Error when using paranoic gem - ruby-on-rails

Am new to rails.. Kindly please forgive if this question do not meet your standard..I am using paranoic gem for soft deletion.. I have added the following lines to my model
acts_as_paranoid sentinel_value:
My controller code is
def trash_admin
#order_summary = OrderSummary.only_deleted
def delete_trash
#order_summary = OrderSummary.find params[:id]
flash[:notice] = "Order Deleted Permanently!!!"
redirect_to :action=>"trash_admin"
And I am getting the following error..
Couldn't find OrderSummary with 'id'=1 [WHERE "order_summaries"."deleted_at" = ?]
I think value for deleted_at column is not passing.. Dont know how to overcome this..
Could someone help me?

Your delete_trash method doesn't find the item because the item is deleted.
The trash_admin method uses the .with_deleted scope that enables the finder to look in deleted items. You also need to add it to the delete_trash method's find statement, otherwise it will not find items that are in deleted state.
Like this:
#order_summary = OrderSummary.only_deleted.find params[:id]


Ruby on Rails beginner question : equality

I'm starting to know ROR and I was doing a kind of blog with articles, etc...
I did this code :
def show
id = params[:id]
list = Article.all
is_valid = false
list.all.each do |article|
if == id
#is_valid = true
As you can see, this code just wants to check if the article ID exists or not. So I'm testing equality between id and (which's a model linked to the appropriated table in the database) BUT when I try to use or display #is_valid boolean I saw that == id is FALSE every time, even if = 2 and id = 2. I tried to think about everything that can make this occuring, but I admit I still misunderstand this.
Then I ask you if you know why this is occuring. Of course, an equality like 2 == 2 will change #is_valid to true.
Thank you for your help !
Maybe its because params[:id] it's a string and it's an Integer
(byebug) params
{"controller"=>"admin/my_controller", "action"=>"edit", "id"=>"1"}
And yes it is... "id" is a string "1", so you may try this:
def show
id = params[:id].to_i
list = Article.all
is_valid = false
list.all.each do |article|
if == id
#is_valid = true
And maybe could work.
This is the answer to your question,
But if you want to learn a little more about Activerecord you can do this
and that will do what you are trying to do just with a query against db.
and if you want to get just a simple article
record = Article.find_by(id: params[:id]) #return nil when not exist
if record # if nil will threat like false on ruby
#my code when exist
#my code when not exist
will work (you also can use find but find will throw an exception ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound when not exists so you have to catch that exception.
Activerecord has many ways to check this you dont need to do it by hand.
def show
#article = Article.find(params[:id])
This will create a database query which returns a single row. .find raises a ActiveRecord::NotFound exception if the record is not found. Rails catches this error and shows a 404 page. Article.find_by(id: params[:id]) is the "safe" alternative that does not raise.
Your code is problematic since list = Article.all will load all the records out of the database which is slow and will exhaust the memory on the server if you have enough articles. Its the least effective way possible to solve the task.
If you want to just test for existence use .exists? or .any?. This creates a COUNT query instead of selecting the rows.
Article.where(title: 'Hello World').exists?

Find active record on the bases of any other id

I want to find records on the bases of demo_id from Demojobs model.
def show
#demojob = Demojob.find params[:demo_id] #instead of params[:id]
but it shows a error Couldn't find Demojob without an ID
Use .find_by
#demojob = Demojob.find_by(demo_id: params[:demo_id])
For Rails version lower than 4.0.2, use:
#demojob = Demojob.where(demo_id: params[:demo_id]).first

Displaying from my database

I'm new to rails and I'm working on a project where I'm having an issue. I'm trying to display all the gyms that have the same zipcode. When I tried the code below, it only displays 1 and not the other ones. How can display all the gym that have the same zip code?
def gym
#fitness = Fitness.find_by(zip_code: params[:zip_code])
<%= %>
You're doing this to yourself. By definition, #find_by only returns a single record, or nil. You probably want #where instead:
Fitness.where(zip_code: params[:zip_code])
If that still doesn't work, check both your table data and the content of your params hash to make sure you're creating a valid query.
def gyms
#fitness = Fitness.where("zip_code = ?", params[:zip_code])

Could not find record error while deleting record in Rails

I'm trying to delete a record by passing id of that record. The code looks like this:
def destroy_catalogue_entry
#catalogue_entry = CatalogueEntry.find(params[:catalogue_entry_id])
if #catalogue_entry.destroy
flash[:success] = 'Catalogue entry deleted successfully.'
flash[:error] = 'Failed...'
I'm getting an interesting error. When my function destroy_catalogue_entry is called it shows:
Couldn't find CatalogueEntry with 'id'=16
but as I comment If condition section and render #catalogue_entry as json, the output is printed successfully. So how is it possible? Am I making some silly mistake or is there logical reason. Please enlighten me.
Solved! All I did is this:
def destroy_catalogue_entry
#catalogue_entry = CatalogueEntry.find(params[:catalogue_entry_id])
if #catalogue_entry.destroy
flash[:success] = 'Catalogue entry deleted Successfully'
redirect_to action: :view_catalogue_entries, dc_id: #catalogue_entry.dc_id
flash[:success] = 'Failed...'
When I notice the console, the record was getting deleted successfully but after that there was a SELECT query for the same record, that is why it was throwing the error Couldn't find CatalogueEntry with 'id'=16. As I redirected it, the problem was solved.
I think destroy method is returning an object. In ruby anything other than false or null will be taken to true in if statement. You can do puts on destroy method and see what its returning.
i presume your,
#catalogue_entry = CatalogueEntry.find(params[:catalogue_entry_id])
is returning that error because it cant find CatalogueEntry with id 6, make sure you have CatalogueEntry with that id.

Add information to DB from the controller on rails

I'm trying to add the user id to 2 columns in the db after a user successfully submits a form. The commands run fine in the console but wont work in the controller. I haven't added info to the db straight from the controller before so I'm thinking that I'm doing something wrong.
Here is the create method
def create
#game = Game.friendly.find(params[:game_id])
#game_category = Game.friendly.find(
if current_user.mod_of_game? params[:game_id] &&
flash[:info] = "Game category added succesfully!"
redirect_to #game
render 'new'
These 2 lines are supposed to add the user id to the submitted_by and approved_by columns but they don't. I don't get any error messages, they simply just don't add anything to those columns
If I replace the lines with coding that works in the console to see if its a variable or something thats not right it still doesn't work
Game.find(12).game_categories.find(55).update(submitted_by: 1)
Game.find(12).game_categories.find(55).update(approved_by: 1)
I'm building an app to learn rails and I guess this is something I just don't know.
Can anyone enlighten me on what I'm doing wrong?
Ok it is now giving me an error - Couldn't find GameCategory without an ID
So the isn't working?
It is a small typo in your query you missed #.
After playing around tweaking it here and there it turns out to be this line
if current_user.mod_of_game? params[:game_id] &&
when changed to this it works
if && current_user.mod_of_game? #game
