Google Sheets - Finding the most recent date based on a value - google-sheets

I have a table showing the name of everyone who has received feedback and when they received the feedback, however, some people received feedback on multiple dates so I need a formula to find the most recent date and copy it across to a seperate sheet.
I have attached the google sheets below. For example, the second tab shows the name of each person in the table but I need to know the most recent date they received feedback based on the data from sheet 1.
Any help is most appreciated

Use the following formula
where f2 contains the name of the person you need the information. I've also edited your sheet. Note that i had to rewrite some of your dates, as they were being recognized by sheets as text, not dates.

Use this to create a list names
Then as Oren just posted, this will give you the highest date, but you may need to fix your data formatting for it work.
=maxifs(B:B, A:A, D2)


How do I pull the first instance of an open orders expected receive date into a different Google sheet, comparing parts lists

I'm working on an inventory system in Google Sheets and I need to pull data from one sheet into another sheet within the same work book.
I have two lists of parts, one is an indented BOM, that shows quantity of parts. The other is a Purchasing/Receiving log for inventory.
I need to compare the BOM with the Purchasing sheet to find the first instance of an order for that part, then check if it is still open or not, then pull the expected delivery date into the matching row in the BOM sheet assuming that order is still open.
These are the two formula I have that are the closest.
This one SUMS the date value, resulting in way off dates when converted back into a date format, but it correctly lines up all dates from PURCHASING RECEIVING, that match part name in BOM
This one correctly checks if the purchase order is open or not, but it only pulls the date if the rows match, instead of matching up the data for both columns. So if 'BOM'!B2 = 'PURCHASING RECEIVING'!D2. I need to check if any row in 'PURCHASING RECEIVING'!D:D = 'BOM'!B2, then B3 then B4 etc. Then pull the relevant information from 'PURCHASING RECEIVING'!L:L
Neither of them pull only the first instance of a matching open order.
There are duplicate parts in both the BOM and the Purchasing sheet, since multiple machines use the same parts, and we have multiple open orders for the same parts at any given time.
Any help or if someone could point me in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.
Please let me know if there are any questions.
Thank you.
EDIT: Added sample sheet
You can use a QUERY on the second sheet to pull the required date, for example in cell G3, you would use:
=QUERY('PURCHASING RECEIVING'!$B$2:$E,"select min(E) where B = 'OPEN' and C ='"&E3&"' label min(E) ''")
And then drag down to the rest of the rows.
Sample Output:
QUERY function
Query Language Reference

Multiple criteria Countif unable to match due to date range, importrange

I am attempting to build a live dashboard for our lovely mechanics to see how many services they have completed in a day. The majority of the time it will be used to only show services from a certain mechanic on today's date, however I would like to be able to change the date it shows date for and so would like to be able to grab that criteria from a certain cell in sheet.
My current thinking is that the dashboard would have a formula like this:
D1 is where i can put in the date. C7 is where the mechanics name is held. My thinking is that this is not working as the data is populated using a google form. This google form records a timestamp in the following way '3/13/2020 12:09:56' Meaning that It will only match this data if the exact same time matches. Is there a way to make it search for ALL records on a date instead of all from a precise time?
Thanks for reading!
I was able to remove the time from the google forms output by adding and extra column and using this formula
B805 is filled by the time stamp from the google form
I then made my formula search for the info in the new colum with the above in each cell. It worked! :)

How can I Query Google Sheets data and Group the data where the data is names within a date column?

Hoping someone can help me with this one. I have the following Google Sheets data in Sheet 1:
I want to run Queries in another sheet so that when a date is selected the Query will return this:
The link to my working file is below:
Working File
I have started my query in cell D2 of the Other Attendances sheet. You will see that my query links to dropdowns, including a date range and I want all of the names who attended an event to be listed under the event and the date of the event rather than listed separately for each date. I also tried to create an IF statement if 'All' is selected but couldn't get that to work either.
I would appreciate help with a formula.
I used two formulae in the Results sheet, cells A6 and B8.
The name data is messy, but you could work on the input to get it cleaned up.
Shared Sheet

Google Sheets Formula cannot get the date from another cell

I want to get the price of bitcoin on exact date.
The dates are written in Column A and they are updated regularly from a Google form
This is an example of the working formula, but the date in it is written manually (2017-01-31):
But when I try to get the dates from Column A, mentioned with $C$2:$C - Google sheets do not understand it
Click here to check The spreadsheet
Thank you in advance!
"Doctor, it hurts when I do this."
In the example spreadsheet you are converting the dates into text for the column C, using the explicit TEXT() function. Then you are wondering why they no longer work as dates?
Stop converting to text.

Google Sheets: How do I look up multiple values in another sheet?

The scenario I am faced with is kind of an odd one. Basically, I am designing a Google Sheet for work that will allow the employees to log their tech support phone calls and then a report will automatically update on another page, keeping a collective tally of sorts of all the activity on a particular day.
What I am trying to do is write a function that searches another sheet for a particular date and, if that date is found, sum a particular column of values for that day only. There are pictures attached that should help explain the problem.
Basically, I am trying to write a general equation in the cell reading "FALSE" that will look up the date of that row (in this case 1/1/2017) in the "Spendgo Minutes" sheet. If that date were to be found somewhere on that sheet (not necessarily at the top of the sheet), the "Minutes Gained" column would be summed up, but for that date only (not the entire column). Here is my running formula right now that has errors:
=IF(COUNTIF('Spendgo Tally'!$A$3:$A,$B7),'Spendgo Tally'!$G3)
Does anyone know how this might be possible? Feel free to ask any clarifying questions.
You're looking for SUMIF
= SUMIF('Spendgo Tally'!$A$3:$A,$B7,'Spendgo Tally'!$G3:$G)
