Error: Error while compiling statement: FAILED: SemanticException Error when getting current notification event ID (state=42000,code=40000) - beeline

I am exporting a hive table to hdfs using beeline,I am getting error as
Error: Error while compiling statement:
FAILED: SemanticException Error when getting current notification event ID (state=42000,code=40000)"


SwiftShield error when try to obfuscate code

I am trying to obfuscate my project using SwiftShield, but i am getting below error even if i try on SwiftShield demo project.
error response (Request Failed): error: unknown argument:
'-use-frontend-parseable-output' Error: Error
Domain=com.rockbruno.swiftshield Code=0 "error response (Request
Failed): error: unknown argument: '-use-frontend-parseable-output'"
UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=error response (Request Failed):
error: unknown argument: '-use-frontend-parseable-output'} make: ***
[swiftshield] Error 1
Please helps me how to resolve it, i am wondering that it is very popular library even if no any tutorial or any more answers found on google about it.

Error: Failed instance creation: Error transferring instance data: migration pre-dump failed

# lxc copy neo:lamp1 lamp1b
Error: Failed instance creation: Error transferring instance data: migration pre-dump failed
(00.000024) Warn (criu/log.c:203): The early log isn't empty
(00.139901) Warn (criu/image.c:134): Failed to open parent directory
(00.290094) Warn (compel/arch/x86/src/lib/infect.c:280): Will restore 1704 with interrupted system call
(00.572902) Warn (compel/arch/x86/src/lib/infect.c:280): Will restore 1715 with interrupted system call
(00.588287) Warn (compel/arch/x86/src/lib/infect.c:280): Will restore 1720 with interrupted system call
(00.695271) Error (criu/proc_parse.c:439): Can't open map_files: Permission denied
(00.695277) Error (criu/proc_parse.c:650): Can't open 1724's mapfile link 55929d9c5000: Permission denied
(00.695286) Error (criu/cr-dump.c:1158): Collect mappings (pid: 1724) failed with -1
(00.699648) Error (criu/cr-dump.c:1546): Pre-dumping FAILED.
I cannot understand this error message. What's going on here?

Firebase analytics gets disabled when updating firebase sdk to 6.2.0 or higher

Firebase Analytics stops working when updating the Firebase Core iOS SDK to 6.2.0 or higher versions.
Works fine if the version is 6.1.0 or lower.
[FIRApp configure];
Gets the following logs in console
6.10.0 - [Firebase/Analytics][I-ACS034002] Failed to recreate database file. Error: Error Code=3 "Database operation "prepare statement" failed with sqlite code 0 and error message "not an error"" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Database operation "prepare statement" failed with sqlite code 0 and error message "not an error", APMMonitorContext=prepare statement,0,A,3}
6.10.0 - [Firebase/Analytics][I-ACS012001] Failed to open database (Init)
6.10.0 - [Firebase/Analytics][I-ACS034002] Failed to recreate database file. Error: Error Code=3 "Database operation "prepare statement" failed with sqlite code 0 and error message "not an error"" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Database operation "prepare statement" failed with sqlite code 0 and error message "not an error", APMMonitorContext=prepare statement,0,A,3}
6.10.0 - [Firebase/Analytics][I-ACS012001] Failed to open database (Init)
6.10.0 - [Firebase/Analytics][I-ACS023011] Failed to start Analytics. Analytics is disabled

Neo4J 3.3.3 database got corrupted as there was not enough disk space and no way to fix it?

I ran out of disk space and my Neo4J 3.3.3 database doesn't start anymore showing the following error:
2018-04-16 21:10:35.148+0000 ERROR Failed to start Neo4j: Starting
Neo4j failed: Component
'org.neo4j.server.database.LifecycleManagingDatabase#7e5c856f' was
successfully initialized, but failed to start. Please see the attached
cause exception "null. At position LogPosition{logVersion=250,
byteOffset=198709181} and entry version V3_0_10". Starting Neo4j
failed: Component
'org.neo4j.server.database.LifecycleManagingDatabase#7e5c856f' was
successfully initialized, but failed to start. Please see the attached
cause exception "null. At position LogPosition{logVersion=250,
byteOffset=198709181} and entry version V3_0_10".
When I run neo4j-admin check-consistency --database=graph.db I get:
unexpected error: null. At position LogPosition{logVersion=250,
byteOffset=198709181} and entry version V3_0_10
So probably some logs got corrupted.
Does Neo4J have any tools to fix this situation?
I looked at - but it didn't help me as I don't even get any error message just the one above.
I tried but when I run community ~/neo4j-community-3.3.3/data/databases/graph.db ~/target.db
it says
------------------------------------------------------------- [ERROR] /home/noduslabs/repair/store-utils/src/main/java/org/neo4j/tool/[96,18]
error: cannot find symbol [ERROR] class StoreCopy
error: cannot find symbol [ERROR] class StoreCopy
error: cannot find symbol
Running that same store-utils but branch 32 seem to go further but then the same error occurs:
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal
org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin:1.1:java (default-cli) on project
store-util: An exception occured while executing the Java class. null:
InvocationTargetException: Error starting
Component 'org.neo4j.kernel.recovery.Recovery#4168eb66' failed to
initialize. Please see the attached cause exception "null. At position
LogPosition{logVersion=250, byteOffset=198709181} and entry version
V3_0_10". -> [Help 1]
org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutionException: Failed to
execute goal org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin:1.1:java
(default-cli) on project store-util: An exception occured while
executing the Java class. null
at org.apache.maven.lifecycle.internal.MojoExecutor.execute (
So basically I'm stuck and there's not way to fix the DB, right?

getting error on ionic emulate?

I am new to Mac and Ionic. Creating my first ionic application is not working for me. Getting this error on ionic emulate ios
An error was encountered processing the command (, code=159):
Invalid device state
An error was encountered processing the command (, code=159):
Invalid device state
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, stat '/Users/{USER}/Library/Logs/CoreSimulator/AD8136DB-9E63-4298-918D-561520165B83/system.log'
