Find active record on the bases of any other id - ruby-on-rails

I want to find records on the bases of demo_id from Demojobs model.
def show
#demojob = Demojob.find params[:demo_id] #instead of params[:id]
but it shows a error Couldn't find Demojob without an ID

Use .find_by
#demojob = Demojob.find_by(demo_id: params[:demo_id])
For Rails version lower than 4.0.2, use:
#demojob = Demojob.where(demo_id: params[:demo_id]).first


Changing Spree from_address

I am trying to change Spree 3.0 from_email
I added this line to my spree initialiser, but it does not work:
Spree::Store.current.mail_from_address = “"
Do you know of any reason why not?
I also put it directly in my mailer decorator:
Spree::OrderMailer.class_eval do
def confirm_email_to_store(order, resend = false)
Spree::Store.current.mail_from_address = ""
#order = order.respond_to?(:id) ? order : Spree::Order.find(order)
subject = (resend ? "[#{Spree.t(:resend).upcase}] " : '')
subject += "#{'Will Call' if #order.will_call} #{'Just to See' if #order.just_to_see} ##{#order.number}"
mail(to: ENV['STORE_EMAIL'], from: from_address, subject: subject)
This also did not work
Check you might have created multiple stores via checking Spree::Store.all
Also, spree use current store as store which updated last so you have to check that also
You can simply change the from email address in the Admin Panel under Configuration -> General settings:
Got it to work this way:
Spree::Store.current.update(mail_from_address: ENV["STORE_EMAIL"])
Looking here you can see that: = "Rob"
This regular assignment is the most common and easiest to use. It is
the default write accessor generated by Rails. The name attribute will
be marked as dirty and the change will not be sent to the database
Of course, spree initializers claims to do save in the databse, but it did not:
If a preference is set here it will be stored within the cache & database upon initialization.
Finally calling Spree::Store.current will pull from the database, so any unsaved changes will be lost:
scope :by_url, lambda { |url| where("url like ?", "%#{url}%") }
def self.current(domain = nil)
current_store = domain ? Store.by_url(domain).first : nil
current_store || Store.default
Fixing this bug in Spree would be prefrable, this is sort of a workaround

Displaying from my database

I'm new to rails and I'm working on a project where I'm having an issue. I'm trying to display all the gyms that have the same zipcode. When I tried the code below, it only displays 1 and not the other ones. How can display all the gym that have the same zip code?
def gym
#fitness = Fitness.find_by(zip_code: params[:zip_code])
<%= %>
You're doing this to yourself. By definition, #find_by only returns a single record, or nil. You probably want #where instead:
Fitness.where(zip_code: params[:zip_code])
If that still doesn't work, check both your table data and the content of your params hash to make sure you're creating a valid query.
def gyms
#fitness = Fitness.where("zip_code = ?", params[:zip_code])

Rails - submitting JSONs to database from controller

I am working on a Rails app, and I am attempting to insert attributes from JSONs as database entries. I'm running into a problem, though, and would appreciate some guidance.
I've been able to jam a few things together and come up with something that sort of works...
def create
#report_group =
#report_group.push({location:"home", comments:"Hello, database!"}, {location:"away", comments:"Goodbye, database!"})
#report_group.each do |x|
#new_report =
#new_report.user_id =
def report_params(params)
This is a good first step - this commits two entries to my database, one for each of the hashes pushed into #report_group, but it is suffering from a problem - the create action does not reference the report_params whitelist.
I have built several Rails apps where entries are submitted one at a time via the standard Rails form helpers, but I have never done it with multiple JSONs like this before. Trying out the syntax I'd use in a typical form helper situation
#new_report =
throws the expectable error undefined method permit' for #<Hash:0x007f966b35e270> but I am not sure what else to do here.
Big thanks to #oreoluwa for pointing me in the right direction. Here's the solution that I came up with.
def create
#report_group =
#report_group.push({location:"home", comments:"Hello, database!"}, {location:"away", comments:"Goodbye, database!"})
#report_group.each do |x|
hash =
#new_report =
#new_report.user_id =
def report_params(params)
You're getting the error because a Hash is not the same as an ActionController::Parameters. In order to use the permit method with your Hash you may need to first convert it to ActionController::Parameters, as such:
hash = {location:"home", comments:"Hello, database!"}
parameter =
I don't know if that is what you're looking for, but I thought to point you in the right direction.

Error when using paranoic gem

Am new to rails.. Kindly please forgive if this question do not meet your standard..I am using paranoic gem for soft deletion.. I have added the following lines to my model
acts_as_paranoid sentinel_value:
My controller code is
def trash_admin
#order_summary = OrderSummary.only_deleted
def delete_trash
#order_summary = OrderSummary.find params[:id]
flash[:notice] = "Order Deleted Permanently!!!"
redirect_to :action=>"trash_admin"
And I am getting the following error..
Couldn't find OrderSummary with 'id'=1 [WHERE "order_summaries"."deleted_at" = ?]
I think value for deleted_at column is not passing.. Dont know how to overcome this..
Could someone help me?
Your delete_trash method doesn't find the item because the item is deleted.
The trash_admin method uses the .with_deleted scope that enables the finder to look in deleted items. You also need to add it to the delete_trash method's find statement, otherwise it will not find items that are in deleted state.
Like this:
#order_summary = OrderSummary.only_deleted.find params[:id]

How to update an active record in ruby

I want to update status to 1, when user views a message.
i need an active record, to change status to 1 ,where status is 0 and id is current id
Any help is appreciated.
i want to change this query to active record.
UPDATE 'course_queries SET status = '1' WHERE =41 and status=0;
As Nithin mentioned, ActiveRecord is a rails feature. Thus, the following wouldn't work unless you're using the Ruby on Rails framework.
With that said, you could also try:
#course = CourseQuery.where(id: params[:id], status: 0).each do |q|
q.update(status: 1)
If you need it all in one line, you could use:
#course = CourseQuery.where(id: params[:id], status: 0).update_all(status: 1)
You can then change the id or status here dynamically. :)
Since these examples use the update and update_all methods, I'd recommend you read up about them. Here's a great article I've found on the differences: Difference between active record methods – update, update_all, update_attribute, update_attributes
Something like this
Using ActiveRecord.
#course_query = CourseQuery.find(params[:id]) #id is 41 from your comment
if #course_query.status == 0
#course_query.status = 1
