Show multiple locations on google Maps from Firestore Swift - ios

I am trying to show the locations on google maps I am getting the longitutde and latitude from Firestore.
I created a struct in which I store latitude and longitude
struct Location {
var latitude: String = ""
var longitute: String = ""
And here is my firestore code to get the longitude and latitude
for document in snapshot!.documents {
self.location.append(Location(latitude: "\(["Latitude"] ?? "")", longitute: "\(["longitude"] ?? "")"))
guard let long =["Latitude"] as? String else { return}
guard let lat =["longitude"] as? String else { return}
let markerStart = GMSMarker(position: CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: Double(long) ?? 0.0, longitude: Double(lat) ?? 0.0)) = self.mapView
I am getting locations in my console but when I converting it into Doubles trying to show it on google maps it is not working. Please help?
Document Value is ["userid": 24xDkrtBV6cJrBvRD3U0PmyBF3o2, "createddatetime": FIRTimestamp: seconds=1546584489 nanoseconds=461000000>, "user_role": sales man, "Latitude": 20.6108261, "longitude": 72.9269003, "batterypercentage": 66, "name": Keyur , "company_code": 001]

So you have this data:
["userid": 24xDkrtBV6cJrBvRD3U0PmyBF3o2, "createddatetime": FIRTimestamp: seconds=1546584489 nanoseconds=461000000>, "user_role": sales man, "Latitude": 20.6108261, "longitude": 72.9269003, "batterypercentage": 66, "name": Keyur , "company_code": 001]
Instead of this kind of code:
for document in snapshot!.documents {
self.location.append(Location(latitude: "\(["Latitude"] ?? "")", longitute: "\(["longitude"] ?? "")"))
guard let long =["Latitude"] as? String else { return}
guard let lat =["longitude"] as? String else { return}
let markerStart = GMSMarker(position: CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: Double(long) ?? 0.0, longitude: Double(lat) ?? 0.0)) = self.mapView
We can better it like so,
for document in snapshot!.documents {
self.location.append(Location(latitude: "\(["Latitude"] ?? "")", longitute: "\(["longitude"] ?? "")"))
guard let latitude =["Latitude"] as? Double,
let longitude =["Latitude"] as? Double else { return }
let markerStart = GMSMarker(position: CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: latitude, longitude: longitude) = self.mapView
The reason why the program does not reach the lines 72 73 74, is because of the guard let. It fails to convert to String your assumed Double latitude and longitude from your Do it like my above code, and then you can improve it further as you want.


include local on map with firebase swift - error

I am encountering great difficulties in putting an integrated map based on firebase in my project, I am looking for expert knowledge to help me, even though I build run correctly at the time of running the system for, my code below:
#IBOutlet var mapView: MKMapView!
override func viewDidLoad() {
let locationsRef = Database.database().reference(withPath: "locations")
locationsRef.observe(.value, with: { snapshot in
for item in snapshot.children {
guard let locationData = item as? DataSnapshot else { continue }
var locationValue = locationData.value as! [String: Any]
var location: CLLocationCoordinate2D!
if let lat = locationValue["lat"] as? String {
let lng = Double(locationValue["lng"] as! String)!
location = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: Double(lat)!, longitude: lng)
} else {
let lat = locationValue["lat"] as! Double
let lng = locationValue["lng"] as! Double
location = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: lat, longitude: lng)
func addAnnotations(coords: [CLLocation]){
for coord in coords{
let CLLCoordType = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: coord.coordinate.latitude,
longitude: coord.coordinate.longitude);
let anno = MKPointAnnotation();
anno.coordinate = CLLCoordType;

Loop through coordinates and find the closest shop to a point Swift 3

Idea :
App lets drivers see the closest shop/restaurants to customers.
What I have :
Coordinates saved as strings
let clientLat = "24.449384"
let clientLng = "56.343243"
a function to find all the shops in my local area
I tried to save all the coordinates of a shop in my local area and I succeeded:
var coordinates: [CLLocationCoordinate2D] = [CLLocationCoordinate2D]()
func performSearch() {
let request = MKLocalSearchRequest()
request.naturalLanguageQuery = "starbucks"
request.region = mapView.region
let search = MKLocalSearch(request: request)
search.start(completionHandler: {(response, error) in
if error != nil {
print("Error occured in search: \(error!.localizedDescription)")
} else if response!.mapItems.count == 0 {
print("No matches found")
} else {
print("Matches found")
for item in response!.mapItems {
// need to sort coordinates
// need to find the closest
let annotation = MKPointAnnotation()
annotation.coordinate = item.placemark.coordinate
annotation.title =
What I need:
I wish to loop through the coordinates and find the closest shop (kilometers) to the lat and long strings then put a pin on it.
func performSearch() {
let request = MKLocalSearchRequest()
request.naturalLanguageQuery = "starbucks"
request.region = mapView.region
let search = MKLocalSearch(request: request)
search.start(completionHandler: {(response, error) in
if error != nil {
print("Error occured in search: \(error!.localizedDescription)")
} else if response!.mapItems.count == 0 {
print("No matches found")
} else {
print("Matches found")
for item in response!.mapItems {
let pointToCompare = CLLocation(latitude: 24.741721, longitude: 46.891440)
let storedCorrdinates ={CLLocation(latitude: $0.latitude, longitude: $0.longitude)}).sorted(by: {
$0.distance(from: pointToCompare) < $1.distance(from: pointToCompare)
self.coordinate = storedCorrdinates
let annotation = MKPointAnnotation()
annotation.coordinate = self.coordinate[0].coordinate
Thank you #brimstone
You can compare distances between coordinates by converting them to CLLocation types and then using the distance(from:) method. For example, take your coordinates array and map it to CLLocation, then sort that based on the distance from the point you are comparing them to.
let coordinates = [CLLocationCoordinate2D]()
let pointToCompare = CLLocation(latitude: <#yourLat#>, longitude: <#yourLong#>)
let sortedCoordinates ={CLLocation(latitude: $0.latitude, longitude: $0.longitude)}).sorted(by: {
$0.distance(from: pointToCompare) < $1.distance(from: pointToCompare)
Then, to set your annotation's coordinate to the nearest coordinate, just subscript the sortedCoordinates array.
annotation.coordinate = sortedCoordinates[0].coordinate
I would like to share my solution :)
1) In my case, I upload data from the API, so I need to create a model.
import MapKit
struct StoresMap: Codable {
let id: Int?
let title: String?
let latitude: Double?
let longitude: Double?
let schedule: String?
let phone: String?
let ukmStoreId: Int?
var distanceToUser: CLLocationDistance?
The last variable is not from API, but from myself to define distance for each store.
2) In ViewController I define:
func fetchStoresList() {
NetworkManager.downloadStoresListForMap(firstPartURL: backendURL) { (storesList) in
self.shopList = storesList
let initialLocation = self.locationManager.location!
for i in 0..<self.shopList.count {
self.shopList[i].distanceToUser = initialLocation.distance(from: CLLocation(latitude: self.shopList[i].latitude!, longitude: self.shopList[i].longitude!))
self.shopList.sort(by: { $0.distanceToUser! < $1.distanceToUser!})
print("Closest shop - ", self.shopList[0])
3) Don't forget to call the function in viewDidLoad() and import MapView framework :)

Can I get a store name/restaurant name with mapkit?(swift)

I have a mapview and I added a method to drop a pin on the location where the user had pressed. The callout shows the address of the location as shown on the image.
screenshot of my mapview with annotation pin and callout view.
And my code is as following:
func onTapGestureRecognized(sender: UILongPressGestureRecognizer) {
let location = tapRecognizer.location(in: mapView)
let coordinate = mapView.convert(location,toCoordinateFrom: mapView)
let getLat: CLLocationDegrees = coordinate.latitude
let getLon: CLLocationDegrees = coordinate.longitude
let theLocation: CLLocation = CLLocation(latitude: getLat, longitude: getLon)
let geoCoder = CLGeocoder()
geoCoder.reverseGeocodeLocation(theLocation, completionHandler: { (placemarks, error) -> Void in
// Place details
var placeMark: CLPlacemark!
placeMark = placemarks?[0]
var theLocationName = ""
var theStreetNumber = ""
var theStreet = ""
var theCity = ""
var theZip = ""
var theCountry = ""
// Address dictionary
print(placeMark.addressDictionary as Any)
// Location name
if let locationName ={
theLocationName = locationName
if let streetNumber = placeMark.subThoroughfare{
theStreetNumber = streetNumber
// Street address
if let street = placeMark.thoroughfare {
theStreet = street
// City
if let city = placeMark.locality {
theCity = city
// Zip code
if let zip = placeMark.postalCode{
theZip = zip
// Country
if let country = placeMark.isoCountryCode{
theCountry = country
let annotation = MKPointAnnotation()
annotation.title = theLocationName
annotation.subtitle = theStreetNumber + " " + theStreet + ", " + theCity + ", " + theCountry + ", " + theZip
if let location = placeMark.location {
annotation.coordinate = location.coordinate
// Display the annotation
self.mapView.showAnnotations([annotation], animated: true)
As you can see, when I try to get the location name by calling the line (((( if let locationName = )))), I can only get the address: "5197 Yonge St", instead of the restaurant name : " Pho 88 Restaurant ".
Can anyone tell me where I did wrong? or is it simply cannot be achieved? Thanks!
I can't give you a complete answer, but I may be able to point you in the right direction. As far as I can see, you will only ever get a single entry returned for placemarks, but you can get a more complete list using MKLocalSearchRequest. the challenge is going to be how you match up the returned values to exactly which one you want - maybe you have to ask the user to select from a short list? Also, I think you need to specify which type of establishment you're searching for. Here's something you could include within your completion handler above
let request = MKLocalSearchRequest()
request.naturalLanguageQuery = "restaurant" // or whatever you're searching for
request.region = MKCoordinateRegion(center: CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: getLat, longitude: getLon), span: self.mapView.region.span)
let search = MKLocalSearch(request: request)
search.start { response, error in
guard let response = response else {
print("There was an error searching for: \(request.naturalLanguageQuery) error: \(error)")
print("There are \(response.mapItems.count)")
for item in response.mapItems {
// You may be able to match the address to what the geoCode gives you
// or present the user with a list of options
print("\(, \(item.placemark)")
When I was testing this, the addresses didn't always match up, even when zoomed in - so that geoCoder might give me 1-3 Some Street while the MKLocalSearchRequest returned a restaurant at 3 Some Street

How to convert String to CLLocationDegrees Swift 2

I am trying to convert a String that I am retrieving from Firebase and adding it as several annotations on Google Maps. Unfortuanately, my app is crashing whenever it goes through the current code:
ref = FIRDatabase.database().reference()
ref.child("Locations").observeSingleEventOfType(.Value, withBlock: { (snapshot) in
let lat = (snapshot.value!["Latitude"] as! NSString).doubleValue
let lon = (snapshot.value!["Longitude"] as! NSString).doubleValue
let complainLoc = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(lat, lon)
let Coordinates = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: lat, longitude: lon)
My JSON Tree
My Code Block Which Crashes
Here is the code I used for saving data to Firebase
FIRDatabase.database().reference().child("Location").child(FIRAuth.auth()!.currentUser!.uid).setValue(["Latitude": locationManager.location!.coordinate.latitude, "Longitude": locationManager.location!.coordinate.longitude])
let dbLat = Double(latStr) // Convert String to double
let dbLong = Double(longStr)
Use latitude and longitude
let center = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: dbLat! , longitude: dbLong! )
let pointAnnotation = MKPointAnnotation()
pointAnnotation.coordinate = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: dbLat!, longitude:dbLong!)
Make sure when you are saving the values of lat and lon to the database you are saving them as Float or Double..
For retrieving use :
ref = FIRDatabase.database().reference()
ref.child("Locations").observeEventType(.Value, withBlock: { (snapshot) in
if snapshot.exists(){
if let locationDictionary = snapshot.value as [String : AnyObject]{
for each in locationDictionary{
//each will bring you every location dictionary in your database for your every user
let lat = each.value!["Latitude"] as! CLLocationDegrees
let lon = each.value!["Longitude"] as! CLLocationDegrees
let userId = each.key as! String
let complainLoc = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(lat, lon)
let Coordinates = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: lat, longitude: lon)
//Every time this for loop complete's itself it will generate a new set of Coordinates for each user
Updated code for Firebase 6 and Swift 5
let ref = self.ref.child("Locations")
ref.observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with: { snapshot in
let allLocations = snapshot.children.allObjects as! [DataSnapshot]
for location in allLocations {
let lat = location.childSnapshot(forPath: "Latitude").value as! CLLocationDegrees
let lon = location.childSnapshot(forPath: "Longitude").value as! CLLocationDegrees
let userId = location.key
let locCoord = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(lat, lon)
let coordinates = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: lat, longitude: lon)
note that self.ref points to my Firebase root ref.

How to populate longitude latitude from JSON file into array

I need to find the nearest cities around my current location. Would you advice me how should I populate the coordinates into an array in my project and how to calculate the distance between my location and the nearest around me. I have to display the distance in (KM) and the city name ,so that the user can choose which city best fits for him.I also need to call the coordinates and the names in my code from a json file
My JSON File is:
"City A": {
"Position": {
"Longitude": 9.96233,
"Latitude": 49.80404
"City B": {
"Position": {
"Longitude": 6.11499,
"Latitude": 50.76891
"City C": {
"Position": {
"Longitude": 6.80592,
"Latitude": 51.53548
and my function so far:
func locationManager(manager: CLLocationManager, didUpdateLocations locations: [CLLocation]) {
let userlocation:CLLocation = locations[0] as CLLocation
let location = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: userlocation.coordinate.latitude, longitude: userlocation.coordinate.longitude)
let span = MKCoordinateSpanMake(0.5, 0.5)
let region = MKCoordinateRegion(center: location, span: span)
Mapview.setRegion(region, animated: true)
let locations = ["42.6977,23.3219","43.6977,24.3219"]
let distanceMeters = userlocation.distanceFromLocation(CLLocation(latitude: 42.6977,longitude: 23.3219))
let distanceKilometers = distanceMeters / 1000.00
let roundedDistanceKilometers = String(Double(round(100 * distanceKilometers) / 100)) + " km"
// var distanceMeter = NSString(format: "\(distanceKilometers)km")
Assuming the JSON file is in the application bundle and is named cities.json first create a custom struct City
struct City {
let name : String
let location : CLLocation
Then in your controller declare an array cities
var cities = [City]()
To populate the array deserialize the JSON and extract the data
guard let url = NSBundle.mainBundle().URLForResource("cities", withExtension: "json"), jsonData = NSData(contentsOfURL: url) else { return }
do {
let jsonObject = try NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(jsonData, options: []) as! [String:AnyObject]
for (cityName, position) in jsonObject {
let coordinates = position["Position"] as! [String:CLLocationDegrees]
let longitude = coordinates["Longitude"]!
let latitude = coordinates["Latitude"]!
let location = CLLocation(latitude: latitude,longitude: longitude)
let city = City(name: cityName, location: location)
// print(cities)
} catch let error as NSError {
To find the nearest location you could sort the array by distance
let nearestCity = cities.sort({ userLocation.distanceFromLocation($0.location) < userLocation.distanceFromLocation($1.location) }).first
