TouchUpInside event not firing for the entire button frame - ios

I have simple button with image, it has fixed width and height of 110.
So the issue is that the touchUpInside event is only firing if I click on the top 20% on the button if click below that nothing is trigged not even a tap gesture on the button.
After searching, most of the solutions suggested that if a view block's the button's frame the touch event may not pass through, but I don't have anything of that sort of. The buttons are subview of the root view.
I also checked I don't have any gesture recogniser used on my View Controller.
So can anybody point me in the right direction to resolve this issue.
And this issue is happening with other standard UIControls as well (eg : DatePicker only the upper part of Picker view is scrollable the bottom part is not active)

Most likely, your button is not fully in its superview. Make sure that the button's superview is larger than the button.


Smaller button over a big button in swift

I am new to swift and iOS development. I have created a scroll view with table view cells and image views inside cells. Each Image view has a button with same constraints. I have a fixed button in the same screen (irrespective of scroll view) and I am not sure how to achieve the click for it since every time I click on it, the background button is being clicked. I saw some solutions about disabling and enabling the buttons but in this case, I will not be sure which button will be in the background since it is a scroll view. Any help on how to solve this will be appreciated
Since I don't see your code, I can't tell you the exact fix but I assume that the question is how to determine the button's position in the parent view hierarchy. Every UIView has a method called bringSubviewToFront(view:) so if this was the case, then, you can use this method to bring your button to the front.

Scrollview with button(s) that can appear and disappear on tap

I have created a scrollview, to scroll through an array of images, and I have a button and soon to be 6 more on the screen. Now to make the photo nicer, I would simply like to make the buttons disappear and when tapped on again to appear.
Now I know how to do this with just a regular view with simple isHidden, and how to make it reappear when tapped on, but I am largely confused on how to do it on a scrollview because on a regular view, I just put a button over the whole screen but with the scrollview I can't. Any ideas anyone? Still getting better at this one step at a time, and one question at a time.
Here is a screenshot:
Use a gesture recognizer on the scrollview.
Add a touch gesture recognizer to toggle the visibility of your buttons. Be sure that the gesture recognizer doesn't cancel touches in view, otherwise you won't be able to scroll.

UIButtons not working in Scroll View

I have a Scroll View with a View (content view) inside of it. I've added two buttons to test. The Scroll View scrolls fine but the buttons within the content view are not clickable. I've seen plenty of posts saying this issue happens when they programmatically add UIButtons to the View, but I am not doing this. Here is my exact process:
Drag the Scroll View onto the main view. Add 4 constraints
Drag the Content View onto the Scroll View. Add 4 constraints.
Add 2 Buttons (one high and one low to test scrolling) to the Content View.
This is all I am doing, no code at this point. Is there anything else I have to do to allow the buttons to be clicked? Here is a screenshot of my xib:
When hooking the button up to a simple IBAction and logging a message, it turns out it IS being pushed and working properly. However, when the button is pushed, the button isn't changing colors like it should (its "pressed" state is not appearing). Any ideas why?
First make the button to custom type
Select button from storyboard then on right attributed inspector change its "state config" to whatever you need like Highlighted, selected, Disabled and default and choose the colour for each state.
Now you can see the colour change on that button.
A UIScrollView first needs to know whether or not you are going to scroll before letting the touch pass to its child views. If you want the child views to get the touch immediately, set the UIScrollView's delaysContentTouches to NO.

Recognize custom touchDown gesture and make scrollView scrollable Simultaneously

There's a input toolbar appearing at bottom of screen, a UITextView which be contained becomes firstResponser when user wanna input something, and at this moment the input toolbar animates to the top of UIKeyboard.
What I want to do is to make input toolbar go back to the bottom when the tap event begins, so I implement a custom gesture TouchDownGestureRecognizer adding to a UITableView (list history messages). Then the problem appeared: The UITableView can't scroll when touchDown.
So how to recognize custom touchDown gesture and make scrollView scrollable Simultaneously?
Thanks in advance!
It seems that it is a little difficult to solve the problem by this way, so I do touch down stuff in the - (void)scrollViewWillBeginDragging:(UIScrollView *)scrollView method.

UIScrollView of buttons - TouchUpInside?

I have a UIScrollView filled with buttons that I created programatically.
Paging is enabled and whenever users scroll through the pages rapidly they always end up accidentally clicking buttons that they didn't mean to... Should I be using TouchUpInside or is this the reason for my problem?
One thing I've noticed is that if a user presses the button then slides the scrollview doesn't move but if they slide the scroll view very quickly and let go half way through the scroll and they grabbed the scrollview on the button then the button will become "pressed" is there any way I can have the buttons not do anything if they are clicked while scrolling is in progress or is the solution simpler than that (i.e. just changing the touch event to a different listener)
This did the trick!
