModel else { return }
let input = EmailVerificationViewModel.Input(editEmailTrigger: editEmailBtn.rx.tap.asDriver())
let output = viewModel.transform(input: input)
viewModel.loading.asObservable().bind(to: isLoading).disposed(by: rx.disposeBag)
viewModel.parsedError.asObservable().bind(to: error).disposed(by: rx.disposeBag)
isLoading.asDriver().drive(onNext: { [weak self] (isLoading) in
isLoading ? self?.startAnimating() : self?.stopAnimating()
}).disposed(by: rx.disposeBag)
error.subscribe(onNext: { [weak self] (error) in
var title = ""
var description = ""
let image = R.image.icon_toast_warning()
switch error {
case .serverError(let response):
title = response.message ?? ""
self?.view.makeToast(description, title: title, image: image)
}).disposed(by: rx.disposeBag)
so how can I make the call on the commented like THE CALL I WANT TO MAKE once the application catches the universal link and loads up. Basically making an API call on viewDidLoad
The code in your sample was way more than is needed to answer the question. Here is how you make a network call on viewDidLoad:
class ViewController: UIViewController {
var viewModel: ViewModel!
private let disposeBag = DisposeBag()
override func viewDidLoad() {
let input = ViewModel.Input()
let output = viewModel.transform(input: input)
.bind(onNext: { viewData in
// setup the view with viewData
.disposed(by: disposeBag)
class ViewModel {
struct Input { }
struct Output {
let viewData: Observable<ViewData>
init(api: API) {
self.api = api
func transform(input: Input) -> Output {
let viewData = api.networkCall()
.map { ViewData(from: $0) }
return Output(viewData: viewData)
let api: API
Previously I successfully access model objects anywhere in the class but while populating data on badoo/chatto text view I am stuck.
I am integrating chat message api into badoo chat view
Basically, the issue is alamofire response is not getting outside of the scope.
Did I try with compilation handler but no luck? Is there any way to resolve this issue?
Thanks in advance .
Here is code snippet :
import Foundation
import Chatto
import ChattoAdditions
import SwiftyJSON
import Alamofire
class DemoChatMessageFactory {
public static var chats = [ChatModel]()
class func makeMessage(_ uid:String) -> DemoTextMessageModel{
print("uid makeMessage : \(uid)")
return self.makeMessageData(uid, isIncoming:false)
class func makeMessageData(_ uid: String,isIncoming:Bool) -> DemoTextMessageModel {
if isIncoming == true{
return self.makeTextFinalMessage(uid, isIncoming:isIncoming)
} else {
return self.makeTextFinalMessage(uid, isIncoming: isIncoming)
public class func makeTextMessage(_ uid: String, isIncoming: Bool,text:String) -> DemoTextMessageModel {
let messageModel = self.makeMessageModel(uid, isIncoming: isIncoming,
type: TextMessageModel<MessageModel>.chatItemType)
let textMessageModel = DemoTextMessageModel(messageModel:messageModel,
text: text)
return textMessageModel
public class func makeTextFinalMessage(_ uid: String, isIncoming: Bool) -> DemoTextMessageModel {
var text = String()
var uidInt = Int(uid)
print("string uid 121 \(uid)")
print("print is Incomming data or not 1: \(isIncoming)")
print("uid count :\(uid.count)")
let urlString = "[My message Api]"
Alamofire.request(urlString, method: .get).validate().responseJSON {
(response) -> Void in
if let value = response.data {
do {
let json = try JSON(data: value)
if let dictionnary = json.dictionaryObject {
if let messageArray = dictionnary["message"] as?[[String: Any]] {
for arr in messageArray {
self.chats.append(ChatModel(ChatListJSON: arr))
} catch {
print("cannot convert to Json")
print("print int 122 : \(uidInt!)")
print("Chat List Id DemoChatMessageFactory \(self.chats[uidInt!].chatId)")
print("chat message: \(String(describing: uidInt!)) th \(self.chats[uidInt!].chatMessage)")
self.textData = "\(self.chats[uidInt!].chatMessage)"
self.makeTextMessage(uid, isIncoming: isIncoming, text:self.textData) //Here I am bale to pass textData but ouside the Alamofire block can't access
//Here getting empty values
print("uid makeTextFinalMessage \(uid)")
print("in coming makeTextFinalMessage \(isIncoming)")
print("text makeTextFinalMessage \(text)")
//chat count also getting zero count
print("chat count final text\(chats.count)")
print("print chat count : \(self.chats.count)")
return self.makeTextMessage(uid, isIncoming: isIncoming, text:self.textData)
Test for completion handler
public var res: Any = ""
func getAllChatData(completionhandler:#escaping ([String: Any]?) -> ()){
let URL = "my api"
Alamofire.request(URL).responseJSON {
response in
if let json = response.result.value as? [String: Any] {
completionhandler(json, nil)
else if let error = response.result.error as Error? {
completionhandler(nil, error)
and call using like below inside the function
DemoChatMessageFactory.getAllChatData {
(result) in
res = result
print("response (res)")
please suggest me the proper way to alamofire with compilation handler
This is an example of converting all methods using the result of asynchronous call. As I have never used Chatto and you are not showing all the types in your code, so you may need to modify many parts of my code, but I believe you can see what you need to do with this code.
import Foundation
import Chatto
import ChattoAdditions
import SwiftyJSON
import Alamofire
class DemoChatMessageFactory {
public static var chats = [ChatModel]()
class func requestMessage(_ uid:String,
completion: #escaping (DemoTextMessageModel?, Error?)->Void) {
print("uid makeMessage : \(uid)")
self.requestMessageData(uid, isIncoming: false) { (model, error) in
completion(model, error)
class func requestMessageData(_ uid: String, isIncoming: Bool,
completion: #escaping (DemoTextMessageModel?, Error?)->Void) {
if isIncoming {
//...put any code needed when isIncoming is true
self.requestTextFinalMessage(uid, isIncoming: isIncoming) { model in
completion(model, error)
} else {
//...put any code needed when isIncoming is false
self.requestTextFinalMessage(uid, isIncoming: isIncoming) { model in
completion(model, error)
public class func makeTextMessage(_ uid: String, isIncoming: Bool, text: String) -> DemoTextMessageModel {
let messageModel = self.makeMessageModel(uid, isIncoming: isIncoming,
type: TextMessageModel<MessageModel>.chatItemType)
let textMessageModel = DemoTextMessageModel(messageModel:messageModel,
text: text)
return textMessageModel
public class func requestTextFinalMessage(_ uid: String, isIncoming: Bool,
completion: #escaping (DemoTextMessageModel?, Error?)->Void) {
var text = String()
var uidInt = Int(uid)
print("string uid 121 \(uid)")
print("print is Incomming data or not 1: \(isIncoming)")
print("uid count :\(uid.count)")
let urlString = "[My message Api]"
Alamofire.request(urlString, method: .get).validate().responseJSON {
(response) -> Void in
if let value = response.data {
do {
let json = try JSON(data: value)
if let dictionnary = json.dictionaryObject {
if let messageArray = dictionnary["message"] as?[[String: Any]] {
for arr in messageArray {
self.chats.append(ChatModel(ChatListJSON: arr))
print("print int 122 : \(uidInt!)")
print("Chat List Id DemoChatMessageFactory \(self.chats[uidInt!].chatId)")
print("chat message: \(String(describing: uidInt!)) th \(self.chats[uidInt!].chatMessage)")
self.textData = "\(self.chats[uidInt!].chatMessage)"
completion(self.makeTextMessage(uid, isIncoming: isIncoming, text: self.textData), nil)
} catch {
print("cannot convert to Json")
completion(nil, error)
} else {
//better generate an error case result, and call completion.
I changed some method names from make... to request... to show clarify they are asynchronous methods.
And the usage, if you intend to use your original code as:
let model = DemoChatMessageFactory.makeMessage(uid)
//Do some UI updates using `model`...
You may need to use asynchronous methods like:
DemoChatMessageFactory.requestMessage(uid) { (model, error) in
if let model = model {
//Do some UI updates using `model`...
} else {
//Do something for the error...
I studying rxSwift, and I want to do service for the interaction of c longpolling server to this service imitating a permanent connection. I wrote it, but it seems to me, is not that the decision could have been done better? Is it possible to somehow repeat the Observable, regardless of the error, and depending on longpoll server response.
Can anyone can share the solution? Or help with advice? How it is better to organize? I would like to see a better solution, since only began studying rxswift
class LongPollingService {
public var messageReciver: PublishSubject<EventProtocol> = PublishSubject<EventProtocol>()
private let transport = DefaultTransport()
private let disposeBag = DisposeBag()
private var currentRequestInfo = Variable<LongpollingServerInfo?>(nil)
private var currentRequestDisposable: Disposable?
private var currentLongpollingConnection: Disposable? // Subsribee for request server info
private var eventListener : Disposable?
private var currentReqursiveConnection: Disposable? // Subscriber for event listener from longpoll server
func startObservableEvents() {
//testing listen events
eventListener = messageReciver.showMessagesInDebugMode().subscribe()
func disconnect() {
private func subscribeServerInfo() {
currentLongpollingConnection = currentRequestInfo
.filter({$0 != nil})
.subscribe(onNext: { [weak self] (info) in
guard let sSelf = self else { return }
sSelf.subscribeToEvents(timeStamp: info!.ts)
private func subscribeToEvents(timeStamp: TimeInterval) {
if let serverInfo = currentRequestInfo.value {
currentReqursiveConnection = getEventsFromLongpollServer(serverInfo: serverInfo, with: timeStamp)
.subscribe(onNext: { [weak self] updates in
guard let sSelf = self else { return }
sSelf.subscribeToEvents(timeStamp: updates)
onError: { [weak self] error in
guard let sSelf = self else { return }
if let error = error as? LongPollError {
switch error {
case .olderHistory(let ts): sSelf.subscribeToEvents(timeStamp: ts)
default: sSelf.getServerConnection()
private func getServerConnection() {
//get longpolling server info for connection.
currentRequestDisposable = getLongpollServerInfo()
.subscribe(onNext: {[weak self] info in
guard let sSelf = self else { return }
sSelf.currentRequestInfo.value = info
private func parseUpdates(json: Any) throws -> Observable<LongPollingUpdates> {
let response = try Mapper<LongPollingUpdates>().map(JSONObject: json)
return .just(response)
private func reciveEvents(updates:LongPollingUpdates) throws -> Observable<TimeInterval> {
if let errors = updates.failed {
throw parseErrors(errors: errors)
if let events = updates.updates {
parseUpdates(updates: events)
return Observable.just(updates.timeStamp!)
private func parseUpdates(updates: [[Any]]) {
updates.forEach { (array) in
let firstElementInUpdate = array.first
if let update = firstElementInUpdate as? Int {
switch update {
case 1: break
case 2: break
case 3: break
case 4: messageReciver.onNext(NewMessage(array: array))
default: break
private func parseErrors(errors: [String: Any]) -> LongPollError {
if let error = errors["failed"] as? Int {
switch error {
case 1:
guard let ts = errors["ts"] as? TimeInterval else { return .unkownError }
return .olderHistory(ts: ts)
case 2: return .needNewkey
case 3: return .needCaseAndTs
case 4: return .unkownVersion
return .unkownError
return .unkownError
private func getEventsFromLongpollServer(serverInfo: LongpollingServerInfo, with ts: TimeInterval) -> Observable<Any> {
let url = buildLongPollingServerRoute(from: serverInfo, with: ts)
let request = buldLongPollRequst(route: url)
let requestConvert = try? URLEncoding.default.encode(request!, with: nil)
return transport.makeRequest(request: requestConvert!)
private func getEventsFromLongpollServer(serverInfo: LongpollingServerInfo) -> Observable<Any> {
let url = buildLongPollingServerRoute(from: serverInfo)
let request = buldLongPollRequst(route: url)
let requestConvert = try? URLEncoding.default.encode(request!, with: nil)
return transport.makeRequest(request: requestConvert!)
private func getLongpollServerInfo() -> Observable<LongpollingServerInfo> {
let request = MessageRouter.getLongpollServer(useSsl: false, needPts: false)
return transport.makeModel(request: request)
So assuming you have a function like:
func getData() -> Observable<Data>
And you want to long poll it at a specific period, you can do something like this:
Observable<Int>.interval(period, scheduler: MainScheduler.instance)
.map { _ in return }
.subscribe( /* ... handle data ... */)
.disposed(by: disposeBag)
You can use other schedulers than MainScheduler if that is more appropriate.
Now if you want also handle Errors that getData might emit and you don't want that to necessarily unsubscribe the long polling, then you can do this:
func handleError(error: Error) -> Observable<Data> {
return Observable.empty()
Observable<Int>.interval(period, scheduler: MainScheduler.instance)
.map { _ in return }
.flatMap { return getData.catchError(handleError) }
.subscribe( /* ... handle data ... */)
.disposed(by: disposeBag)
You can also analyze the error in handleError and decide if you want to continue by emitting an empty Observable or cancel the long polling by emitting another error.
I'm encountering a problem where a property of an instance of a class I've created is seemingly losing reference to one its values.
Essentially I have a class like this:
class Channel {
var callbacks: [String: (JSON) -> Void]
var subscribed = false
let name: String
init(name: String) {
self.name = name
self.callbacks = [:]
func bind(eventName: String, callback: (JSON) -> Void) {
self.callbacks[eventName] = callback
func handleEvent(eventName: String, eventData: String) {
if let cb = self.callbacks[eventName] {
let json = JSON(object: eventData)
and then inside a ViewController I have the following code:
class ViewController: UIViewController {
let wSock = wSocket(key: "afa4d38348f89ba9c398")
func channelSetup() {
var ch = wSock.subscribe("test-channel")
ch.bind("test-event", { (data: JSON) -> Void in
println("I'm the callback getting called")
override func viewDidLoad() {
In the println of ch.callbacks it shows that there is a key-value pair in the dictionary.
However, when the channel receives an event later on when there is a message received over the socket, the callback is no longer there. In terms of code, here is the code in full:
import UIKit
class ViewController: UIViewController {
let wSock = wSocketClient(key: "afa4d38348f89ba9c398")
func channelSetup() {
var ch = wSock.subscribe("test-channel")
ch.bind("test-event", { (data: JSON) -> Void in
println("I'm the callback getting called")
override func viewDidLoad() {
class wSocketClient {
let connection: Connection
init(key: String, encrypted: Bool = false) {
var url = "SOCKET_URL"
connection = Connection(url: url)
func subscribe(channelName: String) -> Channel {
return self.connection.addChannel(channelName)
func connect() {
class Connection: WebSocketDelegate {
let url: String
lazy var socket: WebSocket = { [unowned self] in
return self.connectInternal()
let connected = false
var channels = Channels()
init(url: String) {
self.url = url
func addChannel(channelName: String) -> Channel {
return Channel(name: channelName)
func open() {
if self.connected {
} else {
self.socket = connectInternal()
func connectInternal() -> WebSocket {
let ws = WebSocket(url: NSURL(string: self.url)!)
ws.delegate = self
return ws
func websocketDidReceiveMessage(text: String) {
let data = (text as NSString).dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding)
let json = JSON(data: data!)
if let channelName = json["channel"].stringValue {
if let internalChannel = self.channels.find(channelName) {
if let eName = json["event"].stringValue {
if let eData = json["data"].stringValue {
internalChannel.handleEvent(eName, eventData: eData) // this is the part of the code where the channel should eventually call the callback
class Channel {
var callbacks: [String: (JSON) -> Void]
var subscribed = false
let name: String
init(name: String) {
self.name = name
self.callbacks = [:]
func bind(eventName: String, callback: (JSON) -> Void) {
self.callbacks[eventName] = callback
func handleEvent(eventName: String, eventData: String) {
if let cb = self.callbacks[eventName] { // here self.callbacks is empty and the callback has disappeared
let json = JSON(object: eventData)
class Channels {
var channels = [String: Channel]()
func add(channelName: String) -> Channel {
if let channel = self.channels[channelName] {
return channel
} else {
let newChannel = Channel(name: channelName)
self.channels[channelName] = newChannel
return newChannel
func find(channelName: String) -> Channel? {
return self.channels[channelName]
So basically when the WebSocket receives some data that is for the given channel, it should check for the event name, and if there is a callback with that event name, call the callback associated to that event name. However, the channel apparently has no callbacks when the handleEvent method is called, even though at the bottom of viewDidLoad it shows as having a callback in the callbacks property for the channel.
Any ideas as to where / why the callback is disappearing?
I've now tried moving the definition of the channel, ch outside of the channelSetup function so it's like this, but with no luck:
class ViewController: UIViewController {
let wSock = wSocket(key: "afa4d38348f89ba9c398")
var ch: Channel = nil
func channelSetup() {
ch = wSock.subscribe("test-channel")
ch.bind("test-event", { (data: JSON) -> Void in
println("I'm the callback getting called")
override func viewDidLoad() {
I've solved this but not because it was something going on in Swift that I didn't understand. Instead it was just that the way that I had setup the code meant that there were duplicate channel objects being created and the callback was being added to only one of the channels.