Spring AMQP is there a way to set the maximum number of consumers across all VMs? - spring-amqp

I have 4 instances of my spring boot app running on 4 different JVMs. Is there a way to set maximum global consumers? Currently I have setMaxConcurrentConsumers(1); set. The problem is that there is one consumer being created on each JVM. I was hoping to have one consumer created across the 4 JVMs. I am currently using SimpleRabbitListenerContainerFactory and was hoping that this feature is available there. If not is this possible with DirectRabbitListenerContainerFactory?
Basically I think I am asking how to set channel.basicQos(15, true); // Per channel limit in Spring-AMQP for RabbitMQ.

There is no way to set such a limit if that limit is greater than 1.
To limit to a single consumer you can set the consumer's exclusive flag (on the #RabbitListener); then only one consumer is allowed and the other instances will keep trying to consume until the current consumer dies (warm standby).


Share storage/volume between worker nodes in Kubernetes?

Is it possible to have a centralized storage/volume that can be shared between two pods/instances of an application that exist in different worker nodes in Kubernetes?
So to explain my case:
I have a Kubernetes cluster with 2 worker nodes. In each one of these I have 1 instance of app X running. This means I have 2 instances of app X running totally at the same time.
Both instances subscribe on the topic topicX, that has 2 partitions, and are part of a consumer group in Apache Kafka called groupX.
As I understand it the message load will be split among the partitions, but also among the consumers in the consumer group. So far so good, right?
So to my problem:
In my whole solution I have a hierarchy division with the unique constraint by country and ID. Each combination of country and ID has a pickle model (python Machine Learning Model), which is stored in a directory accessed by the application. For each combination of a country and ID I receive one message per minute.
At the moment I have 2 countries, so to be able to scale properly I wanted to split the load between two instances of app X, each one handling its own country.
The problem is that with Kafka the messages can be balanced between the different instances, and to access the pickle-files in each instance without know what country the message belongs to, I have to store the pickle-files in both instances.
Is there a way to solve this? I would rather keep the setup as simple as possible so it is easy to scale and add a third, fourth and fifth country later.
Keep in mind that this is an overly simplified way of explaining the problem. The number of instances is much higher in reality etc.
Yes. It's possible if you look at this table any PV (Physical Volume) that supports ReadWriteMany will help you accomplish having the same data store for your Kafka workers. So in summary these:
VsphereVolume - (works when pods are collocated)
In my opinion, NFS is the easiest to implement. Note that Azurefile, Quobyte, and Portworx are paid solutions.

AWS DynamoDB client best practice (MVC app)

I'm working to port some data access to dynamo DB in a high-traffic app. A bit of background - the app collects a very high volume of data, and some specific tables were causing performance issues in a traditional DB. So with a bit of re-design and some changes to the data layout we have been able to make them fit the DynamoDB niche nicely.
My question is around the use/creation of the client object. The SDK docs suggest it is better to create one client and share it amongst multiple threads, so in my repository implementation I have the client defined as a lazy singleton. This means it will be created once and all requests will share the same client (currently around 4000 requests per minute, but likely to grow massively as we come out of beta and start promoting the product).
Does anyone have any experience of making the AWS SDK scale?
When you create one client and share it with multiple threads, only one thread can use the client at one point of time in some SDK.
Definitely if you create separate clients for different threads, it is going to slow down the process.
So I would suggest you to take a middle approach here,
Maximize the HTTP connection pooling size, so that more number of clients are allowed to be created.
And then you follow the sharing of client objects.
Batch operation can be used for .Net aws sdk

Is It Possible to Apply SQS Limits for IAM Users?

I'm currently working on a project which has a large amount of IAM users, each of whom need limited access to particular SQS queues.
For instance, let's say I have an IAM user named 'Bob' and an SQS queue named 'BobsQueue'. What I'd like to do is grant Bob full permission to manage his queue (BobsQueue), but I'd like to restrict his usage such that:
Bob can make only 10 SQS requests per second to BobsQueue.
Bob cannot make more than 1,000,000 SQS requests per month.
I'd essentially like to apply arbitrary usage restrictions to this SQS queue.
Any ideas?
From the top of my head none of the available AWS services offers resource usage limits at all, except if built into the service's basic modus operandi (e.g. the Provisioned Throughput in Amazon DynamoDB) and Amazon SQS is no exception, insofar the Available Keys supported by all AWS services that adopt the access policy language for access control currently lack such resource limit constraints.
While I can see your use case, I think it's actually more likely to see something like this see the light as an accounting/billing feature, insofar it would make sense to allow cost control by setting (possibly fine grained) limits for AWS resource usage - this isn't available either yet though.
Please note that this feature is frequently requested (see e.g. How to limit AWS resource consumption?) and it's absence actually allows to launch what Christofer Hoff aptly termed an Economic Denial of Sustainability attack (see The Google attack: How I attacked myself using Google Spreadsheets and I ramped up a $1000 bandwidth bill for a somewhat ironic and actually non malicious example).
You might be able to achieve an approximation of your specification by facilitating Shared Queues with an IAM policy granting access to user Bob as outlined in Example AWS IAM Policies for Amazon SQS and monitoring this queue with Amazon CloudWatch in turn by Creating Amazon CloudWatch Alarms for one or more of the Amazon SQS Dimensions and Metrics you want to limit, e.g. NumberOfMessagesSent. Once the limit is reached you could revoke the IAM grant for user Bob for this shared queue until he is in compliance again.
Obviously it is not necessarily trivial to implement the 'per second'/'per-month' specification based on this metric alone without some thorough bookkeeping, nor will you be able to 'pull the plug' precisely when the limit is reached, rather need to account for the processing time and API delays.
Good luck!

how to limit ActiveRecord database connections across multiple processes

when using a DBaaS (database as a service) such as Xeround with a Rails app hosted on EC2 instances, how is it possible to limit the number of concurrent connections to the database (according to the DB service plan limits) ? is it necessary to do so at all ?
I know that ActiveRecord connections pool is per process and is thread safe, but what if there are several processes (also across several different machines) ?
Unfortunately there is no way to correctly limit the number of connections across multiple clients (applications). The only way, which is pretty much static and empirical, is to divide the number of max allowed connection by the number of apps and set the result as the connections limit per application.
Use a Connection pool base class for managing Active Record database connections.

Horizontal scaling of JSF 2.0 application

Given that JavaServer Faces is inherently stateful on the server side, what methods are recommended for horizontally scaling a JSF 2.0 application?
If an application runs multiple JSF servers, I can imagine the following scenarios:
Sticky Sessions: send all requests matching a given session to the same server.
Question: what technology is commonly used to achieve this?
Problem: server failure results in lost sessions... and generally seems like fragile architecture, especially when starting fresh (not trying to scale an existing application)
State (Session) Replication: replicate JSF state on all JSF servers in cluster
Question: what technology is commonly used to achieve this?
Problem: does not scale. total memory of cluster = total memory on smallest server
Instruct JSF (via configuration) to store its state on an external resource (e.g. another server running a very fast in-memory database), then access that resource from the JSF servers when application state is needed?
Question: is this possible?
Instruct JSF (via configuration) to be stateless?
Question: is this possible?
Updated in response to Ravi's suggestion of Sticky Sessions
This can be achieved by configuring your load balancer in sticky session mode.
More info
This way all your subsequent requests are sent to the same application server.
Here's an idea from Jelastic PaaS:
Pair-up application instances in 2-server clusters, and apply session replication between those 2 instances within one cluster. Then you can add as many 2-instance clusters as you want and load balance requests between clusters, with each session sticking to the cluster it originated from. Within cluster, requests could be load balanced between instances.
This way there is some degree of fail safety, since if one instance in cluster fails, the other takes over, with same session state. On the other hand, memory impact is not as severe as with full replication.
In short, it is combination of 1. and 2. from your question. Of course, there can be more than 2 instances in each cluster, if availability is of greater concern.
Link to Jelastic docs I lifted the idea from: http://jelastic.com/docs/session-replication.
Disclaimer: I don't actually know how to configure this with JSF2, and have no affiliation with Jelastic. Just liked the idea and thought it might help.
What about session replication with "buddy" semantics?
With one buddy total memory is halved (every server needs to hold the session data of two servers), which is a lot better than having to hold data of each and every server out there.
Buddy replication also reduces bandwidth overhead.
