Why toList() creates a List<dynamic> in Dart? - dart

I have this method, which compiles with no problems in Dart 2. However at run-time I get the following error
type 'List<dynamic>' is not a subtype of type 'List<ExchangeRate>'
As you see in the code I create and return new ExchangeRate objects within .map() and then after that I return a rateEntries.toList() which I expect to be of type List<ExchangeRate>, however it seems to be inferred as type List<dynamic>!!!
Future<List<ExchangeRate>> getExchangeRatesAt(DateTime time, Currency baseCurrency) async {
final http.Client client = http.Client();
final String uri = "some uri ...";
return await client
.then((response) {
var jsonEntries = json.decode(response.body) as Map<String, dynamic>;
var rateJsonEntries = jsonEntries["rates"].entries.toList();
var rateEntries = rateJsonEntries.map((x) {
return new ExchangeRate(x.value.toDouble());
return rateEntries.toList(); // WHY IS IT RETURNING A List<dynamic> here?
.catchError((e) => print(e))
.whenComplete(() => client.close());
However if I cast it specifically to ExchangeRate it would be fine.
return rateEntries.toList().cast<ExchangeRate>();
This casting at the end seems redundant to me, why should I need it?

Well, it seems that the cast is necessary to fully define the type.
But, you can avoid the cast if you add any of the following snippets:
Give the correct type to the rateJsonEntries variable
List<dynamic> rateJsonEntries = jsonEntries["rates"].entries.toList();
For whatever reason this works in my case.
Add the parameter type to the map() method
var rateEntries = rateJsonEntries.map<ExchangeRate>((x) {
return new ExchangeRate(x.value.toDouble());


flutter type error while parsing json data using json serialisable

I am trying to parse data from a json. I think this image will help you to understand the problem.
I am getting
Exception has occurred.
_TypeError (type '(dynamic) => MainRank' is not a subtype of type '(String, dynamic) => MapEntry<dynamic, dynamic>' of 'transform')
If you hover over the body, you will see the black pop up with the data. ranks is a list and there are two extra properties there as well.
My MainRank class is like this
class MainRank{
String divisionName;
String tournamentName;
final List<Ranks> ranks;
MainRank(this.divisionName, this.tournamentName, this.ranks);
factory MainRank.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) =>
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => _$MainRankToJson(this);
Please help me with a little bit explanation how it works in dart. I am from php/js background so data types seems giving me hard time :) Thank you,
Response from my api is
ranks: [....],
divisionName: "Division 2",
tournamentName: "Season 4"
And code I am using to parse the json is
Future _getData() async{
var res = await CallApi().getData('standings/${widget.id}');
final body = json.decode(res.body);
// final matches = body['matches'];
var data;
data = body.map((el) => MainRank.fromJson(el));
return null;
You want to get the MainRank from your json data, so :
Change this :
var data;
data = body.map((el) => MainRank.fromJson(el));
To this:
MainRank data;
data = MainRank.fromJson(body);

createdAt updatedAt aqueduct

In mongoose, there's the timestamp: true option to a schema, which auto-populates a createdAt and updatedAt for any model item added.
Is there something similar in Aqueduct?
If not, how do I manually do so?
I currently tried this, which is failing, as usual:
Future<Response> createICD(#Bind.body() ICD body) async {
body.createdAt = DateTime.now();
final query = Query<ICD>(context)..values = body;
final insertICD = await query.insert();
return Response.ok({'state': true, 'data': insertICD});
Error from the above approach is:
Converting object to an encodable object failed: Instance of 'ICD'
It's failing when you send the response; you need to call asMap() on insertICD. The response body object you are providing is a standard Dart map - it doesn't have any special encoding behavior, so it doesn't know how to encode a complex type like ManagedObject. Invoke asMap() on the managed object to convert it to a standard Dart map:
Future<Response> createICD(#Bind.body() ICD body) async {
body.createdAt = DateTime.now();
final query = Query<ICD>(context)..values = body;
final insertICD = await query.insert();
return Response.ok({'state': true, 'data': insertICD.asMap()});
Also, see http://aqueduct.io/docs/db/validations/#update-and-insert-callbacks for setting timestamps at create/update events.

Push objects into array in Dart

List returnMovies = [];
Future<List> _getData() async {
final response = await http.get("https:../getTodayMovies",
headers: {HttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION: Acess_Token.access_token});
if (response.body != null) {
returnMovies = json.decode(response.body);
setState(() {});
} else {
final responseUpcoming = await http.get("/upcoming",
headers: {HttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION: Acess_Token.access_token});
returnMovies = json.decode(responseUpcoming.body);
The response.body looks like:
[{"id":394470548,"host_group_name":"heyab redda","movie_image":"..png","type":"horror","code":"X123","name":"Lovely","start_time":1554364800,"end_time":1554393600,"}]
The responseUpcoming.body looks like:
{"id":394470545,"host_group_name":"foo redda","movie_image":".png","type":"horror","code":"X123","name":"Lovely","start_time":1554364800,"end_time":1554393600,"}, {"id":394470548,"host_group_name":"foo1 redda","movie_image":"..png","type":"comic","code":"X125","name":"Lovely1","start_time":1554364800,"end_time":1554393600,"}
The error I get is: String, dynamic is not a subtype of type List<dynamic>.
In the first API call that I am doing I normally get in return an array of objects, however, when this is empty, the second API call returns a list of objects that I want to push into the array called returnMovies, how can I achieve this?? Is there any way to .push these objects in the array?? So then I want to use this array to build dynamically a Listview.builder.
Also is it correct the way I am declaring it? I am quite new on Dart. Thank you
Sounds like you are looking for addAll
I will suggest to use
returnMovies.addAll({your object here})
When you do this json.decode(response.body) you are getting a List of Map you should use List<dynamic> movieListData and get the items like this:
movieListData = json.decode(response.body);
returnMovies = movieListData.map((dynamic movieData) {
String id = movieData['_id'];
String host_group_name = movieData['host_group_name'];
String duration = movieData['duration'];
return new Movie(id,title, duration);

Flutter MethodChannel nested values: 'List<dynamic>' is not a subtype of type 'FutureOr<List<Map<String, double>>>'

I'm writing a Flutter Plugin that sends a List of Maps (List<Map<String, double>>) from the Platform specific side. On the Platform specific side, I'm sending these Objects using the Default Message Codec.
// (example: Android side)
List<Map<String, Double>> out = new ArrayList<>();
... fill the map ...
I'm receiving these values as follows on the Dart side:
static Future<List<Map<String, double>>> getListOfMaps() async {
var traces = await _channel.invokeMethod('getListOfMaps');
print(traces); // works
return traces;
Printing the values gives the correct values. However, on the Function Return, I'm getting the following Error type 'List<dynamic>' is not a subtype of type 'FutureOr<List<Map<String, double>>>' on run-time, indicating that the cast from the dynamic value to the specific Map<String, double> didn't work.
How do I cast nested values coming from MethodChannels correctly in Dart?
As pointed out in the comments, I have to cast every value with unknown runtime type individually to the expected type.
static Future<List<Map<String, double>>> getListOfMaps() async {
List<dynamic> traces = await _channel.invokeMethod(...);
return traces
.cast<Map<dynamic, dynamic>>()
.map((trace) => trace.cast<String, double>())
You can now use invokeListMethod:
Since invokeMethod can only return dynamic maps, we instead create a new typed list using List.cast.
var channel = MethodChannel('foo_channel');
var list = await channel.invokeListMethod<Map<String, double>>('methodInJava');

indexed_db getObject() - how to return result

I would like to know how to define the data type and how to return the object (record) using getObject(). Currently, the only way that I have been able to use the result (record) outside of the function that obtains it is to call another function with the result. That way, the data-type does not need to be specified. However if I want to return the value, I need to define the data-type and I can't find what it is. I tried "dynamic" but that didn't appear to work. For example ":
fDbSelectOneClient(String sKey, Function fSuccess, String sErmes) {
try {
idb.Transaction oDbTxn = ogDb1.transaction(sgTblClient, 'readwrite');
idb.ObjectStore oDbTable = oDbTxn.objectStore(sgTblClient);
idb.Request oDbReqGet = oDbTable.getObject(sKey);
if (oDbReqGet.result == null) {
window.alert("Record $sKey was not found - $sErmes");
} else {
///////return oDbReqGet.result; /// THIS IS WHAT i WANT TO DO
fSuccess(oDbReqGet.result); /// THIS IS WHAT i'm HAVING TO DO
"Error reading single Client. Key = $sKey. Error = ${e}");});
} catch (oError) {
window.alert("Error attempting to read record for Client $sKey.
Error = ${oError}");
fAfterAddOrUpdateClient(oDbRec) {
/// this is one of the functions used as "fSuccess above
As someone else once said (can't remember who), once you start using an async API, everything needs to be async.
A typical "Dart" pattern to do this would be to use a Future + Completer pair (although there's nothing inherently wrong with what you've done in your question above - it's more a question of style...).
Conceptually, the fDbSelectOneClient function creates a completer object, and the function returns the completer.future. Then, when the async call completes, you call completer.complete, passing the value in.
A user of the function would call fDbSelectOneClient(...).then((result) => print(result)); to make use of the result in an async way
Your code above could be refactored as follows:
import 'dart:async'; // required for Completer
Future fDbSelectOneClient(String sKey) {
var completer = new Completer();
try {
idb.Transaction oDbTxn = ogDb1.transaction(sgTblClient, 'readwrite');
idb.ObjectStore oDbTable = oDbTxn.objectStore(sgTblClient);
idb.Request oDbReqGet = oDbTable.getObject(sKey);
oDbReqGet.onSuccess.listen((val) => completer.complete(oDbReqGet.result));
oDbReqGet.onError.first.then((err) => completer.completeError(err));
catch (oError) {
return completer.future; // return the future
// calling code elsewhere
foo() {
var key = "Mr Blue";
.then((result) {
// do something with result (note, may be null)
..catchError((err) { // note method chaining ..
// do something with error
This future/completer pair only works for one shot (ie, if the onSuccess.listen is called multiple times, then the second time you will get a "Future already completed" error. (I've made an assumption on the basis of the function name fDbSelectOneClient that you are only expecting to select a single record.
To return a value from a single future multiple times, you'll probably have to use the new streams feature of the Future - see here for more details: http://news.dartlang.org/2012/11/introducing-new-streams-api.html
Note also, that Futures and Completers support generics, so you can strongly type the return type as follows:
// strongly typed future
Future<SomeReturnType> fDbSelectOneClient(String sKey) {
var completer = new Completer<SomeReturnType>();
completer.complete(new SomeReturnType());
foo() {
// strongly typed result
fDbSelectOneClient("Mr Blue").then((SomeReturnType result) => print(result));
