Session_Start and ASP.Net Async SessionState Module -

We recently integrated the ASP.Net Async SessionState Module and have started seeing null ref exceptions in our Global.asax Session_Start event handler.
I can't replicate it locally, and it doesn't appear to happen all the time in live, but I believe this is when we attempt to access HttpContext.Current in Session_Start. My guess is HttpContext.Current is sometimes null, because Session initialization is asynchronous.
Any suggestions as to how to address?

Maybe the answer is too simple, but I have also seen this from time to time, and I'd suggest that you safeguard your code inside the Session_Start event like
if (HttpContext.Current !== null)
// do your actions with the Current object
// possibly add some logging here to see what's going on
If you notice it is just a race condition, your code will react properly and not just end up in a NullReferenceException.
Safeguarding it like this is in this particular case better than adding Elvis operators (?.) everywhere you're referencing it because that will lead into more complex scenarios for your testing/troubleshooting. In other cases, however, this operator is quite useful, for example in this different context.
Additionally, In the link you provided, I saw the hint "To implement your own async sessionstate provider which works with Microsoft.AspNet.SessionState.SessionStateModule, all you need to do is to implement a concrete SessionStateStoreProviderAsyncBase class which is included in the Microsoft.AspNet.SessionState.SessionStateModule NuGet package."
Maybe you just need to implement that class rather than using Session_Start - because here is always a HttpContext given as parameter and Session_Start is just there for backwards-compatibility?


How to do Parallel operations with Thread Scope in Web app using Ninject

I've run into the same question repeatedly whenever using a new DI framework... how do you run massively-parallel operation kicked off from an HttpRequest where each thread needs its own unique copy of the dependencies? In my case, I'm using Ninject.
The specific case I always run into is a CPU-intensive report, using Parallel.ForEach, that needs to use an Entity Framework DbContext; the EF context must be unique to the thread, but outside of these special reports the EF context it must be InRequestScope.
How do you achieve this with Ninject? Preferably allow disposing the EF context with each task on the Parallel.ForEach, since the data loaded with the context would just stay in the context and consume memory.
Note that this report is big enough to warrant Parallel.ForEach but small enough that it can run synchronously on a web request and not timeout the browser (<60 seconds). Maybe I'm weird, but I run into this need a lot.
The solution has several different moving parts that, IMO, aren't terribly well-documented parts of Ninject. The upside is that after implementing something like this, you should start feeling comfortable with Ninject in a hurry!
First, you need to change the scope for your objects so they use the HttpContext if it exists, and if not, use the current thread as a fallback. There is no documentation for this, but there is a DefaultScopeCallback that was added to the settings a while back. Set that property to your own scope callback which uses the same code in the Ninject.Web.Common source to get the HttpContext, but then use "?? Thread.CurrentThread" as the fallback. Do that in the CreateKernel code that should have been created automatically when you installed the NuGet package.
(I have substituted the StandardScopeCallbacks.Thread(ctx) where I used to have Thread.CurrentThread, since the former could conceivably change at some point. Currently those two are identical in what they do.)
private static IKernel CreateKernel()
var settings = new NinjectSettings{ DefaultScopeCallback = DefaultScopeCallback };
var kernel = new StandardKernel(settings);
// The rest of the default implementation of CreateKernel left out for brevity
private static Object DefaultScopeCallback(Ninject.Activation.IContext ctx)
var scope = ctx.Kernel.Components.GetAll<INinjectHttpApplicationPlugin>()
.Select(c => c.GetRequestScope(ctx)).FirstOrDefault(s => s != null);
return scope ?? Ninject.Infrastructure.StandardScopeCallbacks.Thread(ctx);
Also, don't forget that the Kernel needs to be set aside as a static object for access later. You don't want to new-up a new Kernel every time you need it; I make mine accessible via "MyConfig.ObjectFactory". While this is a code smell of the service locator anti-pattern, we're going to great lengths here to avoid the anti-pattern as much as possible.
Second, according to the commit description, the DefaultScopeCallback only affects explicit bindings with no explicit scope. So if, like me, you were depending on a bunch of implicit bindings that you hadn't added, you now need to configure them:
kernel.Bind(i => i.From(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(), Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(Bll.MyConfig)))
If you don't like doing the above, there's another way of setting the default scope for all implicit bindings that is arguably more elegant. Changing default object scope with Ninject 2.2
Third, if you'd like to clear all cached objects from the scope at the end of each Parallel operation so that memory usage doesn't skyrocket due to EF caching or whatnot, here's how clear the Ninject cache scoped to the current thread:
Parallel.ForEach(myList, i =>
var threadDb = MyConfig.ObjectFactory.Get<MyContext>();
CreateModelsForItem(i, threadDb);
Note that I did some testing without that Clear line at the end, and it seemed like the EF Context was getting re-used even if that HttpRequest finished and I generated the report several more times. This was not what I wanted, so the Clear operation was important. Really, the behavior I want is closer to InCallScope, but trying to get InRequestScope with InCallScope as a fallback is a can of worms I'll open on another day.

How to set ViewBag for _Layout in MVC4 using async in every action

The usecase is simple. Info for logged in user is displayed in _Layout.cshtml. That info needs to be refreshed every time.
I found two ways to do that
Have BaseController and in its OnActionExecuting method set ViewBag.UserInfo = ...; which is later used in _Layout.cshtml
In _Layout.cshtml do #{Html.RenderAction("GlobalUserInfo", "UserInfo");}
The problem is that these two ways fail miserably with deadlocks or exceptions if UserInfo is returned from an async public async Task<UserInfo>GetUserInfo(){...} method.
So the question is this: How to set ViewBag properties on every action when data is retrieved using async/await.
MVC is not quite fully async-friendly, particularly with filters.
You could write your own RenderAsyncAction extension method or duplicate the code in all your async actions.
Alternatively, you could attempt a bit of a hack. I describe on my blog why using Result in ASP.NET can deadlock, but there's a workaround: use ConfigureAwait(false) on every await in GetUserInfo.
Then you can define a synchronous wrapper:
public UserInfo GetUserInfoBlocking()
return GetUserInfo().Result;
You should be able to use GetUserInfoBlocking in OnActionExecuting or RenderAction.
Please note the side effects:
This approach uses multiple threads per request, so this will decrease scalability. The pure async approach uses multiple requests per thread, so it increases scalability.
Any exceptions from GetUserInfo will be wrapped in an AggregateException, so be sure your logging will capture the InnerException details or you'll get meaningless errors in your logs.
It's definitely best to use async all the way down instead of blocking like this. But sometimes MVC doesn't leave you a choice (hopefully this will change in the future).

Adding parameter to AuthorizeAttribute constructor causes failure in MvcSiteMapProvider?

I've been using MvcSiteMapProvider based on authorize attributes and it was all right until we introduced a new class derived from AuthorizeAttribute. Main difference is in its constructor signature:
public MyAuthorizeAttribute(param RoleCode[] roles) {
Roles = string.join(",", roles.Select(r => r.ToString());
And... MvcSiteMapProvider shown unexpected result: only actions marked by MyAuthorizeAttribute became invisible. I've checked that by disabling this constructor - everything went as it had been before adding a parameter to the constructor. Also - it's not params specific - any parameter (event int) leads to such behaviour.
AS I understood from MvcSiteMapProvider sources, it emits some code to emulate authorize attributes - but looks like it's impossible to save assembly generated by external code. I know that there is a workaround - use some kind of enumerable property, but have you got any suggestions how to make it work with constructor parameters? Do you know why MvcSiteMapProvider behaves like that?
So, after spending some time in debugging, I realized the answer: dynamic proxies.
The problem is that during request execution inside MVC framework there is no easy way to find out how a class derived from AuthorizeAttribute performs its work. In case of access check failure some could throw exception, some - return 401 status code, some redirect to login page at once, and so on.
But MvcSiteMapProvides does that! It uses the following workaround:
if class is AuthorizeAttribute:
create an instance of InternalAuthorize class which is fairly simple.
copy all properties there and
invoke AuthorizeCore method which returns boolean value.
generate a proxy class derived from a type of attribute,
create instance, /// << here we get an exception
copy all properties there and
invoke AuthorizeCore method which returns boolean value.
As it is clear, that's not an easy task to make a proxy, which is aware of your constructor parameters. Exception about default constructor absence is thrown, of course, but it is then consumed by empty catch clause. That is really sad - at least a single debug trace would have saved me a couple of hours.
So the answer at last:
Obviously you should use parameterless attribute constructor (why oh why that's not mentioned anywhere?)
Make custom acl provider: implement IAclModule interface and unleash your knowledge about your own authorize attributes within it.

Exception thrown Constructor Injection - AutoFac Dependency Injection

I have an Autofac DI Container and use constructor injection to inject configuration settings into my SampleClass. The Configuration Manager class is created as a singleInstance so the same single instance is used.
public ConfigurationManager()
// Load the configuration settings
public SampleClass(IConfigurationManager configurationManager)
_configurationManager = configurationManager;
I am loading the configuration settings from a App.config file in the constructor of the configuration Manager. My problem is i am also validating the configuration settings and if they are not in the App.config file a exception is thrown, which causes the program to crash. Which means I cant handle the exception and return a response.
I am doing this the wrong way? Is there a better way to load the configuration settings Or is there a way to handle the exception being thrown.
ConfigurationManager configurationManager = new ConfigurationManager();
//Try catch around for the exception thrown if config settings fail
//Register the instance above with autofac
//Old way of registering the configurationManager
builder.Register(c => new ConfigurationManager()).As<IConfigurationManager>().SingleInstance();
You are doing absolutely the right thing. Why? You are preventing the system from starting when the application isn't configured correctly. The last thing you want to happen is that the system actually starts and fails later on. Fail fast! However, make sure that this exception doesn't get lost. You could make sure the exception gets logged.
One note though. The general advice is to do as little as possible in the constructor of a type. Just store the incoming dependencies in instance variables and that's it. This way construction of a type is really fast and can never really fail. In general, building up the dependency graph should be quick and should not fail. In your case this would not really be a problem, since you want the system to fail as soon as possible (during start-up). Still, for the sake of complying to general advice, you might want to extract this validation process outside of that type. So instead of calling GetConfigurationSettings inside that constructor, call it directly from the composition root (the code where you wire up the container) and supply the valid configuration settings object to the constructor of the ConfigurationManager. This way you -not only- make the ConfigurationManager simpler, but you can let the system fail even faster.
The core issue is that you are mixing the composition and execution of your object graph by doing some execution during composition. In the DI style, constructors should be as simple as possible. When your class is asked to perform some meaningful work, such as when the GetConfigurationSettings method is called, that is your signal to begin in earnest.
The main benefit of structuring things in this way is that it makes everything more predictable. Errors during composition really are composition errors, and errors during execution really are execution errors.
The timing of work is also more predictable. I realize that application configuration doesn't really change during runtime, but let's say you had a class which reads a file. If you read it in the constructor during composition, the file's contents may change by the time you use that data during execution. However, if you read the file during execution, you are guaranteed to avoid the timing issues that inevitably arise with that form of caching.
If caching is a part of your algorithm, as I imagine it is for GetConfigurationSettings, it still makes sense to implement that as part of execution rather than composition. The cached values may not have the same lifetime as the ConfigurationManager instance. Even if they do, encoding that into the constructor leaves you only one option, where as an execution-time cache offers far more flexibility and it solves your exception ambuguity issue.
I would not call throwing exceptions at composition-time a good practice. It is so because composition might have a fairly complex and indirect execution logic making reasonable exception handling virtually impossible. I doubt you could invent anything better than awful
var someComponent = context.Resolve<SampleClass>();
// Yeah, just stub all exceptions cause you have no idea of what to expect
I'd recommend redesigning your classes in a way that their constructors do not throw exceptions unless they do really really need to do that (e.g. if they are absolutely useless with a null-valued constructor parameter). Then you'll need some methods that initialize your app, handle errors and possibly interact with user to do that.

ASP.NET MVC and IoC - Chaining Injection

Please be gentle, I'm a newb to this IoC/MVC thing but I am trying. I understand the value of DI for testing purposes and how IoC resolves dependencies at run-time and have been through several examples that make sense for your standard CRUD operations...
I'm starting a new project and cannot come up with a clean way to accomplish user permissions. My website is mostly secured with any pages with functionality (except signup, FAQ, about us, etc) behind a login. I have a custom identity that has several extra properties which control access to data... So....
Using Ninject, I've bound a concrete type* to a method (Bind<MyIdentity>().ToMethod(c => MyIdentity.GetIdentity()); so that when I add MyIdentity to a constructor, it is injected based on the results of the method call.
That all works well. Is it appropriate to (from the GetIdentity() method) directly query the request cookies object (via FormsAuthentication)? In testing the controllers, I can pass in an identity, but the GetIdentity() method will be essentially untestable...
Also, in the GetIdentity() method, I will query the database. Should I manually create a concrete instance of a repository?
Or is there a better way all together?
I think you are reasonably on the right track, since you abstracted away database communication and ASP.NET dependencies from your unit tests. Don't worry that you can't test everything in your tests. There will always be lines of code in your application that are untestable. The GetIdentity is a good example. Somewhere in your application you need to communicate with framework specific API and this code can not be covered by your unit tests.
There might still be room for improvement though. While an untested GetIdentity isn't a problem, the fact that it is actually callable by the application. It just hangs there, waiting for someone to accidentally call it. So why not abstract the creation of identities. For instance, create an abstract factory that knows how to get the right identity for the current context. You can inject this factory, instead of injecting the identity itself. This allows you to have an implementation defined near the application's composition root and outside reach of the rest of the application. Besides that, the code communicates more clearly what is happening. Nobody has to ask "which identity do I actually get?", because it will be clear by the method on the factory they call.
Here's an example:
public interface IIdentityProvider
// Bit verbose, but veeeery clear,
// but pick another name if you like,
MyIdentity GetIdentityForCurrentUser();
In your composition root you can have an implementation of this:
private sealed class AspNetIdentityProvider : IIdentityProvider
public MyIdentity GetIdentityForCurrentUser()
// here the code of the MyIdentity.GetIdentity() method.
As a trick I sometimes have my test objects implement both the factory and product, just for convenience during unit tesing. For instance:
private sealed class FakeMyIdentity
: FakeMyIdentity, IIdentityProvider
public MyIdentity GetIdentityForCurrentUser()
// just returning itself.
return this;
This way you can just inject a FakeMyIdentity in a constructor that expects an IIdentityProvider. I found out that this doesn’t sacrifice readability of the tests (which is important).
Of course you want to have as little code as possible in the AspNetIdentityProvider, because you can't test it (automatically). Also make sure that your MyIdentity class doesn't have any dependency on any framework specific parts. If so you need to abstract that as well.
I hope this makes sense.
There are two things I'd kinda do differently here...
I'd use a custom IPrincipal object with all the properties required for your authentication needs. Then I'd use that in conjunction with custom cookie creation and the AuthenticateRequest event to avoid database calls on every request.
If my IPrincipal / Identity was required inside another class, I'd pass it as a method parameter rather than have it as a dependency on the class it's self.
When going down this route I use custom model binders so they are then parameters to my actions rather than magically appearing inside my action methods.
NOTE: This is just the way I've been doing things, so take with a grain of salt.
Sorry, this probably throws up more questions than answers. Feel free to ask more questions about my approach.
