Scrollview with button(s) that can appear and disappear on tap - ios

I have created a scrollview, to scroll through an array of images, and I have a button and soon to be 6 more on the screen. Now to make the photo nicer, I would simply like to make the buttons disappear and when tapped on again to appear.
Now I know how to do this with just a regular view with simple isHidden, and how to make it reappear when tapped on, but I am largely confused on how to do it on a scrollview because on a regular view, I just put a button over the whole screen but with the scrollview I can't. Any ideas anyone? Still getting better at this one step at a time, and one question at a time.
Here is a screenshot:

Use a gesture recognizer on the scrollview.
Add a touch gesture recognizer to toggle the visibility of your buttons. Be sure that the gesture recognizer doesn't cancel touches in view, otherwise you won't be able to scroll.


TouchUpInside event not firing for the entire button frame

I have simple button with image, it has fixed width and height of 110.
So the issue is that the touchUpInside event is only firing if I click on the top 20% on the button if click below that nothing is trigged not even a tap gesture on the button.
After searching, most of the solutions suggested that if a view block's the button's frame the touch event may not pass through, but I don't have anything of that sort of. The buttons are subview of the root view.
I also checked I don't have any gesture recogniser used on my View Controller.
So can anybody point me in the right direction to resolve this issue.
And this issue is happening with other standard UIControls as well (eg : DatePicker only the upper part of Picker view is scrollable the bottom part is not active)
Most likely, your button is not fully in its superview. Make sure that the button's superview is larger than the button.

How to make a UIScrollView, some UIButtons and UIPanGestureRecognizer work together?

I got a scroll view with a bunch of buttons, which I want to both touch and drag.
To choose if it's a touch or a drag (not drag of the scroll view, "physically" dragging the button), I check the pan gesture recognizer of the button to see how far away the drag would be, if it's over a threshold I snap the button into drag mode and, removing it from the scroll view and adding it to my view controller's view (at the same location, so looks like it's in the same place).
This all works kinda smooth, except when I want to scroll and the pan fires at the same time. I need a way for the pan gesture recognizer to choose, based on velocity, if the scroll view should scroll or the button should be dragged.
The question: Is there a way for a UIPanGestureRecognizer to tell a UIScrollView to continue scrolling and cancel itself?

UISwipeGestureRecognizer over UIButtons

I want swipes to be detected on the lower half of the screen. That part of the screen can have UIButtons as well. I want the swipes to take priority over the buttons (that is, if you swipe over the buttons, the buttons are ignored). But I want the buttons to work if you just tap on them.
I tried placing a transparent view over the buttons with the UISwipeGestureRecognizer attached, but obviously that makes the the buttons not to work as it swallows all touches including taps.
I also tried placing the transparent view behind the buttons, but then the UIButton event handling interferes with the swipe when you swipe over the button.
What's the best way to get this working?
I can think of a solution where the buttons would just be UIImageViews with attached UITapGestureRecognizers so you can then prioritize between the tap recognizers and the swipe recognizers.
But I'd like to keep the buttons as UIButtons to take advantage of the highlighted stuff.
You may try adding the UISwipeGestureRecognizer to the superview of the UIButton.
i resolve same issue.
you just subclass UIButton and override 'touches~' method.
and then connect your customButton to it's parentView via some delegate.

Recognize custom touchDown gesture and make scrollView scrollable Simultaneously

There's a input toolbar appearing at bottom of screen, a UITextView which be contained becomes firstResponser when user wanna input something, and at this moment the input toolbar animates to the top of UIKeyboard.
What I want to do is to make input toolbar go back to the bottom when the tap event begins, so I implement a custom gesture TouchDownGestureRecognizer adding to a UITableView (list history messages). Then the problem appeared: The UITableView can't scroll when touchDown.
So how to recognize custom touchDown gesture and make scrollView scrollable Simultaneously?
Thanks in advance!
It seems that it is a little difficult to solve the problem by this way, so I do touch down stuff in the - (void)scrollViewWillBeginDragging:(UIScrollView *)scrollView method.

How do I pass delayed scroll gestures from a UIButton inside of a UIScrollView?

I have a UIScrollView that contains several UIButtons. Each button is wired up to take an action when the user inputs a touch up event, so they are able to place their finger on the button and it will not be selected until it is raised. Currently, if I made a swipe gesture to scroll the UIScrollView quickly, then the scroll view moves as expected even if the gesture happens directly over a UIButton. HOWEVER, if I hold my finger down too long on a UIButton (about 1 second), the UIScrollView will no longer recognize the gesture and will not be able to scroll until the finger is lifted up.
I am wondering if their is a way to always have the UIScrollView recognize the scroll gesture? Note that this is not an issue if I touch the UiScrollView in a location without a UIButton - it then scrolls as expected.
It may worth a try to let your UIButton respond to UIControlEventTouchDown (maybe with an empty action). I'm not sure if this will work, but conceptually I think it should let the UIButton capture the touch immediately.
(Also make sure you don't enable delaysContentTouches on your scrollview.)
I found the answer to this here: UIScrollview with UIButtons - how to recreate springboard?
Essentially, I had to extend UIScrollView and override touchesShouldCancelInContentView, having it always return YES.
