do replicas decrease traffic on a single node kubernetes cluster? - docker

I am new to the world of kubernetes. I am trying to implement kubernetes advantages on my personal project.
I have an api service in a docker container which fetches data from back end.
I plan on creating multiple replicas of this api service container on a single external port in the kubernetes cluster. Do replicas share traffic if they're on a single node ?
My end goal is to create multiple instances of this api service to make my application faster(users can access one of the multiple api services which should reduce traffic on a single instance).
Am i thinking right in terms of kubernetes functionality?

You are right, the multiple replicas of your API service will share the load. In Kubernetes, there is a concept of Services which will send traffic to the backend and in this case it is your api application running in the pods. By default, the choice of backend is random. Also, it doesn't matter whether the Pods are running on a single node or on different nodes, the traffic will be distributed randomly among all the Pods based on the labels.
This will also make your application highly available because you will use deployment for specifying the number of replicas and whenever the number of available replicas are less than the desired replicas, Kubernetes will provision new pods to meet the desired state.

If you add multiple instances / replicas of your web server it will share the load and will avoid single point of failure.
However to achieve this you will have to create and expose a Service. You will have to communicate using the Service endpoint and not using each pods IP directly.
A service exposes an endpoint. It has load balancing. It usually uses round robin to distribute load / requests to servers behind the service load balancer.
Kubernetes manages Pods. Pods are wrappers around containers. Kubernetes can schedule multiple pods on the same node(hardware) or across multiple nodes. Depends how you configure it. You can use Deployments to manage ReplicaSets which manage Pods.
Usually it is recommended to avoid managing pods directly. Pods can crash, stop abruptly. Kubectl will create a new for you automatically depending on the Replica Set config.
Using deployments you can do rolling updates also.
You can refer to Kubernetes Docs to read about this in detail.

Yes. It's called Braess's paradox.


How the same (micro) service running in multiple containers idemtify themselves

Not sure if this is a silly question. When the same app/service running in multiple containers, how do they report themselves to zookeeper/etcd and identify themselves? So that load balancers know the different instances and know who to talk to, where to probe and dispatch, etc..? Or the service instances would use some id from the container in their identification?
Thanks in advance
To begin with, let me explain in a few sentences how it works:
The basic building block starts with the Pod, which is just a resource that can be created and destroyed on demand. Because a Pod can be moved or rescheduled to another Node, any internal IPs that this Pod is assigned can change over time.
If we were to connect to this Pod to access our application, it would not work on the next re-deployment. To make a Pod reachable to external networks or clusters without relying on any internal IPs, we need another layer of abstraction. K8s offers that abstraction with what we call a Service Deployment.
This way, you can create a website that will be identified, for example, by a load balancer.
Services provide network connectivity to Pods that work uniformly across clusters. Service discovery is the actual process of figuring out how to connect to a service.
You can also find some information about Service in the official documentation:
An abstract way to expose an application running on a set of Pods as a network service.
With Kubernetes you don't need to modify your application to use an unfamiliar service discovery mechanism. Kubernetes gives Pods their own IP addresses and a single DNS name for a set of Pods, and can load-balance across them.
Kubernetes supports 2 primary modes of finding a Service - environment variables and DNS. You can read more about this topic here and here.

can two web services be hosted in a kubernetes pod?

Is is possible to have two web services in a single pod in kubernetes. If yes how will load balancer will handle it? One more question, does load balancer talk directly to pod or container inside pod? If its talk to pod doesn't the route increase like first, LB->pod, pod->container. As pod is in between. I am new to Kubernetes and had these doubts.
You can run multiple containers inside a single pod, but using that to host two separate services is probably not the intended use.
An example case for running multiple containers inside the same pod is one container, a so-called sidecar, that's running some form of application to generate files (e.g. some sync tool), while the main service uses those files somehow. This could be a web server serving static files that the sync tool pulls from somewhere.
Back to your question, since a pod only has one IP, you can only use each port once. A port on a container corresponds directly to a port on the pod. So while you can theoretically run two containers with a web service, you will need to use two different ports. As such, the load balancer would need to address those two ports separately.
If you want to run multiple copies of the same service for load balancing, you should use multiple pods, ideally managed by a deployment, and use a service (cluster IP for internal or load balancer for external) to distribute traffic.
Here are some answers that will help you.
- A pod is a running instance of a container. You can have two containers / two web services running in side a Pod, although its ideal to run one under a POD.
- When you bring up your containers you create ingress / LoadBalancer routes to your services. - Hence when you have two web services running inside your pod, each would have published their service at two different service ingress. - Ideally two routes inside the POD for these services, and a small service discovery to identify them inside.
- This is one reason we prefer running one container per POD.
- Request you to read Kubernetes in Action book to get more clear insight into.
You can run multiple containers on the same pod, if the services are tightly coupled. For example, if you have a web server and a SQL database.
If the web services are not tightly coupled, you would likely want to put them in different pods.
Then you need to deploy a service and expose it to make you web service reachable whether from inside the cluster or from outside depending on the service type.
To load balance between your services you would need an ingress controller.

Container Orchestration for provisioning single containers based on user action

I'm pretty new to Docker orchestration and managing a fleet of containers. I'm wanting to build an app that would give the user a container when they ran a command. What is the best tool and best way to accomplish this?
I plan on having a pool of CoreOS servers to run the containers on and I'm imagining the scheduler to have an API that I can just call to create the container.
Most of what I have seen with Nomad, Kubernetes, Docker Swarm, etc is how to provision multiple clusters of containers all doing the same thing. I'm wanting to be able to create a single container based on a users command and then be able to communicate with an API on that container. Anyone have experience with this?
I'd look at Kubernetes + the Jobs API (short lived) or Deployments (long lived)
I'm not sure exactly what you mean by command, but I'll assume its some sort of dev env triggered by a CLI, make-dev.
User triggers make-dev, which sends a webhook to your app sitting in front of the Jobs API, ideally doing rate-limiting and/or auth.
Your app takes the command, sanity checks it, then fires off a Job/Deployment request + an Ingress rule + Service
Kubernetes will schedule it out across your fleet of machines
Your app waits for the pod to start, then returns back the address of the API with a unique identifier (the same thing in the ingress rule) like
User now accesses their service at that address. Internally Kubernetes uses the ingress and service to route the requests to your pod
This should scale well, and if your different environments use the same base container image, they should start really fast.
Plug: If you want an easy CoreOS + Kubernetes cluster plus a UI try
I plan on having a pool of CoreOS servers to run the containers on and I'm imagining the scheduler to have an API that I can just call to create the container
kubernetes comes with a RESTful API that you can use to directly create pods (the unit of work in kubernetes which contains one or more containers) within your cluster.
The command line utility kubectl also interacts with the cluster in the exact same way, via the api. There are client libraries written in golang, Java, and Python at the moment with others on the way to help communicate with the cluster.
If you later want a higher level abstraction to manage pods, update them and manage their lifetimes, looking at one of the controllers (replicaset, replication controller, deployment, statefulset) should help.

What is the difference between kubernetes and GKE?

I know that GKE is driven by kubernetes underneath. But I don't seem to still get is that what part is taken care by GKE and what by k8s in the layering? The main purpose of both, as it appears to me is to manage containers in a cluster. Basically, I am looking for a simpler explanation with an example.
GKE is a managed/hosted Kubernetes (i.e. it is managed for you so you can concentrate on running your pods/containers applications)
Kubernetes does handle:
Running pods, scheduling them on nodes, guarantee no of replicas per Replication Controller settings (i.e. relaunch pods if they fail, relocate them if the node fails)
Services: proxy traffic to the right pod wherever it is located.
In addition, there are several 'add-ons' to Kubernetes, some of which are part of what makes GKE:
DNS (you can't really live without it, even thought it's an add-on)
Metrics monitoring: with influxdb, grafana
None of these are out-of-the-box, although they are fairly easy to setup, but you need to maintain them.
There is no real 'logging' add-on, but there are various projects to do this (using Logspout, logstash, elasticsearch etc...)
In short Kubernetes does the orchestration, the rest are services that would run on top of Kubernetes.
GKE brings you all these components out-of-the-box, and you don't have to maintain them. They're setup for you, and they're more 'integrated' with the Google portal.
One important thing that everyone needs is the LoadBalancer part:
- Since Pods are ephemeral containers, that can be rescheduled anywhere and at any time, they are not static, so ingress traffic needs to be managed separately.
This can be done within Kubernetes by using a DaemonSet to fix a Pod on a specific node, and use a hostPort for that Pod to bind to the node's IP.
Obviously this lacks fault tolerance, so you could use multiple and do DNS round robin load balancing.
GKE takes care of all this too with external Load Balancing.
(On AWS, it's similar, with ALB taking care of load balancing in Kubernetes)
GKE (Google Container Engine) is only container platform, which Kubernetes can manage. It is not a kubernetes-like with "differences".
As mentioned in "Docker and Kubernetes and AppC " (May 2015, that can change):
Docker is currently the only supported runtime in GKE (Google Container Engine) our commercial containers product, and in GAE (Google App Engine), our Platform-as-a-Service product.
You can see Kubernetes used on GKE in this example: "Spinning Up Your First Kubernetes Cluster on GKE" from Rimantas Mocevicius.
The gcloud API will still make kubernetes commands behind the scene.
GKE will organize its platform through Kubernetes master
Every container cluster has a single master endpoint, which is managed by Container Engine.
The master provides a unified view into the cluster and, through its publicly-accessible endpoint, is the doorway for interacting with the cluster.
The managed master also runs the Kubernetes API server, which services REST requests, schedules pod creation and deletion on worker nodes, and synchronizes pod information (such as open ports and location) with service information.
In short, without getting into technical details,
GKE is managed Kubernetes, similar to how Google's Cloud Composer is managed Apache Airflow and Cloud Dataflow is managed Apache Beam.
So, some of Google Cloud Platform's services (GKE, Cloud Composer, Cloud Dataflow) are managed implementations of various open source technologies (Kubernetes, Airflow, Beam).

Creating a multi node Kubernetes Cluster for a stateless webapp

I'm trying to understand a good way to handle Kubernetes cluster where there are several nodes and a master.
I host the cluster within the cloud of my company, plain Ubuntu boxes (so no Google Cloud or AWS).
Each pod contains the webapp (which is stateless) and I run any number of pods via replication controllers.
I see that with Services, I can declare PublicIPs however this is confusing because after adding ip addresses of
my minion nodes, each ip only exposes the pod that it runs and it doesn't do any sort of load balancing. Due to this,
if a node doesn't have any active pod running (as created pods are random allocated among nodes), it simply timeouts and I end up some IP addresses that don't response. Am I understanding this wrong?
How can I truly do a proper external load balancing for my web app? Should I do load balancing on Pod level instead of using Service?
If so, pods are considered mortal and they may dynamically die and born, how I do track of this?
The PublicIP thing is changing lately and I don't know exactly where it landed. But, services are the ip address and port that you reference in your applications. In other words, if I create a database, I create it as a pod (with or without a replication controller). I don't connect to the pod, however, from another application. I connect to a service which knows about the pod (via a label selector). This is important for a number of reasons.
If the database fails and is recreated on a different host, the application accessing it still references the (stationary) service ip address, and the kubernetes proxies take care of getting the request to the correct pod.
The service address is known by all Kubernetes nodes. Any node can proxy the request appropriately.
I think a variation of the theme applies to your problem. You might consider creating an external load balancer which forwards traffic to all of your nodes for the specific (web) service. You still need to take the node out of the balancer's targets if the node goes down, but, I think that any node will forward the traffic for any service whether or not that service is on that node.
All that said, I haven't had direct experience with external (public) ip addresses load balancing to the cluster, so there are probably better techniques. The main point I was trying to make is the node will proxy the request to the appropriate pod whether or not that node has a pod.
