Microsoft Education - Class APIs - Get Just Students - microsoft-graph-api

We are working the Microsoft Education APIs within Microsoft Teams and we require to pull the students for a class.
It seems that Microsoft provides an endpoint to return the Members from a Class which returns both Students and Teachers, as well as an endpoint for just teachers, but there doesn't seem to be an endpoint for just Students.
We are getting around this by calling these two endpoints and then removing the Teachers from the Members list, but does anyone have a better solution to this?
It feels like a common requirement for the API, but something that has been missed.

You solution with two calls and a logical subtraction is the correct one. Thanks for the feedback, but we don't have a plan to produce a GET students API at the present time.


Is it possible to create, update, and delete events on a public folder calendar through the MS Graph API?

The question pretty much sums it up. I'd like to create/delete/update events in a calendar that's accessed by several people on a public folder using the Graph API, but haven't been able to find much about how to do it, at least not in the official documentation.
I found this post from 2018 saying "Public Folders aren't yet accessible via the Graph API", but I don't know if that still applies in 2021.
As for SO, the only other question I could find which seems related to this was How to read Public calendar with MS Graph API , but it unfortunately doesn't contain much information either.
In case Graph doesn't support this, would it be possible to do it in some other way (e.g. with some other API)? Ideally something that can be used from Java. Thanks in advance!
No you can't access Public Folders (or Online Archives) using the Microsoft Graph and given the legacy status of Public Folders I don't think they have plans to change this. You can use EWS to access them (make sure you include routing headers through
Moving your Public Folder Calendars to a Office365 Unified Groups is generally a better idea you get improved functionality and you can use the Graph API and other Group workloads for future needs etc.

Is there any way to get the list of joined teams details of members?

Is there any way to get the list of joined teams details of members except graph API? Using graph API of below link we can get the list of joined teams details of any members. Similarly, is there any other way to get the list of joined MS teams group details? I want to use these details in Microsoft bot framework.
Due to some security concern I can not use graph API as of now.
I am also exploring below link but I am not getting anything here... Looking for any REST API like graph API where I can provide the users name and I can get details.
It's not a security concern, rather it's part of the requirement. If i am in your place, i would set Graph API as prerequisite for my app to work, explain the benefits that you're going to get with Graph/application permissions. Apart from Microsoft Graph API you can try with Powershell, CLI.

getting grades for withdrawn students

We would like to use Valence to query grades/grade objects for students who have withdrawn from classes. Our research indicates that the student's grades for a class are not deleted, but hidden when they withdraw. We can manually view them using the D2L web interface, but would like to be able to view them using the Valence API.
Is this possible, and how?
I haven't seen anything in the Valence documentation about calls that might display withdrawn students and their objects.
thanks in advance!
Currently, the Valence Learning Framework API does not provide you access to the grades of students that are not actively enrolled in a course offering. I would encourage you to report this to Desire2Learn as a defect through your organization's Approved Support Contact or Partner Manager.

How do I get all financial records related to a job using IPP v2

My company wants to integrate our app with Quickbooks using IPP v2 API. We would like to retrieve all financial records related to a job. I have been playing around with the API using the API explorer. I see that I have to retrieve the data separately using entities like Bill, Invoice, Journal, etc. However, I didn't seem to find a way to filter the data returned in those entities by job.
Currently, I have to query the entire Bill table for example and to look for JobId under ReimbursableInfo myself. It's not feasible since I have to do the same thing for other tables.
Am I missing something from here?
In docs, JobID is not mentioned as a filterable attribute.
Ref -
You need to do client side filtering.
For Invoice, you can use JobIdSet attribute.
Ref -

foursquare - get generic user location

I am trying to get the "generic location" of a location through foursqaure.
For example - for a specific geolong, geolat provided to Foursquare API - is there an API/algorithm I can use, in order to determine if user is at home/mall/suburbs/city (generic locations)?
I could process the location type and determine this, but i was wondering if there is an easier way out there?
Since the vast majority of foursquare venues have one or more categories, you could use those to help you identify where a user is. If you have an oauth token for a user, you can access their check-in history through this endpoint:
You'll then see on their most recent check-in a list of categories, like "home," "bar," "nightlife," "movie theatre," that you can use to get an idea of what class of place they are at.
The database actually has very few issues with misspellings, duplicates, or false positives, but you will find some issues with miscategorized homes (many college dorms, for example, classify themselves as nightclubs or strip clubs as jokes). For a majority of locations, however, the results should be useful.
Have you considered GeoNames API for searching Wikipedia by location? Details here.
Using Foursquare's API is a pretty clever idea, but based on prior experiences, you may get some false positives due to mis-spellings and/or duplicate listings.
