DevOps Continuos Delivery for Java Script - devops

Can i use Jenkins integration for DevOps Continuos Delivery Pipeline for JavaScript code builds?
I am trying to build/propose a solution for integrating Jenkins tool and to remove manual code build and deployments to remove the manual effort for my team.

Generally in Jenkins, you can use the below:
Build -> Automated Test -> Dev Deploy -> QA Approval -> QA Deploy
The Seed Job is the one which will be creating other Jenkins job automatically but the seed job itself will be configured manually. The Seed Job will read the DSL script, parse those and create appropriate Job configurations in Jenkins.
After the seed job runs successfully, we will have a job created for our sample app.
The Seed job will create the following set of jobs which will eventually be part of the pipeline. The Seed job will also create a Jenkins pipeline view.
Build: This job includes the configuration for the building project, job triggers, scm location, jdk version to use, maven goals, artifact upload to repo like Artifactory.
Test: This job can call test suites and decide to call a downstream job or not.
Dev Deploy: Simple job with a trigger to the Promotion Job if the deployment was successful.
This job can call the script to perform a deployment or use tools like Bamboo or Urbancode.
Usually a Dev deploy doesn’t need promotion, but we can add that step if required.
QA Promotion: This job includes a send email notification to the person/group responsible for approval. The email contains a link for promotion.
The Promotion Email link can look like this: http://localhost:8080/XXX/XXXXX/XXX
The same can be done for the UAT and Prod:
We can chain multiple Promotion Jobs and Deploy jobs to accomplish the need for another environment, for e.g. UAT Promotion -> UAT Deploy ->PreProd Promotion -> PreProd Deploy -> Prod Promotion -> Prod Deploy
And here for all the above mentioned processes it can be done via Jenkins tool
Also yes, to answer your question you definitely can use Jenkins integration in Devops Pipeline.
If you are building your solution in cloud or in any domain servers then you might have to get the Jenkins integrated in the same environment.


How to decouple Jenkins CI and gitlab CI pipelines?

I've only been working with Jenkins so far. We have configured a Multibranch Pipeline job to automatically build and test software. The tasks are written in Groovy and stored as Jenkinsfile in the root directory of our git repository.
Recently, we have decided to add another mechanism to automatically generate documentation. The generation of documentation (but this could be any other task) has been realized using GitLab CI.
Both pipelines are practically independent - and both are triggered by a git commit/push. What I do not understand is: why and how is the Jenkins pipeline execution associated with the GitLab CI pipeline? In the following screenshot a new column "External" appears - representing the Jenkins pipeline job.
That's not really a big issue. But as both pipelines should be independent - the results of the runs should not influence each other. However, it seems that when the Jenkins job fails, i.e. "External", the GitLab CI pipeline also fails:
Is there a way to better decouple those pipelines, i.e. let them fail or succeed individually?
This is because the Gitlab Branch Source Plugin automatically notify Gitlab about then Jenkins pipeline status. This allow you to see the result of a build directly in Gitlab. If you want to have only the result of the Gitlab CI pipeline in Gitlab, you can disable this feature :
Additional Traits:
These traits can be selected by selecting Add in
the Behaviours section.
Skip pipeline status notifications - Disable notifying GitLab server
about the pipeline status.
So in yout Gitlab group, just go the Configure > Projects > Gitlab Group > Add and select Skip pipeline status notifications.
why and how is the Jenkins pipeline execution associated with the GitLab CI pipeline? In the following screenshot a new column "External" appears - representing the Jenkins pipeline job.
In general, "External" statuses are created using the commit build status API -- Jenkins uses this API to report the Jenkins pipeline build status to GitLab CI.
This external status for Jenkins appears in your GitLab pipeline because you have configured your Jenkins server/project to report build statuses to GitLab or you have setup a webhook integration with Jenkins in GitLab (note these may be set at the group level or by an administrator, not necessarily the project level)
To remove this from your pipeline, you should disable any existing integration configurations and setup your Jenkins project independently of any GitLab integration. e.g. using git polling to trigger jenkins builds and remove any updateGitlabCommitStatus calls in your groovy scripts / build stages.

Testing changes in a generated Jenkins job

I have a series of Jenkins jobs that are generated via Jobs DSL that are dependent upon one another.
For example:
Build package
Test package
Deploy package
I'd like to test a change in one of those jobs, i.e. the Test Package job. I have a branch and a PR in the seed repo.
My only means of testing this right now is to edit the job and build it manually in the UI and hope that it doesn't break anything, I could also merge the PR without testing it and risk breaking the production workflow.
Neither of the above options are good. I'd like to isolate my changes so that I can test the job from my branch or PR. Should I switch to using a Pipeline or is there a way to use Jobs DSL off of a PR or branch (like develop)?

Jenkins Pipeline procedure

When I check in my gitlab code from dev, it triggers Jenkins to build this dev branch and deploy the application on the staging server 1. I have selenium automated testing to run against this deployed application (eg Test UI & API etc).
If the test all passes, Jenkins should deploy a production code on server 2. Can and should Jenkins make a merge request from dev to master in order to do the build?
Theese are possible.
1.You need conditional steps in jenkins.
2.You need conditional steps again and you must use git commands.(git commit,git push etc.)

Where does Jenkins fit in the devops pipeline?

I don't know where could I fit the jenkins tool in the following devops pipeline:
code -> integrate -> test -> release -> deploy -> operate
Maybe it can be in every steps ?
Jenkins is a build factory. In other words, its primary use is to run tasks that dedicated to build, integrate and deliver applications. It's a typical DEVOPS tool.
Jenkins can be used to build pipelines (sequences of tasks) or to be called from a pipeline (to execute one of the pipeline's tasks).
The great thing about Jenkins is that it integrates nicely with other devops tools:
SCM: SVN, Github, Gitlab
Build: maven, gradle
Test: Cucumber reports
Quality: SonarQube
Deployment: Octopus Deploy, XL Deploy, Run Deck...
You name it!
However, Jenkins is generally not used to "code" and "operated" applications.
A typical pipeline would be:
Try Pull Request => Build Release Candidate => Deploy RC on Integration => Deploy on Production
This is a over simplified pipeline, just to give an idea of the scope of this tool. A production grade piepline should include security checks, and integrate nicely with human validation when needed.
Jenkins is use for the Build, Test, and Deploy stages of the continuous delivery pipeline.
You can have "n" number of stages in a pipeline that can be configured using Jenkins.
Stages as follows (example) :-
code -> integrate -> test -> release -> deploy -> operate
Currently in the business sector Jenkins is used as follows:
If you are a software developer you need Jenkins for two reasons:
To build your project and check that it completes all the requirements concerning the pmd rules, checkstyles, findbugs, etc.
To deploy a new environment so to evaluate yourself. You need to see that the changes you made are the proper one and as you wanted them to be.
If you are a tester or a test automation engineer you want it two three reasons:
To build your code and check for findbugs, pmds and qaplugs generally
To test the software product, of the client or of your company's product
To create dynamic environments so to test the changes of the developers (mostly as a regression testing and not as an individual)
If you are a business related, project manager or supervisor you can do the next two actions:
Execute the tests so that you can see yourself if the product is working properly
Check the reports that Jenkins can give you every after test execution
Jenkins is an opensource automation server. Earlier it used to be a CI server only but after Jenkins 2.0, Pipeline as Code has made it popular for CI/CD both. It can manage all application lifecycle phases.

How to trigger Jenkins downstream job from script but not manually through Jenskins?

From Jenkins plugin (ie. Delivery Pipeline, Parameterized Trigger), we could setup a pipeline which contains multiple jobs in sequence, for instance: Build -> Unit Test -> Deploy To DEV.
Now, for each pipeline, we want to stop after "Unit Test" because we need to wait for someone to approve the deployment before it can go on (We use JIRA as the tracking system for this).
Say when, someone approves the deployment ticket in JIRA, we already setup a post action to fire and trigger a job in Jenkins, say "Deploy To Dev" in this case. However, this job will run independently outside the pipeline.
Is there a way, we can trigger the down stream job from script within an instance of a pipeline so it can carry over all the parameters from upstream and shown as part of the pipeline?
