How to achieve pagination and totaling through tablesorter? - tablesorter

I was trying to achieve total using tablesorter for every 10 records shown through tablesorter's pagination.


Filter GetRows on GoogleSheet Document via Logic Apps

I am reading from a google sheet of 100,000+ records but I want to load only the records after a certain date. ( so applying filter ) . But I haven't been able to accomplish that as I do not know how to access the column name without using foreach.
Here is what the data looks like from the googlesheet
So basically, I would like to filter the records something like this.
Timestamp ge '10/13/2021' so it will only return records for 10/13/2021 and 10/14/2021... etc.
Is this possible to do that? If not, what is the best recommended way to approach this issue as i just wanted to load daily records to sql db in the next step.
The Get rows action of the Google Sheets connector doesn't support filtering. You can only specify how many rows you want returned, and how many rows you want to skip. E.g. if you have 100,000 rows in your sheet, you can easily get the rows between 90,001 and 90,200, should you wish to do so.
While you can't use this connector to retrieve filtered data from Google Sheets, you can use the Filter array action to filter the retrieved data as you wish.
You might still need to use the For each loop to retrieve and filter data in chunks.

Load thousands of records into a table

I'm just a newbie, I'm loading the data to display in the view within a datatable, my big problem is that I have more than 1000 records and it takes too long to load so much data, what I would like is to load a certain amount of data and That by means of a paginacion are loading the other data but without losing the dynamic search of the datatable or sorting of the data by columns. Is there any way to do it? No matter if it is with datatable or with some other tool
Use kaminari, will_paginate, or simply .limit(n).offset(m) where n, m are numbers > 0

How to use angular bootstrap ui pagination for table?

I want to use angular-botstrap-ui in my application. But I don't know how I can build pagination.
Let's say I have 100 records in table and I want to fetch 10 results in table row. By using ng-repeat I am getting 100 rows but I want to limit them using pagination. How I can achieve that?
I have solved this in using the array function slice
ng-repeat="row in queryResult.rows.slice(((currentPage-1)*10), ((currentPage)*10))"
I have written a blog post about my ingenious solution here

Smart GWT: ListGrid.createRecordComponent () is not called for all rows

I am using Smart GWT 2.5. I am using a List Grid in my project.
The List Grid has 20 rows, but ListGrid.createRecordComponent() is called for only first 16 rows.
This is due to incremental rendering, which is on by default.
You could force all records to be rendered via ListGrid.setShowAllRecords(true), but you probably don't want to do this unless you are sure the total number of records will remain small (less than around 100 if you need to support IE).

Using will_paginate without :total_entries to improve a lengthy query

I have a current implementation of will_paginate that uses the paginate_by_sql method to build the collection to be paginated. We have a custom query for total_entries that's very complicated and puts a large load on our DB. Therefore we would like to cut total_entries from the pagination altogether.
In other words, instead of the typical pagination display of 'previous 1 [2] 3 4 5 next', we would simply like a 'next - previous' button only. But we need to know a few things.
Do we display the previous link? This would only occur of course if records existing prior to the ones displayed in the current selection
Do we display the next link? This would not be displayed if the last record in the collection is being displayed
From the docs
A query for counting rows will
automatically be generated if you
don’t supply :total_entries. If you
experience problems with this
generated SQL, you might want to
perform the count manually in your
So ultimately the ideal situation is the following.
Remove the total_entries count because it's causing too much load on the database
Display 50 records at a time with semi-pagination using only next/previous buttons to navigate and not needing to display all page numbers available
Only display the next button and previous button accordingly
Has anyone worked with a similar issue or have thoughts on a resolution?
There are many occasions where will_paginate does a really awful job of calculating the number of entries, especially if there are joins involved that confuse the count SQL generator.
If all you need is a simple prev/next method, then all you need to do is attempt to retrieve N+1 entries from the database, and if you only get N or less than you're on the last page.
For example:
per_page = 10
page = 2
#entries = Thing.with_some_scope.find(:all, :limit => per_page + 1, :offset => (page - 1) * per_page)
#next_page = #entries.slice!(per_page, 1)
#prev_page = page > 1
You can easily encapsulate this in some module that can be included in the various models that require it, or make a controller extension.
I've found that this works significantly better than the default will_paginate method.
The only performance issue is a limitation of MySQL that may be a problem depending on the size of your tables.
For whatever reason, the amount of time it takes to perform a query with a small LIMIT in MySQL is proportional to the OFFSET. In effect, the database engine reads through all rows leading up to the particular offset value, then returns the next LIMIT number rows, not skipping ahead as you'd expect.
For large data-sets, where you're having OFFSET values in the 100,000 plus range, you may find performance degrades significantly. How this will manifest is that loading page 1 is very fast, page 1000 is somewhat slow, but page 2000 is extremely slow.
