Number of Unique sections in CDA schema - hl7

I have read CCD is a summarized version of CDA and has 17 unique sections including the header. I couldn't find out how many overall sections there are when there are full-fledged CDA documents.

There isn't necessarily a hard limit of 17 sections in a C-CDA 2.1 CCD. There are 17 sections listed for that document type, of which only 6 are required. But it's an open document template, so it's allowable to include other section types.
All sections use the same XML Schema elements. Section types are distinguished by the <code> and <templateId> elements.


Combining multiple spreadsheet files in to one master overview (read only)

Let me start by saying that I know too little about coding etc to translate some of the solutions given on this platform to solve my issue. So hopefully someone can help me get started..
I am trying to combine a certain section of multiple google spreadsheet files with multiple tabs into one file. The name and number of the various tabs are different (and change over time).
To explain. We have for various person an overview of their projects (each project on its own tab). Each project/tab contains a number of to do's. What I need to achieve is to import al the to do's to a master list so that we have 1 master overview (basically a big to do list that I can sort on date).
Two exmples with dummy information. The relevant information starts on line 79
Since this information is dynamic and you are restricted from using app script, you can create a "definitions" or "parameters" sheet where the person must either report the NAMES of their projects and the ROW the tasks starts on and total length. From there you can use importrange function to get their definitions. From the definitions you can use other import range functions to get their tasks list. Concatenating it is gonna be a pretty big issue for you though.
This unfortunately would be much easier for you to accomplish with a different architecture to your docs / sheets. The more a spreadsheet looks like a database (column heads and rows of data that match those headers), the easier they are to work with. The more they look like forms / paper worksheets the more code you would need to parse that format.

Wikipedia pageviews analysis

I've been challenged with wikipedia pageviews analysis. For me this is the first project with such amount of data and I'm a bit lost. When I download the file from the link and unpack it, I can see that it has a table-like structure with rows looking like this:
1 | 2 |3|4
en.m The_Beatles_in_the_United_States 2 0
I struggle with finding out what exactly can be found in each column. My guesses:
language version and additional info (.m = mobile?)
name of the article
The biggest concern I have with two last columns. The last one has only "0" values in it and I have no idea what it represents. I'd assume then that the third one show number of views but I'm not sure.
I'd be grateful if someone could help me to understand what exactly can be found in each column or recommend some reading on this subject. Thanks!
After more time spent on this, I've finally found solution. I'm posting this in case someone has the same problem in the future. Wikipedia explains what can be found in database. These explanations were painful to find but you can access theme here and here.
Based on that you can see that rows have following structure:
domain code
total_response_size (no longer maintained)
Some explanations for each column:
Column 1:
Domain name of the request, abbreviated. (...) Domain_code now can
also be an abbreviation for mobile and zero domain names, in which
case .m or .zero is inserted as second part of the domain name (just
like with full domain name). E.g. 'en.m.v' stands for
Column 2:
For page-level files, it holds the title of the unnormalized part
after /wiki/ -in the request Url (E.g.: Main_Page Berlin). For
project-level files, it is - .
Column 3:
The number of times this page has been viewed in the respective hour.
Column 4:
The total response size caused by the requests for this page in the
respective hour. If I understand it correctly response size is
discontinued due to low accuracy. That's why there are only 0s. The
pagecounts and projectcounts files also include total response byte
sizes at their respective aggregation level, but this was dropped from
the pageviews and projectviews files because it wasn't very accurate.
Hope someone finds it useful.
Line format:
wiki code (subproject.project)
article title
monthly total (with interpolation when data is missing)
hourly counts
(From pagecounts-ez which is the same dataset just with less filtering.)
Apparently buggy though; it takes the first two parts of the domain name for wiki code, which does not work for mobile domains (which are in the form <language>.m.<project>.org).

Process to automatically divide a loosely structured document into sub-sections?

I have some documents that are semi-structured. All of them are job posts scraped from various sources. Every document has a requirements section, a qualifications section and so on.
The issue is that there is no fixed format for these. Sometimes, section names are bold, sometimes they are in h1, h2 tags and sometimes, they are same as rest of the text.
What would the process of dividing these documents into smaller parts called? Is there a known term for it that I could search for?

QRDA: eCQM to QDM mapping, how?

I'm trying to understand how eCQM’s QDM Data Elements listed in the html provided with each eCQM map to actual QRDA Cat 1 measure entries.
For example, do all six Medication, Discharge listed for CMS100v5 in the QDM section actually map to six Discharge Medication (V3) urn:hl7ii:2.16.840.1.113883. QDRA Cat 1 entries? What if a particular EHR/EMR does not have data for all six Discharge Medication or other QDM entries listed for eCQM, can such entries be safely omitted?
The Medication Discharged you highlighted in the eCQM are criteria for data elements that should be reported as entries in the QRDA Category 1. However the section you highlighted is just the data criteria section. To know whether or not you need all six, you'll need to look at how the Medication Discharged data criteria are applied in the population criteria section.
Hope that helps

Facebook style "whats new feeds" in MVC sanity check

I would like to create a Facebook style “whats new” view for my mvc application.
This might generate content such as...
* Ciaran sent a message to The Rise and Fall of the Rockets
* Rick is going to Songs for the bathtub on Thursday, 28 June 2009
* Col became a fan of The Rise and Fall of the Rockets
* Leeroy posted Busk To Beat Cancer
* Tom went to HMV Showcase on Friday, 19 May 2009
He’s the approach that’s currently in my head….
Each of these items represents different types of content.
For example, gigs, news, comments etc
Each content type is stored in a different database table ie gigs, news, comments etc:
When new content is added to the application (for example a news story is created) I am planning on creating an additional entry into a “WhatsNew table”
Table1: WhatsNew
id, contentId, createdDate
userId, contentId
When a user has viewed a piece of content an entry is added to Table 2 (the id of the user and the content).
The view above is created by:
1) Returning contentIds from the WhatsNew table which don’t have an entry in table 2 for the particular logged in user, ordered by created date.
Then I ask my newsManager, gigsManager etc to give me summary content based upon these ids. I can just pass all the ids even though they may represent different types of content since contentids are guids and I’m assuming I wont get any collisions across my tables ( I only have one db). Alternatively I could use a discrimator of some sort....
All summary objects implement ISummary and may also contain bespoke data. So I now have a List which I pass to a view…
Each summary type has a partial view which knows how to render it. The partial used to render a particular item will be selected based upon the summaries type.. (Note that the list WILL contain different types of summary….
Note that I don’t want the WhatsNew table to actually contain the headline strings such as “Rick is going to Songs for the bathtub on Thursday, 28 June 2009 “ since this will make it difficult to
change how I generate these – i.e. I might phrase them differently depending on the users location.
Internationalise dates etc.
Also this would also mean that say the newsManager/gigsManager which generated the headline would need knowledge about the websites routing ..
for example the headline “Rick is going to Songs for the bathtub on Thursday, 28 June 2009 “ contain multiple links!!
Thoughts? Does this seem sensible? It feels icky.
I would just skip the tables.
Ask the various sections for their most recent stuff, and display the top 15 or whatever. Each section would implement an interface for how to display data for the message and can be calculated at runtime. Yes, I would use IDs for everything--not the generated titles/messages.
And unless you are marking these as read/viewed by each user, I wouldn't bother with the user-content associative table either.
