In the lightGBM model, there are 2 parameters related to bagging
bagging_freq (frequency for bagging
0 means disable bagging; k means perform bagging at every k
Note: to enable bagging, bagging_fraction should be set to
value smaller than 1.0 as well)
I could find some more detailed explanation about this bagging function in gdbt. So is there anybody give me a more detailed explaination?
The code executes what documentation says- it samples a subset of training examples of the size bagging_fraction * N_train_examples. And training of the i-th tree is performed on this subset. This sampling can be done for each tree (i.e. each iteration) or after each bagging_freq trees have been trained.
For example, bagging_fraction=0.5, bagging_freq=10 means that sampling of new 0.5*N_train_examples entries will happen every 10 iterations
I have a huge data (1250 by 1m) as input for a multiple lasso fit. If I fit a normal regression by sklearn there there is an option to use multiple threads which in this case the whole process runs in a short time with an acceptable result.
sklearn.linear_model.LinearRegression(*, fit_intercept=True, normalize='deprecated', copy_X=True, n_jobs=None, positive=False)
In the upper line if I set n_jobs=-1 it will use all the cores available so that computational cost will drop dramatically.
But, there is no such an option for lasso regression in sklearn:
sklearn.linear_model.Lasso(alpha=1.0, *, fit_intercept=True, normalize='deprecated', precompute=False, copy_X=True, max_iter=1000, tol=0.0001, warm_start=False, positive=False, random_state=None, selection='cyclic')
Obviously, it is really computationally expensive if I run this fitting on a single core.
Is there any way to do a multiple lasso regression?
If there isn't any way for parallel lasso regression, what is the root of this limitation? What is the difference between minimization of lost function for regression and lasso regression?
As stated in the documentation for n_jobs :
n_jobs int, default=None
The number of jobs to use for the computation. This will only provide speedup in case of sufficiently large problems, that is if firstly n_targets > 1 and secondly X is sparse or if positive is set to True.
You need to have more than 1 target, your dependent variable needs to have 2 or more columns
The parallelization work by fitting a model on each of the y-variable separately as you can see from the source code :
if self.positive:
if y.ndim < 2:
self.coef_ = optimize.nnls(X, y)[0]
# scipy.optimize.nnls cannot handle y with shape (M, K)
outs = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs_)(
delayed(optimize.nnls)(X, y[:, j]) for j in range(y.shape[1])
self.coef_ = np.vstack([out[0] for out in outs])
I am not sure if you have more than 1 target variable. If that is indeed the case, you can consider using MultiOutputRegressor
I don't think there's a way to parallelize fitting a lasso or linear model when there's only 1 target variable.
I have 38 variables, like oxygen, temperature, pressure, etc and have a task to determine the total yield produced every day from these variables. When I calculate the regression coefficients and intercept value, they seem to be abnormal and very high (Impractical). For example, if 'temperature' coefficient was found to be +375.456, I could not give a meaning to them saying an increase in one unit in temperature would increase yield by 375.456g. That's impractical in my scenario. However, the prediction accuracy seems right. I would like to know, how to interpret these huge intercept( -5341.27355) and huge beta values shown below. One other important point is that I removed multicolinear columns and also, I am not scaling the variables/normalizing them because I need beta coefficients to have meaning such that I could say, increase in temperature by one unit increases yield by 10g or so. Your inputs are highly appreciated!
Out[375]: -5341.27354961415
array([ 1.38096017e+00, -7.62388829e+00, 5.64611255e+00, 2.26124164e-01,
4.21908571e-01, 4.50695302e-01, -8.15167717e-01, 1.82390184e+00,
-3.32849969e+02, 3.31942553e+02, 3.58830763e+02, -2.05076898e-01,
-3.06404757e+02, 7.86012402e+00, 3.21339318e+02, -7.00817205e-01,
-1.09676321e+04, 1.91481734e+00, 6.02929848e+01, 8.33731416e+00,
-6.23433431e+01, -1.88442804e+00, 6.86526274e+00, -6.76103795e+01,
-1.11406021e+02, 2.48270706e+02, 2.94836048e+01, 1.00279016e+02,
1.42906659e-02, -2.13019683e-03, -6.71427100e+02, -2.03158515e+02,
9.32094007e-03, 5.56457014e+01, -2.91724945e+00, 4.78691176e-01,
8.78121854e+00, -4.93696073e+00])
It's very unlikely that all of these variables are linearly correlated, so I would suggest that you have a look at simple non-linear regression techniques, such as Decision Trees or Kernel Ridge Regression. These are however more difficult to interpret.
Going back to your issue, these high weights might well be due to there being some high amount of correlation between the variables, or that you simply don't have very much training data.
If you instead of linear regression use Lasso Regression, the solution is biased away from high regression coefficients, and the fit will likely improve as well.
A small example on how to do this in scikit-learn, including cross validation of the regularization hyper-parameter:
from sklearn.linear_model LassoCV
# Make up some data
n_samples = 100
n_features = 5
X = np.random.random((n_samples, n_features))
# Make y linear dependent on the features
y = np.sum(np.random.random((1,n_features)) * X, axis=1)
model = LassoCV(cv=5, n_alphas=100, fit_intercept=True),y)
If you have a linear regression, the formula looks like this (y= target, x= features inputs):
y= x1*b1 +x2*b2 + x3*b3 + x4*b4...+ c
where b1,b2,b3,b4... are your modl.coef_. AS you already realized one of your bigges number is 3.319+02 = 331 and the intercept is also quite big with -5431.
As you already mentioned the coeffiecient variables means how much the target variable changes, if the coeffiecient feature changes with 1 unit and all others features are constant.
so for your interpretation, the higher the absoult coeffienct, the higher the influence of your analysis. But it is important to note that the model is using a lot of high coefficient, that means your model is not depending only of one variable
I am using the Logistic Regression model in Scikit-Learn (in particular, LogisticRegressionCV). When I use the default tol value (which is 1e-4) and test the model with different random_state values, the feature coefficients do not fluctuate much. At least, I can see which features are important.
However, when I set a higher tol value (e.g., 2.3), each time I run the model, the feature coefficients highly fluctuate. When in one trial the feature A has the coefficient of -0.9, in the next run it could have 0.4.
This makes me think that the correct (or favorable) tol value should be the one when the results are more consistent.
Below is the related part of my code:
classifier = LogisticRegressionCV(penalty='l1', class_weight='balanced',
I wonder if there are guides to determine the appropriate tol value.
The tol parameter tells the optimization algorithm when to stop. If the value of tol is too big, the algorithm stops before it can converge. Here is what the docs say:
tol : float
Stopping criterion. For the newton-cg and lbfgs solvers, the iteration
will stop when ``max{|g_i | i = 1, ..., n} <= tol``
where ``g_i`` is the i-th component of the gradient.
It should have a similar meaning for the liblinear solver. If you are interested in the details, the description of the newGLMNET algorithm that the liblinear library uses to solve l1-regularized logistic regression can be found here and here.
I implemented an ANN (1 hidden layer of 64 units, learning rate = 0.001, epsilon = 0.001, iters = 500) with pythons OpenCV module. Train error ~ 3% and test error ~ 12%
In order to improve the accruacy/ generalisation of my NN I decided to proceed by- implementing model selection (of #hidden units and learning rate) to get an accurate value of hyperparameters and plotting learning curves to determine if more data is needed (currently have 2.5k).
Having read some sources regarding NN training and model selection, I'm very confused on the following matter -
1) In order to perform model selection, I know the following needs to be done-
create set possibleHiddenUnits {4, 8, 16, 32, 64}
randomly select Tr & Va sets from the total set of Tr + Va with some split e.g. 80/20
foreach ele in possibleHiddenUnits
(*) compute weights for the NN using backpropagation and an iterative optimisation algorithm like Gradient Descent (where we provide the termination criteria in the form of number of iterations / epsilon)
compute Validation set error using these trained weights
select the number of hidden units which min Va set error
Alternatively, I believe we can also use k-fold cross validation.
a. how do you decide what the number of iterations/ epsilon for GD should be?
b. does 1 iteration out of x iterations of GD (where the entire training set is used to compute the gradients of cost wrt weights through backprop) constitute an 'epoch'?
2) Sources (whats is the difference between train, validation and test set, in neural networks? and How to use k-fold cross validation in a neural network) mention that the training for a NN is done in the following way as it prevents over-fitting
for each epoch
for each training data instance
propagate error through the network
adjust the weights
calculate the accuracy over training data
for each validation data instance
calculate the accuracy over the validation data
if the threshold validation accuracy is met
exit training
continue training
a. I believe this method should be executed once the model selection has been done. But then how do we avoid overfitting of the model in step (*) of the model selection process above?
b. Am I right in assuming that one epoch constitues one iteration of training where weights are calculated using the entire Tr set through GD + backprop and GD involves x (>1) iters over the entire Tr set to calculate the weights ?
Also, out off 1b and 2b which is correct?
This is more of a comment but since I cant make comments yet I write it here. Have you tried other methods like l2 regularization or dropout? I dont know a lot about model selection but dropout has a very similiar effect like taking lots of models and averaging them. Normaly dropout should do the trick and you wont have problems with overfitting anymore.
I have been trying to get into more details of resampling methods and implemented them on a small data set of 1000 rows. The data was split into 800 training set and 200 validation set. I used K-fold cross validation and repeated K-fold cross validation to train the KNN using the training set. Based on my understanding I have done some interpretations of the results - however, I have certain doubts about them (see questions below):
Results :
10 Fold Cv
Resampling: Cross-Validated (10 fold)
Summary of sample sizes: 720, 720, 720, 720, 720, 720, ...
Resampling results across tuning parameters:
k Accuracy Kappa
5 0.6600 0.07010791
7 0.6775 0.09432414
9 0.6800 0.07054371
Accuracy was used to select the optimal model using the largest value.
The final value used for the model was k = 9.
Repeated 10 fold with 10 repeats
Resampling results across tuning parameters:
k Accuracy Kappa
5 0.670250 0.10436607
7 0.676875 0.09288219
9 0.683125 0.08062622
Accuracy was used to select the optimal model using the largest value.
The final value used for the model was k = 9.
10 fold, 1000 repeats
k Accuracy Kappa
5 0.6680438 0.09473128
7 0.6753375 0.08810406
9 0.6831800 0.07907891
Accuracy was used to select the optimal model using the largest value.
The final value used for the model was k = 9.
10 fold with 2000 repeats
k Accuracy Kappa
5 0.6677981 0.09467347
7 0.6750369 0.08713170
9 0.6826894 0.07772184
While selecting the parameter, K=9 is the optimal value for highest accuracy. However, I don't understand how to take Kappa into consideration while finally choosing parameter value?
Repeat number has to be increased until we get stabilised result, the accuracy changes when the repeats are increased from 10 to 1000. However,the results are similar for 1000 repeats and 2000 repeats. Will it be right to consider the results of 1000/2000 repeats to be stabilised performance estimate?
Any thumb rule for the repeat number?
Finally,should I train the model on my complete training data (800 rows) now test the accuracy on the validation set ?
Accuracy and Kappa are just different classification performance metrics. In a nutshell, their difference is that Accuracy does not take possible class imbalance into account when calculating the metrics, while Kappa does. Therefore, with imbalanced classes, you might be better off using Kappa. With R caret you can do so via the train::metric parameter.
You could see a similar effect of slightly different performance results when running e.g. the 10CV with 10 repeats multiple times - you will just get slightly different results for those as well. Something you should look out for is the variance of classification performance over your partitions and repeats. In case you obtain a small variance you can derive that you by training on all your data, you likely obtain a model that will give you similar (hence stable) results on new data. But, in case you obtain a huge variance, you can derive that just by chance (being lucky or unlucky) you might instead obtain a model that either gives you rather good or rather bad performance on new data. BTW: the prediction performance variance is something e.g. R caret::train will give you automatically, hence I'd advice on using it.
See above: look at the variance and increase the repeats until you can e.g. repeat the whole process and obtain a similar average performance and variance of performance.
Yes, CV and resampling methods exist to give you information about how well your model will perform on new data. So, after performing CV and resampling and obtaining this information, you will usually use all your data to train a final model that you use in your e.g. application scenario (this includes both train and test partition!).